Trump sides with Democrats on debt ceiling

Trump becoming a bi-partisan president? A RINO? For real?

The 'funny' thing is how uber-partisans always seem to consider Presidents as either Democrats or Republicans. Once they take office they take an oath to serve ALL Americans. I can see WHY snowflakes feel that way - because Obama was a Democratic President, PERIOD.

He did not serve the entire country. 1st and foremost he served HIMSELF. He spent 8 years by-passing Congress and instituting his own agenda / doing whatever he wanted on his own.

Trump, known as a deal-maker, just gave the middle finger to Washington Establishment douche-bags Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who have been doing everything they can to drag their feet and help the Democrats who already declared publicly they are 100% committed to obstructing anything Trump wanted to do.

Ryan and McConnell were very openly vocal about their opposition from the moment he entered the race for the GOP nomination. Nothing has changed since. They are two of the Career Politician turds that needed to be drained from the swamp, and they knew it, which is why they saw Trump as a threat. They have also wanted to see him fail because he is an outsider / non-career politician. If Trump succeeds the American people may begin to think they don't need Political Parties to dictate to them what their choices for elected office should be and start to believe they don't need career politicians...and Ryan and McConnell can't have that, now can they?

Trump, again, sent a message to Ryan and McConnell:
- "Lead, follow, or GTF out of the way...I don't need YOU as much as you would like to think. I don't work for the GOP, I work for the American people, and I will cross the aisle if I need to in order to get things done."


Ryan is nothing more than a Boehner Butt-Nugget, a Boehner clone...and Boehner was a Washington Establishment, self/party-serving ass-clown. Ryan needs to be shown the door just like Boehner was...followed by McConnell. As it is, after what Trump did, it seems like the GOP gt the message even if Ryan refused to - reports are that the House GOP are talking about replacing Ryan now. Again....


You can pretend all you want. lolol
Trump throws in with Nancy Pelosi and the Trumptards frantically try to portray it as a positive.

That is a contestant for laugh of the year!
While I'm not happy with this 3 month deal..............I understand it............With major hurricanes hitting he probably took political advice to ENSURE Hurricane Funding as his PRIMARY MISSION.........and not play the politics of the past so the left can go POSTAL about how the GOP is evil and crap like that.

The left uses CHAOS to promote their attacks on the GOP..........even if they lie in the details.
What do you think? Is it positive or negative from your POV?
In such a politically poisoned / divisive climate in which 'partisanship' has been made to be a 'bad word', I think it is 'refreshing' / a positive thing for a President to actually be willing to cross the aisle and work with the opposing party to get things done for the American people.

Barry refused to even speak to the GOP for almost a year after being elected, then he spent the next 7 years by-passing Congress altogether to drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional and Un-authorized Wars, to release 5 leaders of the enemy with whom we were fighting a war, to enter into his own Un-Constitutional treaty, to pay ransoms to terrorists / our enemies for US hostages, etc...all to push his own agenda.
What do you think? Is it positive or negative from your POV?
In such a politically poisoned / divisive climate in which 'partisanship' has been made to be a 'bad word', I think it is 'refreshing' / a positive thing for a President to actually be willing to cross the aisle and work with the opposing party to get things done for the American people.

Barry refused to even speak to the GOP for almost a year after being elected, then he spent the next 7 years by-passing Congress altogether to drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional and Un-authorized Wars, to release 5 leaders of the enemy with whom we were fighting a war, to enter into his own Un-Constitutional treaty, to pay ransoms to terrorists / our enemies for US hostages, etc...all to push his own agenda.

No, no, Trump said to grab your ankles, so you're going to have to bend down a little further.
What do you think? Is it positive or negative from your POV?
In such a politically poisoned / divisive climate in which 'partisanship' has been made to be a 'bad word', I think it is 'refreshing' / a positive thing for a President to actually be willing to cross the aisle and work with the opposing party to get things done for the American people.

