Trump Still Won't Say He Was Wrong About Obama's Birthplace

"I don't want to answer that question."

MSNBC host Chris Matthews pushed Donald Trump to admit Tuesday night that he was wrong to advocate the discredited birther theory that Barack Obama isn't legally president because he was allegedly not born in the United States.

"Is Donald Trump honest when he says that Barack Obama isn't a legitimate president?" Matthews asked after the GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas.

"I don't talk about that anymore," Trump replied.

He no longer answers that question, he said, because if he does, "it's all people talk about."

"I don't want to answer that question," the real estate mogul repeatedly insisted. If he were to win the presidency, he said, then he would address the matter.

Trump first tried to cast doubt on Obama's birthplace in 2011, leading the White House to publish an official copy of the president's birth certificate as proof that Obama was born in Hawaii. Still, Trump questioned the document's authenticity.

After Tuesday's interview ended, Matthews continued berating Trump, slamming his unwillingness to apologize for his birther claims as a "blemish" and an "original sin."

"Our president should be respected," Matthews said. "I don't like it."

Trump has refused to respond to similar questions before. He told NBC News' Chuck Todd that he no longer discusses birtherism in September.

Trump Still Won't Say He Was Wrong About Obama's Birthplace

How could America trust a man that lies about something so simple - and easily proveable? Isn't that the original lie that catapulted him into the political spotlight? What about those investigators that he supposedly send to Hawaii? The man is a natural born liar. Trump knows that if he admits his birther lie - he will lose part of his base support (racists who hate Obama).
Demagogues never apologize.
"I don't want to answer that question."

MSNBC host Chris Matthews pushed Donald Trump to admit Tuesday night that he was wrong to advocate the discredited birther theory that Barack Obama isn't legally president because he was allegedly not born in the United States.

"Is Donald Trump honest when he says that Barack Obama isn't a legitimate president?" Matthews asked after the GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas.

"I don't talk about that anymore," Trump replied.

He no longer answers that question, he said, because if he does, "it's all people talk about."

"I don't want to answer that question," the real estate mogul repeatedly insisted. If he were to win the presidency, he said, then he would address the matter.

Trump first tried to cast doubt on Obama's birthplace in 2011, leading the White House to publish an official copy of the president's birth certificate as proof that Obama was born in Hawaii. Still, Trump questioned the document's authenticity.

After Tuesday's interview ended, Matthews continued berating Trump, slamming his unwillingness to apologize for his birther claims as a "blemish" and an "original sin."

"Our president should be respected," Matthews said. "I don't like it."

Trump has refused to respond to similar questions before. He told NBC News' Chuck Todd that he no longer discusses birtherism in September.

Trump Still Won't Say He Was Wrong About Obama's Birthplace

How could America trust a man that lies about something so simple - and easily proveable? Isn't that the original lie that catapulted him into the political spotlight? What about those investigators that he supposedly send to Hawaii? The man is a natural born liar. Trump knows that if he admits his birther lie - he will lose part of his base support (racists who hate Obama).
Demagogues never apologize.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have my REAL ORIGINAL birth certificate, and I have no doubt it could be copied and faked and phony backstories planted in the press about my birth, and so on and so on . Why anyone would go to such lengths for anyone, well...It seems incredible Obama or anyone else would go to such lengths. But it's not entirely implausible, either. The truth WILL OUT.
What nonsense. There is no longer an issue of Obama being born in Hawaii. It has been proven over and over again.
I see you projecting YOUR problems onto me.... I'd say the mulatto on the right does you nightly

LOL....going back to your racist roots.

Is he NOT a mulatto... Do you even know what a mulatto is without looking it up?

As I said- going back to your racist a bitch returning to her kennel.

Stupidly probably thinks the word niggardly is also racist! What a fucking moron! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Niggardly has nothing to do with race.
Mulatto has everything to do with race.

Mulatto is a favorite term of racists, Niggardly is a term racists use only when they can't get away with using a shortened version of it.
Niggardly means cheap. A person who is niggardly is a person who is cheap. Has nothing to do with race. Only an uneducated person would think so. If racists are using the term niggardly instead of the real 'n' word, they are simply showing off their ignorance.

adjective: niggardly
ungenerous with money, time, etc.; mean.
"he accused the Government of being unbelievably niggardly"
synonyms: mean, miserly, parsimonious, close-fisted, penny-pinching, cheese-paring, penurious, grasping, greedy, avaricious, Scrooge-like, ungenerous, illiberal, close;More
informalstingy, mingy, tight, tight-fisted, money-grubbing, money-grabbing;
vulgar slangtight-arsed;
"the critic must not be niggardly with his advice"
antonyms: generous
adverb: niggardly
in a mean or meagre manner.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have my REAL ORIGINAL birth certificate, and I have no doubt it could be copied and faked and phony backstories planted in the press about my birth, and so on and so on . Why anyone would go to such lengths for anyone, well...It seems incredible Obama or anyone else would go to such lengths. But it's not entirely implausible, either. The truth WILL OUT.
What nonsense. There is no longer an issue of Obama being born in Hawaii. It has been proven over and over again.

Because we have a FECKLESS BUNCH of Republican's in Congress that REFUSED to investigate, NOTHING was ever done....The RINO'S got paid off!

