Trump should revive the investigation into the criminal activities of the Clintons

Ask yourself why Donald John Trump has not ask the AG ( Jeff Sessions ) to look into what you want done to Clinton and realize the Trump family and Clinton family are good friends.

Sure Donald John Trump sold you the idea of locking her ( Hillary ) up but had no intention delivering on that wish.

You can deny what I just wrote but Mark this down and Clinton will never see a day in jail nor will she be investigated again for cases of the past that have been closed.

Move on and let her slither into the past and be forgotten like the rotten nightmare she is.
Fair is fair.

If Trump gets investigated, for shit he didn't do, then the Clintons should be investigated for all the shit they DID do.
Presidents don't investigate dum dum.

And if the Clintons can be investigated for 30 years and the GOP couldn't find anything, there is nothing to find. Even a t@rd could figure that out.
/---- If an Ambassador and three embassy workers are murdered on Trumps watch do you promise not to make a stink about it ? I mean honest Injun ?

we've already had a Navy Seal killed on trump's watch in a badly planned raid that resulted in the country involved telling us to stop helping them.

No one has really made a big stink about it.
Fair is fair.

If Trump gets investigated, for shit he didn't do, then the Clintons should be investigated for all the shit they DID do.

Except you guys spent 25 years investigating the Clinton and spent well over $100 million dollars. And I think the worst thing you came up with was that Bill lied about getting a blow job.
There is more fancy stuff:
The Clintons´ notorious medical examiner

Boring day at the Syrian Propaganda Ministry?
Desperation is an ugly spectacle.

/---- You sound nervous, Spanky.

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Go ahead. Revive Benghazi. See how that plays with the public.

No.....we don't have to go back even that far.......the illegal, secret server and the destruction of government well as the activities with the clinton foundation in connection with her role as Secretary of State are more than enough to get her arrested.
/---- If an Ambassador and three embassy workers are murdered on Trumps watch do you promise not to make a stink about it ? I mean honest Injun ?

we've already had a Navy Seal killed on trump's watch in a badly planned raid that resulted in the country involved telling us to stop helping them.

No one has really made a big stink about it.

Yes....I am sure that Trump planned the raid in detail.....

You are such a moron....
No.....we don't have to go back even that far.......the illegal, secret server and the destruction of government well as the activities with the clinton foundation in connection with her role as Secretary of State are more than enough to get her arrested.

then why hasn't the Orange Shitgibbon done so?
Do you righties take dumb pills? They have been investigating the Clintons for twenty five years and counting. Any idea why nothing has shown up yet? Because there is nothing fool. You have a liar as president and you are so brain washed you still mention the Clintons.

"His testimony painted a picture of a president who neither understands nor respects the norms and values that underlie the constitutional order, lacks the information necessary to do his job properly, and doesn’t have the humility to seek or accept appropriate advice about how to get better. Comey knew it from his very first meeting with Trump."
James Comey’s testimony shows Hillary Clinton was right all along

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

The clinton's always had power to interfere in the investigations and they used it....they no longer have that power......
The clinton's always had power to interfere in the investigations and they used it....they no longer have that power......

Again, you guys had 25 years to investigate the Clintons, and you never did get anything on them.
Comey 1st testified that Hillary broke laws, citing some stupud defense that is not even accepted (she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law) as an excuse not to indict her.

Except that's not what he said. He said there was no INTENT to break the law. And, yes, intent is kind of a big deal in determining criminal liability.

No moron.......not in the mishandling of government documents....intent is not a requirement to have broken the law......and the destruction of 3 servers, 13 blackberries and 30,000 emails establishes criminal intent.....
Comey is not a mind-reader and can not legally give testimony as to Hillary's intent. That is what lawyers call 'Speculation' and is inadmissable in regards to a defense or crime committed.

It was an EXCUSE to give Lynch what she ORDERED - NO INDICTMENT.

Or that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case under those circumstances.

Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

He lied......any prosecutor would go after them with the way they destroyed evidence.......
The clinton's always had power to interfere in the investigations and they used it....they no longer have that power......

Again, you guys had 25 years to investigate the Clintons, and you never did get anything on them.

