Trump: "Shut Down the Internet!"

Maybe Trump actually wants out of the race, and is just trying to fall in the polls...or something.

Really hard to tell anymore

Did you miss my post about Hillary and the White House negotiating with Silicone Valley as well?


"The White House said today that it was engaged in conversations with the technology community about taking 'common sense' measures to prevent terrorists from operating freely in cyber space, protected from the threat of government oversight.

What it wants companies, particularly those that run social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, to do differently, it could not say.

The president's spokesman contended, 'This is the subject of ongoing conversation among law enforcement professionals, among academics and others, about how to resolve these questions speech rights, about personal privacy, but also about protecting the country.'"

White House – we’re definitely asking Silicon Valley to do something about terrorists using the internet (we’re just not telling anyone what it is they should do yet)
  • 'This is the subject of ongoing conversation' about how to resolve questions about free speech and privacy while 'protecting the country'
  • Should social media be monitored? 'This is a question that technology companies, I think are largely going to have to answer for themselves'
  • Companies like Twitter and Facebook have an interest in tools not being 'used to incite or radicalize or call for people to carry out acts of terrorism'
  • Matter raises 'a bunch of thorny questions,' Obama's spokesman said, 'and we're gonna resist the urge to go and trample a bunch of civil liberties'
  • 'But there are steps that we believe that we can work through with the technology companies to take some common sense measures'

Rest at link:

WH wants tech to do something about terrorists (but won't say what)
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Is this a satire piece? It seems like the only logical explanation, I really am having a hard time accepting this is real.

Donald Trump wants to ban the internet, will ask Bill Gates to ‘close it up’




France could ban free Wi-Fi networks and Tor in wake of Paris attacks


As the path has been cleared to rule by Executive edict.

Granny says if he takes away her right to surf the net...

... she gonna bonk him onna head with her surfboard...

... (possum thinks dat's a cute lil' doggie ya got there Goose)
I think he wants to test the waters to see how stupid his base is. I'm not so sure that he even wants to be the President.


Putting aside the fact that the Islamic State’s goal is to bring about a Caliphate where life functions as it did in Medieval times, and shutting off parts of the U.S. from the Internet would actually seem like quite the victory for them… But fundamentally, Trump’s suggestion belies a remarkable ignorance of how the Internet works, and even who Bill Gates is. And I literally don’t even have time to delve into the obvious First Amendment issues, or even what shutting off Internet access would do to local economies across the country.

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Donald Trump Thinks He Can Call Bill Gates To Shut Down The Internet
Boy you should read thru the thread. I've already put up links to the White House and Hillary wanting to purge the net of ISIS as well.

Everyone taking shots at Trump trying to make him look like a fool step in it every time.


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