Trump Slams Rapist, & Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton, Reopens Feud With Hilary

Oh THIS is going to be a GREAT campaign, Not even the candidate yet, and already DRAWING BLOOD from the scumbags the MSM and lapdog supposed journalists have been covering up for over 30 years! ^ | 27 December 2015
Donald Trump on Saturday night slammed Hillary Clinton by citing her husband's history of marital infidelity and alleged sexual misconduct, escalating the increasingly personal feud between the GOP front-runner and the leading Democratic presidential candidate. "Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but HE'S DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM, so inappropriate!" Trump tweeted. The "penchant for sexism" line refers to an interview Hillary Clinton gave earlier in the week to the Des Moines Register, when she used those words to describe the real-estate mogul after he said that she got "schlonged"

View attachment 57985


Trump need to remember the times he cheated on his wife Ivana Trump before even mentioning anything that Bill Clinton has done...

If you do not understand then remember Marla Maples and their love child Tiffany Trump that was born out of wedlock!

Marla Maples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BUT you say NOTHING about Blow Job Clinton's MANY RAPE accusations, and his paying off one of the women, NOT to go before the judge...did Donald do that?

Bill Clinton Scandal - SANITY CHECK | Political Discussion ...
Feb 26, 1999 - Bill Clinton is a power hungry sociopath that believes he is above the law. ... in Clinton's "stupid little lie" and the false affidavit of a rape victim. ... instead of perjuring himself and then paying his accuser $800k in an out of court .

Oh Lard!!!

First off I am commenting on the fact that Trump is the last person that should comment about anyone infidelity seeing he is a known cheat.

Next, what Bill Clinton has done in the past will not affect my vote seeing I am not voting for Hillary Clinton nor will I vote for Donald Trump.

Finally, it seem it upset you when someone point out the fact that Donald Trump is a cheat and lack moral standards, and you will use Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity when in fact if you were a true family values individual you would be shunning him and his hypocritical words...

Now rant away!

Just a LITTLE bitch slap, this time, bitch!

Ivana Trump: Donald didn't rape me — and he'd be a great ...
New York Post
Jul 29, 2015 - Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh ... Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.

Where did I write that Trump raped his ex-wife?

Maybe you should learn to read first and I used the word infidelity which is what you would use when you describe Trump that once humped Maples rump!

Now why do you support a man that lack such low morals?

I thought you were a family values type of voter, and if so and you support Trump tell me you really do not care about family values, and uses Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity while married to Ivana Trump!
Oh THIS is going to be a GREAT campaign, Not even the candidate yet, and already DRAWING BLOOD from the scumbags the MSM and lapdog supposed journalists have been covering up for over 30 years! ^ | 27 December 2015
Donald Trump on Saturday night slammed Hillary Clinton by citing her husband's history of marital infidelity and alleged sexual misconduct, escalating the increasingly personal feud between the GOP front-runner and the leading Democratic presidential candidate. "Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but HE'S DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM, so inappropriate!" Trump tweeted. The "penchant for sexism" line refers to an interview Hillary Clinton gave earlier in the week to the Des Moines Register, when she used those words to describe the real-estate mogul after he said that she got "schlonged"

View attachment 57985


Trump need to remember the times he cheated on his wife Ivana Trump before even mentioning anything that Bill Clinton has done...

If you do not understand then remember Marla Maples and their love child Tiffany Trump that was born out of wedlock!

Marla Maples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BUT you say NOTHING about Blow Job Clinton's MANY RAPE accusations, and his paying off one of the women, NOT to go before the judge...did Donald do that?

Bill Clinton Scandal - SANITY CHECK | Political Discussion ...
Feb 26, 1999 - Bill Clinton is a power hungry sociopath that believes he is above the law. ... in Clinton's "stupid little lie" and the false affidavit of a rape victim. ... instead of perjuring himself and then paying his accuser $800k in an out of court .

Oh Lard!!!

First off I am commenting on the fact that Trump is the last person that should comment about anyone infidelity seeing he is a known cheat.

Next, what Bill Clinton has done in the past will not affect my vote seeing I am not voting for Hillary Clinton nor will I vote for Donald Trump.

Finally, it seem it upset you when someone point out the fact that Donald Trump is a cheat and lack moral standards, and you will use Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity when in fact if you were a true family values individual you would be shunning him and his hypocritical words...

Now rant away!

Just a LITTLE bitch slap, this time, bitch!

Ivana Trump: Donald didn't rape me — and he'd be a great ...
New York Post
Jul 29, 2015 - Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh ... Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.

