Trump Spreads Confusion over the Entire Political Scene.

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Trump was willing to sign the $600 relief amount just to finally get some help for the people before Christmas but not when he saw all of the foreign aid and other pork packed one with a warm soul could have signed that nonsense...
Why aren't you asking a time like this our leaders would want to send 20 billion dollars to other nations for things unrelated to covid?....why aren't you peppering Pelosi with that question?....who is paying these or China?.....
None of your questions or issues are my issues but I'll ask whatever question you like. I'm a Canadian and I'm on the humourous end of the questions.

And the big question is of course on whether the R congress is going to back McConnell and their traditions or they will back Trump.
If any of this causes you to be angry then it's probably best if you don't try to answer.
If you are Canadian then why do you care?...aren't there boards dedicated to Canadian politics?...or have they successfully crushed free speech in Canada?....

But to answer your question since you asked nicely...

I don't see one bit of daylight between elected republicans and elected least not in things important to us....they may not have anything in common regarding policy....but they do have one very big thing in common...the "elected" part...they are all in the elected class and that they hold dear.....its like an unspoken pack between them.....
Yep the career lifers have one thing in common...they place themselves above all else.
Trump tried to get this through in August while your girl Nancy
blocked it. This would have been our 3rd round, instead of second.

If that's true then wouldn't it have been the Republicans who blocked it? Whatever, it's all the same to me. And there's no way of counterspinning the fact that McConnell's legs are missing below the knees!
Not if the President doesn't sign a bill.....and he may not sign anything without a reduction in pork to pay for the checks.
If that's true then wouldn't it have been the Republicans who blocked it? Whatever, it's all the same to me. And there's no way of counterspinning the fact that McConnell's legs are missing below the knees!
This is an article from August.
President Trump signed four executive orders on Saturday, granting Americans financial relief in a number of areas. However, the actions did not provide any funding for a second round of stimulus checks. To get those, Americans may have to wait for Congress to pass its much-debated relief package.
If you are Canadian then why do you care?...aren't there boards dedicated to Canadian politics?...or have they successfully crushed free speech in Canada?....

If you're suggesting that I shouldn't take part here then your request is absolutely and unconditionally DENIED!

But to answer your question since you asked nicely...

I don't see one bit of daylight between elected republicans and elected least not in things important to us....they may not have anything in common regarding policy....but they do have one very big thing in common...the "elected" part...they are all in the elected class and that they hold dear.....its like an unspoken pack between them.....

You must mean a 'pact' between them, but I can't answer further because you haven't said mention what is 'important to us'.

You've made your suggestion and now you're faced with needed to at least make a guess on whether the R's in congress are going to go with McC or Trump?

Suit yourself when you answer, if ever?
Trump tried to get this through in August while your girl Nancy
blocked it. This would have been our 3rd round, instead of second.

If that's true then wouldn't it have been the Republicans who blocked it? Whatever, it's all the same to me. And there's no way of counterspinning the fact that McConnell's legs are missing below the knees!
As they should be missing...the bill was a total disgrace...they spent more on foreign aid and fighting over the bill to pay for it three times over....

I wish they would stop....just open up the economy and let people go back to work...we will be better off using the money to pay down the debt...but I know people are hurting because of how long blue states have been closed up....

At least it has shined a light on foreign aid and the ridiculous idea of it...
Trump tried to get this through in August while your girl Nancy
blocked it. This would have been our 3rd round, instead of second.

If that's true then wouldn't it have been the Republicans who blocked it? Whatever, it's all the same to me. And there's no way of counterspinning the fact that McConnell's legs are missing below the knees!
Not if the President doesn't sign a bill.....and he may not sign anything without a reduction in pork to pay for the checks.
Good guess!
A very clever ploy by Trump to trade off the pork for 1400 bucks.

This would require cooperation by the Dem congress and the R congress.
Could it be that McC will try to save his carcass by agreeing to the 2000 bucks in exchange for the Dems' pork.
That would only require of the R's to drop their pork too?

You're actually on to something now! It requires a lot of imagination but it's as good as any other explanation.
Trump tried to get this through in August while your girl Nancy
blocked it. This would have been our 3rd round, instead of second.

If that's true then wouldn't it have been the Republicans who blocked it? Whatever, it's all the same to me. And there's no way of counterspinning the fact that McConnell's legs are missing below the knees!
Not if the President doesn't sign a bill.....and he may not sign anything without a reduction in pork to pay for the checks.
Good guess!
A very clever ploy by Trump to trade off the pork for 1400 bucks.

This would require cooperation by the Dem congress and the R congress.
Could it be that McC will try to save his carcass by agreeing to the 2000 bucks in exchange for the Dems' pork.
That would only require of the R's to drop their pork too?

You're actually on to something now! It requires a lot of imagination but it's as good as any other explanation.
Like I said, liberal pork for overseas stupidity should be the first to go. Pork for US projects can be considered to stay if the checks can be paid for.
Trump tried to get this through in August while your girl Nancy
blocked it. This would have been our 3rd round, instead of second.