Barry refused to even speak to the GOP for almost a year after being elected, then he spent the next 7 years by-passing Congress altogether to drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional and Un-authorized Wars, to release 5 leaders of the enemy with whom we were fighting a war, to enter into his own Un-Constitutional treaty, to pay ransoms to terrorists / our enemies for US hostages, etc...all to push his own agenda.

No, no, Trump said to grab your ankles, so you're going to have to bend down a little further.
So, what is your opinion from your POV. Was it a good move or a bad move?
What do you think? Is it positive or negative from your POV?
In such a politically poisoned / divisive climate in which 'partisanship' has been made to be a 'bad word', I think it is 'refreshing' / a positive thing for a President to actually be willing to cross the aisle and work with the opposing party to get things done for the American people.

Barry refused to even speak to the GOP for almost a year after being elected, then he spent the next 7 years by-passing Congress altogether to drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional and Un-authorized Wars, to release 5 leaders of the enemy with whom we were fighting a war, to enter into his own Un-Constitutional treaty, to pay ransoms to terrorists / our enemies for US hostages, etc...all to push his own agenda.

No, no, Trump said to grab your ankles, so you're going to have to bend down a little further.
So, what is your opinion from your POV. Was it a good move or a bad move?

if you're a Republican it was a bad move. For everyone else it's great.
What do you think? Is it positive or negative from your POV?
In such a politically poisoned / divisive climate in which 'partisanship' has been made to be a 'bad word', I think it is 'refreshing' / a positive thing for a President to actually be willing to cross the aisle and work with the opposing party to get things done for the American people.

Barry refused to even speak to the GOP for almost a year after being elected, then he spent the next 7 years by-passing Congress altogether to drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional and Un-authorized Wars, to release 5 leaders of the enemy with whom we were fighting a war, to enter into his own Un-Constitutional treaty, to pay ransoms to terrorists / our enemies for US hostages, etc...all to push his own agenda.

Stop pretending that Obama was the guy who was unwilling to work with Republicans. Are you forgetting their pledge that on the day he was inaugurated that they would never work with him? That they would ensure nothing got passed and that he would be a one term President?

For eight years, Republicans voted against the best interests of the American people, if Obama proposed it. They voted against Sandy Relief, against help for the children of Flint. They voted against stuff that had been promoted by Republicans for years. Any Republican who supported Obama's proposals was primaried by the Tea Party and gone. So don't pretend that Obama refused to work with Republicans.

What's funny is that faithful Trumpanzee Easy now thinks that it's wonderful that Trump is working with Democrats. If Trump took a shit on the White House lawn at noon, Easy would say he's saving money on fertilizer.

Whatever gets shit done that doesn't end the ACA, cut taxes, promote white nationalism, or waste money on a stupid wall is fine by me. But best of all is watching Republican heads explode over it is special!

I fully expect Trump to turn on Democrats and start insulting them via twitter very soon. Trump has no loyalty to anyone but himself. In the meantime, :popcorn:
You leftist traitors will cry when Trump works with you clowns, or against you clowns.
Trump is fighting against both the rinos and the leftist marxists for the good of all Americans.
He has to do what he has to do to get federal emergency aid to florida, and get it there NOW.
Thank God for a president with compassion and common sense.
Yea, I'm seeing democrats siding with Trump.

Pelosi made Trump an offer, and he jumped on it faster than you can lie about it.

Hardly. Trump made the move to stick it to Ryan and McConnell who have been holding his agenda hostage / pissing on his agenda because they don't like him and were determined to show Trump he needed them, not the other way around.

Now they have egg on their faces, and word is there are serious talks about replacing Ryan as Speaker.

Remember lads... If Trump takes a dump on the street, Easyt65 would pick it up and think it is chocolate..

Easyt65 is the pathetic one here, not Trump... Trump just knew his kind are so gullible...
Stop pretending that Obama was the guy who was unwilling to work with Republicans.


