Trump signed letter of intent for Moscow Trump Tower 11-28-15, contradicting Giuliani.

When was that????
A deal in Russia for a legitimate business falls through, President Trump is guilty of “collusion”.

Millions of dollars funneled to the Clintons in return for uranium.....”nothing to see here, move along, move along...”

Your claim about Clinton & Uranium One has been debunked a million times.

The Trump Tower deal in Russia is about Trump lying about it. There is nothing illegal about making a deal in Russia to build a building.

His offer to give Putin a the penthouse is a bride to a foreign leader & that is illegal.

Trump said many times during his campaign that he had no business iterests in Russia. This is a lie.
CNN's Chris Cuomo discusses a newly obtained document that shows President Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Russia, despite his attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming the document was never signed.
I think The Donald needs a new lawyer.
That makes no sense. A letter to move forward with NEGOTIATIONS

Even if true what does it mean????

Your CNN link doesn't work, you might want to delete this thread or get better documentation
CNN's Chris Cuomo discusses a newly obtained document that shows President Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Russia, despite his attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming the document was never signed.
I think The Donald needs a new lawyer.
That makes no sense. A letter to move forward with NEGOTIATIONS

Even if true what does it mean????

Your CNN link doesn't work, you might want to delete this thread or get better documentation

If it is as posted in the OP, it proves Trump has once again lied about his collusion with Russia. That is a first step onto the trail of evidence that negotiations might at a later date continue.
That makes no sense. A letter to move forward with NEGOTIATIONS

Even if true what does it mean????

Your CNN link doesn't work, you might want to delete this thread or get better documentation

You do not know what a letter of Intent is? Guess they do not have those at Wendy's.
So a LOI represents exactly what? Nothing other than the intent to negotiate and explore further. So the significance is what? How about posting the date and outcome of the LOI? CNN (Continual Nonsense News) at its usual finest.
It appears to me to be a forgery to me, look at the number of peaks in Trump vs his real signature. Click on the images.
Chris Cuomo, and Don Lemon. If you throw in Rachel Maddow you'd have THE THREE STOOGES!
So a LOI represents exactly what? Nothing other than the intent to negotiate and explore further. So the significance is what? How about posting the date and outcome of the LOI? CNN (Continual Nonsense News) at its usual finest.

The significance is that both Trump and his lawyer said he had nothing to do with the negotiations with Russia during that time frame.
President Trump signed a letter of intent that preceded negotiations for a Trump property in Moscow, according to CNN, despite his attorney claiming over the weekend that "no one signed" such a document.

CNN's Chris Cuomo obtained a copy of the signed letter of intent dated Oct. 28, 2015, which bears Trump's signature. The letter pertains to negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, a project that has come under renewed scrutiny after the president's longtime associate, Michael Cohen, admitted he lied to Congress about talks surrounding the project.
Trump signed letter of intent for Moscow Trump Tower talks, contradicting Giuliani

:dunno: DANG! Every day, another running Great Douche lie EXPLODES!
Must be hard being a Great Douche loyalist.
Over and Over and Over, No Russain in 2016.
Dropping the Douche will end your pains.

Liars lying?!
That makes no sense. A letter to move forward with NEGOTIATIONS

Even if true what does it mean????

Your CNN link doesn't work, you might want to delete this thread or get better documentation
It means Drumpf was stupid enough to lie about a deal with the Russians that produced nothing and his family members and friends followed suit by lying to the FBI. :rolleyes:

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