They controlled the government in each case. They don't have that power anymore.......and Trump.....if they keep pushing him, they are likely to get hit back really hard...
No moron.......not in the mishandling of government documents....intent is not a requirement to have broken the law......and the destruction of 3 servers, 13 blackberries and 30,000 emails establishes criminal intent.....

Really? I delete emails all the time when I no longer need them and so do most people. I also smash up old computers and devices when I no longer need them and so do most people.

This is really the best you have?

They controlled the government in each case. They don't have that power anymore.......and Trump.....if they keep pushing him, they are likely to get hit back really hard...

Um, first, it isn't Hillary who is pushing the Russia Collusion thing.

Second, Trump has had six months to bring a case against her. I know you Rubes don't want to admit you got played, but when he appealled to your misogyny by saying "lock her up", he didn't mean it.

What Trump didn't count on is that people are actually looking at his sleazy business deals now.
Desperation is an ugly spectacle.

/---- You sound nervous, Spanky.

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Go ahead. Revive Benghazi. See how that plays with the public.

No.....we don't have to go back even that far.......the illegal, secret server and the destruction of government well as the activities with the clinton foundation in connection with her role as Secretary of State are more than enough to get her arrested.
Flynn had a private server while working at the DOD.
Flynn gave classified material away to other countries.
Colin Powell used AOL on his unsecure Iphone.
Neither Condi Rice nor Colin turned over a single email after being ordered to by the State Department.
The Trump Foundation is still under criminal investigation.
Trump is a Russian Manchurian Candidate.

Rules only apply to Democrats. Why?
Because Republicans are "special".
No moron.......not in the mishandling of government documents....intent is not a requirement to have broken the law......and the destruction of 3 servers, 13 blackberries and 30,000 emails establishes criminal intent.....

Really? I delete emails all the time when I no longer need them and so do most people. I also smash up old computers and devices when I no longer need them and so do most people.

This is really the best you have?

They controlled the government in each case. They don't have that power anymore.......and Trump.....if they keep pushing him, they are likely to get hit back really hard...

Um, first, it isn't Hillary who is pushing the Russia Collusion thing.

Second, Trump has had six months to bring a case against her. I know you Rubes don't want to admit you got played, but when he appealled to your misogyny by saying "lock her up", he didn't mean it.

What Trump didn't count on is that people are actually looking at his sleazy business deals now. are not the Secretary of State.....all of her emails belong to the government. Hilary and her people came up with the Russia Collusion accusation 24 hours after she left the is covered in the book "Shattered" by the two left wing reporters who were embedded in her campaign....
He lied......any prosecutor would go after them with the way they destroyed evidence.......

Can you cite a case where any prosecutor actually did that?

This guy is in prison....he had no "intent"

US Navy sailor jailed for taking photos of classified areas of nuclear submarine

A US Navy sailor was sentenced on Friday to a year in prison for taking photos of classified areas inside a nuclear attack submarine while it was in port in Connecticut.

Kristian Saucier, of Arlington, Vermont, appeared in federal court in Bridgeport, where a judge also ordered him to serve six months of home confinement with electronic monitoring during a three-year period of supervised release after the prison time. He pleaded guilty in May to unauthorized detention of defense information and had faced five to six years in prison under federal sentencing guidelines.

Saucier admitted to taking six photos of classified areas inside the USS Alexandria in 2009 when it was in Groton and he was a 22-year-old machinist mate on the submarine. The photos showed the nuclear reactor compartment, the auxiliary steam propulsion panel and the maneuvering compartment, prosecutors said.

Saucier took the photos knowing they were classified, but did so only to be able to show his family and future children what he did while he was in the Navy, his lawyers said. He denied sharing the photos with any unauthorized recipient.

“It was a foolish mistake by a very young man,” his lawyer, Greg Rinckey, said after the sentencing. “It’s a very sad case because Kristian Saucier is a fine young man. We don’t believe this was really his true character.”


Federal prosecutors said the FBI and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service were never able to determine if the photos had been distributed to unauthorized people because Saucier destroyed key evidence including his laptop computer, a camera and a memory card after an interview with the FBI in 2012.

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