Trump sides with Democrats on debt ceiling

Sorry to inject reality into your childish fantasy JoyBoy.....but raising the debt ceiling is "bi-partisan"

It passed the Senate with 80 votes......

Poor baby, going off topic making shit up so you don't have to talk about Trump abandoning his base.
Oh, not off topic at all, dear.

In all the false accusations, conspiracy theories, and scams the libs tried, the basis for their investigations, the Democrats succeeded in exposing their own crimes.

Their attempts blew up in their faces, revealing the real criminals.

YOU brought up the investigations. I just pointed out the only significant findings / results of those investigations to date - DEMOCRAT CRIMES.
Did anyone REALLY think the Washington Establishment GOP and Big Gubment/Status Quo Dems were NOT going to raise the debt ceiling?

The only question was if there would be drama or no drama 1st. :p
Yea, I'm seeing democrats siding with Trump.

Yep, for things that Democrats want, you know, like raising the debt ceiling.

We all know the debt ceiling was going to rise, it always rises. We didn't know congress would cough up $8 B for Harvey relief.

We do? Apparently Trump was an idiot then because he didn't know that until recently. Now of course he claims raising the debt ceiling is automatic, not quite something his base wanted to hear.
Did anyone REALLY think the Washington Establishment GOP and Big Gubment/Status Quo Dems were NOT going to raise the debt ceiling?

The only question was if there would be drama or no drama 1st. :p

Actually McConnell and Ryan appear to be pretty pissed off that Trump sided with the Democrats, not only to raise the debt ceiling but to only extend it 3 months which was the time frame the Democrats were looking for to give them more bargaining power.

Trump screwed over the GOP, not just the establishment but especially those 'freedumb caucus' dip shits.
Yea, I'm seeing democrats siding with Trump.

Pelosi made Trump an offer, and he jumped on it faster than you can lie about it.

Hardly. Trump made the move to stick it to Ryan and McConnell who have been holding his agenda hostage / pissing on his agenda because they don't like him and were determined to show Trump he needed them, not the other way around.

Now they have egg on their faces, and word is there are serious talks about replacing Ryan as Speaker.
Yea, I'm seeing democrats siding with Trump.

Yep, for things that Democrats want, you know, like raising the debt ceiling.

We all know the debt ceiling was going to rise, it always rises. We didn't know congress would cough up $8 B for Harvey relief.

We do? Apparently Trump was an idiot then because he didn't know that until recently. Now of course he claims raising the debt ceiling is automatic, not quite something his base wanted to hear.

Hmm, guess your not one of them intelligent liberals.
Sorry to inject reality into your childish fantasy JoyBoy.....but raising the debt ceiling is "bi-partisan"

It passed the Senate with 80 votes......


Yes, because it was coupled with emergency funding for Harvey, why would Trump agree to that unless he wanted to raise the debt ceiling? Something he now claims should be automatic. If you think that's OK, then awesome, we don't have to debate the debt ceiling anymore. Actually it appears Trump and Schumer are working on getting rid of the debt ceiling vote forever. :woohoo:
Yea, I'm seeing democrats siding with Trump.

Yep, for things that Democrats want, you know, like raising the debt ceiling.

We all know the debt ceiling was going to rise, it always rises. We didn't know congress would cough up $8 B for Harvey relief.

We do? Apparently Trump was an idiot then because he didn't know that until recently. Now of course he claims raising the debt ceiling is automatic, not quite something his base wanted to hear.

Hmm, guess your not one of them intelligent liberals.

Apparently Trump is a real dumb motherfucker then.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
Are you morons saying that Trump should have denied federal aid to Harvey's victims? Because that's how it sounds.
Are you saying that those who voted against the bill (All Republicans) wanted to deny Texas hurricane aid? If so, please condemn those 17 Republicans.
It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
Are you morons saying that Trump should have denied federal aid to Harvey's victims? Because that's how it sounds.
Are you saying that those who voted against the bill (All Republicans) wanted to deny Texas hurricane aid? If so, please condemn those 17 Republicans.
Why would I condemn them? Are you nuts? They are representing their constituents and should not march in lockstep with fucking party "leaders" like the other wing of the same party does what is called Democrats. We have a one party system in the U.S.A. with two wings.
Actually, Democrats haven't done everything they can to impeach Trump, waiting on the 3 investigations to conclude first then we'll see.
Dear, the scams have been exposed as the lies they are. The liberal media has even abandoned talking about them. It's over.

