Trump, Seriously

Who is Michael Savage? Please.
Don't listen to him unless you've polished off a stein or two. He's entertaining, very extreme, smart and knowledgeable. But I think he has a manic personality disorder. One minute he says the funniest things you'll ever hear, the next minute screaming like a mad man.
Huh? Like Obama has cared about the Constitution, laws, courts or world opinion.

How exactly has Obama defied the Constitution, laws, courts and world opinion?

His poll standing within the U.S. is higher than GWB at the 7th year of term.
Worldwide opinion is very positive as well
Do you think that the rabid hatred of Obama by the right wing nitwits would NOT have brought charges (with a right wing leaning Supreme Court) against him had Obama defied the Constitution?
The economy went into a tail spin Bush's last term and the press blamed it primarily on him so your spin is weak. The rabid foam is all yours, people dislike obama for many reasons, most of which has been posted here daily, so to pretend there's no good reason is dishonest. Just like most liberals.
Is Obama making a law allowing gays to get married and then getting Supreme Court to rubberstamp it....without ANY consultation with Congress, is that within the Constitution or not?

What about Obama's drones that he has targeting and often killing American citizens, is that within the Constitution or not?

Actually, YES....both those actions are well within the Constitution that gives executive powers to the president especially when congress has refused to act. (BTW, the Supreme Court is as right wing as it has ever been since post Civil War.)
Congress not bending over and spreading their cheeks for obama doing something against their will, is only "refusing to act" to a mindless political hack. The Supremes are right wing? LOL, you are a full bore retard!
The notion that executive orders manifest as the president 'making law' or 'going around' Congress is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

But since FOX disagrees with the above.......Virtually ALL right wingers will parrot their ire.
The economy went into a tail spin Bush's last term and the press blamed it primarily on him so your spin is weak. The rabid foam is all yours, people dislike obama for many reasons, most of which has been posted here daily, so to pretend there's no good reason is dishonest. Just like most liberals.

What (beside your stupid venting) does the above have to do with right wing bullshit that Obama has "trashed" the Constitution?
Did you ever notice how reasonable the so-called right wing media can be? They aren't afraid to criticize republicans. Compare the Spectator and National Review coverage of Trump to the rest of the freaking media's coverage of Billy and Hilly. The liberal wagons are fully circled around what's left of the democrat party and you can scarcely find anything pertaining to Bill's sleazy administration or the mess Hillary made out of her life and political career.
The economy went into a tail spin Bush's last term and the press blamed it primarily on him so your spin is weak. The rabid foam is all yours, people dislike obama for many reasons, most of which has been posted here daily, so to pretend there's no good reason is dishonest. Just like most liberals.

What (beside your stupid venting) does the above have to do with right wing bullshit that Obama has "trashed" the Constitution?
I responded to what you said, don't you remember?
"His poll standing within the U.S. is higher than GWB at the 7th year of term."

LOL, the dumbfuckery is strong with this one.
Guess what, being the President doesn't come with an EASY button whereby the President can just do whatever the hell he wants because the opposition OPPOSES his desires, he doesn't get to become a dictator by virtue of Congress not acceding to his demands.

Stupidity aside.........Let me ask you this:

1. Has congress repealed and REPLACED the ACA?
2. Has congress passed the much needed immigration reforms?
3. Has congress addressed the civil liberties of LBGT citizens?

IF.......and I repeat IF the president had acted AGAINST what congress passed as law, then and only then you could accuse him of "dictatorship"....until then sit in your corner and sulk silently. LOL
The Supremes are right wing? LOL, you are a full bore retard!

Ahhhh, according to you nitwits, the SC is NOT right wing leaning?

The MAIN reason that I will vote for the democrats' nominee is PRECISELY because the next president could make the Court into a FOX affiliate.

BTW, name the most "dynamic" NEW laws that congress has passed since Obama was RE-elected.........Go on, name this great accomplishments by McConnel and Boehner/Ryan......
One of the few publications I subscribe to, the print edition, is The Spectator magazine, founded in 1828. The latest issue, has The Donald on the front cover, which thankfully non-subscribers can read at their website.

So, I thought I'd post a link to it, for people to read, it's quite good I think....also, to the right of the page, the other Spectator articles and Opinion Pieces can be read, they're quite good too, so I recommend you read them.

Donald Trump offers only gloom, insults and arrogance - and America loves him for it

"Ronald Reagan wooed America with sunny optimism. From the offset, Donald Trump has offered something much darker. He began his presidential campaign on 16 June by declaring that the ‘American dream is dead.’ He said that the country was being run by ‘losers’. ‘We have people that don’t have it,’ he said. ‘We have people that are morally corrupt. We have people that are selling this country down the drain.’ He insisted that only he, Donald J. Trump, had what it took ‘to make America great again’.

This was not ‘Morning in America’; more Midnight in America. Trump’s pitch was gloom, insults and arrogance. Strangely enough, however, that turned out to be exactly what millions of American voters wanted to hear. By trashing the United States and comparing his country unfavourably to himself, Trump tapped into something deep and powerful in the American psyche. Now there are only a few days left before the presidential election process starts, and ‘The Donald’ continues to storm the polls. He probably won’t be president, but it now looks as if he probably will be the Republican nominee — the heir to Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower. It’s a mind-boggling phenomenon."

