"Trump ‘sent’ supporters on path to Jan. 6 violence" Jack Smith new filing

... which cases? Others said they were following Trump's lead.

Jump off a cliff! Now!

Didn't do it, correct? Maybe there's no cliff around. How about... steal a candy bar next time you buy another six-pack of Zima before you get into you pastel colored Mazda Miata wearing your pink mesh tank top with your neatly trimmed mustache.

I get if you are in the mafia and Rocko tells Loui The Thumb to whack a guy.

Such is not the case here.

Are you a fu(kin adult or do you just play one on the interweb?
Link? Your delusions are getting worse due to your TDS.
There you go again, with your tds bs

"Trump derangement syndrome" is real — but it's not what they say it is

Like the malicious, boastful schoolboy he will forever be, Donald Trump smirkingly twists apt descriptions of himself and his often cartoonishly deranged acts against those who point out his transgressions. And as in a game of Follow the Leader, his fellow Republicans continue to project their own psychopathies on the truth-tellers.

Thus the all-too-accurate pejorative "Trump crime family," describing decades of phony charitable and educational scams, purposeful misstatements of property values and massive grifting during the White House years, becomes mock-outraged references to the “Biden Crime Family.”
In light of all our gang activity, we prefer to call it Strong Beach.

I still go there. It's a red-headed step child to LA. People there have such an inferiority complex. Sad. Great potential never realized. LB was great back in the days of James Savery. And most of the people praising LB are clueless about much on the Wayside Arts Colony, Mary Montana Moog...

Ignorant tools, Big Fish in small ponds and keeping it that way. Where's the old plaque (a shitty little plaque it was) at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and First Street? Lots of talk about it, but shit.
I still go there. It's a red-headed step child to LA. People there have such an inferiority complex. Sad. Great potential never realized. LB was great back in the days of James Savery. And most of the people praising LB are clueless about much on the Wayside Arts Colony, Mary Montana Moog...

Ignorant tools, Big Fish in small ponds and keeping it that way. Where's the old plaque (a shitty little plaque it was) at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and First Street? Lots of talk about it, but shit.
Most people party on 2nd street in Belmont Shore.
Well he did hold rallys with 'Lock her up" attacking everyone in sight and the media. Then starting on inauguration day lying and trashing Obama and everyone else. Don't forget his late into the night , angry, nasty Tweets .. all before he was elected.

You outrage is manufactured

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may as well be an apologist for every crook and bastard ever lived

No outrage here, just disagreement.

I’m not an apologists for trumps actions, I simply don’t agree with your characterization of them.
The riots/insurrection brought about charges, for so many people. Many who went to Court testified as a defense, that they believed Trump called on them to storm the Capitol.

again, your manufactured outrage is pathetic

that they believed Trump called on them to storm the Capitol.

That THEY believed. People can say all sorts of things, especially when they are on the hook for their actions. Sure, some of them will try to pass the buck by saying “trump told me to do it” and some will actually think thats what he meant. The point is, you can’t hold one person liable for what someone else THOUGHT they said.

Trump never told anyone to engage in those actions, his words were the exact opposite. The only suggestion he made was to peacefully protest.

You all talk like trump primed them and used coded language to somehow psychologically get them to riot that day. That, somehow, by saying the exact opposite, he got them to do exactly what he wanted them to do. Still, you’d have to answer the question of why. There’s no upside, nobody really thought anyone was going to “seize control” of the government and the only realistic outcome would be to get his supporters arrested and thrown in jail. His LOYAL supporters…that’s not even a remotely feasible strategy for winning an election, nor keeping votes if you plan to run in the future.

You would have everyone believe that he actually thought “I’ll get these people to invade the capitol and they will seize control of Congress and the government and I can take my place as the rightful president, granted m, if that fails, I’ll probably want to run for president again in 4 years, but I’ll be getting my supporters arrested”.
No outrage here, just disagreement.

I’m not an apologists for trumps actions, I simply don’t agree with your characterization of them.
Characterization? Did he mock a journalist with a disability when he said before his performance "You should see this guy"?

Were his late into the night Tweets, vulgar, angry, nasty...?

Did Mr. Trump go out of his way to attack the media?

Lesley Stahl: Donald Trump Said He Attacks the Media “So When You Write Negative Stories About Me, No One Will Believe You”

In an appearance Monday night at the annual Deadline Club awards dinner in New York City, “60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl said that President Donald Trump told her off camera in July 2016 that he attacks the media as part of a conscious strategy to protect himself from damaging coverage.


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