Trump, Seriously

The economy went into a tail spin Bush's last term and the press blamed it primarily on him so your spin is weak. The rabid foam is all yours, people dislike obama for many reasons, most of which has been posted here daily, so to pretend there's no good reason is dishonest. Just like most liberals.

What (beside your stupid venting) does the above have to do with right wing bullshit that Obama has "trashed" the Constitution?
Call it trashing the constitution or presidential overreach, it's something every president dose, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Nixon, JFK, Eisenhower, etc

What's different is Trump blasts Obama for his presidential overreach and then says he's going to do the same thing but much better. Read what Trump said.

Donald Trump says President Obamaā€™s irresponsible use of executive orders has paved the way for him to also use them freely if he wins the presidential race.

"I won't refuse it. I'm going to do a lot of things," Trump said when asked if he would use executive orders in an interview Sunday on NBC"s "Meet the Press."

ā€œI mean, heā€™s led the way, to be honest with you,ā€ he added, referring to Obama.

The Republican primary front-runner said his executive orders, unlike the presidentā€™s, will be for the ā€œright things.ā€

ā€œBut Iā€™m going to use them much better and theyā€™re going to serve a much better purpose than heā€™s done,ā€ he said.

Trump: Obama 'led the way' on executive orders

Anyone that thinks Trump is going work within the constitution and our laws, isn't paying any attention to what he's saying..
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One of the few publications I subscribe to, the print edition, is The Spectator magazine, founded in 1828. The latest issue, has The Donald on the front cover, which thankfully non-subscribers can read at their website.

So, I thought I'd post a link to it, for people to read, it's quite good I think....also, to the right of the page, the other Spectator articles and Opinion Pieces can be read, they're quite good too, so I recommend you read them.

Donald Trump offers only gloom, insults and arrogance - and America loves him for it

"Ronald Reagan wooed America with sunny optimism. From the offset, Donald Trump has offered something much darker. He began his presidential campaign on 16 June by declaring that the ā€˜American dream is dead.ā€™ He said that the country was being run by ā€˜losersā€™. ā€˜We have people that donā€™t have it,ā€™ he said. ā€˜We have people that are morally corrupt. We have people that are selling this country down the drain.ā€™ He insisted that only he, Donald J. Trump, had what it took ā€˜to make America great againā€™.

This was not ā€˜Morning in Americaā€™; more Midnight in America. Trumpā€™s pitch was gloom, insults and arrogance. Strangely enough, however, that turned out to be exactly what millions of American voters wanted to hear. By trashing the United States and comparing his country unfavourably to himself, Trump tapped into something deep and powerful in the American psyche. Now there are only a few days left before the presidential election process starts, and ā€˜The Donaldā€™ continues to storm the polls. He probably wonā€™t be president, but it now looks as if he probably will be the Republican nominee ā€” the heir to Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower. Itā€™s a mind-boggling phenomenon."

Here's the full article:

Donald Trump offers only gloom, insults and arrogance - and America loves him for it
If Trump is nominated, it's going to leave a lot of Republicans out in the cold. For real conservatives, supporting Trump would be like the KKK supporting JFK.

Trump supporters are basically authoritarians who may be Republicans, Democrats, or Independents. They are looking for a kick ass president whose not going to let the little things like the constitution, laws, courts, or world opinion stand in his way.

Huh? Like Obama has cared about the Constitution, laws, courts or world opinion.
Obama is not running for president. His use of presidential authority is questionable as has been the case with many presidents. However, there would be no question as to the unconstitutionality of Trump's proposals. For Trump the more unconstitutional, the more politically incorrect, the more racist, and the more religiously bigoted his comments are, the more his supporters love him. They want a kick ass president as Palin commented. They don't want somebody that's going to let a constitutional amendment, law, or the courts stop him.

Obama's record that Hilary wants to grab on to is running!

Silly far left drone!
One of the few publications I subscribe to, the print edition, is The Spectator magazine, founded in 1828. The latest issue, has The Donald on the front cover, which thankfully non-subscribers can read at their website.

