Trump Spokesperson Says Obama Invaded Afghanistan. He Didn’t.

57 states you mental midget.

From the "most brilliant" democrook sociopath to get into the white house.

A meat puppet faggot.

Pat yourself on the back, it should be easy when your head is up your ass.

Pete, old boy, maybe you think that President Obama invaded Afghanistan in 2009 also? You 'Conservatives' are so damned dumb. Really, you hire a set of tits for a spokesman, and then try to defend her when she demonstrates her ignorance. And you also demonstrate that you are just as ignorant.
And who the fuck is Katrina Pierson anyway?

Who cares what she says?

We have democrook presidents, VP's, senators, candidates and ministry of propaganda apparatchiks on MSLSD etc.that say the most batshit stupid things, publish fake video, audio, and documents every motherfuckin day and the bed wetters will drool as their programing erases the information from whatever orifice constitutes their "mind". Then as the information is flushed they'll regurgitate something that sounds like BOOOSSSHHH.

Mindless tools each and every one.

Now clean the shit out of your panties, Petey boy, because it is actually more fun to play videos of Trump making a total ass of himself than it is show one of a pair of tits he hired doing that.

He was a state senator at the time.

A spokesperson for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has blamed President Barack Obama for invading Afghanistan ― a foreign policy decision he never made.

“Remember we weren’t even in Afghanistan by this time,” Katrina Pierson told CNN early Saturday. “Barack Obama went into Afghanistan creating another problem.”

“That was Obama’s war,” she declared later in the program, when asked to clarify if she meant Obama was responsible for its launch.

In fact, the invasion of Afghanistan took place in 2001 after the attacks on September 11 of that year. Obama was a state senator in Illinois at the time, moonlighting as a restaurant critic. Being president was nothing but a dream for him back then.

When he did end up in the White House in 2009, the war in Afghanistan was still going on. And Obama made ramping up U.S. presence there a central plank of his foreign policy platform during his campaign to be president. Too many resources had been spent on Iraq, he repeatedly argued, and not enough on the country from which al Qaeda actually planned the attacks.

Trump Spokesperson Says Obama Invaded Afghanistan. He Didn’t.

Katrina Pierson is a rabid Trump surrogate and spinner who frequently gets her facts wrong - when she isn't just flat out lying.

How can you be qualified to be a presidential candidate's spokesperson if you don't know anything about politics? Oh, she looks good, that's why she's qualified. Got it.
Like the WH Spokesman whose job it is to lue their asses off...seemingly...

I'll take the less-informed over the liar any day...

Who says she's not a liar too?

He was a state senator at the time.

A spokesperson for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has blamed President Barack Obama for invading Afghanistan ― a foreign policy decision he never made.

“Remember we weren’t even in Afghanistan by this time,” Katrina Pierson told CNN early Saturday. “Barack Obama went into Afghanistan creating another problem.”

“That was Obama’s war,” she declared later in the program, when asked to clarify if she meant Obama was responsible for its launch.

In fact, the invasion of Afghanistan took place in 2001 after the attacks on September 11 of that year. Obama was a state senator in Illinois at the time, moonlighting as a restaurant critic. Being president was nothing but a dream for him back then.

When he did end up in the White House in 2009, the war in Afghanistan was still going on. And Obama made ramping up U.S. presence there a central plank of his foreign policy platform during his campaign to be president. Too many resources had been spent on Iraq, he repeatedly argued, and not enough on the country from which al Qaeda actually planned the attacks.

Trump Spokesperson Says Obama Invaded Afghanistan. He Didn’t.

Katrina Pierson is a rabid Trump surrogate and spinner who frequently gets her facts wrong - when she isn't just flat out lying.

Look what can you expect from a Trump supporter, who obviously doesn't remember 9/11 or that the invasion happened under G.W. Bush--LOL

This is the typical mindset of a WOMAN Trump supporter.

You forgot he also
Funded ISIS
Armed ISIS
Trained ISIS
Protected ISIS
Gave them free access to Iraq
Facilitated the murder of thousands by ISIS
Warned them an attack by France/Russia was coming
Although this thread is about Katrina Pierson, Scottie Nell Hughes is another one of Trump's manure spreading nutjobs.

You have to remember that being ignorant of every aspect of reality is the one prerequisite to being a Trump supporter.
TRUMP: I am self funding and will hire the best people, not the biggest donors!
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You forgot he also
Funded ISIS
Armed ISIS
Trained ISIS
Protected ISIS
Gave them free access to Iraq
Facilitated the murder of thousands by ISIS
Warned them an attack by France/Russia was coming

Reagan armed the Taliban and told the CIA to train Bin Laden. That led to 9/11
Reagan and Bush Sr gave chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein which led to the First Iraq war.
Bush Started the 2nd Iraq War based on lies and the fact that al Qaeda wasn't even in Iraq, which started the war and created ISIS.
Your revisionist history sucks and is untrue, every problem in the middle east can be traced back to Republican incompetence.
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Nice diversion from Barry to Ronnie, but what I wrote is fact. (I have provided articles and links in the past to support.)

In Barry's obsession to redeem homself from his 'Red Line' debacle, he made a deal with the 'devil'. He began funding groups to fight Assad - to include ISIS. Leaked e-mails and other sources show he also armed them. He also had ISIS members trained, unwittingly in some cases.

When the coalition began fighting ISIS, he put Rules of Engagement in place that prevented aytacks on ISIS' black market oil facilities and program, which funded 0% of its terrorist the attack on Paris. After the attack on Paris, when French and Russian bombers were going to attack those facilities and the tanker trucks - finally ignoring Barry's stupid ROE - Barry had leaglets dropped to ISIS warning them the attack was coming. (Can you say 'Treason' for warning the enemy?)

ISIS could have been decimated before ever reaching their 1st target in Iraq had Barry listened to US generals and destroyed their mile-long convoys as they enteted Iraq. Instead he gave them a free pass, allowing them to enter and begin taking over territory that our military had liberated at great cost.

Not wanting to face this, of course, you tried to change the subject to blame Reagan for BARRY'S blunders....really? It's sad that any pointing out of his mistakes causes such an 'allergic' reaction from his followers, that they can not stand to admit he is capable, and responsible for, making mistakes.

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