If that's true then wouldn't it have been the Republicans who blocked it? Whatever, it's all the same to me. And there's no way of counterspinning the fact that McConnell's legs are missing below the knees!
Not if the President doesn't sign a bill.....and he may not sign anything without a reduction in pork to pay for the checks.
Good guess!
A very clever ploy by Trump to trade off the pork for 1400 bucks.

This would require cooperation by the Dem congress and the R congress.
Could it be that McC will try to save his carcass by agreeing to the 2000 bucks in exchange for the Dems' pork.
That would only require of the R's to drop their pork too?

You're actually on to something now! It requires a lot of imagination but it's as good as any other explanation.
I haven't heard of any republican pork in the bill...they only insisted on not bailing out blue states with an annual payment program like Pelosi asked for....I don't call that pork....but if you know of some tell us what it is....
right wingers are mad because republican politicians injected in a lot of their agenda into the bill to make it look like they are doing something for the people, while in reality they are trying to pay for a coup in venezuela, iron dome in israel, a military force in space, modernization of aircraft carriers...

one thing this covid helped right wingers to understand is the fact that;

in this system everybody is vulnerable...

safety nets are not communism, but good mechanisms that help the people...

the people that need these mechanisms are not "welfare queens"...

anyone can very easily become one of those unfortunate ones...

and we all have a responsibility against each other as human beings...

lets hope these are going to be remembered...
Like I said, liberal pork for overseas stupidity should be the first to go. Pork for US projects can be considered to stay if the checks can be paid for.

It's getting off-topic but I respectfully disagree that spending on overseas assistance by America is unnecessary. It's vitallly necessary that America try to continue to compete with China's humanitarian spending in a game of popularity.

For a glaring example: If America doesn't send truckloads of money to Israel, the Chinese will gladly pick up the slack.

But let's take that to the appropriate thread and stay on topic here.
Trump tried to get this through in August while your girl Nancy
blocked it. This would have been our 3rd round, instead of second.

If that's true then wouldn't it have been the Republicans who blocked it? Whatever, it's all the same to me. And there's no way of counterspinning the fact that McConnell's legs are missing below the knees!
Not if the President doesn't sign a bill.....and he may not sign anything without a reduction in pork to pay for the checks.
Good guess!
A very clever ploy by Trump to trade off the pork for 1400 bucks.

This would require cooperation by the Dem congress and the R congress.
Could it be that McC will try to save his carcass by agreeing to the 2000 bucks in exchange for the Dems' pork.
That would only require of the R's to drop their pork too?

You're actually on to something now! It requires a lot of imagination but it's as good as any other explanation.

-- OR --- and FAR more likely ---

A clever ploy by Democrats to embed pork as a trap to get Rump to call for the higher payments they wanted in the first place..
MSNBC host Chris Hayes, somebody who is a reliably superficial partisan Democrat, probably better understands the motivations of the infinitely superficial Trump far better than I. Anyway, he has speculated along this line:

The reason, the number one reason, there wasn’t a deal sooner, with a higher price tag, was that Trump *completely* ignored the entirety of the negotiations. It was always clear he could get a deal at a number closer to Pelosi’s if he actually cared and wanted to lean on Senate R’s. But he didn’t! Because he didn’t care. And post-election he has spent literally all of his political capital attempting to overturn American democracy. On that task he has been quite focused! There’s no official too low-level to lobby!

So why did he just decide to suddenly pay attention? I think the Occam’s razor is *to screw McConnell*. He’s pissed that McConnell acknowledged Biden’s victory and this is his revenge. The most stalwart opposition to $2000 checks is McConnell’s own caucus. This blows up McConnell’s deal and screws Loeffler and Purdue who’ve now been wrong footed.

Pelosi is right to call the bluff. Push as far as you can and force a showdown between Trump and McConnell because ultimately that’s a big battle that has to happen before this era ends.
right wingers are mad because republican politicians injected in a lot of their agenda into the bill to make it look like they are doing something for the people, while in reality they are trying to pay for a coup in venezuela, iron dome in israel, a military force in space, modernization of aircraft carriers...

Your issues are presented with a scattergun approach and that makes it hard to comment. Get on one issue at a time. Maybe the R's injected what you suggest into the bill?

one thing this covid helped right wingers to understand is the fact that;
in this system everybody is vulnerable...

Different topic.

safety nets are not communism, but good mechanisms that help the people...
the people that need these mechanisms are not "welfare queens"...
anyone can very easily become one of those unfortunate ones...
and we all have a responsibility against each other as human beings...
lets hope these are going to be remembered...

All excellent points that could form the basis of a new thread in this section.
It's easily explained in that Trump is asking for the $600 to be increased to $2000! This runs contrary to all traditional Republican principles and exactly in line with The wishes of the Democratic party.
Trump has cut McConnell's legs out from under him.

And so this calls for somehow determining Trump's motive.

