Trump should not be impeached even if dems take house

I want to complete the job Obama began of making the Ds non-viable as a national party. Since the big lies of genocide Jackson launched the party the Ds have been a boil on the ass of America. Time to lance that boil.

You want a 1-party state?

Okay ... I'll back away from you slowly now.
Kasich, much more conservative than Trump, has been making alliances, mending fences, and raising money since November 10, 2016. He hates Trump, considers Pence a sell out, and is very attractive to the never Trumpers right of center.
Trump has been a business man for over four decades & has some shady dealings.
Look to Trump's history to determine Trump's future. A man's past will typically shed light on a man's future.

When Trump was elected POTUS the bar was lowered to the ground for any future POTUS.

Trump has been a business man for over four decades & has some shady dealings.

inadmissible regarding impeachment

you had better hope; Trump also

impeachment concerns actions while in office.

not previous crimes.

get an education

If Trump were to be subpoenaed concerning ANY of his activities previous to being POTUS, deposed, and was found to have lied under oath during deposition, then good luck with your crappy theory.

Now, who needs the education here? Not me.

Now, who needs the education here? Not me.



he would possibly be liable for civil action in those cases, but NOT impeachment

Prosecutors do NOT perform 'civil actions' for those found to be lying while under oath.

are you actually that stupid?
inadmissible regarding impeachment

you had better hope; Trump also

impeachment concerns actions while in office.

not previous crimes.

get an education

If Trump were to be subpoenaed concerning ANY of his activities previous to being POTUS, deposed, and was found to have lied under oath during deposition, then good luck with your crappy theory.

Now, who needs the education here? Not me.

Now, who needs the education here? Not me.



he would possibly be liable for civil action in those cases, but NOT impeachment

Prosecutors do NOT perform 'civil actions' for those found to be lying while under oath.

are you actually that stupid?

Prosecutors do NOT perform 'civil actions'
'prosecutors' are interested in crimes committed while running for, or in office.

and 'crimes' Trump committed before assuming office, would be tried in a civil court.

Seriously, open a book, or use google.

you've only just joined us, and you've already been labeled a laughing stock
Trump won't be impeached.

And he isn't a criminal, never has been. When the bar was lowered was when Obama was elected.

I had two opportunities to vote for Obama but I never did.

Having said that your last statement is nothing but pure horse feces.

Obama is highly educated, is very intelligent, was respectful of his political opponents, and as POTUS Obama demonstrated more respect for the office he held for eight years than Trump could ever comprehend.

He isn't respectful.
His intelligence and education level are irrelevant.
Total disagreement with the OP. Such D idiocy will fail in the house will not even come to a vote in the senate and cost the Ds every swing district in the country in 2020.

The Manafort juror who was interviewed on TV this week is a die-hard Trump supporter who said she believes the Mueller Investigation is a witch hunt. She said she would vote for Trump tomorrow if he were running. And she wore her MAGA hat every day, leaving it in her car before going into court.

Despite her continuing support for Trump, she voted “guilty” on all 18 counts in the indictment because the evidence was overwhelming. She didn’t want to believe that Manafort was guilty but she was thoroughly convinced.

The lone holdout juror refused the accept the evidence even when the other 11 laid out the evidence and went through it with her. She could not articulate why she thought he was not guilty, beyond continually saying “reasonable doubt”.

You’ve lost the independent voters. Democrats are energized. FOX News has the GOP behind the Dems by 11 points.

Every time Guilani says something stupid, every time Trump admits to committing crimes, more people are convinced of Trump’s guilt.
you had better hope; Trump also

impeachment concerns actions while in office.

not previous crimes.

get an education

If Trump were to be subpoenaed concerning ANY of his activities previous to being POTUS, deposed, and was found to have lied under oath during deposition, then good luck with your crappy theory.

Now, who needs the education here? Not me.

Now, who needs the education here? Not me.



he would possibly be liable for civil action in those cases, but NOT impeachment

Prosecutors do NOT perform 'civil actions' for those found to be lying while under oath.

are you actually that stupid?

Prosecutors do NOT perform 'civil actions'
'prosecutors' are interested in crimes committed while running for, or in office.

and 'crimes' Trump committed before assuming office, would be tried in a civil court.

Seriously, open a book, or use google.

you've only just joined us, and you've already been labeled a laughing stock

You are shifting the goal posts; WHY? Here is (one of ) your previous quotes.

"impeachment concerns actions while in office.

not previous crimes."

NOW you are stating, "'prosecutors' are interested in crimes committed while running for, or in office."

So, which is it? I understand; You do NOT know what you are blabbing about.

Prosecutors can pursue ANY & ALL potential lies given under oath, no matter what issue they may come from.

Keep changing those goal posts tho' as that is revealing
Trump won't be impeached.

And he isn't a criminal, never has been. When the bar was lowered was when Obama was elected.

I had two opportunities to vote for Obama but I never did.

Having said that your last statement is nothing but pure horse feces.

Obama is highly educated, is very intelligent, was respectful of his political opponents, and as POTUS Obama demonstrated more respect for the office he held for eight years than Trump could ever comprehend.

He isn't respectful.
His intelligence and education level are irrelevant.

No surprise that a Trumpian is dissing education & intelligence, as Trump has neither
tell me, kid

can he be impeached for lying about his taxes 10-20 years ago?
No one has suggested that Trump cheated on his taxes. Plus he had all of those carried forward losses from 20 years ago, when he was running his bankruptcy scams, which were also not illegal.

What is illegal is his money laundering for Russian oligarchs and the Statute of Limitations hasn’t run out on those crimes.

Can a President be impeached for criminal acts committed before the election. Why don’t you ask Ken Starr. He tried to impeach Bill Clinton for Whitewater, Paula Jones, and other stuff that happened before Bill became President. Problem was, there was no evidence that The Clintons were involved and even the cooperating witnesses had nothing to give him on the Clintons.
Trump won't be impeached.

And he isn't a criminal, never has been. When the bar was lowered was when Obama was elected.

I had two opportunities to vote for Obama but I never did.

Having said that your last statement is nothing but pure horse feces.

Obama is highly educated, is very intelligent, was respectful of his political opponents, and as POTUS Obama demonstrated more respect for the office he held for eight years than Trump could ever comprehend.

He isn't respectful.
His intelligence and education level are irrelevant.

No surprise that a Trumpian is dissing education & intelligence, as Trump has neither
No surprise that a marxist swine demands we submit to tyrants based on the education level/pedigree of said tyrants.
Trump won't be impeached.

And he isn't a criminal, never has been. When the bar was lowered was when Obama was elected.

I had two opportunities to vote for Obama but I never did.

Having said that your last statement is nothing but pure horse feces.

Obama is highly educated, is very intelligent, was respectful of his political opponents, and as POTUS Obama demonstrated more respect for the office he held for eight years than Trump could ever comprehend.

He isn't respectful.
His intelligence and education level are irrelevant.

No surprise that a Trumpian is dissing education & intelligence, as Trump has neither
No surprise that a marxist swine demands we submit to tyrants based on the education level/pedigree of said tyrants.

Why are you gratuitously insulting hogs?

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