trump suggest he would use FBI to go after political opponents in second term using FBI

There is no suggestion. Of course he will. trump is vindictive and vengeful. He makes Nixon look like the Pope.
Leftards insist that only they are permitted to misuse the DOJ for purely partisan political purposes.

In any event, there is zero credible reason to buy the claim, anyway.
You made up the accusation about Biden sending the DoJ to indict Trump, moron. Did you forget your ADHD meds today?
And neither are to be believed
Boy your really stupid to believe known liars in the DOJ
Trump can't force guys like Wray, Comey. McCabe. Strzok, etc. to do anything.

Just like Trump couldn't get the DOJ to do his bidding. The Deep State doesn't work that way.
Trump will do what he did at the end of his first (and hopefully only ) Presidency. Appoint crazy sycophants like Kash Fucking Patel… and probably worse
Tater has Merritless Gestapoland going after soccer moms, religious people, and his #1 opponent, but the clown OP ignores all that.

Yep. Apparently Maga folks are the greatest terror threat there is. Go figure, right?
I really don't give a shit. You're just that stupid to believe known liars
You believe known liars and want people to believe you despite the fact that you’re a known liar.

You made it up.

Trump is saying it out loud. That’s not made up.
You believe known liars and want people to believe you despite the fact that you’re a known liar.

You made it up.

Trump is saying it out loud. That’s not made up.
Nope simp I don't believe known liars.
That's why I stopped watching the lying democrat media
The Republican RINOs would whether lose and maintain some power than rule by what they were elected to do. That's what you fear about trump were going to remove the RINOs . And then it will be our rules

The appropriate, warranted opposition to Trump is predicated the fact that Trump would continue to abuse his office, to use the power of the state in his criminal, lawless, un-Constitutional attack on his political opponents, and seek to destroy our democratic institutions.
91 frivolous indictments says otherwise
91 indictments say Trump’s a criminal.

Indictments having nothing to do with President Biden.

Lawful, warranted indictments based on facts and the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing as authorized by grand juries.

The appropriate, warranted opposition to Trump is predicated the fact that Trump would continue to abuse his office, to use the power of the state in his criminal, lawless, un-Constitutional attack on his political opponents, and seek to destroy our democratic institutions.
Runaway troll I asked you a few questions and you ran away
91 indictments say Trump’s a criminal.

Indictments having nothing to do with President Biden.

Lawful, warranted indictments based on facts and the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing as authorized by grand juries.
Frivolous incidents is you got. New York is a great example taking misdemeanors and making them felonies
Your evasiveness shows you’re just making shit up.

That’s what losers do.
Boy I told you to mind your own business
But why must you lie to push the fascist agenda of the democrat party?

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