Barry refused to meet with / talk to Republicans for almost a YEAR after winning the Presidency. Not only has Trump already met with Democrats, he has walked across the aisle to work with them, snowflake.


Obama routinely by-passed Congress to execute his own agenda:

1. Obama will bypass Senate, ratify Paris climate accord himself during trip to China: report

"The White House on Monday defended President Obama’s decision to enter into the Paris climate accord without Senate ratification"

2. 10 Ways Obama Bypassed Congress in 2014

"President Barack Obama began 2014 vowing to act without Congress if need be to get things done. This week, the White House proudly heralded more than 80 executive actions taken during the year, some of biggest taking place after his party took a beating in the November midterms."

Obama declared that he had the authority to by-pass Congress and rule by decree / Executive Order because Congress did not do what he wanted in the time frame he wanted. The only problem is the US constitution does not say that and does not give the President that authority / option. Barry didn't give a damn - he just did it.
- 'I've got a pen, and I've got a phone': Obama threatens embattled Congress with bully pulpit executive actions on economy | Daily Mail Online


Obama threw a tantrum like a 3yo when Republicans did not fall in line and agree with him on ever issue, letting him know winning the WH did not mean he automatically got his way. Obama responded by declaring just the opposite:

Elections matter. I won; you lost. "Go out there and win an election." "We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back"
- Obama Tells Republicans to 'Sit in Back'

Democrats and snowflakes are out of their damn minds if they think a President winning an election is a blank check to get and do whatever he least that is what they believe should happen when a DEMOCRAT wins. D-Schumer could not race in front of the cameras fast enough after Trump won to declare the Democratic Party was '100% Committed' to obstructing anything and everything Trump and the GOP wanted to do.

Suddenly 'Elections matter' had no meaning.
Suddenly 'I won. You lost' meant nothing.
Suddenly 'Go out and win some elections' if you want something else did not apply.

Obama dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help terrorists, to include the group that slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 by by-passing Congress. He released terrorist enemy leaders in a time of war (treason), freed terrorists caught killing / trying to kill Americans on the battle field by bypassing Congress. He entered into personal Treaties on this nation's behalf without the Constitutional Authority to do so, used his own personal drone assassination program to kill Americans abroad in violation of the Constitution, Un-Constitutionally and illegally spied on Americans / reporters / the media / the US Senate and the USSC, Un-Constitutionally and illegally used the IRS as a personal political weapon against citizens who did not support him...

The only ones 'pretending'...and MAKING SHIT UP...are snowflakes like yourself.
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Remember lads... If Trump takes a dump on the street, Easyt65 would pick it up and think it is chocolate..
Thank you for continuing to demonstrate most snowflakes like yourself are pathetic, hypocritical, lying pieces of fecal matter who have nothing worthwhile to offer in discussion / debate except for personal attacks and insults, making you irrelevant and not worth paying attention to. It makes it so much easier to ignore you.

oh, and thank you for proving Gruber was right about snowflakes being stupid.
For eight years, Republicans voted against the best interests of the American people, if Obama proposed it.

You are so full of shit! You don't even try to offer any evidence or facts to support your fake news lies / claims. You just fling your poo against the wall hoping it will stick like a monkey in a zoo flinging its own feces.

For eight years, Republicans voted against the best interests of the American people, if Obama proposed it.

You are so full of shit! You don't even try to offer any evidence or facts to support your fake news lies / claims. You just fling your poo against the wall hoping it will stick like a monkey in a zoo flinging its own feces.

Says the guy who posted no links to back up any of his assertions that Obama refused to work with Republicans.

I post facts, you post adoration of Trump in all of his glory. Where are all of the charges against the "criminal Democrats". Trump's been in office for more than 7 months and there isn't even an investigation of the people you label as criminals, even though not one of them has ever been charged with a crime?

Talk about a monkey flinging shit. You demonize Democrats at every turn, with no evidence, no charges, no convictions.

Just like the orange-faced baboon you voted for, you accuse others of the thing you do daily.

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