Trump Since The Election-What We Have Learned (Not Good)

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions
We've had many, many decades of career politicians that failed… Might as well try something different.:dance:
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions
I just wanted to let you know that I just pissed on a liberals grave.

I pulled out my thick 8 inch, and pissed all over it.

I wanted to let you know that.
I want to know if the OP cried on election night.

I threw up and haven't stopped since

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You'll likely dehydrate and die soon.

Smaller carbon foot print for you, higher collective intellectual quality for the rest of society.

Everyone wins when regressive parasites are converted to fertilizer.

I just wanted to let you know that I just pissed on a liberals grave.

I pulled out my thick 8 inch, and pissed all over it.

I wanted to let you know that.

I have always wanted to piss on karl marx's grave.
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions

Well we've learned that the market sure likes the fuck out of him even the lefty loons like you don't.
That is very short sighted. The markets liked Raegan at first but reversed later. Investors are flying high on expectations. now. When he doesn't deliver, it may be another story.

Not short sighted at all. It is what it is.

The market likes the fact that Trump is the President elect and if he does what he says he will do I think it will love him even more.

I'd love to see a booming economy even if you don't.

Of course I want a booming economy! I just don't believe that Trump will deliver -at least not in the long run. Right now, investors are focused on his promise of growth. They are ignoring the details of how he plans to achieve that, and the potential down sides.

He talks about deregulation of the banks and sure, they will be happy for a while, until they and the rest of us become victims of their recklessness . Remember 2008?

He want to bring jobs back but seems to think that way to do that is to start a trade war.....what do you really think that will do to jobs. ??

He talks about tax cuts for everyone....but the working people who would actually spend extra money and put it back into the economy to create jobs will get chump change while the well off will get the lions share and sock it away. Do you actually believe that such disparity is good for the economy?

He want's to gut social security and Medicare -contrary to his campaign promise not to-plunging millions of seniors into poverty. Seniors spend money which in turn creates jobs.

What he is proposing is just a rebranded version of supply side trickle down Reaganomics which was a dismal failure.

I remember the Reagan years and they were great for America.

Your idea of a dismal failure and mind sure are different.

Reagan would have had our economy back on track in two years. That's how long it took him to clean up the mess that Carter left. He was one hell of a POTUS.
Ronald Reagan was not a terrible president. In some ways he was rather progressive and I liked some of his ideas. The real question is why do conservatives still think he’s god

While the hero of the Republican party and normally not thought of as having a socialist bone in his body, by today’s standards, he could be accused of that heresy.

• Raised the corporate capital gains tax from 28% to 34%

• Raised various other taxes twelve times and the income tax at 50 % for the highest earners was considered high by today’s conservative standards

• Grew the Federal Government by more than 300,000 worker
However , he did blow up the deficit:
But government spending wasn't lowered, just shifted from domestic programs to defense. The result? The Federal debt almost tripled, from $997 billion in 1981 to $2.857 trillion in 1989.

But his tax cuts actually helped ordinary people

Tax rates were cut significantly, stimulating consumer demand

By Reagan's last year in office, the top income tax rate was down to 28% for those making $18,550 or more. Anyone making less paid no taxes at all. That was a significant drop from the 1980 top tax rate of 70% for individuals earning $108,000 or more. Also, Reagan made sure tax brackets were indexed for inflation. These tax cuts were somewhat offset by several tax increases. The Social Security payroll tax and some excise taxes were raised, and several deductions were eliminated.
Read further and you will see why want sort of worked then may not now. It is also a matter of how the theory is applied, specifically who gets the tax cuts. Reaganomics in the hands of Bush 2 was a disaster because, in part, the wrong people got those cuts, and the same thing will happen with your boy Trump. Along with deregulation, he will fuck us the same way that W fucked us.
We've had many, many decades of career politicians that failed… Might as well try something different.:dance:

Trump is even hiring democrooks on his team, these moonbats are unglued.
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions
I just wanted to let you know that I just pissed on a liberals grave.

I pulled out my thick 8 inch, and pissed all over it.

I wanted to let you know that.
Save the moronic equine excrement for someone else dipshit. Obviously your a troll who is incapable of having a serious, adult conversation.
Save the moronic equine excrement for someone else dipshit. Obviously your a troll who is incapable of having a serious, adult conversation.

YOU'RE a psuedo-intellectual bed wetter who no one takes seriously. Trolling you is the only way to squeeze any value out of your existence. You are barely earning your oxygen as an object of ridicule.

Well we've learned that the market sure likes the fuck out of him even the lefty loons like you don't.
That is very short sighted. The markets liked Raegan at first but reversed later. Investors are flying high on expectations. now. When he doesn't deliver, it may be another story.

Not short sighted at all. It is what it is.

The market likes the fact that Trump is the President elect and if he does what he says he will do I think it will love him even more.

I'd love to see a booming economy even if you don't.

