Trump Still Won't Say He Was Wrong About Obama's Birthplace

Official copy? What made Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's copy of a birth certificate "official"? A notary stamp? You can't even get a drivers license in many states with an "official copy" of a birth certificate. Why didn't the president show the real freaking B.C. and why didn't the liberal media pursue allegations that Barry Sotoro claimed to be an alien to get a better tuition deal at Harvard?
you are just regurgitating a bunch of made up lies Whitehall...

NO ONE, not you, not me, not your mom not your dad, not ANYONE has their original birth certificate....

EVERYONE born here, gets a certified stamped and signed COPY of their original inked birth certificate or a certified short form birth certificate as their own official BC, and the original STAYS with the State government's records....ALWAYS.

As far as your LIE regarding him going to Harvard as a foreigner for cheaper tuition,articles while at Harvard about Obama while he was there Stating Obama was born in Hawaii...reporting on him being the new head of the Harvard Law Review

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990
BOSTON, Feb. 5—
The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.
The guy in second place, cruz, is actually from another nation.


They all threw fits about Obama and accused him of being born in Kenya so he can't be president yet they have absolutely no problem with a person who was born in Canada who has a Canadian birth certificate.
There is no such Canadian BC for the Cuban born "TED" Cruz. He tries to pass off a BC of someone named "Rafael Edward" Cruz as his.
'How could America trust a (wo)man that lies about something so simple - and easily proveable?'

Same could so easily be said about Hillary and her 'sniper fire' story, her 'Benghazi video protest' story, her promising the families she would have the film maker arrested story, her lies about not sending / receiving classified info, her server found in the bathroom of an IT company that did not have the security clearance to legally have her server, etc....

Liberals are going nuts about Trump refusing to acknowledge something legal while Hillary is up to ger ass in lies about crimes, an FBI investigation of her under the Espionage act, and she refuses to come clean yet wants to he President.

I would take Trump, even if he thinks Obama is from Mars over this corrupt, lying, national security endangering bitch.
"I don't want to answer that question."

MSNBC host Chris Matthews pushed Donald Trump to admit Tuesday night that he was wrong to advocate the discredited birther theory that Barack Obama isn't legally president because he was allegedly not born in the United States.

"Is Donald Trump honest when he says that Barack Obama isn't a legitimate president?" Matthews asked after the GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas.

"I don't talk about that anymore," Trump replied.

He no longer answers that question, he said, because if he does, "it's all people talk about."

"I don't want to answer that question," the real estate mogul repeatedly insisted. If he were to win the presidency, he said, then he would address the matter.

Trump first tried to cast doubt on Obama's birthplace in 2011, leading the White House to publish an official copy of the president's birth certificate as proof that Obama was born in Hawaii. Still, Trump questioned the document's authenticity.

After Tuesday's interview ended, Matthews continued berating Trump, slamming his unwillingness to apologize for his birther claims as a "blemish" and an "original sin."

"Our president should be respected," Matthews said. "I don't like it."

Trump has refused to respond to similar questions before. He told NBC News' Chuck Todd that he no longer discusses birtherism in September.

Trump Still Won't Say He Was Wrong About Obama's Birthplace

How could America trust a man that lies about something so simple - and easily proveable? Isn't that the original lie that catapulted him into the political spotlight? What about those investigators that he supposedly send to Hawaii? The man is a natural born liar. Trump knows that if he admits his birther lie - he will lose part of his base support (racists who hate Obama).

Trump has that same pathology that you see so prevalent among the RWnuts on this forum, i.e., the inability to admit he was wrong about something, even when it's proven beyond all reasonable doubt that he is wrong.
Official copy? What made Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's copy of a birth certificate "official"? A notary stamp? You can't even get a drivers license in many states with an "official copy" of a birth certificate. Why didn't the president show the real freaking B.C. and why didn't the liberal media pursue allegations that Barry Sotoro claimed to be an alien to get a better tuition deal at Harvard?
you are just regurgitating a bunch of made up lies Whitehall...

NO ONE, not you, not me, not your mom not your dad, not ANYONE has their original birth certificate....

EVERYONE born here, gets a certified stamped and signed COPY of their original inked birth certificate or a certified short form birth certificate as their own official BC, and the original STAYS with the State government's records....ALWAYS.

As far as your LIE regarding him going to Harvard as a foreigner for cheaper tuition,articles while at Harvard about Obama while he was there Stating Obama was born in Hawaii...reporting on him being the new head of the Harvard Law Review

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990
BOSTON, Feb. 5—
The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

I didn't read the post you're replying to. I never read posts from that person. However I read yours. Apparently the person thinks that not being a resident of this nation and the state that the school is in make tuition cheaper for the student.

The exact opposite is true.

All those who aren't residents of the state that the school is in pay much higher tuition than those who are residents.

I guess that person never went to college. If they did they would know that resident rates are much lower than rates for non residents.
'How could America trust a (wo)man that lies about something so simple - and easily proveable?'

