Trump Slams Rapist, & Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton, Reopens Feud With Hilary


You fucking idiot...
Go on, make an issue of Bill Clintons infidelity...

This is the simple response...

Trump cheated on his wife, nothing.
Bill cheated on his wife, wife's fault...

Good luck in getting one womans vote....

You a pretty sick little fuck Vig. You accuse people of things with no evidence. You are one little sick puppy, keep it up, you make regular GOP (the people you call RINO) resent being GOP... Very hard to be in the same little sick twisted world as you.

You're an asshole if you think Infidelity is tantamount to RAPE! Then I suggest you get behind the Yebster, and DONATE a few thousand to his campaign... he's YOUR kind of candidate .... We RIGHT WINGERS will either WIN for a change, or destroy you moderate coward Republicans!

That is sooo hot.

You know Vig is the type that is usually on the down-low and would go for those that have a beaver cleaver instead of the beaver!

Brucie should know all about that deviant sex...after all he's a DemoRAT!

Reagan would be a Democrat to you in today time, so you writing that you believe I am a democrat mean nothing at all!

Hell Joe McCarthy would be to the left of you!

Also you have gay Republicans, so it is not a Democrat thing, and let remember you support infidelity as long as it is done by the GOP!

You fucking idiot...
Go on, make an issue of Bill Clintons infidelity...

This is the simple response...

Trump cheated on his wife, nothing.
Bill cheated on his wife, wife's fault...

Good luck in getting one womans vote....

You a pretty sick little fuck Vig. You accuse people of things with no evidence. You are one little sick puppy, keep it up, you make regular GOP (the people you call RINO) resent being GOP... Very hard to be in the same little sick twisted world as you.

You're an asshole if you think Infidelity is tantamount to RAPE! Then I suggest you get behind the Yebster, and DONATE a few thousand to his campaign... he's YOUR kind of candidate .... We RIGHT WINGERS will either WIN for a change, or destroy you moderate coward Republicans!

I agree with Rahm Emanuel when he described the radicals within his own political party when he called them fucking retarded because the radicals wanted to purge the blue dog segment of the party.

So with that you are fucking retarded, and the majority of Trump supporters are beyond retardation, but alas you have to be slow in the head to support a man that is a cheat!
You're no better than a filthy rotten piece of shit to me... guess that evens it out!

Awww, and I thought I was going to get a special Christmas Card from you!

Your opinion of me is like a two year old chimp with down syndrome throwing a fit, and it is just retarded...

Now you have made it clear that you do not believe in family values, you support infidelity, and will point to the Clinton's when someone point out the fact that Trump is a piece of filth...

Trump supporters love those that cheat on their wives, uses bankruptcy laws to make their billions off of, and spews hatred for everyone that is not a Lily WASP!

Do I detect a bit of FEAR of the Trump?....Why YES I do....


Ummm, no!

Nice try but I do not respect assholes like Trump, but please build your life around a man that cheated on his wife, used the bankruptcy laws to make his billions, and hate everyone that is not Lily WASP's

And YOU backed an IMPEACHED ex. president that LIED under oath... and a woman that LIED to the American people about the cause of Benghazi!

Wrong again!

I have never backed Hillary Clinton, so please do not even attempt that!

Now you are on record how you support a man that cheated on his ex-wife, used the bankruptcy laws to make his billions, and only like Lily WASP's, so be proud of being the RINO you are!

How's this, I support Trump...period!...So who do YOU back, if not the Hildebeast?

You know Vig is the type that is usually on the down-low and would go for those that have a beaver cleaver instead of the beaver!

Brucie should know all about that deviant sex...after all he's a DemoRAT!

Reagan would be a Democrat to you in today time, so you writing that you believe I am a democrat mean nothing at all!

Hell Joe McCarthy would be to the left of you!

Also you have gay Republicans, so it is not a Democrat thing, and let remember you support infidelity as long as it is done by the GOP!

No, Reagan is and was a conservative Republican! Joe McCarthy was correct, When did I mention GAY Republicans?

You fucking idiot...
Go on, make an issue of Bill Clintons infidelity...

This is the simple response...

Trump cheated on his wife, nothing.
Bill cheated on his wife, wife's fault...

Good luck in getting one womans vote....

You a pretty sick little fuck Vig. You accuse people of things with no evidence. You are one little sick puppy, keep it up, you make regular GOP (the people you call RINO) resent being GOP... Very hard to be in the same little sick twisted world as you.

You're an asshole if you think Infidelity is tantamount to RAPE! Then I suggest you get behind the Yebster, and DONATE a few thousand to his campaign... he's YOUR kind of candidate .... We RIGHT WINGERS will either WIN for a change, or destroy you moderate coward Republicans!

I agree with Rahm Emanuel when he described the radicals within his own political party when he called them fucking retarded because the radicals wanted to purge the blue dog segment of the party.

