Trump Spreads Confusion over the Entire Political Scene.

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Trump is just grandstanding. He is on his way out and wants to be relevant. Yet he easily attacks democrats and even republicans. He does have a knack for making enemies. Washington knows he is irrelevant and they will do what they always have done. Attach pet projects of politicians to a bill that will pass. If Trump does a veto then they seem to have enough pork in the bill to over ride the veto. The finally slap in the face or a final boot to the former president. No one is listening, well his supporters may be listening.
Yep those lifer leeches on both sides hate the threat that Trump poses. As for grandstanding, thats funny since your Wicked Witch of the West is the Queen of Grandstanding. That foreign pork needs to be replaced with funding for the increased check amounts.
Trump is not a threat. he will put on a show but it is still irrelevant.
Hmmm lots of effort into getting rid of him by the lifers though....
I suggest going to YouTube and spend an hour watching any of Trump’s campaign speeches or interviews where he attacks both parties.
I doubt you will do so.

Your request is denied until you can provide a link.
Go to YouTube and search for "donald trump speech 2016"
Every specch was the same...MAGA.

The guy just admitted he's never watched a single Trump rally, knows nothing of the real guy and won't even bother looking unless you place it in his hand! This is the OP of a Trump thread?

No Liberal has ever watched a candidates or politicians speeches or interviews, they just vote by letter.
I can't stand ideologues that try to convince other that they are politically savvy.
It's more like that are politically sorry.
After four years, what part don't you get that Trump IS NOT A REPUBLICAN? He is a MAGA Trumpian. He only ran as a republican because that was the better choice than a democrat. Or did you miss how unpopular and opposed he was (and often still is) by many in the GOP?

I get it now that it's become necessary to invent an excuse for what Trump has done.
What would be your reaction if it was Biden calling for $2000? Would you be as equally upset?

As a Canadian I couldn't give a fk. Why would I?

It's almost like YOU ARE MAD because Trump is doing something you are finding hard to criticize or not like after spending four years telling yourself how terrible he was!

Trump wasn't terrible from my POV. He was involved for 4 years in destroying America's credibility and allowing China to boost it's own credibility by taking a more palatable and peaceful position on global relations. If you've missed my frequent remarks on Biden being the same establishment mess as Trump is then you haven't been paying attention.

As with all other Americans who don't pay attention and choose to spam the forum, I am putting you on probation, which will lead to you being ignored if you don't buck up. Final warning. Talking to a Canadian is a privilege you have to earn and nurture carefully.
After four years, what part don't you get that Trump IS NOT A REPUBLICAN? He is a MAGA Trumpian. He only ran as a republican because that was the better choice than a democrat. Or did you miss how unpopular and opposed he was (and often still is) by many in the GOP?

I get it now that it's become necessary to invent an excuse for what Trump has done.
What would be your reaction if it was Biden calling for $2000? Would you be as equally upset?

As a Canadian I couldn't give a fk. Why would I?

It's almost like YOU ARE MAD because Trump is doing something you are finding hard to criticize or not like after spending four years telling yourself how terrible he was!

Trump wasn't terrible from my POV. He was involved for 4 years in destroying America's credibility and allowing China to boost it's own credibility by taking a more palatable and peaceful position on global relations. If you've missed my frequent remarks on Biden being the same establishment mess as Trump is then you haven't been paying attention.

As with all other Americans who don't pay attention and choose to spam the forum, I am putting you on probation, which will lead to you being ignored if you don't buck up. Final warning. Talking to a Canadian is a privilege you have to earn and nurture carefully.
Why fret?
You have the most powerful military in the world protecting your borders.
Go to YouTube and search for "donald trump speech 2016"
Every specch was the same...MAGA.

I regret to tell you that your request is again denied.
Reason: you haven't provided the link I requested. Please do so as soon as possible.
Go to YouTube and search for "donald trump speech 2016"
Every specch was the same...MAGA.

I regret to tell you that your request is again denied.
Reason: you haven't provided the link I requested. Please do so as soon as possible.
Here's my response as TooFreak already pointed out...
You have already admitted you have never watched Trump for more than 1.2 seconds and know nothing about him.
Therefore, I regret to tell you that you are irrelevant to any discussion regard Trump.
Here's my response as TooFreak already pointed out...
You have already admitted you have never watched Trump for more than 1.2 seconds and know nothing about him.
Therefore, I regret to tell you that you are irrelevant to any discussion regard Trump.

