Trump Still Won't Say He Was Wrong About Obama's Birthplace

Official copy? What made Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's copy of a birth certificate "official"? A notary stamp? You can't even get a drivers license in many states with an "official copy" of a birth certificate. Why didn't the president show the real freaking B.C. and why didn't the liberal media pursue allegations that Barry Sotoro claimed to be an alien to get a better tuition deal at Harvard?
I think it's interesting trump had a problem with where Obama was born. Even though Obama was born in Hawaii. Which is America.

Yet now trump is friends with ted cruz and believes he's a good man.

ted cruz is from Canada. Why isn't trump running around saying that cruz isn't a natural born citizen? Why is trump debating the man for the nomination for the presidency without pointing out that cruz was born in Canada? cruz was a Canadian citizen up until recently when he decided to run for the presidency. He has a Canadian birth certificate.

Why don't birthers apply the same to cruz as they do Obama?

Can anyone say hypocrisy?

I know I can.

Must believe it 100% or the totalitarian state will punish me.
Who would NaziCon birthers want for Adolf Trump's running mate - Orly Taitz?
The only people making a big deal about obamas illegal residency issue is the democrats. Republicans have long officially gave up on that issue since the dick sucking for Nama continues to this day. Honestly, I sometimes think obamas cum is like superglue and that liberals got their mouth stuck to his penis. They haven't figured out how to get their lips off of his dick yet because I do t really rhink they want to remove their lips from his dick...ever.

The only controversy that trump can't drudge up about his citizenship status is if he said Obama is a naturally born citizen that was eligible to be president of this country or of any country other than Kenya.
Yet, 40% of Republicans believe Obama was born in another country and their leading candidate for President is a birther guys are over it
The only people making a big deal about obamas illegal residency issue is the democrats. Republicans have long officially gave up on that issue since the dick sucking for Nama continues to this day. Honestly, I sometimes think obamas cum is like superglue and that liberals got their mouth stuck to his penis. They haven't figured out how to get their lips off of his dick yet because I do t really rhink they want to remove their lips from his dick...ever.

The only controversy that trump can't drudge up about his citizenship status is if he said Obama is a naturally born citizen that was eligible to be president of this country or of any country other than Kenya.
Yet, 40% of Republicans believe Obama was born in another country and their leading candidate for President is a birther guys are over it

NaziCons are just trying to be discrete - since they are bashful about saying the "n" word in public.
IF Hillary lied about Benghazi, after the fact, why hasn't the Benghazi Committee nailed her on it? She made them look like ignorant rabid children in the last hearing.
yep. She tore them a new one lol


IF Hillary lied about Benghazi, after the fact, why hasn't the Benghazi Committee nailed her on it? She made them look like ignorant rabid children in the last hearing.

She just finished lying to them!!! They need some time to prepare the indictment
Official copy? What made Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's copy of a birth certificate "official"? A notary stamp? You can't even get a drivers license in many states with an "official copy" of a birth certificate. Why didn't the president show the real freaking B.C. and why didn't the liberal media pursue allegations that Barry Sotoro claimed to be an alien to get a better tuition deal at Harvard?
I have never had an official copy of my birth certificate. I have a laminated wallet size card that my dad obtained for me when I was a teen. I have used it in different states to get a driver's license, I have used it to get a passport, I have used it for many purposes for many, many years. No one has ever challenged it.
IF Hillary lied about Benghazi, after the fact, why hasn't the Benghazi Committee nailed her on it? She made them look like ignorant rabid children in the last hearing.

She just finished lying to them!!! They need some time to prepare the indictment

Yeah, like Adolf Trump needs some time for his birther investigators to prepare the indictment.
Official copy? What made Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's copy of a birth certificate "official"? A notary stamp? You can't even get a drivers license in many states with an "official copy" of a birth certificate. Why didn't the president show the real freaking B.C. and why didn't the liberal media pursue allegations that Barry Sotoro claimed to be an alien to get a better tuition deal at Harvard?
Why didn't, when Trump sent a team of investigators to Hawaii to look into the issues of Obama's birth, why didn't those guys find anything? Why hasn't Trump been able to provide any concrete evidence that Obama was not born in Hawaii???
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have my REAL ORIGINAL birth certificate, and I have no doubt it could be copied and faked and phony backstories planted in the press about my birth, and so on and so on . Why anyone would go to such lengths for anyone, well...It seems incredible Obama or anyone else would go to such lengths. But it's not entirely implausible, either. The truth WILL OUT.