Of course I want a booming economy! I just don't believe that Trump will deliver -at least not in the long run. Right now, investors are focused on his promise of growth. They are ignoring the details of how he plans to achieve that, and the potential down sides.

He talks about deregulation of the banks and sure, they will be happy for a while, until they and the rest of us become victims of their recklessness . Remember 2008?

He want to bring jobs back but seems to think that way to do that is to start a trade war.....what do you really think that will do to jobs. ??

He talks about tax cuts for everyone....but the working people who would actually spend extra money and put it back into the economy to create jobs will get chump change while the well off will get the lions share and sock it away. Do you actually believe that such disparity is good for the economy?

He want's to gut social security and Medicare -contrary to his campaign promise not to-plunging millions of seniors into poverty. Seniors spend money which in turn creates jobs.

What he is proposing is just a rebranded version of supply side trickle down Reaganomics which was a dismal failure.

I remember the Reagan years and they were great for America.

Your idea of a dismal failure and mind sure are different.

Reagan would have had our economy back on track in two years. That's how long it took him to clean up the mess that Carter left. He was one hell of a POTUS.
Ronald Reagan was not a terrible president. In some ways he was rather progressive and I liked some of his ideas. The real question is why do conservatives still think he’s god

While the hero of the Republican party and normally not thought of as having a socialist bone in his body, by today’s standards, he could be accused of that heresy.

• Raised the corporate capital gains tax from 28% to 34%

• Raised various other taxes twelve times and the income tax at 50 % for the highest earners was considered high by today’s conservative standards

• Grew the Federal Government by more than 300,000 worker
However , he did blow up the deficit:
But government spending wasn't lowered, just shifted from domestic programs to defense. The result? The Federal debt almost tripled, from $997 billion in 1981 to $2.857 trillion in 1989.

But his tax cuts actually helped ordinary people

Tax rates were cut significantly, stimulating consumer demand

By Reagan's last year in office, the top income tax rate was down to 28% for those making $18,550 or more. Anyone making less paid no taxes at all. That was a significant drop from the 1980 top tax rate of 70% for individuals earning $108,000 or more. Also, Reagan made sure tax brackets were indexed for inflation. These tax cuts were somewhat offset by several tax increases. The Social Security payroll tax and some excise taxes were raised, and several deductions were eliminated.
Read further and you will see why want sort of worked then may not now. It is also a matter of how the theory is applied, specifically who gets the tax cuts. Reaganomics in the hands of Bush 2 was a disaster because, in part, the wrong people got those cuts, and the same thing will happen with your boy Trump. Along with deregulation, he will fuck us the same way that W fucked us.
Hey we agree on something! We both despise Bush and think Reagan was a liberal!
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions
I just wanted to let you know that I just pissed on a liberals grave.

I pulled out my thick 8 inch, and pissed all over it.

I wanted to let you know that.
Save the moronic equine excrement for someone else dipshit. Obviously your a troll who is incapable of having a serious, adult conversation.
I would never push the rock up the hill again by wasting my fucking time treating any of you stupid ass brainwashed asses with respect.

The fact that you would even consider hillary over Trump tells me all I would ever need to know about a fucking cocksucker like you.

There is no debate. You are all childish petulant fat bloviated arrogant ignorant coils of shit.

Keep thinking I am joking about pissing on a liberals grave.
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions
I just wanted to let you know that I just pissed on a liberals grave.

I pulled out my thick 8 inch, and pissed all over it.

I wanted to let you know that.
Save the moronic equine excrement for someone else dipshit. Obviously your a troll who is incapable of having a serious, adult conversation.
I would never push the rock up the hill again by wasting my fucking time treating any of you stupid ass brainwashed asses with respect.

The fact that you would even consider hillary over Trump tells me all I would ever need to know about a fucking cocksucker like you.

There is no debate. You are all childish petulant fat bloviated arrogant ignorant coils of shit.

Keep thinking I am joking about pissing on a liberals grave.
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions
I just wanted to let you know that I just pissed on a liberals grave.

I pulled out my thick 8 inch, and pissed all over it.

I wanted to let you know that.
Save the moronic equine excrement for someone else dipshit. Obviously your a troll who is incapable of having a serious, adult conversation.
I would never push the rock up the hill again by wasting my fucking time treating any of you stupid ass brainwashed asses with respect.

The fact that you would even consider hillary over Trump tells me all I would ever need to know about a fucking cocksucker like you.

There is no debate. You are all childish petulant fat bloviated arrogant ignorant coils of shit.

Keep thinking I am joking about pissing on a liberals grave.
Man Who Said There Was No Recession DURING The Great Recession Is Rumored For Top Economic Post

Reports are surfacing that CNBC’s Larry Kudlow is on the short list of candidates for chairman the Council of Economic Advisers, which is the government’s top economic policy group. Kudlow isn’t just an advocate of the failed trickle-down theory of economics, he also claimed, back in 2007, that no recession was coming. As we all know, 2008 proved him dead wrong, and now Trump wants him in a top economic position.

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