Trump Still Won't Say He Was Wrong About Obama's Birthplace

NaziCons love liars.
Seeing how the Liberals LAST President is most known for his LIE, 'I did not have sex with that woman', their CURRENT President is the reigning 'Lie of the Year' champion, and their potential 2016 Presidential candidate is under investigation by the FBI under the Espionage acts for lying and criminal activity AND seeing how all three are beloved and constantly defended by Liberals, the facts seem to show it is LIBERALS who love LIARS.

But thanks for playing...Merry Christmas!
Oh goody, another deflection from a NaziCon who can't defend Adolf Trump's lies.

I'm sorry, I seem to have offended you by pointing out your dear leader's propensity to and affinity for lying, so much so that you feel compelled to engage in attempted character assassination by inferring I am somehow related to the Nazis (you must be thinking about the KKK, which is a white supremacist Nazi-emulating group created by the Democratic Party).

Political Correctness dictates that I should apologize, but since I believe 'PC' is deplorable and one of the biggest threats to this nation (especially after Obama allowed 'PC' to get in the way of preventing another successful terrorist attack on US soil on his watch and more dead Americans), I will just laugh at your ass instead.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Yet NINE seperate republican led investigations have revealed no wrongdoing

That's a lie you continue to tell.

- Evidently you don't count having perjured herself as 'wrongdoing', which has been proven
- Evidently you think the FBI investigates anyone for months on end, falsely declaring they have evidence, without any wrong-doing having been done
- Evidently you believe just because someone does something in contradiction to what the law says that doesn't mean any wrong-doing has been done.
- Evidently you don't think telling the PM or Turkey and a family member the attack was terrorism, that you KNOW the video had nothing to do with the attack, then telling the world - to include the grieving family members it was all due to a video and vowing to arrest the filmmaker is not 'wrong-doing'.

Liberals have a funny way of deciding what is 'wrong-doing' and what is not....usually it just comes down to whether the person being discussed has a 'D' or an 'R' in front of their names.


Nine investigations and they have found no evidence of wrongdoing

A conspiracy theory is not evidence of wrongdoing
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have my REAL ORIGINAL birth certificate, and I have no doubt it could be copied and faked and phony backstories planted in the press about my birth, and so on and so on . Why anyone would go to such lengths for anyone, well...It seems incredible Obama or anyone else would go to such lengths. But it's not entirely implausible, either. The truth WILL OUT.
What nonsense. There is no longer an issue of Obama being born in Hawaii. It has been proven over and over again.

Because we have a FECKLESS BUNCH of Republican's in Congress that REFUSED to investigate, NOTHING was ever done....The RINO'S got paid off!

And SuperDemocrat proclaims to all- Vigilante is a Democrat......LOL....
Official copy? What made Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's copy of a birth certificate "official"? A notary stamp? You can't even get a drivers license in many states with an "official copy" of a birth certificate. Why didn't the president show the real freaking B.C. and why didn't the liberal media pursue allegations that Barry Sotoro claimed to be an alien to get a better tuition deal at Harvard?
Because he didnt have to show the real one. The copy was sufficient and if you dont like it too bad. The copy was proven to be a real copy by a computer forensic expert.
Oh goody, another deflection from a NaziCon who can't defend Adolf Trump's lies.

I'm sorry, I seem to have offended you by pointing out your dear leader's propensity to and affinity for lying, so much so that you feel compelled to engage in attempted character assassination by inferring I am somehow related to the Nazis (you must be thinking about the KKK, which is a white supremacist Nazi-emulating group created by the Democratic Party).

Political Correctness dictates that I should apologize, but since I believe 'PC' is deplorable and one of the biggest threats to this nation (especially after Obama allowed 'PC' to get in the way of preventing another successful terrorist attack on US soil on his watch and more dead Americans), I will just laugh at your ass instead.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Duh, this thread is about Adolf Trump. I'm sorry you can't get Obama and Hillary out of your head. Maybe therapy could help...
Oh goody, another deflection from a NaziCon who can't defend Adolf Trump's lies.

I'm sorry, I seem to have offended you by pointing out your dear leader's propensity to and affinity for lying, so much so that you feel compelled to engage in attempted character assassination by inferring I am somehow related to the Nazis (you must be thinking about the KKK, which is a white supremacist Nazi-emulating group created by the Democratic Party).

Political Correctness dictates that I should apologize, but since I believe 'PC' is deplorable and one of the biggest threats to this nation (especially after Obama allowed 'PC' to get in the way of preventing another successful terrorist attack on US soil on his watch and more dead Americans), I will just laugh at your ass instead.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Duh, this thread is about Adolf Trump. I'm sorry you can't get Obama and Hillary out of your head. Maybe therapy could help...
We should buy red herring futures.
Duh, this thread is about Adolf Trump. I'm sorry you can't get Obama and Hillary out of your head. Maybe therapy could help...

Ummm, FYI, the thread is about DONALD Trump, not 'Adolph'. Seems it's YOU who can't get Obama and Hillary out of YOUR head...
Trump is a simple-minded megalomaniac who appeals to tards who think every problem has a simple solution. Trump also provides them with scapegoats to distract from the fact their problems are of their own doing.

It was not at all surprising Trump got on the birther shrimp boat. Those are his people.
Official copy? What made Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's copy of a birth certificate "official"? A notary stamp? You can't even get a drivers license in many states with an "official copy" of a birth certificate. Why didn't the president show the real freaking B.C. and why didn't the liberal media pursue allegations that Barry Sotoro claimed to be an alien to get a better tuition deal at Harvard?
Because he didnt have to show the real one. The copy was sufficient and if you dont like it too bad. The copy was proven to be a real copy by a computer forensic expert.

You know, I worked for 2 1/2 years in recruiting for the Navy for my last tour before I retired.

One of the requirements was that the applicant provide a copy of their original birth certificate. If they didn't have one, the recruiter would get in contact with the county registrar where they were born and get an OFFICIAL COPY of the original on file with the registrar.

No. Nobody runs around with their original birth certificate. And, if the registrar certifies it as an authentic copy of the original, that's good enough for Uncle Sam and the U.S. Navy.
Official copy? What made Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's copy of a birth certificate "official"? A notary stamp? You can't even get a drivers license in many states with an "official copy" of a birth certificate. Why didn't the president show the real freaking B.C. and why didn't the liberal media pursue allegations that Barry Sotoro claimed to be an alien to get a better tuition deal at Harvard?
Because he didnt have to show the real one. The copy was sufficient and if you dont like it too bad. The copy was proven to be a real copy by a computer forensic expert.

You know, I worked for 2 1/2 years in recruiting for the Navy for my last tour before I retired.

One of the requirements was that the applicant provide a copy of their original birth certificate. If they didn't have one, the recruiter would get in contact with the county registrar where they were born and get an OFFICIAL COPY of the original on file with the registrar.

No. Nobody runs around with their original birth certificate. And, if the registrar certifies it as an authentic copy of the original, that's good enough for Uncle Sam and the U.S. Navy.

Thank you! However, NaziCons reject your facts. They like their racism reinforced with lies and misinformation.
I don't know about you schmendircks, but I know exactly who my parents were, what race I am, and WHERE my birth certificate IS. Why elect someone with such a mixed up questionable background like Obama? Is that wrong to want transparency and non ambiguity?

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