Trump starts his rally with Melania reciting the Lords comes the alt-left meltdown!

Smart move by Trump to open up his act with his beautiful trophy wife to get his angry white man supporters all worked up.
Jesus Christ is the God of Israel. He is the God Moses wrote about, the God who Jacob wrestled with, the God who visited Abraham, the LORD Isaiah and Malachi wrote of, the fourth man in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Jesus Christ is the LORD. He the One Hebrew Prophets prophesied about. Show some respect, Guno.
Not all Jews respect these things. Karl Marx, for example.
Karl Marx was a Communist and a Satanist (see Richard Wurmbrand's book, "Marx & Satan.") You cannot be a Communist / Satanist and a Jew. You are either one or the other.
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

a prayer to the dead god of the goyim on two sticks! how cute!! by a former sex worker

Jesus Christ is the God of Israel. He is the God Moses wrote about, the God who Jacob wrestled with, the God who visited Abraham, the LORD Isaiah and Malachi wrote of, the fourth man in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Jesus Christ is the LORD. He the One Hebrew Prophets prophesied about. Show some respect, Guno.

try that christer groveling in Israel, that crap would be shut down fast

ha! ha! Have you ever been to Israel? There are born again Jews preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Israel, Guno. Just as there were born again Jews preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Israel from the time Jesus Christ began His ministry and his disciples preached throughout the land of Israel and beyond! There is nothing new under the sun, Guno. The first Believers were arrested and persecuted for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Believers today and tomorrow will be preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ until his return regardless of the persecution.

Jesus Christ is the God of Israel. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Including yours.

We obey the commands of God. Not men. Make a note of it, Guno. Take a trip to Israel. You're in for a surprise.
Jesus Christ is the God of Israel. He is the God Moses wrote about, the God who Jacob wrestled with, the God who visited Abraham, the LORD Isaiah and Malachi wrote of, the fourth man in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Jesus Christ is the LORD. He the One Hebrew Prophets prophesied about. Show some respect, Guno.
Not all Jews respect these things. Karl Marx, for example.
Karl Marx was a Communist and a Satanist (see Richard Wurmbrand's book, "Marx & Satan.") You cannot be a Communist / Satanist and a Jew. You are either one or the other.
"Jews" are descendents of JUDAH (see how that works?).

The religion they follow is Judaism. You can be one, and not the other.
What a way to stir the pot to all the PC warriors and alt-left. Yes, God still means something to many. Glad she takes a stance, while so many Atheist want to tell others that God doesn't matter and to keep it to yourself.

I don't care your religion, express it freely and peacefully and the best among us will support you for doing so. That's why soldiers risk their lives and die, for freedom!

God Bless America! Get 'er done!
Yes... because there's nothing that cries RELIGION .. more than a thrice married dirty businessman who cheated on all three wives and his current illegal alien wife former porn actress.
Prayer at the beginning of anything - a meeting, a football game, etc - is like sunlight to a vampire. :p
A "man" can't repent of being a man.

A "whore" can turn to God.

Those who don't accept a person God has forgiven, will not be forgiven

But that's OK. These assholes dont believe in the Christian God anyway. They just throw out scriptures to justify their hatred of this woman whose only "crime" was to read a few lines of scripture.

What is Michelle's crime? I like both the current and former First Lady. I don't understand all the hatred that is thrown at this two people.
They are not hated. They used as political jokes and satire.

Jokes and satire. I guess how you justify it is your gig.
This is conservatives have Taught us. Have you not heard about GOP operation research and out right smearing their political competition? Its been going on since the 1980's!!!!! When conservatives lose or are out of power they behave like sore loser and sore winners. The democrats are merely following the GOP play book.
A "man" can't repent of being a man.

A "whore" can turn to God.

Those who don't accept a person God has forgiven, will not be forgiven

But that's OK. These assholes dont believe in the Christian God anyway. They just throw out scriptures to justify their hatred of this woman whose only "crime" was to read a few lines of scripture.

What is Michelle's crime? I like both the current and former First Lady. I don't understand all the hatred that is thrown at this two people.
They are not hated. They used as political jokes and satire.

Jokes and satire. I guess how you justify it is your gig.
This is conservatives have Taught us. Have you not heard about GOP operation research and out right smearing their political competition? Its been going on since the 1980's!!!!! When conservatives lose or are out of power they behave like sore loser and sore winners. The democrats are merely following the GOP play book.

I noticed both sides do the same, so continue on, it is rather amusing to see the nutters on both sides play their silly little games. Continue on justifying it, you nut jobs just make yourselves look dumber and dumber everyday.
so what? Obama cant even speak without a cue card!

Yeah, him and Bush relied heavily on scripted Bullshite. I love it that Trump's so unscripted. His recent press conference was the best Presidential Press Conference i've ever seen. It was wonderfully raw and organic. Of course the pompous corrupt MSM didn't like it, but the People loved it. I know i can't wait for his next one.
Trump is unscripted because he has Dementia!!!!! He has the "Raw and Organic" type Dementia!
This was seriously pitiful pandering to people with double digit IQs. America's Forrest Gumps.

No, they were not trying to appeal to the likes of you.
Trump appealed to his ignorant base by trotting out Melania to give the Lords Prayer in a tight fitting red dress and matching red lingerie.


The Trump base are merely sex hounds pretending they are god fearing. I'm sure Satan was slobbering.
Smart move by Trump to open up his act with his beautiful trophy wife to get his angry white man supporters all worked up.
Trophy wife? Is that a reference to taxidermy? And what are they supposed to think, that they need to import more women?
This was seriously pitiful pandering to people with double digit IQs. America's Forrest Gumps.

No, they were not trying to appeal to the likes of you.
Trump appealed to his ignorant base by trotting out Melania to give the Lords Prayer in a tight fitting red dress and matching red lingerie.


The Trump base are merely sex hounds pretending they are god fearing. I'm sure Satan was slobbering.

trying to still push that lying story about her being a hooker?? Then again all you have is trash talk to start with.
This was seriously pitiful pandering to people with double digit IQs. America's Forrest Gumps.

No, they were not trying to appeal to the likes of you.
Trump appealed to his ignorant base by trotting out Melania to give the Lords Prayer in a tight fitting red dress and matching red lingerie.


The Trump base are merely sex hounds pretending they are god fearing. I'm sure Satan was slobbering.

trying to still push that lying story about her being a hooker?? Then again all you have is trash talk to start with.
Ha Ha....If the shoe was on the other foot and Melania was a Democrat First lady, red state conservatives so-called christian would be having a field day and sexual jokes and innuendos
You're doing exactly what your master wants you to do. Demonize the only thing separating us between a dictatorship and a free nation. Congratulations for being an accesssary to further eroding the 1st amendment.

Is that what your Fuhrer Soros ordered you to post?

Tell me, in what way has Trump infringed on a free press? Calling them liars? They are liars, but they are still free to lie.

Do you think it should be illegal to criticize the press? Obama attacked Fox, I suspect you had no issue with that.

In reality, you're just a partisan.
This was seriously pitiful pandering to people with double digit IQs. America's Forrest Gumps.

No, they were not trying to appeal to the likes of you.
Trump appealed to his ignorant base by trotting out Melania to give the Lords Prayer in a tight fitting red dress and matching red lingerie.


The Trump base are merely sex hounds pretending they are god fearing. I'm sure Satan was slobbering.

I sure would have never wanted to see Michelle in a bathing suit.

Melania is a damned good looking woman.

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