I regret to inform you that your request has once again been denied. Please provide the link as requested.
Here's my response as TooFreak already pointed out...
You have already admitted you have never watched Trump for more than 1.2 seconds and know nothing about him.
Therefore, I regret to tell you that you are irrelevant to any discussion regard Trump.

I regret to inform you that your request has once again been denied. Please provide the link as requested.
I regret to inform you that your inability to perform a search and select any of the videos that pop up render you as having a lower IQ and attention span than you are attempting to relay to anyone who disagrees with you.
I will not put you on Ignore but will Ignore you until you eventually post something that has even a hint that you are presenting facts along with your opinion.
Your request is denied until you can provide a link.
No Liberal has ever watched a candidates or politicians speeches or interviews, they just vote by letter.
I can't stand ideologues that try to convince other that they are politically savvy.
It's more like that are politically sorry.

The worse ones then try to tell you how misinformed, uneducated and brainwashed you are and invent threads thinly disguised as looking for sincerely open discussion of a topic all the while wanting to filter and steer it to a desired outcome.

If any of these kooks really thought they had beaten Trump at the polls or in the hearts of so many voters, why are they all still fighting with their Inner Trump Demon (ITD)?

And watch now: calling them out and exposing them to the light of truth REALLY triggers the snowflakes.
Here's my response as TooFreak already pointed out...
You have already admitted you have never watched Trump for more than 1.2 seconds and know nothing about him.
Therefore, I regret to tell you that you are irrelevant to any discussion regard Trump.
I regret to inform you that your request has once again been denied. Please provide the link as requested.

^^ ^^ ^^ I wonder who puts the pants on for the OP every morning? Apparently he can't not only do a YouTube Search but has never clicked on and viewed any of the THOUSANDS of Trump rally and interview videos posted here! Do you suppose that disqualifies him to even start a Trump thread?

Trump is so deep in his head he even named himself DONALD!

^^ ^^ ^^ I wonder who puts the pants on for the OP every morning? Apparently he can't not only do a YouTube Search but has never clicked on and viewed any of the THOUSANDS of Trump rally and interview videos posted here! Do you suppose that disqualifies him to even start a Trump thread?

Trump is so deep in his head he even named himself DONALD!

Request is once again denied because no link has been provided. Please supply the appropriate link as soon as possible.
Request is once again denied

You hearing voices in your head now too? Cause I don't see anyone requesting anything of you! :21:

Better get back on your Melaril and Ektrafon Forte.

Folks are TELLING you.

You want it, you go find it. No one here works for you.
Trump is just grandstanding. He is on his way out and wants to be relevant. Yet he easily attacks democrats and even republicans. He does have a knack for making enemies. Washington knows he is irrelevant and they will do what they always have done. Attach pet projects of politicians to a bill that will pass. If Trump does a veto then they seem to have enough pork in the bill to over ride the veto. The finally slap in the face or a final boot to the former president. No one is listening, well his supporters may be listening.
Yep those lifer leeches on both sides hate the threat that Trump poses. As for grandstanding, thats funny since your Wicked Witch of the West is the Queen of Grandstanding. That foreign pork needs to be replaced with funding for the increased check amounts.
Trump is not a threat. he will put on a show but it is still irrelevant.
Hmmm lots of effort into getting rid of him by the lifers though....

Elections are always an effort put out by both sides. Unfortunately there can only be one.
It's easily explained in that Trump is asking for the $600 to be increased to $2000! This runs contrary to all traditional Republican principles and exactly in line with The wishes of the Democratic party.
Trump has cut McConnell's legs out from under him.

And so this calls for somehow determining Trump's motive.

The only motive I can offer is that Trump is making a country wide appeal to the people, based on what might be called need or even perhaps greed?

Right or wrong, according to political preferences, it's become a tactic that can be either a boost for Trump's populatiry, or it will be a backbreaker for Trump if the Republican party sees this as the last straw.

Does anybody have any better explanations for Trump's behaviour? Opinions?
Trump understands that We The People have suffered greatly under this mostly Democrat driven shut down. To give traunches of money to foreign entities, millions for useless pork and label it COVID relief is an insult in itself, not to mention the downright slap in the face Pelosi gave saying to US $600 was enough. The Democrats are so far removed from the pulse of the American People and immersed in the DC swamp they have completely lost touch with reality.
Trump is just grandstanding. He is on his way out and wants to be relevant. Yet he easily attacks democrats and even republicans. He does have a knack for making enemies. Washington knows he is irrelevant and they will do what they always have done. Attach pet projects of politicians to a bill that will pass. If Trump does a veto then they seem to have enough pork in the bill to over ride the veto. The finally slap in the face or a final boot to the former president. No one is listening, well his supporters may be listening.
Yep those lifer leeches on both sides hate the threat that Trump poses. As for grandstanding, thats funny since your Wicked Witch of the West is the Queen of Grandstanding. That foreign pork needs to be replaced with funding for the increased check amounts.
Trump is not a threat. he will put on a show but it is still irrelevant.
Hmmm lots of effort into getting rid of him by the lifers though....