So with that you are fucking retarded, and the majority of Trump supporters are beyond retardation, but alas you have to be slow in the head to support a man that is a cheat!
Brucie, your OPINION is just that, except, as with you, both are worthless!
Awww, and I thought I was going to get a special Christmas Card from you!

Your opinion of me is like a two year old chimp with down syndrome throwing a fit, and it is just retarded...

Now you have made it clear that you do not believe in family values, you support infidelity, and will point to the Clinton's when someone point out the fact that Trump is a piece of filth...

Trump supporters love those that cheat on their wives, uses bankruptcy laws to make their billions off of, and spews hatred for everyone that is not a Lily WASP!

Do I detect a bit of FEAR of the Trump?....Why YES I do....


Ummm, no!

Nice try but I do not respect assholes like Trump, but please build your life around a man that cheated on his wife, used the bankruptcy laws to make his billions, and hate everyone that is not Lily WASP's

And YOU backed an IMPEACHED ex. president that LIED under oath... and a woman that LIED to the American people about the cause of Benghazi!

Wrong again!

I have never backed Hillary Clinton, so please do not even attempt that!

Now you are on record how you support a man that cheated on his ex-wife, used the bankruptcy laws to make his billions, and only like Lily WASP's, so be proud of being the RINO you are!

How's this, I support Trump...period!...So who do YOU back, if not the Hildebeast?

Kasich and I already know I am a RINO according to limp dicks like you, so kiss my ass because I will never support Trump!
Do I detect a bit of FEAR of the Trump?....Why YES I do....


Ummm, no!

Nice try but I do not respect assholes like Trump, but please build your life around a man that cheated on his wife, used the bankruptcy laws to make his billions, and hate everyone that is not Lily WASP's

And YOU backed an IMPEACHED ex. president that LIED under oath... and a woman that LIED to the American people about the cause of Benghazi!

Wrong again!

I have never backed Hillary Clinton, so please do not even attempt that!

Now you are on record how you support a man that cheated on his ex-wife, used the bankruptcy laws to make his billions, and only like Lily WASP's, so be proud of being the RINO you are!

How's this, I support Trump...period!...So who do YOU back, if not the Hildebeast?

Kasich and I already know I am a RINO according to limp dicks like you, so kiss my ass because I will never support Trump!

Now I'm SURE you're the JakeASS'S SOCK!!!! Another Manchurian Republican!

You know Vig is the type that is usually on the down-low and would go for those that have a beaver cleaver instead of the beaver!

Brucie should know all about that deviant sex...after all he's a DemoRAT!

Reagan would be a Democrat to you in today time, so you writing that you believe I am a democrat mean nothing at all!

Hell Joe McCarthy would be to the left of you!

Also you have gay Republicans, so it is not a Democrat thing, and let remember you support infidelity as long as it is done by the GOP!

No, Reagan is and was a conservative Republican! Joe McCarthy was correct, When did I mention GAY Republicans?


Reagan and McCarthy were to the left of you and you are a pathetic fucking joke!
Ummm, no!

Nice try but I do not respect assholes like Trump, but please build your life around a man that cheated on his wife, used the bankruptcy laws to make his billions, and hate everyone that is not Lily WASP's

And YOU backed an IMPEACHED ex. president that LIED under oath... and a woman that LIED to the American people about the cause of Benghazi!

Wrong again!

I have never backed Hillary Clinton, so please do not even attempt that!

Now you are on record how you support a man that cheated on his ex-wife, used the bankruptcy laws to make his billions, and only like Lily WASP's, so be proud of being the RINO you are!

How's this, I support Trump...period!...So who do YOU back, if not the Hildebeast?

Kasich and I already know I am a RINO according to limp dicks like you, so kiss my ass because I will never support Trump!

Now I'm SURE you're the JakeASS'S SOCK!!!! Another Manchurian Republican!

Blah, Blah, Blah from the Trump supporting twirp!
That is sooo hot.

You know Vig is the type that is usually on the down-low and would go for those that have a beaver cleaver instead of the beaver!

Brucie should know all about that deviant sex...after all he's a DemoRAT!

Reagan would be a Democrat to you in today time, so you writing that you believe I am a democrat mean nothing at all!

Hell Joe McCarthy would be to the left of you!

Also you have gay Republicans, so it is not a Democrat thing, and let remember you support infidelity as long as it is done by the GOP!

No, Reagan is and was a conservative Republican! Joe McCarthy was correct, When did I mention GAY Republicans?


Reagan and McCarthy were to the left of you and you are a pathetic fucking joke!

Yes, Brucie Dear...I'm a joke, when I have been here a few months longer than you, and YOU have NO RATINGS because you're an asshole and NO ONE agrees with you! You are simply a moron, and so easy to pull his chain.... like debating a frog!
And YOU backed an IMPEACHED ex. president that LIED under oath... and a woman that LIED to the American people about the cause of Benghazi!