Where did I write that Trump raped his ex-wife?

Maybe you should learn to read first and I used the word infidelity which is what you would use when you describe Trump that once humped Maples rump!

Now why do you support a man that lack such low morals?

I thought you were a family values type of voter, and if so and you support Trump tell me you really do not care about family values, and uses Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity while married to Ivana Trump!

Is INFIDELITY a CRIME, or as Blow Job did, is RAPE a crime?


Doing BUSINESS in NYC means you're a DemoRAT...

So not only was Trump a hypocrite in feigning friendship with someone he apparently "knew" to be a "rapist," but he belonged to some imaginary political party that wasn't the GOP? And you worship this guy? It all makes sense...

That's the difference between DOING BUSINESS and DOING POLITICS.... glad someone told you!
Trump need to remember the times he cheated on his wife Ivana Trump before even mentioning anything that Bill Clinton has done...

If you do not understand then remember Marla Maples and their love child Tiffany Trump that was born out of wedlock!

Marla Maples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BUT you say NOTHING about Blow Job Clinton's MANY RAPE accusations, and his paying off one of the women, NOT to go before the judge...did Donald do that?

Bill Clinton Scandal - SANITY CHECK | Political Discussion ...
Feb 26, 1999 - Bill Clinton is a power hungry sociopath that believes he is above the law. ... in Clinton's "stupid little lie" and the false affidavit of a rape victim. ... instead of perjuring himself and then paying his accuser $800k in an out of court .

Oh Lard!!!

First off I am commenting on the fact that Trump is the last person that should comment about anyone infidelity seeing he is a known cheat.

Next, what Bill Clinton has done in the past will not affect my vote seeing I am not voting for Hillary Clinton nor will I vote for Donald Trump.

Finally, it seem it upset you when someone point out the fact that Donald Trump is a cheat and lack moral standards, and you will use Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity when in fact if you were a true family values individual you would be shunning him and his hypocritical words...

Now rant away!

Just a LITTLE bitch slap, this time, bitch!

Ivana Trump: Donald didn't rape me — and he'd be a great ...
New York Post
Jul 29, 2015 - Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh ... Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.

Where did I write that Trump raped his ex-wife?

Maybe you should learn to read first and I used the word infidelity which is what you would use when you describe Trump that once humped Maples rump!

Now why do you support a man that lack such low morals?

I thought you were a family values type of voter, and if so and you support Trump tell me you really do not care about family values, and uses Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity while married to Ivana Trump!

Is INFIDELITY a CRIME, or as Blow Job did, is RAPE a crime?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

If a crime was committed where rape was involved and Bill Clinton was not convicted of the crime then that tell you how money and political power buys you your freedom.

Now seeing he was never convicted make your rape charge moot as can be, and yes he was impeached for lying to the Congress and was not convicted by the Senate still does not mean he was convicted for rape.

Now it is telling how the family values right support a man like Trump... It tell me so much about you and how you love infidelity as long as it is done by a GOP and not someone on the left...

Just goes to show that Trump supporters are all talk but when shown that their dear leader is a cheat and liar they run pointing at Clinton while screaming about what the Clinton's have done in the past...

Just sad and pathetic, and I hope Kasich win in N.H. and Cruz win in Iowa so the Trump Saga will be over!
If Clinton is a rapist, Trump is a rapist.

Wow. That made no sense what so ever.

Trump's ex-wife and mother of his child accused him of rape in a court deposition. Trump is the last human earth who should talk about Bill Clinton's character.

Granted, slick Willie is an adulterer whose conduct with women is disgusting, but Republican voters have no leg to stand on because they never condemn their own politicians for sexual misconduct.

If Vigilante ever once criticized his political leaders for their behavior, we'd be more inclined to take him seriously. But when he licks the boots of his own Dear Leader Rapist, we know he is full of shit.
The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.

“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.

What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.

“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”

Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.

“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

Why would anyone vote for a vicious man like this? Really sick. During divorce proceedings, Ivana swore under oath in her sworn deposition that Donald had raped her. She has since recanted - so was she lying then or is she lying now?
BUT you say NOTHING about Blow Job Clinton's MANY RAPE accusations, and his paying off one of the women, NOT to go before the judge...did Donald do that?

Bill Clinton Scandal - SANITY CHECK | Political Discussion ...
Feb 26, 1999 - Bill Clinton is a power hungry sociopath that believes he is above the law. ... in Clinton's "stupid little lie" and the false affidavit of a rape victim. ... instead of perjuring himself and then paying his accuser $800k in an out of court .

