Trump starting the Freedom Social Network?

Go for it. That stench will follow you no matter what you do. And I hate to break it to Trump's runoff, you've already been broken. The more you rail and flop, the harder the eventual pounding will be. :)
Haha...yeah, yeah....You silly Marxists always forget one small is “Trumpsters” who own 400 million firearms....hahaha
The FBI and Homeland Security will be tuned in, no doubt.

Dangerous stuff.
Zero in on the Nutters Network.
This was inevitable, anyway. Twitter shutting him down was only going to open up a door somewhere else.

We'll still be able to see what Trumpsters are saying and thinking, what absurd conspiracies they're buying, and what attacks they may be planning.

Sounds good.


They are going to have to build everything from scratch.... Those other social media networks will make it difficult for them.

Where are they going to get advertisers? They might get a few but nothing serious....

How are they going to monetise the platform?

Lastly, how are they going to prevent attacks? This network is going to be seriously attacked...
The FBI and Homeland Security will be tuned in, no doubt.

Dangerous stuff.
Zero in on the Nutters Network.
This was inevitable, anyway. Twitter shutting him down was only going to open up a door somewhere else.

We'll still be able to see what Trumpsters are saying and thinking, what absurd conspiracies they're buying, and what attacks they may be planning.

Sounds good.


They are going to have to build everything from scratch.... Those other social media networks will make it difficult for them.

Where are they going to get advertisers? They might get a few but nothing serious....

How are they going to monetise the platform?

Lastly, how are they going to prevent attacks? This network is going to be seriously attacked...
They're in full domestic terrorist mode now. So maybe it will be funded by contributions and Trump's slush fund.

They're at war.
Saw this posted on twitter, from Parler apparently. I can't vouche for it other than to say the person who posted it stated it was from Don Jrs account on that site (which I am not a member of).

If this is true, it's going to drastically impact Twitter overnight and give Trump a great amount of power to get his message out.

If I were them I'd use a foreign carrier, since many in America have become obedient to a few too many alt-left sympathizers.

View attachment 440861

A Trump social network will have nothing to do with freedom.
The FBI and Homeland Security will be tuned in, no doubt.

Dangerous stuff.
Zero in on the Nutters Network.
This was inevitable, anyway. Twitter shutting him down was only going to open up a door somewhere else.

We'll still be able to see what Trumpsters are saying and thinking, what absurd conspiracies they're buying, and what attacks they may be planning.

Sounds good.


They are going to have to build everything from scratch.... Those other social media networks will make it difficult for them.

Where are they going to get advertisers? They might get a few but nothing serious....

How are they going to monetise the platform?