Wrong again!

I have never backed Hillary Clinton, so please do not even attempt that!

Now you are on record how you support a man that cheated on his ex-wife, used the bankruptcy laws to make his billions, and only like Lily WASP's, so be proud of being the RINO you are!

How's this, I support Trump...period!...So who do YOU back, if not the Hildebeast?

Kasich and I already know I am a RINO according to limp dicks like you, so kiss my ass because I will never support Trump!

Now I'm SURE you're the JakeASS'S SOCK!!!! Another Manchurian Republican!

Blah, Blah, Blah from the Trump supporting twirp!


When all else's inevitable with the LOW 2 digit IQ crowd!
Oh My...did I SCARE the Brucie away.... Come on out Brucie, I still have a few rebuttals to your insanity! :badgrin:

Let's draw a hypothetical. [I know you won't answer and will likely just launch more non sequiturs and personal attacks, but I genuinely am curious to know how you think]

Let's imagine it was revealed that Trump - in his youth - was reported to have partied too hard one night, and, as a result, did some very odd dude-on-dude stuff, leaving ol' Donald unconscious in a corn field with a Kentucky Fried Chicken Bucket over his head and chicken grease all over his neck and nether regions.

Would you still vote for Trump over any Democratic opponent?
Adolf Trump's NaziCon base can't put him in the White House. We're just enjoying his P.T. Barnum circus in the meantime.

Trump's running just a few points behind Hillary despite all the media can do.

That is hardly "nazicon base".

It's ok to admit you are afraid. YOu look silly the way you are talking.

Let's draw a hypothetical. [I know you won't answer and will likely just launch more non sequiturs and personal attacks, but I genuinely am curious to know how you think]

Let's imagine it was revealed that Trump - in his youth - was reported to have partied too hard one night, and, as a result, did some very odd dude-on-dude stuff, leaving ol' Donald unconscious in a corn field with a Kentucky Fried Chicken Bucket over his head and chicken grease all over his neck and nether regions.

Would you still vote for Trump over any Democratic opponent?

Good lord, and you have the nerve to ask about non sequiturs and personal attacks?
As a thirteen year old, Trump was sent off to military school for unknown offenses. What is he hiding?

Where are his juvenile records?

Deflections. A sign of desperation.

You were hoping that Iowa would be a loss for Trump and maybe derail him.

Now you are realizing that is not going to happen.
What did Trump do to warrant being sent to military school?


Why were his own parents afraid of him?

Deflections. A sign of desperation.

You were hoping that Iowa would be a loss for Trump and maybe derail him.

Now you are realizing that is not going to happen.

Let's draw a hypothetical. [I know you won't answer and will likely just launch more non sequiturs and personal attacks, but I genuinely am curious to know how you think]

Let's imagine it was revealed that Trump - in his youth - was reported to have partied too hard one night, and, as a result, did some very odd dude-on-dude stuff, leaving ol' Donald unconscious in a corn field with a Kentucky Fried Chicken Bucket over his head and chicken grease all over his neck and nether regions.

Would you still vote for Trump over any Democratic opponent?

But of course! You really did have chicken grease all over your neck?
If Clinton is a rapist, Trump is a rapist.

Wow. That made no sense what so ever.

Trump's ex-wife and mother of his child accused him of rape in a court deposition. Trump is the last human earth who should talk about Bill Clinton's character.

Granted, slick Willie is an adulterer whose conduct with women is disgusting, but Republican voters have no leg to stand on because they never condemn their own politicians for sexual misconduct.

If Vigilante ever once criticized his political leaders for their behavior, we'd be more inclined to take him seriously. But when he licks the boots of his own Dear Leader Rapist, we know he is full of shit.

Divorce proceedings have no credibility with me.

Nearly every human alive can talk about Bill Clinton's character.

Show me an example of the GOP rallying around some one like Bill Clinton.
Adolf Trump's NaziCon base can't put him in the White House. We're just enjoying his P.T. Barnum circus in the meantime.

Trump's running just a few points behind Hillary despite all the media can do.

That is hardly "nazicon base".

It's ok to admit you are afraid. YOu look silly the way you are talking.

Cruz is far, far more frightening than Trump. At least Trump had the courage to admit that Bush 43 made a terrible mess of the Iraq War and the American economy. He also the courage to finance the campaigns of the Democrats he agreed with. He also used bankruptcy protection from Big Government, so he is not nearly as anti-government as some of his fellow candidates. At least he was honest about what George Bush did to the Middle Easy and the economy.

However, he is drawing support overwhelmingly from LIAWM-WLTNCE (Low income Angry White Males with Little To no College Education). This is not to say that he won't enjoy very wide support during the general election because a ham sandwich should be able to beat Hillary.

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