So, I thought I'd post a link to it, for people to read, it's quite good I think....also, to the right of the page, the other Spectator articles and Opinion Pieces can be read, they're quite good too, so I recommend you read them.

Donald Trump offers only gloom, insults and arrogance - and America loves him for it

"Ronald Reagan wooed America with sunny optimism. From the offset, Donald Trump has offered something much darker. He began his presidential campaign on 16 June by declaring that the ā€˜American dream is dead.ā€™ He said that the country was being run by ā€˜losersā€™. ā€˜We have people that donā€™t have it,ā€™ he said. ā€˜We have people that are morally corrupt. We have people that are selling this country down the drain.ā€™ He insisted that only he, Donald J. Trump, had what it took ā€˜to make America great againā€™.

This was not ā€˜Morning in Americaā€™; more Midnight in America. Trumpā€™s pitch was gloom, insults and arrogance. Strangely enough, however, that turned out to be exactly what millions of American voters wanted to hear. By trashing the United States and comparing his country unfavourably to himself, Trump tapped into something deep and powerful in the American psyche. Now there are only a few days left before the presidential election process starts, and ā€˜The Donaldā€™ continues to storm the polls. He probably wonā€™t be president, but it now looks as if he probably will be the Republican nominee ā€” the heir to Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower. Itā€™s a mind-boggling phenomenon."

Here's the full article:

Donald Trump offers only gloom, insults and arrogance - and America loves him for it
If Trump is nominated, it's going to leave a lot of Republicans out in the cold. For real conservatives, supporting Trump would be like the KKK supporting JFK.

Trump supporters are basically authoritarians who may be Republicans, Democrats, or Independents. They are looking for a kick ass president whose not going to let the little things like the constitution, laws, courts, or world opinion stand in his way.

Trump appeals to the 'go with your gut' mentality that disdains critical thinking, facts, and rational discourse.
The economy went into a tail spin Bush's last term and the press blamed it primarily on him so your spin is weak. The rabid foam is all yours, people dislike obama for many reasons, most of which has been posted here daily, so to pretend there's no good reason is dishonest. Just like most liberals.

What (beside your stupid venting) does the above have to do with right wing bullshit that Obama has "trashed" the Constitution?
When did congress vote to go to war against Libya?

He's a fucking traitor. Libya was sending a large military force to Benghazi to crush AQ. They never got there because of Obama. Obama basically loaned our air power to Al Qaeda. Fucking traitor.
When did congress vote to go to war against Libya?

He's a fucking traitor. Libya was sending a large military force to Benghazi to crush AQ. They never got there because of Obama. Obama basically loaned our air power to Al Qaeda. Fucking traitor.

Try an enema for your "delicate disposition"........

When did our troops invade Libya without the consent of congress?
Secondly beside FOX and what came out of your turban, where did you hear that we STOPPED Libyan troops from going to Benghazi?

Third, why do I get the feeling that you're one of the few remaining wackos who still believes that Obama is a "secret Muslim"....and if so, did you know that Libya and Libyan troops are also Muslim?

Should I go on.....?
I don't dance to your tune, jerkoff. You can believe any conspiracy you want. You're flat out nuts. And THAT's why you vote Dim.

You're funny......dumber than a book of used matches....but funny, nonetheless.
MPs divided in debate on whether to ban Donald Trump from the UK

The Labour MP also suggested Mr Trump could use a future visit to the UK to point out the London neighbourhoods he claimed were no-go areas.

Conservative Sir Edward Leigh warned that banning the Republican would only ā€œplay into Mr Trumpā€™s handsā€.

Paul Scully, Conservative MP for Sutton and Cheam, said he had never heard of a case for banning someone from the UK for ā€œstupidityā€.

But Labour's Tulip Siddiq claimed there had been a rise in hate crimes since Mr Trump's comments and branded him a "corrosive and poisonous man".

She said: "His words are not comical. His words are not funny. His words are poisonous. They risk inflaming tension between vulnerable communities.

MPs divided in debate on whether to ban Donald Trump from the UK

Wacko UK leftist banned Michael Savage. Not sure how they have time for such sillyness?