Lastly, how are they going to prevent attacks? This network is going to be seriously attacked...’s always about money with you greedy socialists.
No advertisers or monetization required. Just a small monthly subscription fee of $9.99.....Gee, numbers guy Mac1958 what is $9.99 x 74,000,000?
I am a believer in the first amendment and the right of free speech. That being said inciting a riot and that's what happened is like crying fire in a crowed theater and there should be consequences for Trump. Banning him isn't the answere but fact checking all his posts and marking the ones that are not factual and can be proven as false and if they are truly incindary then delete them. Trump doesn't concern me because he fractured the republican party and if enough Americans both Democrats and Republicans who are not cult members of DON the con and demanded the abolishment of the electoral college, we would never have a minority president like Trump was. Unfortunately there will always be rubes that will drink his kool Aid.
You mother fuckers have been promoting riots for years now. STFU turd.
I see you have a great command of the English language. If you can't come up with a cogent retort to my post why don't you go back to school and get educated.
If you’re too dumb to understand what I said I’m not the problem. But we knew that already.
No unfortunately you are the one is who is dumb and the plural we is included. After reading my post you came to the conclusion that I support people who loot and start fires. I can insure I don't but peaceful protest like the BLM protest at the church near the capitol where they used tear gas to disperse the protesters so Trump could get a Photo op and hold a bible which he probably knows nothing about what's inside it. The looters and fire starters, along with the rioters who stormed the capital all need to be held accountable and where applicable serve jail time or maybe do community service. If you think you are a true conservative and you supported a president who isn't a conservative just an egotistical liar who craves attention and admiration then shame on you.
I am a believer in the first amendment and the right of free speech. That being said inciting a riot and that's what happened is like crying fire in a crowed theater and there should be consequences for Trump. Banning him isn't the answere but fact checking all his posts and marking the ones that are not factual and can be proven as false and if they are truly incindary then delete them. Trump doesn't concern me because he fractured the republican party and if enough Americans both Democrats and Republicans who are not cult members of DON the con and demanded the abolishment of the electoral college, we would never have a minority president like Trump was. Unfortunately there will always be rubes that will drink his kool Aid.
You mother fuckers have been promoting riots for years now. STFU turd.
I see you have a great command of the English language. If you can't come up with a cogent retort to my post why don't you go back to school and get educated.
If you’re too dumb to understand what I said I’m not the problem. But we knew that already.
No unfortunately you are the one is who is dumb and the plural we is included. After reading my post you came to the conclusion that I support people who loot and start fires. I can insure I don't but peaceful protest like the BLM protest at the church near the capitol where they used tear gas to disperse the protesters so Trump could get a Photo op and hold a bible which he probably knows nothing about what's inside it. The looters and fire starters, along with the rioters who stormed the capital all need to be held accountable and where applicable serve jail time or maybe do community service. If you think you are a true conservative and you supported a president who isn't a conservative just an egotistical liar who craves attention and admiration then shame on you.
The church they tried to set on fire? Dumbass.
I am a believer in the first amendment and the right of free speech. That being said inciting a riot and that's what happened is like crying fire in a crowed theater and there should be consequences for Trump. Banning him isn't the answere but fact checking all his posts and marking the ones that are not factual and can be proven as false and if they are truly incindary then delete them. Trump doesn't concern me because he fractured the republican party and if enough Americans both Democrats and Republicans who are not cult members of DON the con and demanded the abolishment of the electoral college, we would never have a minority president like Trump was. Unfortunately there will always be rubes that will drink his kool Aid.
You mother fuckers have been promoting riots for years now. STFU turd.
I see you have a great command of the English language. If you can't come up with a cogent retort to my post why don't you go back to school and get educated.
If you’re too dumb to understand what I said I’m not the problem. But we knew that already.
No unfortunately you are the one is who is dumb and the plural we is included. After reading my post you came to the conclusion that I support people who loot and start fires. I can insure I don't but peaceful protest like the BLM protest at the church near the capitol where they used tear gas to disperse the protesters so Trump could get a Photo op and hold a bible which he probably knows nothing about what's inside it. The looters and fire starters, along with the rioters who stormed the capital all need to be held accountable and where applicable serve jail time or maybe do community service. If you think you are a true conservative and you supported a president who isn't a conservative just an egotistical liar who craves attention and admiration then shame on you.
The church they tried to set on fire? Dumbass.
No they didn't, you got your facts wrong as usual. By the way even at my old age of 80 if both of us were given a MENSA test you wouldn't have a chance because you are a raving moron.
Good. Have fun with it. Who's funding this?

I don't know, but I wish I had the coin to do so under his banner.

75M supporters and then the stupid fascists in Big Tech gave him a gift in banning him. How stupid can these morons be? They just gave him the reason to start one, and, the followers to remain loyal.
Facebook will be reduced to a Cat photo gallery, and a place to go at Christmas to say "Hi" to your Granma.
Censorship breeds radicalism.
For me it already is.

Has been 4eva!!! 'cept I hate cats.......

The FBI and Homeland Security will be tuned in, no doubt.

Dangerous stuff.
Zero in on the Nutters Network.
This was inevitable, anyway. Twitter shutting him down was only going to open up a door somewhere else.

We'll still be able to see what Trumpsters are saying and thinking, what absurd conspiracies they're buying, and what attacks they may be planning.

Sounds good.


They are going to have to build everything from scratch.... Those other social media networks will make it difficult for them.

Where are they going to get advertisers? They might get a few but nothing serious....

How are they going to monetise the platform?

Lastly, how are they going to prevent attacks? This network is going to be seriously attacked...’s always about money with you greedy socialists.
No advertisers or monetization required. Just a small monthly subscription fee of $9.99.....Gee, numbers guy Mac1958 what is $9.99 x 74,000,000?

Look up why NRA TV failed....

Christian Evangelists make money because they are pretty sure that God is coming down and tell them that this guy asking you to sent you money is a fraud and he doesn't need a second private jet..

Trump TV might have a chance but the big problem is no one is paying $10 a month unless it has huge high end content... Trump can't get a few high end lawyers...

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