Trump Shooter: Why won't the FBI answer the most obvious question?


Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2022
Not one soul in the media is asking the critical question that I have been waiting a week to be answered: WHAT DID THE SHOOTER DO DURING THE TWO YEARS BETWEEN 2022 GRADUATION AND THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT?”

The leftwing conclusion is that the kid “was a conservative gun fanatic who registered Republican” when he turned 18 and would have killed someone from either party. The leftwing media is satisfied with that explanation No further examination needed. But you don’t from 0 to 60 overnight. You don’t go from being an apolitical conservative leaner to someone with the anger to murder President Trump without intense leftwing radicalization going on. The kid had to have been influenced by hateful rhetoric and individuals from the extreme left. There is just no way around it.

So the leftwing media has absolutely NO interest in digging into the past two years. We ALL know had it been a Democrat victim, the media would immediately screeched “What extreme rightwing organization sponsored this kid?” “Who was he connected to?” and at the very least, “He was influenced by rightwing and Trump hate speech!” They wouldn’t have waited for any FBI report; they investigated every possible angle on their own, looking to validate their assumption.

But now the media simply tells us to wait for the FBI report. Incredibly enough, the FBI has been unable to locate a single social media outlet containing the kid’s manifesto or even comments. And of all their interviews, there have been plenty of reports about what the kid did in high school, and what he did on the day of the shooting, but none from the past two years. Shazam!

Let me clue you in on something: There is NO WAY IN HELL the FBI will reveal any evidence that would paint the radical left in a bad light. The FBI is an arm of the Democrat Party. We know this because of the House Judiciary Report that shows:

  1. The FBI artificially inflating and manipulating domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes.
  2. The FBI downplaying and reducing the spread of the serious allegations of wrongdoing leveled against Hunter Biden.
  3. The Justice Department and FBI using counterterrorism resources to target parents resisting a far-left educational curriculum.
  4. The FBI abusing its foreign surveillance authorities.
  5. The Justice Department and FBI conducting an unprecedented raid on a former president’s home.
  6. The FBI stalking a Republican Congressman on a family vacation to seize his personal cell phone.
  7. The Justice Department and the FBI continuing to allow attacks on pro-life facilities and churches to go unabated, while pushing an anti-life agenda.
  8. The FBI conducting an "intelligence" assessment of a conservative charity under the guise of investigating unrelated alleged crimes.
  9. The FBI purging employees who refuse to align themselves with the leadership's political ideology.
  10. The FBI helping Big Tech to censor Americans’ political speech.
So good luck learning anything from the “investigation” of Thomas Crooks. Nothing to see here. Just a lone wolf kid trying to make a name for himself, yet he never used social media, never wrote a manifesto, was apolitical. The fix is in, and you may not ask questions. Very reminiscent of the stolen 2020 election.
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Not one soul in the media is asking the critical question that I have been waiting a week to be answered: WHAT DID THE SHOOTER DO DURING THE TWO YEARS BETWEEN 2022 GRADUATION AND THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT?”

The leftwing conclusion is that the kid “was a conservative gun fanatic who registered Republican” when he turned 18 and would have killed someone from either party. The leftwing media is satisfied with that explanation No further examination needed. But you don’t from 0 to 60 overnight. You don’t go from being an apolitical conservative leaner to someone with the anger to murder President Trump without intense leftwing radicalization going on. The kid had to have been influenced by hateful rhetoric and individuals from the extreme left. There is just no way around it.

So the leftwing media has absolutely NO interest in digging into the past two years. We ALL know had it been a Democrat victim, the media would immediately screeched “What extreme rightwing organization sponsored this kid?” “Who was he connected to?” and at the very least, “He was influenced by rightwing and Trump hate speech!” They wouldn’t have waited for any FBI report; they investigated every possible angle on their own, looking to validate their assumption.

But now the media simply tells us to wait for the FBI report. Incredibly enough, the FBI has been unable to locate a single social media outlet containing the kid’s manifesto or even comments. And of all their interviews, there have been plenty of reports about what the kid did in high school, and what he did on the day of the shooting, but none from the past two years. Shazam!

