Trump still being blamed for Covid deaths


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

FYI, Trump is still being blamed for the Covid deaths even though more have now died under Biden in less than a year and with a vaccine for Biden to use to boot.

Orange man bad.

Besides, January 6th.
There is virtually zero accusations that Biden is the least bit responsible for anything, even though the rest of the world knows you are a train wreck..

But that is one of the perks of being in the party with all the power. You can't do anything wrong, ever.

FYI, Trump is still being blamed for the Covid deaths even though more have now died under Biden in less than a year and with a vaccine for Biden to use to boot.

Orange man bad.

Besides, January 6th.
Well that's only right because after all he is the president! :)

FYI, Trump is still being blamed for the Covid deaths even though more have now died under Biden in less than a year and with a vaccine for Biden to use to boot.

Orange man bad.

Besides, January 6th.
As he should. He was President in 2020 was he not? He did ignore the pandemic for the first two months of 2020 while it gained a foothold here and spread.
It began on his watch, was ignored on his watch, and bungled on his watch. Biden's just the janitor called in to clean up the mess (typical for a Democrat to have
to do after a Republican administration). Now you got the anti-vaxx crowd (comprised mainly of Trump supporters) making trouble. Not sure what Biden's supposed
to do about them. Yes, people are still dying. Most are unvaccinated. Can't crow about the dead under Biden and constantly crow against vaccines. ^Shrug^.
Once the virus made it into our population, there was little that a president could do to prevent it' spread and the deaths of the hundreds of thousands of vulnerable Americans.
As he should. He was President in 2020 was he not? He did ignore the pandemic for the first two months of 2020 while it gained a foothold here and spread.
It began on his watch, was ignored on his watch, and bungled on his watch. Biden's just the janitor called in to clean up the mess (typical for a Democrat to have
to do after a Republican administration). Now you got the anti-vaxx crowd (comprised mainly of Trump supporters) making trouble. Not sure what Biden's supposed
to do about them. Yes, people are still dying. Most are unvaccinated. Can't crow about the dead under Biden and constantly crow against vaccines. ^Shrug^.
The Prog Senators are now elevating Garland to godhood. Of course they went back to Trump and how he treated the DOJ. I guess parents questioning things in school and seeing their girls raped will be come a domestic terrorist issue for them to question and a natural right for Prog backed groups to rape.
The only ones who are to blame are the Chinese. If they had locked their country down when this first happened none of the rest of the world would have had to deal with their virus.

Every death and every ruined economy is the fault of China. Every. Single. One.
The only ones who are to blame are the Chinese. If they had locked their country down when this first happened none of the rest of the world would have had to deal with their virus.

Every death and every ruined economy is the fault of China. Every. Single. One.
Don't forget our all too willing commie politicians.
even though more have now died under Biden in less than a year and with a vaccine for Biden to use to boot.

On Jan 20th when Biden took office there were 459,874 deaths, today there are 757,849 leaving 327,975 under Biden's watch.

Also, from the first death to the day Trump left office the US averaged 1411 deaths per day. Under Biden we are averaging 1180 deaths per day.
As he should. He was President in 2020 was he not? He did ignore the pandemic for the first two months of 2020 while it gained a foothold here and spread.
It began on his watch, was ignored on his watch, and bungled on his watch. Biden's just the janitor called in to clean up the mess (typical for a Democrat to have
to do after a Republican administration). Now you got the anti-vaxx crowd (comprised mainly of Trump supporters) making trouble. Not sure what Biden's supposed
to do about them. Yes, people are still dying. Most are unvaccinated. Can't crow about the dead under Biden and constantly crow against vaccines. ^Shrug^.

I can't figure out if you're dumb and/or so emotionally fucked you're dumb. Which do you think it is?
On Jan 20th when Biden took office there were 459,874 deaths, today there are 757,849 leaving 327,975 under Biden's watch.

Also, from the first death to the day Trump left office the US averaged 1411 deaths per day. Under Biden we are averaging 1180 deaths per day.
Oh, my bad. But we all know Biden will soon surpass Trump's Covid death rate.

Biden also has the luxury of the vaccine as where Trump did not for most of his presidency.