Here's the full article:

Donald Trump offers only gloom, insults and arrogance - and America loves him for it
Donald tells losers he'll make them winners. Meanwhile trump is rich and the rich don't want fair income distribution

They want every man for himself and that works the least for the most of us
I responded to what you said, don't you remember?
"His poll standing within the U.S. is higher than GWB at the 7th year of term."

Soooooo, was I wrong?.....Or are you going to "blame" the media for Bush's dismal ratings?.....Nothing to do with GWB's wars, half-million unemployed per month?
Guess what, being the President doesn't come with an EASY button whereby the President can just do whatever the hell he wants because the opposition OPPOSES his desires, he doesn't get to become a dictator by virtue of Congress not acceding to his demands.

Stupidity aside.........
Thank you for putting your stupidity aside, much appreciated.

Let me ask you this:

1. Has congress repealed and REPLACED the ACA?
2. Has congress passed the much needed immigration reforms?
3. Has congress addressed the civil liberties of LBGT citizens?

IF.......and I repeat IF the president had acted AGAINST what congress passed as law, then and only then you could accuse him of "dictatorship"....until then sit in your corner and sulk silently. LOL
*SIGH* I thought you said you were going to put your stupidity aside, yet another false promise.

Again, go take a civics class; the legislative branch has sole LEGISLATIVE authority (go look up what the word legislative means), the Executive has NO Constitutional authority to enact laws unilaterally, period, end of story.

Now do yourself a favor and stop digging the hole you've managed to get yourself in deeper.:rolleyes:
If right wing imbecile want to address "dictatorship" from the WH, just look at what Trump (the subject of THIS thread) proposes and what morons just swallow as neonates.....

Trump proposes "a beautiful wall that Mexico will pay for"......Otherwise what? We declared war on Mexico?

Trump proposes to bring China to her knees in trade and regarding NK nukes.....Otherwise what? We declare war on China?

Trump proposes to repeal the accord with Iran.....Otherwise what?

Should I go on? What has Trump stated about working WITH congress?
Again, go take a civics class; the legislative branch has sole LEGISLATIVE authority (go look up what the word legislative means), the Executive has NO Constitutional authority to enact laws unilaterally, period, end of story.

Did you forget to list the many wonderful laws that congress has passed since 2010?

Obama has NOT made new laws.....Obama has expanded and enforced existing laws from previous immigration and civil rights legislation...

Is there a grown up in your basement to explain this to you?
If Trump is nominated, it's going to leave a lot of Republicans out in the cold. For real conservatives, supporting Trump would be like the KKK supporting JFK.

Trump supporters are basically authoritarians who may be Republicans, Democrats, or Independents. They are looking for a kick ass president whose not going to let the little things like the constitution, laws, courts, or world opinion stand in his way.

Huh? Like Obama has cared about the Constitution, laws, courts or world opinion.
Obama is not running for president. His use of presidential authority is questionable as has been the case with many presidents. However, there would be no question as to the unconstitutionality of Trump's proposals. For Trump the more unconstitutional, the more politically incorrect, the more racist, and the more religiously bigoted his comments are, the more his supporters love him. They want a kick ass president as Palin commented. They don't want somebody that's going to let a constitutional amendment, law, or the courts stop him.

Obama is not running for President, this is your response to him spending pretty much both terms ignoring Constitution, laws, courts and world opinion?

Have you noticed how popular Donald Trump is, not only in America but also in Europa? No, probably you haven't.
Trump's popularity is an illusion created by polls focusing on Republican primaries.

He is clearly the leader in Republican primary polling across the country with 32% to 36% of Republican voters favoring him. The other side of the coin is 64% to 68% of Republican voters do not favor him.

Among both Democrats and Independents, he is incredibly unpopular, a -27 net favorably among independents and a -70 point among Democrats according to Gallup polls conducted in Dec 1, 2015 to Jan 11, 2016.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
Donald Trump Is Really Unpopular With General Election Voters.
i think he has an even a bigger following than the polls project, lot's of people do.
Having a following and having a favorable opinion are quite different. I follow Trump closely. He's a really funny guy. I love to listen to him rave and rant but I could I never vote for him. Now if we were electing a court jester.....
Actually, since the re-introduction of Palin by the Trump campaign, I'm having a hard time distinguishing WHO between these two is the jester and WHO is the clown.
Obama has NOT made new laws.....Obama has expanded and enforced existing laws from previous immigration and civil rights legislation...

sigh.....deeply sighing. The endless stream of regulations (ex. EPA) and the impact of the EO are acting as law. It is not the number of EO, it is the severity.
The Supremes are right wing? LOL, you are a full bore retard!

Ahhhh, according to you nitwits, the SC is NOT right wing leaning?

The MAIN reason that I will vote for the democrats' nominee is PRECISELY because the next president could make the Court into a FOX affiliate.

BTW, name the most "dynamic" NEW laws that congress has passed since Obama was RE-elected.........Go on, name this great accomplishments by McConnel and Boehner/Ryan......
I don't dance to your tune, jerkoff. You can believe any conspiracy you want. You're flat out nuts. And THAT's why you vote Dim.

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