Trump signed letter of intent for Moscow Trump Tower 11-28-15, contradicting Giuliani.

I just want to know...why would Rudy and Trump lie about something that is supposedly no big deal in the first place...according to them

Serious question for Trump lovers -- who in your personal life would you so willfully accept being lied to from, over and over and over again?

And if you say your spouse, that is pretty sad....
A deal in Russia for a legitimate business falls through, President Trump is guilty of “collusion”.

Millions of dollars funneled to the Clintons in return for uranium.....”nothing to see here, move along, move along...”
Ahh Yes. Trump Tower Moscow: Smoking Gun! Walls Closing In! Dam beginning to burst!

THE PROPOSED TRUMP TOWER PROJECT IN MOSCOW, according to Mueller’s report, originated with an FBI Informant–Felix Sater. Mueller was downright dishonest in failing to identify Sater as an FBI informant. Sater was not just a private entrepreneur looking to make some coin. He was a fully signed up FBI informant. Sater’s status as an FBI snitch was first exposed in 2012. Sater also was a boyhood chum of Michael Cohen, the target being baited in this operation. Another inconvenient fact excluded from the Mueller report is that one of Mueller’s Chief Prosecutors, Andrew Weissman, signed the deal with Felix Sater in December 1998 that put Sater into the FBI Informant business.

All suggestions for meeting with the Russian Government, including Putin, originated with Felix Sater. The use of Sater on this particular project started in September 2015.

Larry C. Johnson: FBI-DOJ Likely to Throw the CIA and Clapper Under the Bus

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