Oh Lard!!!

First off I am commenting on the fact that Trump is the last person that should comment about anyone infidelity seeing he is a known cheat.

Next, what Bill Clinton has done in the past will not affect my vote seeing I am not voting for Hillary Clinton nor will I vote for Donald Trump.

Finally, it seem it upset you when someone point out the fact that Donald Trump is a cheat and lack moral standards, and you will use Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity when in fact if you were a true family values individual you would be shunning him and his hypocritical words...

Now rant away!

Just a LITTLE bitch slap, this time, bitch!

Ivana Trump: Donald didn't rape me — and he'd be a great ...
New York Post
Jul 29, 2015 - Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh ... Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.

Where did I write that Trump raped his ex-wife?

Maybe you should learn to read first and I used the word infidelity which is what you would use when you describe Trump that once humped Maples rump!

Now why do you support a man that lack such low morals?

I thought you were a family values type of voter, and if so and you support Trump tell me you really do not care about family values, and uses Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity while married to Ivana Trump!

Is INFIDELITY a CRIME, or as Blow Job did, is RAPE a crime?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

If a crime was committed where rape was involved and Bill Clinton was not convicted of the crime then that tell you how money and political power buys you your freedom.

Now seeing he was never convicted make your rape charge moot as can be, and yes he was impeached for lying to the Congress and was not convicted by the Senate still does not mean he was convicted for rape.

Now it is telling how the family values right support a man like Trump... It tell me so much about you and how you love infidelity as long as it is done by a GOP and not someone on the left...

Just goes to show that Trump supporters are all talk but when shown that their dear leader is a cheat and liar they run pointing at Clinton while screaming about what the Clinton's have done in the past...

Just sad and pathetic, and I hope Kasich win in N.H. and Cruz win in Iowa so the Trump Saga will be over!

No, he's a rapist, that used his power and influence, along with a complicit wife, who knew she stood NO CHANCE of being president if she divorced the prick, as any other SELF RESPECTING woman would have done! LOLOLOLOLO!!

Bet saying President Trump makes you choke....GOOD!
If Clinton is a rapist, Trump is a rapist.

Wow. That made no sense what so ever.

Trump's ex-wife and mother of his child accused him of rape in a court deposition. Trump is the last human earth who should talk about Bill Clinton's character.

Granted, slick Willie is an adulterer whose conduct with women is disgusting, but Republican voters have no leg to stand on because they never condemn their own politicians for sexual misconduct.

If Vigilante ever once criticized his political leaders for their behavior, we'd be more inclined to take him seriously. But when he licks the boots of his own Dear Leader Rapist, we know he is full of shit.

This says you're full of shit! usual!

Ivana Trump: Donald didn't rape me — and he'd be a great ...
New York Post
Jul 29, 2015 - Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh ... Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.
The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.

“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.

What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.

“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”

Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.

“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

Why would anyone vote for a vicious man like this? Really sick. During divorce proceedings, Ivana swore under oath in her sworn deposition that Donald had raped her. She has since recanted - so was she lying then or is she lying now?
Shall we pull out some JUICY ONES from this NEW BOOK on the Clinton's?

Oh Lard!!!

First off I am commenting on the fact that Trump is the last person that should comment about anyone infidelity seeing he is a known cheat.

Next, what Bill Clinton has done in the past will not affect my vote seeing I am not voting for Hillary Clinton nor will I vote for Donald Trump.

Finally, it seem it upset you when someone point out the fact that Donald Trump is a cheat and lack moral standards, and you will use Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity when in fact if you were a true family values individual you would be shunning him and his hypocritical words...

Now rant away!

Just a LITTLE bitch slap, this time, bitch!

Ivana Trump: Donald didn't rape me — and he'd be a great ...
New York Post
Jul 29, 2015 - Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh ... Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.

Where did I write that Trump raped his ex-wife?

Maybe you should learn to read first and I used the word infidelity which is what you would use when you describe Trump that once humped Maples rump!

Now why do you support a man that lack such low morals?

I thought you were a family values type of voter, and if so and you support Trump tell me you really do not care about family values, and uses Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity while married to Ivana Trump!

Is INFIDELITY a CRIME, or as Blow Job did, is RAPE a crime?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

If a crime was committed where rape was involved and Bill Clinton was not convicted of the crime then that tell you how money and political power buys you your freedom.

Now seeing he was never convicted make your rape charge moot as can be, and yes he was impeached for lying to the Congress and was not convicted by the Senate still does not mean he was convicted for rape.