Same could so easily be said about Hillary and her 'sniper fire' story, her 'Benghazi video protest' story, her promising the families she would have the film maker arrested story, her lies about not sending / receiving classified info, her server found in the bathroom of an IT company that did not have the security clearance to legally have her server, etc....

Liberals are going nuts about Trump refusing to acknowledge something legal while Hillary is up to ger ass in lies about crimes, an FBI investigation of her under the Espionage act, and she refuses to come clean yet wants to he President.

I would take Trump, even if he thinks Obama is from Mars over this corrupt, lying, national security endangering bitch.
What's sad, is YOU have bought in to a bunch of the right wing media lies, lies, and lies as well, making you all the ACTUAL liars, that are calling others liars.....

Take the plank out of your own eye before trying to remove the speck of sawdust out of someone else's eye.

When will it end?
The only people making a big deal about obamas illegal residency issue is the democrats. Republicans have long officially gave up on that issue since the dick sucking for Nama continues to this day. Honestly, I sometimes think obamas cum is like superglue and that liberals got their mouth stuck to his penis. They haven't figured out how to get their lips off of his dick yet because I do t really rhink they want to remove their lips from his dick...ever.

The only controversy that trump can't drudge up about his citizenship status is if he said Obama is a naturally born citizen that was eligible to be president of this country or of any country other than Kenya.
Yet, 40% of Republicans believe Obama was born in another country and their leading candidate for President is a birther guys are over it

The guy in second place, cruz, is actually from another nation.


They all threw fits about Obama and accused him of being born in Kenya so he can't be president yet they have absolutely no problem with a person who was born in Canada who has a Canadian birth certificate.

Yet none of the birthers have a problem with it.

What's sad, is

...the fact that you just went on an opinion-fueled RANT, trying to declare that YOU, under your own authority, have the power to declare media sources and stories to be lies if they disagree with your opinion and bias.

Unlike your OPINION, it has already been proven that Hillary has lied...ten times over. It has been proven that she was a complete failure as Secretary of State, allowing 20 simultaneous attacks on US Embassies throughout the ME - 4 Overrun and 4 Americans needlessly killed - despite the threats known in advance. She, yet claims it was one of her lower level managers, hired an Al Qaeida militia to protect the NOW DEAD Ambassador Stevens, denied his MORE THAN 600 pleas for more security, TOOK AWAY 16 members of his security team - AFTER 2 previous terrorist attacks on his compound, and when every other nation took their people out of Benghazi because of the threat warnings Hillary left Stevens there to die! Those are recorded, reported FACTS...not opinion.

So, as I said, I will take Trump over that lying and / or incompetent self-/party-serving bitch any day of the week and, as they say, twice on Sunday. After her failed time as Sect of State, after her e-mail scandal being investigated by the FBI under the Espionage Act, Hillary shouldn't be able to get a job in government as a county DOG CATCHER!
Why shouldn't he be held accountable for his original political lie that catapulted him into the political spotlight?

why don't you libertards want to hold your dear failed leader to the same standards?? "if you like your doctor...", "if you like your healthcare plan..." etc., etc. :lmao:
What's sad, is

...the fact that you just went on an opinion-fueled RANT, trying to declare that YOU, under your own authority, have the power to declare media sources and stories to be lies if they disagree with your opinion and bias.

Unlike your OPINION, it has already been proven that Hillary has lied...ten times over. It has been proven that she was a complete failure as Secretary of State, allowing 20 simultaneous attacks on US Embassies throughout the ME - 4 Overrun and 4 Americans needlessly killed - despite the threats known in advance. She, yet claims it was one of her lower level managers, hired an Al Qaeida militia to protect the NOW DEAD Ambassador Stevens, denied his MORE THAN 600 pleas for more security, TOOK AWAY 16 members of his security team - AFTER 2 previous terrorist attacks on his compound, and when every other nation took their people out of Benghazi because of the threat warnings Hillary left Stevens there to die! Those are recorded, reported FACTS...not opinion.

So, as I said, I will take Trump over that lying and / or incompetent self-/party-serving bitch any day of the week and, as they say, twice on Sunday. After her failed time as Sect of State, after her e-mail scandal being investigated by the FBI under the Espionage Act, Hillary shouldn't be able to get a job in government as a county DOG CATCHER!

Yet NINE seperate republican led investigations have revealed no wrongdoing
Yet NINE seperate republican led investigations have revealed no wrongdoing

That's a lie you continue to tell.

- Evidently you don't count having perjured herself as 'wrongdoing', which has been proven
- Evidently you think the FBI investigates anyone for months on end, falsely declaring they have evidence, without any wrong-doing having been done
- Evidently you believe just because someone does something in contradiction to what the law says that doesn't mean any wrong-doing has been done.
- Evidently you don't think telling the PM or Turkey and a family member the attack was terrorism, that you KNOW the video had nothing to do with the attack, then telling the world - to include the grieving family members it was all due to a video and vowing to arrest the filmmaker is not 'wrong-doing'.

Liberals have a funny way of deciding what is 'wrong-doing' and what is not....usually it just comes down to whether the person being discussed has a 'D' or an 'R' in front of their names.


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