Trump supporter attacked at Cheesecake Factory over MAGA hat: report

Today's hypocrite American left (goaded by the criminal conspiracy in the MSM) is about the most violent and dangerous faction of society since the Anarchist/Socialist movement in the early 20th century
Yeah, I’ll just go to Bumfuck, Mississippi and walk into a bar wearing a red impeach Trump hat to piss everyone off. How do you think that would play out?
Totally false equivalency. The MAGA hat is a representation of support for Trump's policies. By getting mad about someone wearing it, you're just projecting your own disdain onto someone else when the hat to them likely just means they support things like immigration reform and America first. Having something that says "impeach Trump" is an explicit attack on someone in no uncertain terms.

A better correlation would be wearing an Obama shirt. And if you did into a bar in bumfuck Mississippi, then they'd be wrong to treat you disrespectfully as well.
The MAGA hat was worn all throughout Trump’s campaign of hate as he rallied his sheep against fellow Americans that he deemed undesirable. It is a symbol of hatred.
It it happened like it was described, it was totally indefensible.
pretty sure it did based on this (from my article in OP - was posted ny CF on twitter):

The Cheesecake Factory has since released a statement regarding the incident.

"No guest should ever feel unwelcomed in one of our restaurants and we are taking this matter very seriously," reads a statement obtained by Fox News. "Upon learning of this incident, we immediately apologized to the guests in person. The individuals involved in the incident have been suspended pending the results of our investigation."
There are 2 reasons to wear a MAGA hat. To get fist bumps from Trump sheep in flyover country, and to give the middle finger to people in blue areas. That idiot knew exactly what he was doing.
We know how tolerant you are. That is to say, not tolerant in the least.

Now, let the adults talk.
Who the fuck is talking about tolerance? You walk into a place giving the middle finger to everyone, expect problems.
So, if someone is wearing an Obama shirt. He should be attacked?
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public, would be starting Shit. But in my word, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
Obama won because Bush crashed the economy and got us into three wars and doubled the federal debt.

Obama won because he was an unknown cipher and because of Clinton fatigue. He won because the rubes always fall for the tired old line about "change".

That's why Trump won, too. He was going to shake things up. He was going to drain the swamp.

But look what's happened. The swamp is bigger and slimier than ever.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public, would be starting Shit. But in my word, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
You're wrong. Anyone wearing an Obama shirt is wearing it because of the aspects of Obama (the man or the policies) that they support. Your opinion of Obama is irrelevant to whether or not you should treat that person with respect until they show they shouldn't be. That is, if you want to claim to be an actually tolerant and decent person.
MAGA: Make Adultery Great Again

Melania is turned by Donny banging disgusting Liberal would think you filthy, immoral LefTards would think that’s
The only people I have seen drooling over Trump's whores are pseudocons.

The party of Family Values™ no longer has a moral leg to stand on.

This election was about Mexicans and Muslims. You pseudocons prove it every day.

Ah, your favorite word “pseudocons”....haha, I love it!
Who said anything about family values? Stay focused.
Sane people can’t give two shits about who the president bangs so long as he fulfills his obligation to America’s best.
Only you lowlife fucks need the United States President to raise your children for you.
I have zero expectation of Trump ever being impeached. However, after eight years of whining and gnashing of teeth and screaming for Obama's impeachment, I am enjoying watching you pseudocons get bitch slapped around every day by your own benchmarks
I don't remember anyone calling for Obama's impeachment here or anywhere else...We learned that lesson during the Clinton impeachment and the left is on the verge of learning that lesson now....
The MAGA hat was worn all throughout Trump’s campaign of hate as he rallied his sheep against fellow Americans that he deemed undesirable. It is a symbol of hatred.
In your mind it is. And considering that you think your opinion is the only one that matters, i'm not surprised you feel the way you do about it.

Liberal Tolerance
We know how tolerant you are. That is to say, not tolerant in the least.