Let me clue you in on something: There is NO WAY IN HELL the FBI will reveal any evidence that would paint the radical left in a bad light. The FBI is an arm of the Democrat Party. We know this because of the House Judiciary Report that shows:

  1. The FBI artificially inflating and manipulating domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes.
  2. The FBI downplaying and reducing the spread of the serious allegations of wrongdoing leveled against Hunter Biden.
  3. The Justice Department and FBI using counterterrorism resources to target parents resisting a far-left educational curriculum.
  4. The FBI abusing its foreign surveillance authorities.
  5. The Justice Department and FBI conducting an unprecedented raid on a former president’s home.
  6. The FBI stalking a Republican Congressman on a family vacation to seize his personal cell phone.
  7. The Justice Department and the FBI continuing to allow attacks on pro-life facilities and churches to go unabated, while pushing an anti-life agenda.
  8. The FBI conducting an "intelligence" assessment of a conservative charity under the guise of investigating unrelated alleged crimes.
  9. The FBI purging employees who refuse to align themselves with the leadership's political ideology.
  10. The FBI helping Big Tech to censor Americans’ political speech.
So good luck learning anything from the “investigation” of Thomas Crooks. Nothing to see here. Just a lone wolf kid trying to make a name for himself, yet he never used social media, never wrote a manifesto, was apolitical. The fix is in, and you may not ask questions. Very reminiscent of the stolen 2020 election.
Didn't you get the memo?
  • Thanks
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The FBI has proven they are totally compromised, so they will do exactly what they did with Hunter's laptop. Hide, delay, stonewall, deny anything but their duty to the American people.
Not one soul in the media is asking the critical question that I have been waiting a week to be answered: WHAT DID THE SHOOTER DO DURING THE TWO YEARS BETWEEN 2022 GRADUATION AND THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT?”

The leftwing conclusion is that the kid “was a conservative gun fanatic who registered Republican” when he turned 18 and would have killed someone from either party. The leftwing media is satisfied with that explanation No further examination needed. But you don’t from 0 to 60 overnight. You don’t go from being an apolitical conservative leaner to someone with the anger to murder President Trump without intense leftwing radicalization going on. The kid had to have been influenced by hateful rhetoric and individuals from the extreme left. There is just no way around it.

So the leftwing media has absolutely NO interest in digging into the past two years. We ALL know had it been a Democrat victim, the media would immediately screeched “What extreme rightwing organization sponsored this kid?” “Who was he connected to?” and at the very least, “He was influenced by rightwing and Trump hate speech!” They wouldn’t have waited for any FBI report; they investigated every possible angle on their own, looking to validate their assumption.

But now the media simply tells us to wait for the FBI report. Incredibly enough, the FBI has been unable to locate a single social media outlet containing the kid’s manifesto or even comments. And of all their interviews, there have been plenty of reports about what the kid did in high school, and what he did on the day of the shooting, but none from the past two years. Shazam!

Let me clue you in on something: There is NO WAY IN HELL the FBI will reveal any evidence that would paint the radical left in a bad light. The FBI is an arm of the Democrat Party. We know this because of the House Judiciary Report that shows:

  1. The FBI artificially inflating and manipulating domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes.
  2. The FBI downplaying and reducing the spread of the serious allegations of wrongdoing leveled against Hunter Biden.
  3. The Justice Department and FBI using counterterrorism resources to target parents resisting a far-left educational curriculum.
  4. The FBI abusing its foreign surveillance authorities.
  5. The Justice Department and FBI conducting an unprecedented raid on a former president’s home.
  6. The FBI stalking a Republican Congressman on a family vacation to seize his personal cell phone.
  7. The Justice Department and the FBI continuing to allow attacks on pro-life facilities and churches to go unabated, while pushing an anti-life agenda.
  8. The FBI conducting an "intelligence" assessment of a conservative charity under the guise of investigating unrelated alleged crimes.
  9. The FBI purging employees who refuse to align themselves with the leadership's political ideology.
  10. The FBI helping Big Tech to censor Americans’ political speech.
So good luck learning anything from the “investigation” of Thomas Crooks. Nothing to see here. Just a lone wolf kid trying to make a name for himself, yet he never used social media, never wrote a manifesto, was apolitical. The fix is in, and you may not ask questions. Very reminiscent of the stolen 2020 election.
Your ignorance is astounding.

