Trump: Some people would rather go to war with Russia than get along with Putin


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.
General Michael Hayden? Career military/appointed by Bush? An Obama lover?
Get real.
No one has ever said that.

No not directly they have not commented it but between the lines it is what they mean, essentially The Donald is a Traitor because he wants better American relations with Russia and since the 1950s The Military Industrial Complex has needed Russia to be the Perpetual Enemy, this in part to justify America's obscene amount of moneys given to The Military Industrial Complex. You have a BROKEN Healthcare System, you have a lot of America's Infrastructure that needs rebuilding, you do not give moneys to America's Domestic Priorities but you can spend TRILLIONS on gifts to The Military Industrial Complex.

They now want a Hot War with Russia, in part because the American Economy is not sustainable not with an 18 TRILLION Dollar debt, I think the full debt when taken into account everything else including American Business Debt and the American peoples' Personal Debt is approx 70 TRILLION Dollars, so it is all a house of cards that is collapsible at any time, it all is being keep artificially afloat, this though is unsustainable you cannot keep it artificially afloat forever.

They also want a Hot War with Russia because if America and Russia become friends, The Military Industrial Complex then sees no more Middle East Wars that are fought on behalf of Others and are not and have never been in America's best interest, so if America becomes friends with Russia the situation of Perpetual War diminishes.

The Democrats, the RINOs, the Neo-Conservatives and the MSM the ONLY time they ALL have NOT trashed The Donald but have PRAISED him and said NOW that was Presidential this was when he BOMBED Syria, also that period when he BOMBED Syria was the ONLY time since he took Office that the Democrats, the RINOs, the Neo-Conservatives and the MSM STOPPED babbling about Russia and Putin and The Donald and the 2016 Election.

This illustrates that the Democrats, the RINOs, the MSM and ESPECIALLY the Neo-Conservatives do NOT WANT Peace, they want WAR, they WANT Bombs dropping, The Military Industrial Complex created The Uni-Party they did this 1964, they had to get President John F. Kennedy out of the way because he was NOT for WAR he was for PEACE, they do NOT want PEACE they have NEVER wanted PEACE, they WANT Perpetual War and they WANT War with Russia they masturbate at the thought of BOMBING Russia and slaughtering MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of innocent peoples.

So what you get is this if you WANT Peace and NOT War you are a Traitor and a Russian Agent, if you WANT WAR and TENSION you are a Patriot, it's all fucked up Penelope, it's ALL fucked up. President Dwight Eisenhower in his last address as American President WARNED America what would happen if The Military Industrial Complex BECAME the American Government, his warning was ignored and look how many Wars both Covert and Overt that America has been involved in since 1965 and you have WON ZERO of them, this is because you are NOT meant to WIN them because the aim is Perpetual War.

EG. You have been in Afghanistan for nearly SEVENTEEN YEARS, that began October 1 2001, you have ZERO to show for SEVENTEEN YEARS, The Taliban is still in half control of Afghanistan, they still have daily suicide bombs, ALL you have to show for this SEVENTEEN YEARS is DEAD American soldiers and not a lot more than that.

The Military Industrial Complex with the Democrats, the RINO's, the Neo-Conservatives and the MSM WANT America in Hot Wars with Russia AND Iran, they BANG the WAR DRUM on a daily basis, so what are Americans going to do to prevent what will be a HORRIFIC mistake? A HORRIFIC mistake who's ramifications I do NOT even want to THINK about.
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No one has ever said that.
Republicans want surrender. Russia waged war on us and are continuing war with our ally, and Republicans want to sweep that under the rug because of the spite they hold for the victims of Russia’s crimes.
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.
General Michael Hayden? Career military/appointed by Bush? An Obama lover?
Get real.

It is not Black and White, it is not as simplistic as X appointed by GWB, Y appointed by Obama so they cannot be connected.

They are all part of the same Inter Connected Military Industrial Complex, they ARE the American Government they pull the strings regardless of whether a Democrat or a Republican is in the Oval Office, this is why externally they was no difference between GWB and Obama, Obama was BOMBING some nation for nearly the entire eight years he was in Office, Obama bombed seven nations or had some type of military situation happening in those nations.
No one has ever said that.
Republicans want surrender. Russia waged war on us and are continuing war with our ally, and Republicans want to sweep that under the rug because of the spite they hold for the victims of Russia’s crimes.
what about the spite people have in other countries for the harm we cause them with our interference and policies?
No one has ever said that.
Republicans want surrender. Russia waged war on us and are continuing war with our ally, and Republicans want to sweep that under the rug because of the spite they hold for the victims of Russia’s crimes.
what about the spite people have in other countries for the harm we cause them with our interference and policies?
What about them? Are you suddenly pretending to care?
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.

No one has ever said that.
Republicans want surrender. Russia waged war on us and are continuing war with our ally, and Republicans want to sweep that under the rug because of the spite they hold for the victims of Russia’s crimes.

What absolute hypocrisy on all levels.

