Trump Stole Money From Our Vets And Pocketed It. That Alone Should End His Presidency

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Not everyone can say save Haiti [emoji1122] like the Clitons. [emoji6]

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Let's assume for the sake of argument that this story is true. How does pocketing a few million dollars in donations for veterans compare with Hillary's getting our ambassador in Libya and three other Americans there killed and then lying about it to Congress? Which of those two actions would you say is the most serious and despicable?
The story wasn't swept under the rug. Even democommiecrats didn't think They could force this blivit on anyone.

The Trump foundation was never a charity until the democrats made it up.

The Trump Foundation certainly wasn't a charity.

But the Trump family claimed it was a charity.

And yes it was swept under the rug.

You Trumpettes don't care.

You don't care that Trump used a charity to steal money from veterans.

I am more and more convinced that there is absolutely nothing you will not excuse your Orange Messiah- very truly cult like.
Let's assume for the sake of argument that this story is true. How does pocketing a few million dollars in donations for veterans compare with Hillary's getting our ambassador in Libya and three other Americans there killed and then lying about it to Congress? Which of those two actions would you say is the most serious and despicable?

Well lets see.

In the first case- Trump has admitted its true and has paid a $2,000,000 fine.

In the second case- Republicans spent years trying to blame it all on Clinton- and never could find anything.

Ten investigations were conducted into the 2012 Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees. Problems were identified with security measures at the Benghazi facilities, due to poor decisions made by employees of the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and specifically its director Eric Boswell, who resigned under pressure in December 2012.[1] Despite numerous allegations against Obama administration officials of scandal, cover-up and lying regarding the Benghazi attack and its aftermath, none of the ten investigations found any evidence to support those allegations.[2][3][4][5]

So the difference is that the first case is a serious and despicable act by Trump.
The second is a serious and despicable slander by yourself.
A state judge ordered President Trump to pay $2 million in damages to nonprofit groups on Thursday after the president admitted misusing money raised by the Donald J. Trump Foundation to promote his presidential bid, pay off business debts and purchase a portrait of himself for one of his hotels.

[snip] Among Mr. Trump’s admissions in court papers: The charity gave his campaign complete control over disbursing the $2.8 million that the foundation had raised at a fund-raiser for veterans in Iowa in January 2016, only days before the state’s presidential nominating caucuses. The fund-raiser, he acknowledged, was in fact a campaign event.

Just think about that for a second. Trump had to admit it: Crooked Donald pretended to hold a fundraiser for veterans, but then took the money for his campaign. He stole from our veterans. And he admitted it.

That’s not all:

Trump used money raised for vets as campaign slush fund. That alone should end his political career

Anybody else notice last week how this story was swept under the rug? Remember how the media portrayed it as Trump had to pay money back to a charity? Notice haw the left out the details, like the veterans part?

Lets make sure we all remind everybody on Veterans Day tomorrow.
Shut the fuck up… You’re always making up shit

Ah the Trump answer- shut up- stop making up shit by telling the truth!
Let's assume for the sake of argument that this story is true. How does pocketing a few million dollars in donations for veterans compare with Hillary's getting our ambassador in Libya and three other Americans there killed and then lying about it to Congress? Which of those two actions would you say is the most serious and despicable?
Yeah...someone should investigate that shit!
The story wasn't swept under the rug. Even democommiecrats didn't think They could force this blivit on anyone.

The Trump foundation was never a charity until the democrats made it up.
Every now and then the depths of your stupidity amaze even me.

Please, explain how you've reached that hilariously erroneous conclusion.
Trump has done everything he has promised to vets, blacks, and other minorities. in fact he has done even more than he promised, my friends

if Democrats spend 10 percent of their time helping vets rather than attacking Donald, our country would be so much better off
Let's assume for the sake of argument that this story is true. How does pocketing a few million dollars in donations for veterans compare with Hillary's getting our ambassador in Libya and three other Americans there killed and then lying about it to Congress? Which of those two actions would you say is the most serious and despicable?

Wrong is wrong.
Trump tried to close this foundation long ago. The criminal seditionists in New York sued to keep it open specifically so they could fabricate a case. That's what they did.
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