Trump speaks unscripted to press at CPAC

Trump is the only pro-America President we've had in 20 years and foreign leaders fear him. Look what having a weak, bumbling President has done in only one year. Wake up, this is not partisan squabbling, this is serious.

I don't even care which party they are in, all I want is a president and administration that loves America and cares about what happens to it. I just want someone that for once wants America to be strong and smart, independent, responsible, productive, doesn't tolerate criminals, wants a a secure border and wants us to be proud of America and have the "American dream" again.

That's all I want.
I would rather have a rough unpolished trump speaking his mind than a blow-dried, focus group tested smooth politician
Or an amphetamine pumped up president like Joe Biden that still struggles with reading a prompter and
who is dragging a loaded up Depends around with him.
I don't even care which party they are in, all I want is a president and administration that loves America and cares about what happens to it. I just want someone that for once wants America to be strong and smart, independent, responsible, productive, doesn't tolerate criminals, wants a a secure border and wants us to be proud of America and have the "American dream" again.

That's all I want.
Trump clearly doesn’t love the country. He’s constantly bad mouthing the country.
Imagine Biden trying to speak unscripted for five minutes. He can't recite one famous sentence without fucking it up

Trump wants revenge against Ukraine because he was impeached for his attempted extortion.
You mean the one that Zelensky himself exonerated Trump on?

Zelensky: “I was never leveraged or bribed.”

Filthy TDS Lib: “But but but….Adam (Pencil Neck Geek) Schiff and Nasty Beloni said it happened so therefore it did.”

Make up your minds, Putin-fluffers. Biden is responsible for the war or he is helpless. :heehee:
You are dense. He is responsible because he is helpless. That's how it works in the world. Bad guys take advantage of stupid and weak people.
Honestly, we on the other side felt president Trump's first year was pretty gawd awful disastrous from his dark inaugural speech onward....year one!

So really and truly, I don't think you can rule out it being partisan....viewed differently in the partisan eyes of the beholder (for the lack of a better term)

President Biden has had a lot thrown his way his first year...from the continual arrival of Central Americans, many kids under 18 without parents, to then Hatians trying to get here....especially after their catastrophic Earthquake in the wake of their President being assassinated ,

and of course... covid....the vaccines ...distribution and inoculation task...the never get vaccinated movement, to civil unrest between blacks and whites reaching a peak imho....

to taking over the administration without any knowledge of any thing from the Trump administration....biden and team got NO TRANSITION period, that has never happened to any president before...but thanks to Trump and (yeah), his Big Lie that the election was criminally stolen...b.s., so to make him an illegitimate president in all of Trump's followers eyes b.s....

And stupid antics going on amongst the democratic Congress critters and senators, bickering and division among those with eyes too big for their stomach, and the moderately conservative democrats, all on display, daily on the news....manchin this or Cinema that crapola....

Then Afghanistan withdrawal....there was both good and bad....but he was dealt a raw hand by the former....regardless, if he were a spry president, he would have noted that he would be given a raw hand by the former....he should have planned for it and found ways to avoid the bad situation he was in....left with only 2500 in military....and should have basically broken the Trump deal with the Taliban... again imo, at least do so and postponed it, until it was better planned.

And then the vaccines only working well to keep severe sickness and deaths from happening, but NOT so well in preventing infection and spreading.... that was a huge blow not expected right in time for Delta.

Then cyber ransome attacks by Russian criminals preventing fuel getting to eastern coastal states...

And this Russia and Ukraine issue now war thrown at him....

You know what, there's another 10 plus things to add to the above, that were thrown at president Biden his first year....

And writing some down has given me even more of the feeling that I should be greatful that it was Biden in office handling all of these fires, and not trump! It's given me a renewed appreciation for Biden and his admin. :)
You're real easy to please and definitely in the minority if all the opinion polls are to be believed.
And of course, nearly everything you named as obstacles for Joe were all made even more difficult
by Joe's fucked up handling of those problems.
I can't think of a single issue not made worse by Joe's bumbling error filled administration.

And, full circle, that's why Biden's approval ratings are in the toilet. Funny how that works.

People don't like incompetence. And Joe Biden.
You mean the one that Zelensky himself exonerated Trump on?

Zelensky: “I was never leveraged or bribed.”

Filthy TDS Lib: “But but but….Adam (Pencil Neck Geek) Schiff and Nasty Beloni said it happened so therefore it did.”

Thats the extent of your intellect?

You need to go swim in the kiddie pool with them
I gave that a "disagree" for an obvious reason. I agree with your sentiment that the mutt is a doofus!!!

The Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen. But you knew that.
thats funny cause what we've learned so far is theres enough proof of wrong doing and irregularities to possibly change the outcome,,

so that being a lie has been debunked,,

Try harder TDS’er
but hopefully he will find his voice when he is allowed to speak again by the lib media
That'll never happen. If Trump runs, I don't expect he will even be allowed to his own debates. I expect the Left to treat him far worse than 2020 as if he were the 2nd coming of Adolf Hitler.

our friend Mac1958 gets really pissed if we call lefties either one
That's because he is a communist puppet controlled by the proletariat.

Just calling them libs is not enough
Just calling them slimy pig snot dirt ball traitors is not enough.

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