America has interfered in MORE elections in Sovereign Nations than ANY other nation on this planet, if a leader is not going to be a Vassal of Washington DC then America either funds his Opposition or gets the CIA to do a Sponsored Coup or gets the CIA to just assassinate whoever stands in the way of a Pro-American Puppet being installed as leader.

America in that definition of War America has waged War on 80 nations then since 1953, from the Kermit Roosevelt CIA lead overthrow of the Democratically elected leader of Iran in 1953, to the CIA sponsored assassination in 1961 of Patrice Lumumba the first Democratically elected leader of The Congo, to the CIA sponsored overthrow in Chile of Salvador Allende to Bill Clinton bombing Baby Milk Factories, to Madeleine Albright saying that 500,000 DEAD IRAQI CHILDREN was worth it, to the POINTLESS invasion of Iraq by GWB and his Lapdog Tony Blair, to Obama destroying Libya etc.
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.
Doesn't mean we should, "ditch our allies".
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.

View attachment 205730

There is a Former FBI man named Philip Mudd on my NewsFeed the other day appeared a link to him being interviewed on I think CNN and Mudd said "when are the Shadow Government going to DO something about Trump?"

Of course the Kool Aid Drinkers INSIST there is no such THING as The Deep State, so WTF is The Shadow Government then that Philip Mudd refers to?
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.
Doesn't mean we should, "ditch our allies".
Trump seems to be taking on our allies and trying to make friends with our enemies. I can see both sides on this.
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.
Doesn't mean we should, "ditch our allies".

You have NO Allies, what you have are Sycophantic Vassals who do what America wants or ELSE, what you have are COWARDS who are AFRAID to tell America NO, the British are the ultimate example of this since the 1950s, they have Little Man Syndrome, they lost their ENTIRE Empire and were reduced to a little island the ONLY reason anyone listens to anything the British comment still is that they have a seat on the UN General Assembly and are a member of NATO. WTF the British couldn't even do The Falklands Wars WITHOUT behind the scenes Ronald Reagan and America ASSISTING them.

They vote for Brexit but the British Establishment CANNOT allow Brexit because they know the British Economy would collapse, they CANNOT go it alone, they always NEED something to help prop them up and that's the EU Economically and America to boost their self esteem and allow them to think that the Little Man has a big dick.
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.

View attachment 205730

There is a Former FBI man named Philip Mudd on my NewsFeed the other day appeared a link to him being interviewed on I think CNN and Mudd said "when are the Shadow Government going to DO something about Trump?"

Of course the Kool Aid Drinkers INSIST there is no such THING as The Deep State, so WTF is The Shadow Government then that Philip Mudd refers to?
the bureaucracy? day to day management is still necessary.
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.
Doesn't mean we should, "ditch our allies".
Trump seems to be taking on our allies and trying to make friends with our enemies. I can see both sides on this.
it should not be at the expense of our allies.
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.
Doesn't mean we should, "ditch our allies".
Trump seems to be taking on our allies and trying to make friends with our enemies. I can see both sides on this.

OUR Ally is certainly not someone like Merkel OR Macron, both of them her ESPECIALLY are doing and have been doing their best to destabilise this Continent with the Open Door Invite to ALL the waste from The Third World to come on in, WE consider THEM Our Enemy, we do NOT consider The Donald our enemy, that he went into those recent meetings like a Wrecking Ball was what we wanted, we WANT the Existing Order DESTROYED if it's not we are not going to survive, we do NOT want 300 MILLION Sub Saharan Africans invading this Continent as Muh Refugees or Muh Economic Migrants, this is the figure 300 MILLION that the UN has said by 2026 will ALL want to come to this Continent.

NOT FUCKING HAPPENING, IF they EVEN THINK about it we are going to start killing them. Period.
Following his seemingly enforced ‘clarification’ of comments made about US intelligence agencies at the Helsinki press conference, President Trump fired off a tweet storm Wednesday morning, declaring that “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin.”

Trump: ‘Some People Would Rather Go To War With Russia Than Get Along With Putin’

Well of course the only ones who can't see it are those who are brainwashed severely. Those would be your Obama and Clinton lovers. They can't see past their MSM bs story tellers lol.
Doesn't mean we should, "ditch our allies".
Trump seems to be taking on our allies and trying to make friends with our enemies. I can see both sides on this.

OUR Ally is certainly not someone like Merkel OR Macron, both of them her ESPECIALLY are doing and have been doing their best to destabilise this Continent with the Open Door Invite to ALL the waste from The Third World to come on in, WE consider THEM Our Enemy, we do NOT consider The Donald our enemy, that he went into those recent meetings like a Wrecking Ball was what we wanted, we WANT the Existing Order DESTROYED if it's not we are not going to survive, we do NOT want 300 MILLION Sub Saharan Africans invading this Continent as Muh Refugees or Muh Economic Migrants, this is the figure 300 MILLION that the UN has said by 2026 will ALL want to come to this Continent.

NOT FUCKING HAPPENING, IF they EVEN THINK about it we are going to start killing them. Period.
just right wing, fake news. we should be Making money on public policies not Losing money on public policies. Only lousy capitalists, do that.

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