Trump should revive the investigation into the criminal activities of the Clintons


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Fair is fair.

If Trump gets investigated, for shit he didn't do, then the Clintons should be investigated for all the shit they DID do.
Desperation is an ugly spectacle.

/---- You sound nervous, Spanky.

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Go ahead. Revive Benghazi. See how that plays with the public.
Since the FBI already testified she broke laws, no need to investigate further. Dust off the files, and indict her.

Go piss and moan to Trump. He owns the current justice department.

You people are fucking crazier than he is.
Do you righties take dumb pills? They have been investigating the Clintons for twenty five years and counting. Any idea why nothing has shown up yet? Because there is nothing fool. You have a liar as president and you are so brain washed you still mention the Clintons.

"His testimony painted a picture of a president who neither understands nor respects the norms and values that underlie the constitutional order, lacks the information necessary to do his job properly, and doesn’t have the humility to seek or accept appropriate advice about how to get better. Comey knew it from his very first meeting with Trump."
James Comey’s testimony shows Hillary Clinton was right all along

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Do you righties take dumb pills? They have been investigating the Clintons for twenty five years and counting. Any idea why nothing has shown up yet? Because there is nothing fool. You have a liar as president and you are so brain washed you still mention the Clintons.

"His testimony painted a picture of a president who neither understands nor respects the norms and values that underlie the constitutional order, lacks the information necessary to do his job properly, and doesn’t have the humility to seek or accept appropriate advice about how to get better. Comey knew it from his very first meeting with Trump."
James Comey’s testimony shows Hillary Clinton was right all along

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
The investigations into the Clinton's exposed them for the trailer-park sleazes they are and why history will remember them as such.
The only reason the Clintons aren't in prison cells right now is because they are literally too powerful for our justice system to punish them. They have many friends in high places who intervene for them and keep them out of prison. It's extremely unjust how the Clintons are above the law, and get away with a long list of felonies that string back decades. I only hope a time comes when their luck runs out and they finally meet the justice they have so long evaded.
Do you righties take dumb pills? They have been investigating the Clintons for twenty five years and counting. Any idea why nothing has shown up yet? Because there is nothing fool. You have a liar as president and you are so brain washed you still mention the Clintons.

"His testimony painted a picture of a president who neither understands nor respects the norms and values that underlie the constitutional order, lacks the information necessary to do his job properly, and doesn’t have the humility to seek or accept appropriate advice about how to get better. Comey knew it from his very first meeting with Trump."
James Comey’s testimony shows Hillary Clinton was right all along

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
And are you leftist extremists REALLY that willingly blind?

Comey 1st testified that Hillary broke laws, citing some stupud defense that is not even accepted (she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law) as an excuse not to indict her.

He then just testified that the DOJ was tainted towards the investigation, Lynch obstructed justice, and Hillary - again - was protected.

Tell me, mid, do YOU really think giving a MAID access to classified information when she did not have a security clearance - when you know giving access to classified info to people without clearances is illegal - was legal for HILLARY to do?

Is there a special clause in the law that states only HILLARY can ignore that law?

Good God, use some damn common sense. Think for yourself

Hillary broke laws!
The only reason the Clintons aren't in prison cells right now is because they are literally too powerful for our justice system to punish them.


They have no more power, no more ability to grant access, no ability to grant favors, the donations to the Clinton Foundation have dried up, they have been stripped of everything...they have nothing left to offer...

...Except PRISON.
Fair is fair.

If Trump gets investigated, for shit he didn't do, then the Clintons should be investigated for all the shit they DID do.

Except you guys spent 25 years investigating the Clinton and spent well over $100 million dollars. And I think the worst thing you came up with was that Bill lied about getting a blow job.
Comey 1st testified that Hillary broke laws, citing some stupud defense that is not even accepted (she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law) as an excuse not to indict her.

Except that's not what he said. He said there was no INTENT to break the law. And, yes, intent is kind of a big deal in determining criminal liability.
Comey 1st testified that Hillary broke laws, citing some stupud defense that is not even accepted (she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law) as an excuse not to indict her.

Except that's not what he said. He said there was no INTENT to break the law. And, yes, intent is kind of a big deal in determining criminal liability.
Comey is not a mind-reader and can not legally give testimony as to Hillary's intent. That is what lawyers call 'Speculation' and is inadmissable in regards to a defense or crime committed.

It was an EXCUSE to give Lynch what she ORDERED - NO INDICTMENT.
Comey is not a mind-reader and can not legally give testimony as to Hillary's intent. That is what lawyers call 'Speculation' and is inadmissable in regards to a defense or crime committed.

It was an EXCUSE to give Lynch what she ORDERED - NO INDICTMENT.

Or that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case under those circumstances.

Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

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