Trump should get 3 terms as POTUS !

should Trump be allowed 3 terms if it is proven dems tried to overturn the 2016 elections !

  • yes he should get to run 3 times

    Votes: 23 65.7%
  • no he should only serve 2 terms

    Votes: 12 34.3%

  • Total voters
Sorry, but the Constitution doesn't allow for a president to serve more than 2 terms. Why is it that you Trump supporters are constantly trying to misread what the Constitution says? If you guys want Trump to serve 3 terms, you need to get ahold of your Congressman and get them to pass a Constitutional amendment, then, get the governors of your states to pass it as well.

THEN you can have 3 terms of Trump if you wish (and he somehow manages to win).
I agree that the Constitution only allows two terms

the only reason this subject came up is the fact that his first term was stolen by libs in the liberal media, the democrat party and the unelected Deep State

even more than trump himself its trump voters who deserve a third term though they will not get it
Stolen?? He's not president anymore?
Libs owe us a new president's First Hundred Days that trump never got
Liar. He got them and even bragged about them...

thats right he should be allowed to run 3 times !! if it is proven that the left has been purposely trying to obstruct and overthrow the 2016 election results he should be allowed to run in 2024 after he wins in 2020 !! and yes he will be re elected in 2020 !
He is a mentally ill old man, quickly degrading right in front of our eyes. Soon we will be able to just tell him he is president, and he will buy it, whether he is or not.
You meant Quid Pro Joe
Trumps election has allowed a few really Patriotic politicians to come to be recognized. A couple of them will make great Presidents plus his daughter and sons could continue his policies. All these people still have another nearly 5yrs to learn from Trump. The best is yet to come.
Repeal the amendment and let the Terrible Trumpybear run against the Great Obama then.
Obama got two full terms and the Nobel Peace Prize just for being black

Trumphlakes can't stand that Obama received that before he finished a year as POTUS. That's just funny.

Just because he whines about political opposition doesn't give him any Constitutional right to any extra time in office.

If Trumpublicans want the Shakedown King to be able to run for a third term, the law would have to allow the Great Obama a chance to run for a third term as well.
I think it cheapens the whole Peace Prize scam

Think about what you said, "just for being black", not as a racist argument against you, but from the perspective that that was the one of the accomplishments, a black man winning the election in one of the whitest, and most powerful, countries in the world. That and his lofty anti-nuke rhetoric. Nothing he did as POTUS, because it was still 2009, but for what he did just to get there and the hope(regardless of how you feel about it) it brought to the world.
America is far from the whitest country in the world

most european countries are whiter than the US

The point is not simply getting elected but what the person does after election

and as you point out obama had done nothing of substance to earn the award
Repeal the amendment and let the Terrible Trumpybear run against the Great Obama then.
Obama got two full terms and the Nobel Peace Prize just for being black

Trumphlakes can't stand that Obama received that before he finished a year as POTUS. That's just funny.

Just because he whines about political opposition doesn't give him any Constitutional right to any extra time in office.

If Trumpublicans want the Shakedown King to be able to run for a third term, the law would have to allow the Great Obama a chance to run for a third term as well.
I think it cheapens the whole Peace Prize scam

Think about what you said, "just for being black", not as a racist argument against you, but from the perspective that that was the one of the accomplishments, a black man winning the election in one of the whitest, and most powerful, countries in the world. That and his lofty anti-nuke rhetoric. Nothing he did as POTUS, because it was still 2009, but for what he did just to get there and the hope(regardless of how you feel about it) it brought to the world.
America is far from the whitest country in the world

most european countries are whiter than the US

The point is not simply getting elected but what the person does after election

and as you point out obama had done nothing of substance to earn the award

I consider winning the Presidency something of substance, especially for a black man in America. He pointed out the irony of awarding the Peace Prize to the Commander in Chief of the worlds most powerful military.
Sorry, but the Constitution doesn't allow for a president to serve more than 2 terms. Why is it that you Trump supporters are constantly trying to misread what the Constitution says? If you guys want Trump to serve 3 terms, you need to get ahold of your Congressman and get them to pass a Constitutional amendment, then, get the governors of your states to pass it as well.

THEN you can have 3 terms of Trump if you wish (and he somehow manages to win).
I agree that the Constitution only allows two terms

the only reason this subject came up is the fact that his first term was stolen by libs in the liberal media, the democrat party and the unelected Deep State

even more than trump himself its trump voters who deserve a third term though they will not get it
Stolen?? He's not president anymore?
Libs owe us a new president's First Hundred Days that trump never got
Liar. He got them and even bragged about them...

I see it differently

Trump voters were robbed
Who cares what you see? You're not the president. Impeached Trump is and he didn't feel robbed of his first 100 daze.
Sorry, but the Constitution doesn't allow for a president to serve more than 2 terms. Why is it that you Trump supporters are constantly trying to misread what the Constitution says? If you guys want Trump to serve 3 terms, you need to get ahold of your Congressman and get them to pass a Constitutional amendment, then, get the governors of your states to pass it as well.

THEN you can have 3 terms of Trump if you wish (and he somehow manages to win).
I agree that the Constitution only allows two terms

the only reason this subject came up is the fact that his first term was stolen by libs in the liberal media, the democrat party and the unelected Deep State

even more than trump himself its trump voters who deserve a third term though they will not get it
Stolen?? He's not president anymore?
Libs owe us a new president's First Hundred Days that trump never got
Liar. He got them and even bragged about them...

Unfathomable & unbelievable.
This thread doesn't surprise me.

Trumpkins really want their Dear Leader to be more Putin like- and would be thrilled if Trump just declared himself President for life.
Trumps election has allowed a few really Patriotic politicians to come to be recognized. A couple of them will make great Presidents plus his daughter and sons could continue his policies. All these people still have another nearly 5yrs to learn from Trump. The best is yet to come.