No stitches were required because of the nature of the wound according to the PHYSICIAN who used to treat President Trump, examined him in recent days and who expressed high regard for the hospital ER team who did treat Trump.


Not one soul in the media is asking the critical question that I have been waiting a week to be answered: WHAT DID THE SHOOTER DO DURING THE TWO YEARS BETWEEN 2022 GRADUATION AND THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT?”

The leftwing conclusion is that the kid “was a conservative gun fanatic who registered Republican” when he turned 18 and would have killed someone from either party. The leftwing media is satisfied with that explanation No further examination needed. But you don’t from 0 to 60 overnight. You don’t go from being an apolitical conservative leaner to someone with the anger to murder President Trump without intense leftwing radicalization going on. The kid had to have been influenced by hateful rhetoric and individuals from the extreme left. There is just no way around it.

So the leftwing media has absolutely NO interest in digging into the past two years. We ALL know had it been a Democrat victim, the media would immediately screeched “What extreme rightwing organization sponsored this kid?” “Who was he connected to?” and at the very least, “He was influenced by rightwing and Trump hate speech!” They wouldn’t have waited for any FBI report; they investigated every possible angle on their own, looking to validate their assumption.

But now the media simply tells us to wait for the FBI report. Incredibly enough, the FBI has been unable to locate a single social media outlet containing the kid’s manifesto or even comments. And of all their interviews, there have been plenty of reports about what the kid did in high school, and what he did on the day of the shooting, but none from the past two years. Shazam!

Let me clue you in on something: There is NO WAY IN HELL the FBI will reveal any evidence that would paint the radical left in a bad light. The FBI is an arm of the Democrat Party. We know this because of the House Judiciary Report that shows:

  1. The FBI artificially inflating and manipulating domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes.
  2. The FBI downplaying and reducing the spread of the serious allegations of wrongdoing leveled against Hunter Biden.
  3. The Justice Department and FBI using counterterrorism resources to target parents resisting a far-left educational curriculum.
  4. The FBI abusing its foreign surveillance authorities.
  5. The Justice Department and FBI conducting an unprecedented raid on a former president’s home.
  6. The FBI stalking a Republican Congressman on a family vacation to seize his personal cell phone.
  7. The Justice Department and the FBI continuing to allow attacks on pro-life facilities and churches to go unabated, while pushing an anti-life agenda.
  8. The FBI conducting an "intelligence" assessment of a conservative charity under the guise of investigating unrelated alleged crimes.
  9. The FBI purging employees who refuse to align themselves with the leadership's political ideology.
  10. The FBI helping Big Tech to censor Americans’ political speech.
So good luck learning anything from the “investigation” of Thomas Crooks. Nothing to see here. Just a lone wolf kid trying to make a name for himself, yet he never used social media, never wrote a manifesto, was apolitical. The fix is in, and you may not ask questions. Very reminiscent of the stolen 2020 election.
A republican shoots another republican with a gun that many democrats wanted to ban....

But somehow the democrats are to blame?
  • Brilliant
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Didn't you get the memo?
See above cretin, the fascist mods allow their fascist fellow creatures to get away with this absent any consequence, they do this sort of thing, then swiftly get the topic removed to the digital gulag, its always the same formula. Fascist fuck such as above quoted, offers nothing in way of reasoned response, just a short ad-hom attack, totally absent any relationship to subject matter, and then they are swiftly joined by a half dozen more specimens of fascist democrat street trash, not one of whom offers anything negatively, or positively constructive to attempted discussion!