Does it matter? The truth will out, eventually. There is enough ambiguity to keep this debate going for years. And that ambiguity should have been a factor in Obama's political career, but it seemed to make everyone glom on to that and his ambiguous racial nature as well. He was our first Biracial President. Not black. FACT. The rest, history will separate the wheat from the chafe.
There isn't any ambiguity. Only weak minded people would think so. Only those who want to think there is believe any ambiguity exists.

Don't have to go any further as the last one you posted is a lie!

Articles: Hillary and the Video Lie - American Thinker
American Thinker
Oct 23, 2015 - James Jordan, R-Ohio, Mrs. Clinton denied she was the source of the video lie even though she was the first to mention it in the context of the ...

Documents Prove Hillary Clinton Repeatedly Lied Under ...
Oct 26, 2015 - Judge Napolitano: Documents Prove Hillary Clinton Repeatedly Lied Under Oath During Benghazi Hearing (Video). Jim Hoft Oct 26th, 2015 ...

Hillary Told Chelsea Terrorists Were Behind Benghazi Attack
The Daily Caller
Oct 22, 2015 - Hillary Told Daughter Chelsea That Terrorists Were Behind Benghazi ... Were Behind Benghazi Attack The Night It Happened [VIDEO] ... Did Hillary Clinton Lie Because She Was Trying To Help Obama Get Re-Elected? Yes

Need MORE?
IF Hillary lied about Benghazi, after the fact, why hasn't the Benghazi Committee nailed her on it? She made them look like ignorant rabid children in the last hearing.
You know, maybe Kagan got SCOTUS to buy her silence on Obama foreign status

You know, maybe Cruz came to America after blowing Raul and Fidel in a threesome.

When the vacancy opened up Kagan called the WH and asked to speak with her favorite Kenyan lawyer

When Trump decided to run for President, he first had to remove all of his cocaine and meth from Trump Towers.

Obama was called in as an expert on coke
IF Hillary lied about Benghazi, after the fact, why hasn't the Benghazi Committee nailed her on it? She made them look like ignorant rabid children in the last hearing.

Because they are STILL going through the e-mails,

Oh Boy: Number of Emails With Classified Info on Clinton's ...
Dec 1, 2015 - When Democrat presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton was busted ... With Classified Info on Clinton's Private Server Approaches 1000 ... Over the past six months, we've seen hundreds of documents emerge with classified information, many with top secret information, from her personal email account.
As I said- going back to your racist a bitch returning to her kennel.

Stupidly probably thinks the word niggardly is also racist! What a fucking moron! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Niggardly has nothing to do with race.
Mulatto has everything to do with race.

Mulatto is a favorite term of racists, Niggardly is a term racists use only when they can't get away with using a shortened version of it.

Took you long enough to look it up! AND your HALF BLACK is a Halfrican.... I suppose that a RACIST term also.... And by the way, SO WHAT IF IT IS... Trump has shown us we don't have to worry about UPSETTING the PC crowd, our FREE SPEECH steps all over PC NOW!!!!..

Hey no need for you to get all pissy again.

I just pointed out that you were showing your racist roots by using a racial term.

You were the one who brought race into this thread.

Because that is what good little racists like you do.
Look at it this way, Vagasil and people like Frank are wonderful liberal recruiters.

They don't know it, but they are.

Musty old sock sez wa?
You know, maybe Kagan got SCOTUS to buy her silence on Obama foreign status

You know, maybe Cruz came to America after blowing Raul and Fidel in a threesome.

When the vacancy opened up Kagan called the WH and asked to speak with her favorite Kenyan lawyer

When Trump decided to run for President, he first had to remove all of his cocaine and meth from Trump Towers.

Obama was called in as an expert on coke
The only people making a big deal about obamas illegal residency issue is the democrats. Republicans have long officially gave up on that issue since the dick sucking for Nama continues to this day. Honestly, I sometimes think obamas cum is like superglue and that liberals got their mouth stuck to his penis. They haven't figured out how to get their lips off of his dick yet because I do t really rhink they want to remove their lips from his dick...ever.

The only controversy that trump can't drudge up about his citizenship status is if he said Obama is a naturally born citizen that was eligible to be president of this country or of any country other than Kenya.
Trump can't back out of his birther lie - because he's in waaaaaay too deep! It's what made him a NaziCon cult hero.

But he WAS able to back out of one his main talking points when running for his 2nd term...
Replacing Free Trade with Fair Trade.
Well, he probably WAS going to try until Goldman-Sachs and JP Morgan decided to drop a few bucks on his campaign.
I think it's interesting trump had a problem with where Obama was born. Even though Obama was born in Hawaii. Which is America.

Yet now trump is friends with ted cruz and believes he's a good man.

ted cruz is from Canada. Why isn't trump running around saying that cruz isn't a natural born citizen? Why is trump debating the man for the nomination for the presidency without pointing out that cruz was born in Canada? cruz was a Canadian citizen up until recently when he decided to run for the presidency. He has a Canadian birth certificate.

Why don't birthers apply the same to cruz as they do Obama?

Can anyone say hypocrisy?

I know I can.

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