Really? You want to see his kids continue as president after he leaves? That is almost like going back to a monarchy, which we fought a revolution to get rid of.
Obama got two full terms and the Nobel Peace Prize just for being black

Trumphlakes can't stand that Obama received that before he finished a year as POTUS. That's just funny.

Just because he whines about political opposition doesn't give him any Constitutional right to any extra time in office.

If Trumpublicans want the Shakedown King to be able to run for a third term, the law would have to allow the Great Obama a chance to run for a third term as well.
I think it cheapens the whole Peace Prize scam

Think about what you said, "just for being black", not as a racist argument against you, but from the perspective that that was the one of the accomplishments, a black man winning the election in one of the whitest, and most powerful, countries in the world. That and his lofty anti-nuke rhetoric. Nothing he did as POTUS, because it was still 2009, but for what he did just to get there and the hope(regardless of how you feel about it) it brought to the world.
America is far from the whitest country in the world

most european countries are whiter than the US

The point is not simply getting elected but what the person does after election

and as you point out obama had done nothing of substance to earn the award

I consider winning the Presidency something of substance, especially for a black man in America. He pointed out the irony of awarding the Peace Prize to the Commander in Chief of the worlds most powerful military.
Make that a black commander in chief

but all he had to do to get elected is finish ahead of a loose cannon that liberals hated and conservatives were less than excited about
I agree that the Constitution only allows two terms

the only reason this subject came up is the fact that his first term was stolen by libs in the liberal media, the democrat party and the unelected Deep State

even more than trump himself its trump voters who deserve a third term though they will not get it
Stolen?? He's not president anymore?
Libs owe us a new president's First Hundred Days that trump never got
Liar. He got them and even bragged about them...

I see it differently

Trump voters were robbed
Who cares what you see? You're not the president. Impeached Trump is and he didn't feel robbed of his first 100 daze.
Millions of trump supporters see it my way and we vote
Stolen?? He's not president anymore?
Libs owe us a new president's First Hundred Days that trump never got
Liar. He got them and even bragged about them...

I see it differently

Trump voters were robbed
Who cares what you see? You're not the president. Impeached Trump is and he didn't feel robbed of his first 100 daze.
Millions of trump supporters see it my way and we vote

Doesn't matter how you see it, Trump can't serve more than 2 terms unless the Constitution is amended and good luck with that.
Trumphlakes can't stand that Obama received that before he finished a year as POTUS. That's just funny.

Just because he whines about political opposition doesn't give him any Constitutional right to any extra time in office.

If Trumpublicans want the Shakedown King to be able to run for a third term, the law would have to allow the Great Obama a chance to run for a third term as well.
I think it cheapens the whole Peace Prize scam

Think about what you said, "just for being black", not as a racist argument against you, but from the perspective that that was the one of the accomplishments, a black man winning the election in one of the whitest, and most powerful, countries in the world. That and his lofty anti-nuke rhetoric. Nothing he did as POTUS, because it was still 2009, but for what he did just to get there and the hope(regardless of how you feel about it) it brought to the world.
America is far from the whitest country in the world

most european countries are whiter than the US

The point is not simply getting elected but what the person does after election

and as you point out obama had done nothing of substance to earn the award

I consider winning the Presidency something of substance, especially for a black man in America. He pointed out the irony of awarding the Peace Prize to the Commander in Chief of the worlds most powerful military.
Make that a black commander in chief

but all he had to do to get elected is finish ahead of a loose cannon that liberals hated and conservatives were less than excited about
You sound upset we had a black president. I don't recall you making a point that Impeached Trump is white.
Stolen?? He's not president anymore?
Libs owe us a new president's First Hundred Days that trump never got
Liar. He got them and even bragged about them...

I see it differently

Trump voters were robbed
Who cares what you see? You're not the president. Impeached Trump is and he didn't feel robbed of his first 100 daze.
Millions of trump supporters see it my way and we vote

Oh? You've been counting? I didn't think you had that many fingers.
Trumps election has allowed a few really Patriotic politicians to come to be recognized. A couple of them will make great Presidents plus his daughter and sons could continue his policies. All these people still have another nearly 5yrs to learn from Trump. The best is yet to come.

Really? You want to see his kids continue as president after he leaves? That is almost like going back to a monarchy, which we fought a revolution to get rid of.
Most dems were happy and planning for hillary then Chelsea to follow bill. No one seamed to fear a monarchy then.
Libs owe us a new president's First Hundred Days that trump never got
Liar. He got them and even bragged about them...

I see it differently

Trump voters were robbed
Who cares what you see? You're not the president. Impeached Trump is and he didn't feel robbed of his first 100 daze.
Millions of trump supporters see it my way and we vote

Oh? You've been counting? I didn't think you had that many fingers.
Thanks for the insult

When libs like you get nasty and personal I know you know you have lost the argument
I see it differently

Trump voters were robbed
Who cares what you see? You're not the president. Impeached Trump is and he didn't feel robbed of his first 100 daze.
Millions of trump supporters see it my way and we vote

Oh? You've been counting? I didn't think you had that many fingers.
Thanks for the insult

When libs like you get nasty and personal I know you know you have lost the argument
What insult?? Now you're making shit up to avoid debating this.
I see it differently

Trump voters were robbed
Who cares what you see? You're not the president. Impeached Trump is and he didn't feel robbed of his first 100 daze.
Millions of trump supporters see it my way and we vote

Oh? You've been counting? I didn't think you had that many fingers.
Thanks for the insult

When libs like you get nasty and personal I know you know you have lost the argument
What insult?? Now you're making shit up to avoid debating this.
I dont think your memory is this bad, but here it is:

Oh? You've been counting? I didn't think you had that many fingers.

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