Elections are always an effort put out by both sides. Unfortunately there can only be one.
But lifers understand the least dangerous to their scams is of course another lifer. The President upended that gravy train.
It's easily explained in that Trump is asking for the $600 to be increased to $2000! This runs contrary to all traditional Republican principles and exactly in line with The wishes of the Democratic party.
Trump has cut McConnell's legs out from under him.

And so this calls for somehow determining Trump's motive.

The only motive I can offer is that Trump is making a country wide appeal to the people, based on what might be called need or even perhaps greed?

Right or wrong, according to political preferences, it's become a tactic that can be either a boost for Trump's populatiry, or it will be a backbreaker for Trump if the Republican party sees this as the last straw.

Does anybody have any better explanations for Trump's behaviour? Opinions?

Pretty simple
He wants Americans to benefit not Foreigners
Kinda like his whole Presidency.
It's easily explained in that Trump is asking for the $600 to be increased to $2000! This runs contrary to all traditional Republican principles and exactly in line with The wishes of the Democratic party.
Trump has cut McConnell's legs out from under him.

And so this calls for somehow determining Trump's motive.

The only motive I can offer is that Trump is making a country wide appeal to the people, based on what might be called need or even perhaps greed?

Right or wrong, according to political preferences, it's become a tactic that can be either a boost for Trump's populatiry, or it will be a backbreaker for Trump if the Republican party sees this as the last straw.

Does anybody have any better explanations for Trump's behaviour? Opinions?
Trump is not playing politics.
He cares.
Is that so hard to believe ?

He cares! He doesn't care for Republican's traditional agenda as upheld by McConnell because he cares for the people more. I can buy into that, even though it's a complete 180! Sort of a Christmas gift 180 by Trump?

It's possible but the huge compromise points a little more likely to it being an attempt to buy the people with the additional 1400 bucks. But thanks for the idea!

How is it a 180 ?
Trump has said from the start he wanted help for the people....$600 is not help....its a slap in the face....but what Trump could not sign onto was all of the pork shoved into the bill in the dark of made between the senate and the house that Trumps team had no knowledge of until the bill arrived on his desk....
Excellent! You're saying that Trump has had an Ebeneezer Scrouge kind of awakening and he's rejected all his ideals of Republican priorities and adopted a mindset of sharing and caring.

I know the fake news agencies even FOX are claiming Trumps team negotiated the deal which they did but they were not a part of the pork deal...that was between the two houses.....

Is it imaginative enough to capture the hearts of the American people in the same way it's captured your heart?

Do you have any feelings for McConnell who has just had his legs cut out from under him by Trump?
Will the Republican party rally behind McConnell or Trump?

It seems that they're going to have to make a choice and guessing on what that choice will be is the fun we can have on this thread.

You're coming across as a bit of an idiot
Is that by design?
He cares! He doesn't care for Republican's traditional agenda as upheld by McConnell because he cares for the people more. I can buy into that, even though it's a complete 180! Sort of a Christmas gift 180 by Trump?

It's possible but the huge compromise points a little more likely to it being an attempt to buy the people with the additional 1400 bucks. But thanks for the idea!
Why does Trump need to "buy people" ?
Us who support him are already sold and you who hate him
obviously have already sold out.

Unless you believe that big tech and big media are on the up and up, and not 100% in bed with the DNC. (and China)
You're quite wrong in thinking I hate Trump. I've said many times that I prefer him on US foreign policy over Biden and the Dem hawks. And so obviously no leftist like me could ever be opposed to Trump's move to give the people 1400 more bucks!

It's just that it flies directly in the face of the Republican party and cuts the legs right out from under McConnell. Do you think the left isn't laughing their a--es off over this?

The reason why Trump has to buy people is obviously because over 80 million of them aren't on his side. That is, assuming that those voters are real voters and not just phony ballots? Is that safe to say? LOL

Roughly half of the country fully supports President Trump
Much higher percentage outside of the large urban ghettos.
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