The only motive I can offer is that Trump is making a country wide appeal to the people, based on what might be called need or even perhaps greed?

Right or wrong, according to political preferences, it's become a tactic that can be either a boost for Trump's populatiry, or it will be a backbreaker for Trump if the Republican party sees this as the last straw.

Does anybody have any better explanations for Trump's behaviour? Opinions?
Just sowing discord and chaos.
right wingers are mad because republican politicians injected in a lot of their agenda into the bill to make it look like they are doing something for the people, while in reality they are trying to pay for a coup in venezuela, iron dome in israel, a military force in space, modernization of aircraft carriers...

one thing this covid helped right wingers to understand is the fact that;

in this system everybody is vulnerable...

safety nets are not communism, but good mechanisms that help the people...

the people that need these mechanisms are not "welfare queens"...

anyone can very easily become one of those unfortunate ones...

and we all have a responsibility against each other as human beings...

lets hope these are going to be remembered...
Thats all lefty pork
Like I said, liberal pork for overseas stupidity should be the first to go. Pork for US projects can be considered to stay if the checks can be paid for.

It's getting off-topic but I respectfully disagree that spending on overseas assistance by America is unnecessary. It's vitallly necessary that America try to continue to compete with China's humanitarian spending in a game of popularity.

For a glaring example: If America doesn't send truckloads of money to Israel, the Chinese will gladly pick up the slack.

But let's take that to the appropriate thread and stay on topic here.
We arent talking on the topic of overseas spending, we are talking about a supposed Coronavirus relief bill. Overseas spending on that bill IS NOT necessary
MSNBC host Chris Hayes, somebody who is a reliably superficial partisan Democrat, probably better understands the motivations of the infinitely superficial Trump far better than I. Anyway, he has speculated along this line:

The reason, the number one reason, there wasn’t a deal sooner, with a higher price tag, was that Trump *completely* ignored the entirety of the negotiations. It was always clear he could get a deal at a number closer to Pelosi’s if he actually cared and wanted to lean on Senate R’s. But he didn’t! Because he didn’t care. And post-election he has spent literally all of his political capital attempting to overturn American democracy. On that task he has been quite focused! There’s no official too low-level to lobby!

So why did he just decide to suddenly pay attention? I think the Occam’s razor is *to screw McConnell*. He’s pissed that McConnell acknowledged Biden’s victory and this is his revenge. The most stalwart opposition to $2000 checks is McConnell’s own caucus. This blows up McConnell’s deal and screws Loeffler and Purdue who’ve now been wrong footed.

Pelosi is right to call the bluff. Push as far as you can and force a showdown between Trump and McConnell because ultimately that’s a big battle that has to happen before this era ends.
More libber baloney to go with the pork.
Does anybody have any better explanations for Trump's behaviour? Opinions?

Absolutely. But why waste the time explaining it to an idiot like you?

clear violation of the rules and you are reported...

spank me hard. It is also a rules violation to write inflammatory OPs. Trump is NOT spreading confusion, so the OP right off is violating the rules by spinning the issue towards an intended end.
MSNBC host Chris Hayes, somebody who is a reliably superficial partisan Democrat, probably better understands the motivations of the infinitely superficial Trump far better than I. Anyway, he has speculated along this line:

The reason, the number one reason, there wasn’t a deal sooner, with a higher price tag, was that Trump *completely* ignored the entirety of the negotiations. It was always clear he could get a deal at a number closer to Pelosi’s if he actually cared and wanted to lean on Senate R’s. But he didn’t! Because he didn’t care. And post-election he has spent literally all of his political capital attempting to overturn American democracy. On that task he has been quite focused! There’s no official too low-level to lobby!

So why did he just decide to suddenly pay attention? I think the Occam’s razor is *to screw McConnell*. He’s pissed that McConnell acknowledged Biden’s victory and this is his revenge. The most stalwart opposition to $2000 checks is McConnell’s own caucus. This blows up McConnell’s deal and screws Loeffler and Purdue who’ve now been wrong footed.

Pelosi is right to call the bluff. Push as far as you can and force a showdown between Trump and McConnell because ultimately that’s a big battle that has to happen before this era ends.

About as good an explanation as it gets Tom. personally, I would have preferred that Chris Hayes just went directly to the theory of 'Screwing McConnell'. Although I do understand that an explanation by Hayes is necessary for his audience.
Trump truly is as low as is suggested.

Do you completely reject the idea that Trump is looking for personal popularity gain with this gift of money to the people? That's a pretty difficult concept to throw out. Right or wrong on that, I would suggest that it will have the suggested effect on a lot of people. Even though it's not going to change Trump's fortunes and make him the president again.

It will cause a bigger fight for Trump and a lot more hurt for everybody.
-- OR --- and FAR more likely ---

A clever ploy by Democrats to embed pork as a trap to get Rump to call for the higher payments they wanted in the first place..
If anyone uses reverse psychology it's Trump on the Democrats.
If he said legalize marijuana, Democrats would start funding the prison industry lobbyists to stop him.
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