The truth has already been out. For years.

Obama has released both long and short form birth certificates.

The state of Hawaii has verified that they are authentic and Obama was born in America.

The only people who can't accept that fact are bat crap crazy people.

Why aren't you having a problem with ted cruz? If the same standards you applied to Obama were applied to cruz, all you birthers should be screaming to the top of your lungs about a Canadian running for president in the gop party.

But then cruz isn't a democrat and he's not black.
The only people making a big deal about obamas illegal residency issue is the democrats. Republicans have long officially gave up on that issue since the dick sucking for Nama continues to this day. Honestly, I sometimes think obamas cum is like superglue and that liberals got their mouth stuck to his penis. They haven't figured out how to get their lips off of his dick yet because I do t really rhink they want to remove their lips from his dick...ever.

The only controversy that trump can't drudge up about his citizenship status is if he said Obama is a naturally born citizen that was eligible to be president of this country or of any country other than Kenya.
Yet, 40% of Republicans believe Obama was born in another country and their leading candidate for President is a birther guys are over it

The guy in second place, cruz, is actually from another nation.


They all threw fits about Obama and accused him of being born in Kenya so he can't be president yet they have absolutely no problem with a person who was born in Canada who has a Canadian birth certificate.

Yet none of the birthers have a problem with it.
Official copy? What made Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's copy of a birth certificate "official"? A notary stamp? You can't even get a drivers license in many states with an "official copy" of a birth certificate. Why didn't the president show the real freaking B.C. and why didn't the liberal media pursue allegations that Barry Sotoro claimed to be an alien to get a better tuition deal at Harvard?
Why didn't, when Trump sent a team of investigators to Hawaii to look into the issues of Obama's birth, why didn't those guys find anything? Why hasn't Trump been able to provide any concrete evidence that Obama was not born in Hawaii???
I'd love to see the reports those investigators gave to Trump. :rolleyes:
The only people making a big deal about obamas illegal residency issue is the democrats. Republicans have long officially gave up on that issue since the dick sucking for Nama continues to this day. Honestly, I sometimes think obamas cum is like superglue and that liberals got their mouth stuck to his penis. They haven't figured out how to get their lips off of his dick yet because I do t really rhink they want to remove their lips from his dick...ever.

The only controversy that trump can't drudge up about his citizenship status is if he said Obama is a naturally born citizen that was eligible to be president of this country or of any country other than Kenya.
Yet, 40% of Republicans believe Obama was born in another country and their leading candidate for President is a birther guys are over it

The guy in second place, cruz, is actually from another nation.


They all threw fits about Obama and accused him of being born in Kenya so he can't be president yet they have absolutely no problem with a person who was born in Canada who has a Canadian birth certificate.

Yet none of the birthers have a problem with it.

Cruz ain't black - and most NaziCons know where Canada is.
I don't care because its his opinion. Maybe he really believes it. Maybe he has info that makes him believe it to be true.
So it doesn't bother you that he said he found information and would reveal it.

Be sure to watch the video!

Trump says he'll reveal 'interesting things' on Obama

(CNN) – Possibly-serious Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is giving few details about the investigation he claims to have launched in Hawaii to get to the bottom of where President Obama was born, but the business mogul told CNN Thursday Americans will be "very surprised" by what he has found.

"We're looking into it very, very strongly. At a certain point in time I'll be revealing some interesting things," Trump said on CNN's American Morning.

Trump first claimed earlier this month he had sent investigators to Obama's home state in an effort to find out if the president was indeed born there, as he says he was and several media organization's independent investigations have confirmed.

"I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding," Trump told NBC then.

But Trump has since offered few details about the on-the-ground investigation and, in the interview with CNN Thursday, wouldn't specifically say if it had uncovered new details.

"You'll be very surprised," he said when asked by CNN's Ali Velshi if his investigators have found anything.

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