Now it is telling how the family values right support a man like Trump... It tell me so much about you and how you love infidelity as long as it is done by a GOP and not someone on the left...

Just goes to show that Trump supporters are all talk but when shown that their dear leader is a cheat and liar they run pointing at Clinton while screaming about what the Clinton's have done in the past...

Just sad and pathetic, and I hope Kasich win in N.H. and Cruz win in Iowa so the Trump Saga will be over!

No, he's a rapist, that used his power and influence, along with a complicit wife, who knew she stood NO CHANCE of being president if she divorced the prick, as any other SELF RESPECTING woman would have done! LOLOLOLOLO!!

Bet saying President Trump makes you choke....GOOD!

No, seeing you supporting a man like Trump make me laugh!

Trump is a dirty cheating piece of filth that is no better than Bill Clinton to me, but please support Trump, and when he loses I will blame you for giving us four to eight years of Hillary or Bernie!
If Clinton is a rapist, Trump is a rapist.

Wow. That made no sense what so ever.

Trump's ex-wife and mother of his child accused him of rape in a court deposition. Trump is the last human earth who should talk about Bill Clinton's character.

Granted, slick Willie is an adulterer whose conduct with women is disgusting, but Republican voters have no leg to stand on because they never condemn their own politicians for sexual misconduct.

If Vigilante ever once criticized his political leaders for their behavior, we'd be more inclined to take him seriously. But when he licks the boots of his own Dear Leader Rapist, we know he is full of shit.

This says you're full of shit! usual!

Ivana Trump: Donald didn't rape me — and he'd be a great ...
New York Post
Jul 29, 2015 - Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh ... Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.

Was she lying under oath when she accused him of rape - or is she lying now?
Is that all you leftist ass kisses have? I have a few more Clintonisms to use....

Just a LITTLE bitch slap, this time, bitch!

Ivana Trump: Donald didn't rape me — and he'd be a great ...
New York Post
Jul 29, 2015 - Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh ... Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.

Where did I write that Trump raped his ex-wife?

Maybe you should learn to read first and I used the word infidelity which is what you would use when you describe Trump that once humped Maples rump!

Now why do you support a man that lack such low morals?

I thought you were a family values type of voter, and if so and you support Trump tell me you really do not care about family values, and uses Clinton to excuse Trump infidelity while married to Ivana Trump!

Is INFIDELITY a CRIME, or as Blow Job did, is RAPE a crime?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

If a crime was committed where rape was involved and Bill Clinton was not convicted of the crime then that tell you how money and political power buys you your freedom.

Now seeing he was never convicted make your rape charge moot as can be, and yes he was impeached for lying to the Congress and was not convicted by the Senate still does not mean he was convicted for rape.

Now it is telling how the family values right support a man like Trump... It tell me so much about you and how you love infidelity as long as it is done by a GOP and not someone on the left...

Just goes to show that Trump supporters are all talk but when shown that their dear leader is a cheat and liar they run pointing at Clinton while screaming about what the Clinton's have done in the past...

Just sad and pathetic, and I hope Kasich win in N.H. and Cruz win in Iowa so the Trump Saga will be over!

No, he's a rapist, that used his power and influence, along with a complicit wife, who knew she stood NO CHANCE of being president if she divorced the prick, as any other SELF RESPECTING woman would have done! LOLOLOLOLO!!

Bet saying President Trump makes you choke....GOOD!

No, seeing you supporting a man like Trump make me laugh!

Trump is a dirty cheating piece of filth that is no better than Bill Clinton to me, but please support Trump, and when he loses I will blame you for giving us four to eight years of Hillary or Bernie!

You're no better than a filthy rotten piece of shit to me... guess that evens it out!
If Clinton is a rapist, Trump is a rapist.

Wow. That made no sense what so ever.

Trump's ex-wife and mother of his child accused him of rape in a court deposition. Trump is the last human earth who should talk about Bill Clinton's character.

Granted, slick Willie is an adulterer whose conduct with women is disgusting, but Republican voters have no leg to stand on because they never condemn their own politicians for sexual misconduct.

If Vigilante ever once criticized his political leaders for their behavior, we'd be more inclined to take him seriously. But when he licks the boots of his own Dear Leader Rapist, we know he is full of shit.

This says you're full of shit! usual!

Ivana Trump: Donald didn't rape me — and he'd be a great ...
New York Post
Jul 29, 2015 - Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh ... Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.

Was she lying under oath when she accused him of rape - or is she lying now?

Did Blow Job Clinton lie under oath, or is he lying now?

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