BTW, the ops post regarding the total corruption within FBI is indisputable, everything he has listed is demonstrably true, and accurate, thus its an easy conclusion to make, that above quoted fascist doesn't give one fuck about that corruption just as long as its directed at hated contrary opinions, and unwanted, or inconvenient facts! :wink:
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See above cretin, the fascist mods allow their fascist fellow creatures to get away with this absent any consequence, they do this sort of thing, then swiftly get the topic removed to the digital gulag, its always the same formula. Fascist fuck such as above quoted, offers nothing in way of reasoned response, just a short ad-hom attack, totally absent any relationship to subject matter, and then they are swiftly joined by a half dozen more fascist democrat street trash, not one of whom offers anything negatively, or positively constructive to attempted discussion!

BTW, the ops post regarding the total corruption within FBI is indisputable, everything he has listed is demonstrably true, and accurate! :wink:
Why don't you threaten me again. You seem to have the bigger issues.
Why don't you threaten me again. You seem to have the bigger issues.
I would be so very pleased to make your acquaintance, I know exactly what to do with vermin like you, you're just another walking piece of fascist street trash, you can drop by my compound in Hayward any ol time.... Meanwhile why not run along and find a rectum you can play with.... :fu:
Not one soul in the media is asking the critical question that I have been waiting a week to be answered: WHAT DID THE SHOOTER DO DURING THE TWO YEARS BETWEEN 2022 GRADUATION AND THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT?”

The leftwing conclusion is that the kid “was a conservative gun fanatic who registered Republican” when he turned 18 and would have killed someone from either party. The leftwing media is satisfied with that explanation No further examination needed. But you don’t from 0 to 60 overnight. You don’t go from being an apolitical conservative leaner to someone with the anger to murder President Trump without intense leftwing radicalization going on. The kid had to have been influenced by hateful rhetoric and individuals from the extreme left. There is just no way around it.

So the leftwing media has absolutely NO interest in digging into the past two years. We ALL know had it been a Democrat victim, the media would immediately screeched “What extreme rightwing organization sponsored this kid?” “Who was he connected to?” and at the very least, “He was influenced by rightwing and Trump hate speech!” They wouldn’t have waited for any FBI report; they investigated every possible angle on their own, looking to validate their assumption.

But now the media simply tells us to wait for the FBI report. Incredibly enough, the FBI has been unable to locate a single social media outlet containing the kid’s manifesto or even comments. And of all their interviews, there have been plenty of reports about what the kid did in high school, and what he did on the day of the shooting, but none from the past two years. Shazam!

Let me clue you in on something: There is NO WAY IN HELL the FBI will reveal any evidence that would paint the radical left in a bad light. The FBI is an arm of the Democrat Party. We know this because of the House Judiciary Report that shows:

  1. The FBI artificially inflating and manipulating domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes.
  2. The FBI downplaying and reducing the spread of the serious allegations of wrongdoing leveled against Hunter Biden.
  3. The Justice Department and FBI using counterterrorism resources to target parents resisting a far-left educational curriculum.
  4. The FBI abusing its foreign surveillance authorities.
  5. The Justice Department and FBI conducting an unprecedented raid on a former president’s home.
  6. The FBI stalking a Republican Congressman on a family vacation to seize his personal cell phone.
  7. The Justice Department and the FBI continuing to allow attacks on pro-life facilities and churches to go unabated, while pushing an anti-life agenda.
  8. The FBI conducting an "intelligence" assessment of a conservative charity under the guise of investigating unrelated alleged crimes.
  9. The FBI purging employees who refuse to align themselves with the leadership's political ideology.
  10. The FBI helping Big Tech to censor Americans’ political speech.
So good luck learning anything from the “investigation” of Thomas Crooks. Nothing to see here. Just a lone wolf kid trying to make a name for himself, yet he never used social media, never wrote a manifesto, was apolitical. The fix is in, and you may not ask questions. Very reminiscent of the stolen 2020 election.
Who was his FBI Handler?
I would be so very pleased to make your acquaintance, I know exactly what to do with vermin like you, you're just another walking piece of fascist street trash, you can drop by my compound in Hayward any ol time.... Meanwhile why not run along and find a rectum you can play with.... :fu:
I know what you are. Worthless scum.

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