Trump should comply

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017
Furious Iraqi lawmakers demand US troop withdrawal

President Donald Trump's surprise trip to Iraq may have quieted criticism at home that he had yet to visit troops in a combat zone, but it has infuriated Iraqi politicians who on Thursday demanded the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

"Arrogant" and an "a violation of national sovereignty" were but a few examples of the disapproval emanating from Baghdad following Trump's meeting Wednesday with U.S. servicemen and women at the al-Asad Airbase.

Fuck them and their POS country. Leave, cut off all aid, take every bit of equipment we can possibly carry and get the hell out. let them rot for all I care.
Furious Iraqi lawmakers demand US troop withdrawal

President Donald Trump's surprise trip to Iraq may have quieted criticism at home that he had yet to visit troops in a combat zone, but it has infuriated Iraqi politicians who on Thursday demanded the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

"Arrogant" and an "a violation of national sovereignty" were but a few examples of the disapproval emanating from Baghdad following Trump's meeting Wednesday with U.S. servicemen and women at the al-Asad Airbase.

Fuck them and their POS country. Leave, cut off all aid, take every bit of equipment we can possibly carry and get the hell out. let them rot for all I care.
Well, Bone Spur did say in 2008 we should cut and run from Iraq, so...

"Declare victory and leave!"
We should leave Iraq and the entire Middle East! The entire world really!
Furious Iraqi lawmakers demand US troop withdrawal

President Donald Trump's surprise trip to Iraq may have quieted criticism at home that he had yet to visit troops in a combat zone, but it has infuriated Iraqi politicians who on Thursday demanded the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

"Arrogant" and an "a violation of national sovereignty" were but a few examples of the disapproval emanating from Baghdad following Trump's meeting Wednesday with U.S. servicemen and women at the al-Asad Airbase.

Fuck them and their POS country. Leave, cut off all aid, take every bit of equipment we can possibly carry and get the hell out. let them rot for all I care.

Although I agree with getting out of that shithole, Trump needs to tell those piss ants we'll leave when we're good and fucking ready after all the blood and treasure we've lost there.
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We're staying in Iraq so when it comes time to take out Iran's nuclear facilities. either we or the Israeli IDF or together, have ample weaponry and logistical support for the job. The IDF has to overfly Iraq to have enough fuel to get back home. We'll blind the Iraqi radar when that moment comes.
Maybe we should leave with a nice little ceremony and a farewell letter stating that if they ever give us cause us to return (listen up mullahs), it will be in the form of multiple-warhead nuclear missiles deployed in engaging floral patterns.

Make sure their people get the message.

Just a thought.
Although I agree with getting out of that shithole, Trump needs to tell those piss ants we'll leave when we're good and fucking ready after all the blood and treasure we've lost their.

Turns out CHINA won the Iraq War....they're buying all their oil and never spiled a drop of blood for it.
Although I agree with getting out of that shithole, Trump needs to tell those piss ants we'll leave when we're good and fucking ready after all the blood and treasure we've lost their.

Turns out CHINA won the Iraq War....they're buying all their oil and never spiled a drop of blood for it.
According to the left before Obama Bush stole Iraqs oil and that was why we went
Who would have believed in 2008 that the pseudocons would one day elect a famous cut and run Democrat who wanted Bush impeached for lying about WMDs?


The GOP is dead.

Dead, dead, dead.
It has been US policy for more than a decade that we will respect Iraqi sovereignty. This is probably just posturing by Iraq and nothing will come of it but if they press the issue we will have to leave.
Furious Iraqi lawmakers demand US troop withdrawal

President Donald Trump's surprise trip to Iraq may have quieted criticism at home that he had yet to visit troops in a combat zone, but it has infuriated Iraqi politicians who on Thursday demanded the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

"Arrogant" and an "a violation of national sovereignty" were but a few examples of the disapproval emanating from Baghdad following Trump's meeting Wednesday with U.S. servicemen and women at the al-Asad Airbase.

Fuck them and their POS country. Leave, cut off all aid, take every bit of equipment we can possibly carry and get the hell out. let them rot for all I care.

Although I agree with getting out of that shithole, Trump needs to tell those piss ants we'll leave when we're good and fucking ready after all the blood and treasure we've lost there.

I'm sure the Nazi's wanted us out of Germany too. If Iraq wasn't a bunch of murderous thugs we wouldn't have had to kick their ass, its time to leave but when we say.
Furious Iraqi lawmakers demand US troop withdrawal

President Donald Trump's surprise trip to Iraq may have quieted criticism at home that he had yet to visit troops in a combat zone, but it has infuriated Iraqi politicians who on Thursday demanded the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

"Arrogant" and an "a violation of national sovereignty" were but a few examples of the disapproval emanating from Baghdad following Trump's meeting Wednesday with U.S. servicemen and women at the al-Asad Airbase.

Fuck them and their POS country. Leave, cut off all aid, take every bit of equipment we can possibly carry and get the hell out. let them rot for all I care.

Although I agree with getting out of that shithole, Trump needs to tell those piss ants we'll leave when we're good and fucking ready after all the blood and treasure we've lost there.

The majority of our blood and treasure lost in Iraq wasn't on his watch.
They went us out, then out it should be.
Maybe we should leave with a nice little ceremony and a farewell letter stating that if they ever give us cause us to return (listen up mullahs), it will be in the form of multiple-warhead nuclear missiles deployed in engaging floral patterns.

Make sure their people get the message.

Just a thought.

They're not even worth wasting nukes on.
We're staying in Iraq so when it comes time to take out Iran's nuclear facilities. either we or the Israeli IDF or together, have ample weaponry and logistical support for the job. The IDF has to overfly Iraq to have enough fuel to get back home. We'll blind the Iraqi radar when that moment comes.

We can do that without being in-country. I guess you forgot about 'shock and awe'.
Furious Iraqi lawmakers demand US troop withdrawal

President Donald Trump's surprise trip to Iraq may have quieted criticism at home that he had yet to visit troops in a combat zone, but it has infuriated Iraqi politicians who on Thursday demanded the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

"Arrogant" and an "a violation of national sovereignty" were but a few examples of the disapproval emanating from Baghdad following Trump's meeting Wednesday with U.S. servicemen and women at the al-Asad Airbase.

Fuck them and their POS country. Leave, cut off all aid, take every bit of equipment we can possibly carry and get the hell out. let them rot for all I care.

They also ordered President Obama to get U.S. troops out of Iraq in accordance of the Status of Forces Agreement that had previously been negotiated by President George W. Bush. However, them now telling Trump to leave is different.
Furious Iraqi lawmakers demand US troop withdrawal

President Donald Trump's surprise trip to Iraq may have quieted criticism at home that he had yet to visit troops in a combat zone, but it has infuriated Iraqi politicians who on Thursday demanded the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

"Arrogant" and an "a violation of national sovereignty" were but a few examples of the disapproval emanating from Baghdad following Trump's meeting Wednesday with U.S. servicemen and women at the al-Asad Airbase.

Fuck them and their POS country. Leave, cut off all aid, take every bit of equipment we can possibly carry and get the hell out. let them rot for all I care.

They also ordered President Obama to get U.S. troops out of Iraq in accordance of the Status of Forces Agreement that had previously been negotiated by President George W. Bush. However, them now telling Trump to leave is different.

Yeah, when Obama left because of the SOFA that Jr. negotiated, the conservatives were bitching incessantly about it. Now that Trump (a white man) is suggesting it, suddenly it's great news.

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