And Biden got Trump's vaccine which probably saved his life.
Oh, my bad. But we all know Biden will soon surpass Trump's Covid death rate.

Doubtful since deaths are slowing in the country, thanks to as you pointed out the vaccine
The only ones who are to blame are the Chinese. If they had locked their country down when this first happened none of the rest of the world would have had to deal with their virus.

Every death and every ruined economy is the fault of China. Every. Single. One.

Except the Chinese did lock their country down. That's why they were able to contain the virus.

We, on the other hand, didn't. Not until it was too late, anyway. That falls completely on Trump.
No they didn't. If they had the virus wouldn't have hit the rest of the world. You might make excuses for those murdering assholes but no one else will.

As for Trump he had the mask makers turning out masks, he had ventilators ready to go where needed and a damned hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship the Dem idiots never used. Instead they loaded down nursing homes with those that were infected. They murdered the oldsters in those homes.

Didn't matter who was in the WH, who said what or who did what once that Chinese virus hit our shores people were going to die. That's what pandemics do.

Oh and if you blame Trump then you blame Biden for the 200,000 or more deaths since he's been in office. You really are an unthinking idiot.

Trump ignored the pandemic the first two months of 2020?

I can post the part about him stopping flights, CDC being offered to help and so on and you will ignore that because of course that would destroy your bullshit response!

Let also remember Pelosi, the Mayor of New York and those like you thought Trump was being racist at the time and was using the Virus to divert attention from his recent Impeachment, so let remember that…

I mean the Mayor of New York was downplaying but he virus along with Pelosi, and if it were not for China Government failure ( You know your own Government ) then maybe the rest of the World would have not suffered!
No they didn't. If they had the virus wouldn't have hit the rest of the world. You might make excuses for those murdering assholes but no one else will.

Except China's government is only responsible for China, not the rest of the world... this is what you don't seem to get. The US under Trump represented 25% of the world's covid deaths at one point. (It's down to 18% now.)

As for Trump he had the mask makers turning out masks, he had ventilators ready to go where needed and a damned hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship the Dem idiots never used. Instead they loaded down nursing homes with those that were infected. They murdered the oldsters in those homes.

NY had 2.56 Million cases... that Hospital ship only had 400 beds that weren't set up for Covid patients. Yes, people were going to end up back in nursing homes... Duh.

Didn't matter who was in the WH, who said what or who did what once that Chinese virus hit our shores people were going to die. That's what pandemics do.
Except other countries that didn't have Trump in charge weathered the storm a lot better. South Korea only had 2874 Covid Deaths so far compared to our 747,000 deaths...

Oh and if you blame Trump then you blame Biden for the 200,000 or more deaths since he's been in office. You really are an unthinking idiot.
I blame Trump for his policies... He's the one who downplayed it, held super spreader events, gave Scott Atlas and Dr. Demon Sperm more credibility than he gave Dr. Fauci, mocked mask wearing, encouraged idiots to storm state capitols with guns.
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Of course China is responsible. The loosed their virus on the world and are responsible for every single death and every single ruined economy.

Guess you weren't watching TV or listening to the radio when the virus hit in China.

Millions of Americans were and made their own arrangements. Hell I bought a mask and practiced social distancing long before the CDC issued those instructions. So did millions of other Americans.

I wasn't waiting for the Govt. to tell me a damned thing and neither were they.

Oh and good to know you approve of those with the virus being stuck in nursing homes infecting the elderly that were there. That was on dumb move and oh yeah. They never used the hospital ship at all. You really are an idiot.
Of course China is responsible. The loosed their virus on the world and are responsible for every single death and every single ruined economy.

Guess you weren't watching TV or listening to the radio when the virus hit in China.

Millions of Americans were and made their own arrangements. Hell I bought a mask and practiced social distancing long before the CDC issued those instructions. So did millions of other Americans.

I wasn't waiting for the Govt. to tell me a damned thing and neither were they.

That's nice. Nothing to do with the point that Trump ignored this crisis for months.

Oh and good to know you approve of those with the virus being stuck in nursing homes infecting the elderly that were there. That was on dumb move and oh yeah. They never used the hospital ship at all. You really are an idiot.

Really, where else were you going to put them? I mean, they wouldn't be in nursing homes to start with if their families really wanted them around.

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