Over a year - ZERO EVIDENCE..


Democrat criminals exposed?


You said we couldn't call Trump a criminal until he'd been convicted of something. Where are the charges and convictions against any of the people you listed? Hell, none of them are being dragged before Government Committees to testify like Junior was today. None of them are even under investigation.

The last time I looked Manaforte was having his house searched, Grand Juries were being empaneled in two states, Meuller had hired a team of forensic accountants, and Junior's testimony today had opened up a whole bunch of questions to be asked when he testifies in Open Committee.

Good times!
I am not sure you understand the issue. Maybe you are blinded by your partisan hackery. What did you expect from Trump? Denying aid to Harvey's victims? This is the prime example of "damned if you do and damned if you don't" It wouldn't matter for the imbeciles of the left whatever Trump did, they would attack him regardless.

You don't understand the issue. Aid to Hurricane Harvey victims was not threatened unless Democrats did it. Trump got taken by Pelosi and Schumer. All Trump is worried about is his ego. He doesn't give a damn about the country. He is someone who went through numerous bankruptcies and now seems to be determined to bankrupt the country.
Yea, I'm seeing democrats siding with Trump.

Pelosi made Trump an offer, and he jumped on it faster than you can lie about it.

Hardly. Trump made the move to stick it to Ryan and McConnell who have been holding his agenda hostage / pissing on his agenda because they don't like him and were determined to show Trump he needed them, not the other way around.

Now they have egg on their faces, and word is there are serious talks about replacing Ryan as Speaker.

BULLCRAP!! Trump has no agenda nor does he have a plan. The reason why healthcare reform was so hard was because Trump had no plan nor could he even articulate what he wanted. The fact is that Trump has stopped himself not Ryan and McConnell. The fact is that if Ryan and McConnell had done this, you would be screaming at them and talking about how they are traitors. You are the snowflake.

Ryan has been replaced as Speaker. Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House now. Liberals are in full control thanks to Trump.
Trump becoming a bi-partisan president? A RINO? For real?

How funny would it be if Trump got another Supreme court nominee and appointed one with 48 Democrat votes plus 3 Republican moderates?
Again, WHO on this board thought the debt ceiling was NOT going to be raised?

Washington's / Politicians' desire for bigger government, more pork, and more spending has not been curbed. Recent devastating natural disasters (Harvey, Irma...and Jose?!) are going to cost as much money as Obama secretly funneled to the UN to pay for its new 'Global Initiative'...

Our politicians have proven over the last several decades (at least) that they have no interest in lowering the amount of debt we owe or staying below our current debt ceiling.

Believing the debt ceiling was not going to be raised was / is a 'pipe-dream'.
Trump becoming a bi-partisan president? A RINO? For real?

The 'funny' thing is how uber-partisans always seem to consider Presidents as either Democrats or Republicans. Once they take office they take an oath to serve ALL Americans. I can see WHY snowflakes feel that way - because Obama was a Democratic President, PERIOD.

He did not serve the entire country. 1st and foremost he served HIMSELF. He spent 8 years by-passing Congress and instituting his own agenda / doing whatever he wanted on his own.

Trump, known as a deal-maker, just gave the middle finger to Washington Establishment douche-bags Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who have been doing everything they can to drag their feet and help the Democrats who already declared publicly they are 100% committed to obstructing anything Trump wanted to do.

Ryan and McConnell were very openly vocal about their opposition from the moment he entered the race for the GOP nomination. Nothing has changed since. They are two of the Career Politician turds that needed to be drained from the swamp, and they knew it, which is why they saw Trump as a threat. They have also wanted to see him fail because he is an outsider / non-career politician. If Trump succeeds the American people may begin to think they don't need Political Parties to dictate to them what their choices for elected office should be and start to believe they don't need career politicians...and Ryan and McConnell can't have that, now can they?

Trump, again, sent a message to Ryan and McConnell:
- "Lead, follow, or GTF out of the way...I don't need YOU as much as you would like to think. I don't work for the GOP, I work for the American people, and I will cross the aisle if I need to in order to get things done."


Ryan is nothing more than a Boehner Butt-Nugget, a Boehner clone...and Boehner was a Washington Establishment, self/party-serving ass-clown. Ryan needs to be shown the door just like Boehner was...followed by McConnell. As it is, after what Trump did, it seems like the GOP gt the message even if Ryan refused to - reports are that the House GOP are talking about replacing Ryan now. Again....


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