Now, let the adults talk.
Who the fuck is talking about tolerance? You walk into a place giving the middle finger to everyone, expect problems.
So, if someone is wearing an Obama shirt. He should be attacked?
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public, would be starting Shit. But in my word, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
Obama won because Bush crashed the economy and got us into three wars and doubled the federal debt.

Obama won because he was an unknown cipher and because of Clinton fatigue. He won because the rubes always fall for the tired old line about "change".

That's why Trump won, too. He was going to shake things up. He was going to drain the swamp.

But look what's happened. The swamp is bigger and slimier than ever.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

Hussein Onegro won because he’s black...look it up.
Search voter demographics
This never was rocket science
We know how tolerant you are. That is to say, not tolerant in the least.

Now, let the adults talk.
Who the fuck is talking about tolerance? You walk into a place giving the middle finger to everyone, expect problems.
So, if someone is wearing an Obama shirt. He should be attacked?
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public, would be starting Shit. But in my word, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
Obama won because Bush crashed the economy and got us into three wars and doubled the federal debt.

Obama won because he was an unknown cipher and because of Clinton fatigue. He won because the rubes always fall for the tired old line about "change".

That's why Trump won, too. He was going to shake things up. He was going to drain the swamp.

But look what's happened. The swamp is bigger and slimier than ever.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...
Because he was black, but liberals can't even do that right. Because he is half white.
I don't remember anyone calling for Obama's impeachment here or anywhere else...


Reid is a crook and a liar and one of the biggest weapons in the GOP's quiver...The media may not be capable of waking up and seeing the truth but the American people are waking up. There were Impeach Obama rally's all across America this past weekend. I never saw rally's like that when Clinton was impeached. Reid is going to lose the Senate and it will be mostly his fault. No one likes him, not even his own contributors. Oh yeah... there are new all time low Obummer presidential approval numbers set to come out this week. Jeeee I wonder why. Can you say below W?

There's a reason I call you retards willfully blind monkeys with the memory retention of goldfish.

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Eight years of that shit.

Sit back and enjoy the karma, baby! :lol:
Hussein Onegro won because he’s black...look it up.
Search voter demographics
This never was rocket science
That was a part of it, but g5000 is right. Obama was an unknown with political winds blowing in his favor. Anyone could project just about anything they wanted onto him, and therefore he could be whatever you wanted him to be in your own mind.

Well, at least to people who didn't do their homework on him.
There are 2 reasons to wear a MAGA hat. To get fist bumps from Trump sheep in flyover country, and to give the middle finger to people in blue areas. That idiot knew exactly what he was doing.
We know how tolerant you are. That is to say, not tolerant in the least.

Now, let the adults talk.
Who the fuck is talking about tolerance? You walk into a place giving the middle finger to everyone, expect problems.
So, if someone is wearing an Obama shirt. He should be attacked?
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public with an Obama shirt, would be starting Shit. But in my world, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
Tolerance hasn’t worked out well. I’m done with it.
g5000 To be fair, were there actual politicians out there calling for Obama to be impeached like Maxine Waters and other democrat reps are right now? One can always find a treasure trove of biased media outlets staying crazy stuff.
We know how tolerant you are. That is to say, not tolerant in the least.

Now, let the adults talk.
Who the fuck is talking about tolerance? You walk into a place giving the middle finger to everyone, expect problems.
So, if someone is wearing an Obama shirt. He should be attacked?
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public with an Obama shirt, would be starting Shit. But in my world, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
Tolerance hasn’t worked out well. I’m done with it.
Lol, an internet badass. Lol, problem is you're not thinking which side has the guns. So keep it up, then maybe liberalism will become extinct. Then America will be great again!
The MAGA hat was worn all throughout Trump’s campaign of hate as he rallied his sheep against fellow Americans that he deemed undesirable. It is a symbol of hatred.
In your mind it is. And considering that you think your opinion is the only one that matters, i'm not surprised you feel the way you do about it.
In most minds it is. Case in point, the OP.

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