The Leftists in UK also don't like the brilliant and articulate Geert Wilders, another who tells it like it is....which is now why the PVV The Party of Freedom are leading in the polls and he's popular throughout Europa.

Go Trump! Go Wilders!

View attachment 60733

At least he managed to get to the hairdresser for a touch-up before that photo. Usually his roots show.

Various clauses of the U.S. Constitution have been cited to support the issuance of executive orders. Among them are the Vestiture Clause, which states, "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America" (art. II, Ā§ 1, cl. 1); the Take Care Clause, which states that the president "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" (art. II, Ā§ 3); and the Commander in Chief Clause, which states that the president "shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States" (art. II, Ā§ 2, cl. 1).
i liked the take care clause right off the bat.

War Powers

Commander in Chief

The questions of whether the President possesses authority to use the military absent a Congressional declaration of war and the scope of such power, if it exists, have proven to be sources of conflict and debate throughout American history. While some scholars believe the Commander-in-Chief Clause confers special powers on the President, others argue that, if the President does have these powers, the Constitution does not provide how far the President may go. These scholars wish to construe the Clause narrowly, claiming that the Founders gave the President the title to preserve civilian supremacy over the military, not to provide additional powers outside of a Congressional authorization or declaration of war.
"Trump, Seriously"

Trump isn't a serious candidate ā€“ that's the pathetic punchline to the joke that is his 'running' for president.
he's serious enough to get my vote, not a poser like the democrats.

The Donald of 2004

"In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat," Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer in a 2004 interview. "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats. ...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."

"Hillary's always surrounded herself with very good people. I think Hillary would do a good job," Trump said in another interview with Blitzer.

Link and video @

Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' -
this just shows how smart he is.
Huh? Like Obama has cared about the Constitution, laws, courts or world opinion.
Obama is not running for president. His use of presidential authority is questionable as has been the case with many presidents. However, there would be no question as to the unconstitutionality of Trump's proposals. For Trump the more unconstitutional, the more politically incorrect, the more racist, and the more religiously bigoted his comments are, the more his supporters love him. They want a kick ass president as Palin commented. They don't want somebody that's going to let a constitutional amendment, law, or the courts stop him.

Obama is not running for President, this is your response to him spending pretty much both terms ignoring Constitution, laws, courts and world opinion?

Have you noticed how popular Donald Trump is, not only in America but also in Europa? No, probably you haven't.
Trump's popularity is an illusion created by polls focusing on Republican primaries.

He is clearly the leader in Republican primary polling across the country with 32% to 36% of Republican voters favoring him. The other side of the coin is 64% to 68% of Republican voters do not favor him.

Among both Democrats and Independents, he is incredibly unpopular, a -27 net favorably among independents and a -70 point among Democrats according to Gallup polls conducted in Dec 1, 2015 to Jan 11, 2016.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
Donald Trump Is Really Unpopular With General Election Voters.
i think he has an even a bigger following than the polls project, lot's of people do.
Having a following and having a favorable opinion are quite different. I follow Trump closely. He's a really funny guy. I love to listen to him rave and rant but I could I never vote for him. Now if we were electing a court jester.....
we did that last time... see how you feel around voting time. does your sate register party affiliation ? some don't.
One of the few publications I subscribe to, the print edition, is The Spectator magazine, founded in 1828. The latest issue, has The Donald on the front cover, which thankfully non-subscribers can read at their website

Just so's you know, Lucy Hamilton, The Spectator (magazine you refer to) was established in 1967 in my home town and city of my present residence Bloomington, Indiana, not in 1828 which was the British newspaper. It, the American version, to which you refer was originally just a pamphlet titled The Alternative: An American Spectator and was founded by R. Emmett Tyrrell during his years as an I.U. grad student.

Several Bloomington residents were up until recent years still listed on the masthead of editors

I was a subscriber to the "Alternative" when it was still in the pamphlet incarnation, and after (in 1977) it became a regular glossy magazine taking the simplified title "The American Spectator". It relocated to Washington, D.C. from Bloomington sometime during the Reagan administration.

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