Trump supporter attacked at Cheesecake Factory over MAGA hat: report

this story is, unfortunately, not surprising at all

racist employees messing with a black man for expressing his opinion - aren't we supposed to be moving past this???

leftist give lip service to "tolerance, love and acceptance"

but this type of story is almost always about unstable lefties harassing conservatives

Trump supporter attacked at Cheesecake Factory over MAGA hat: report

The Cheesecake Factory is investigating an incident at one of its Miami locations after a black customer claims he was verbally attacked by staff over his “Make America Great Again” hat, The Daily Wire reports.

Eugenior Joseph, 22, was reportedly dining with his girlfriend’s family at the Dadeland Mall location of the restaurant on Mother’s Day. His MAGA hat allegedly drew the attention of a female staff member, who gathered her co-workers to confront him, a witness told the site. A witness further claims about a dozen of those employees circled his table, pointing fingers.
Lefties always target blacks.
Lefties always target blacks.
only the ones that stray off the plantation
this story is, unfortunately, not surprising at all

racist employees messing with a black man for expressing his opinion - aren't we supposed to be moving past this???

leftist give lip service to "tolerance, love and acceptance"

but this type of story is almost always about unstable lefties harassing conservatives

Trump supporter attacked at Cheesecake Factory over MAGA hat: report

The Cheesecake Factory is investigating an incident at one of its Miami locations after a black customer claims he was verbally attacked by staff over his “Make America Great Again” hat, The Daily Wire reports.

Eugenior Joseph, 22, was reportedly dining with his girlfriend’s family at the Dadeland Mall location of the restaurant on Mother’s Day. His MAGA hat allegedly drew the attention of a female staff member, who gathered her co-workers to confront him, a witness told the site. A witness further claims about a dozen of those employees circled his table, pointing fingers.
Lefties always target blacks.

Oh they love and adore their long as they stay obedient and follow LefTard protocols.
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public with an Obama shirt, would be starting Shit. But in my world, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
Tolerance hasn’t worked out well. I’m done with it.
Lol, an internet badass. Lol, problem is you're not thinking which side has the guns. So keep it up, then maybe liberalism will become extinct. Then America will be great again!
Every side has the guns, dipshit. Over 400 million of them in this country.
We have more, most of you snowflakes want guns taken away. I mean you have a seventeen year old representing you on that. Lol, you can't make this stuff up!View attachment 193655
I’m not worried. You dolts thought the same thing last time.
I'm not either, but I say live and let live. You on the other hand don't, so you'll probably will be one of the first to go. Not a threat, just saying. Living like an asshole has consequences.
this story is, unfortunately, not surprising at all

racist employees messing with a black man for expressing his opinion - aren't we supposed to be moving past this???

leftist give lip service to "tolerance, love and acceptance"

but this type of story is almost always about unstable lefties harassing conservatives

Trump supporter attacked at Cheesecake Factory over MAGA hat: report

The Cheesecake Factory is investigating an incident at one of its Miami locations after a black customer claims he was verbally attacked by staff over his “Make America Great Again” hat, The Daily Wire reports.

Eugenior Joseph, 22, was reportedly dining with his girlfriend’s family at the Dadeland Mall location of the restaurant on Mother’s Day. His MAGA hat allegedly drew the attention of a female staff member, who gathered her co-workers to confront him, a witness told the site. A witness further claims about a dozen of those employees circled his table, pointing fingers.
Poor snowflake was “verbally” attacked? Aww :itsok:
It it happened like it was described, it was totally indefensible.

Oh, and let's all ignore that these were all black servers that did this. Since the election black Trump-haters have physically assaulted more that half a dozen people for supposed support of Trump. These brown shirt fascists need a bullet in their head. Next election I will be at those Trump rallies and ready for the DNC-sponsored thugs.
Ohhhhh! A bad ass. Whatcha gonna do?
The same morons who want to walk up and insult LGBTs, women going into medical facilities brown-skinned people just going about their daily lives, Muslims doing the same, and criticizing these people whom they target and declaring that there is no right to avoid being offended, now want to pretend that they have some sort of right not to be offended. What's this about?
The left knows they are losing badly...they expected to see Trump out of office by now and they are getting angrier if that is possible...every day that goes by and Trump is still president their boiling point increases and their hate spews out like spit from a thirsty pig...
Now they have to hear that Trump's polls numbers are improving especially in the African American and Hispanic American communities and it brings them close to insanity...
I can't wait until Mueller closes his witch hunt without any charge against the President...
That will be epic....
Actually, we are very patient people.
There are 2 reasons to wear a MAGA hat. To get fist bumps from Trump sheep in flyover country, and to give the middle finger to people in blue areas. That idiot knew exactly what he was doing.
We know how tolerant you are. That is to say, not tolerant in the least.

Now, let the adults talk.
Who the fuck is talking about tolerance? You walk into a place giving the middle finger to everyone, expect problems.
So, if someone is wearing an Obama shirt. He should be attacked?
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public with an Obama shirt, would be starting Shit. But in my world, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
"the only reason he won, was because he was black".......prove that, please.
The left knows they are losing badly...they expected to see Trump out of office by now and they are getting angrier if that is possible...every day that goes by and Trump is still president their boiling point increases and their hate spews out like spit from a thirsty pig...
Now they have to hear that Trump's polls numbers are improving especially in the African American and Hispanic American communities and it brings them close to insanity...
I can't wait until Mueller closes his witch hunt without any charge against the President...
That will be epic....
Actually, we are very patient people. that the spin?
Do you have a choice in the matter?
Only 6.5 years many bullets will be swallowed by LefTards in that time?
We know how tolerant you are. That is to say, not tolerant in the least.

Now, let the adults talk.
Who the fuck is talking about tolerance? You walk into a place giving the middle finger to everyone, expect problems.
So, if someone is wearing an Obama shirt. He should be attacked?
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public with an Obama shirt, would be starting Shit. But in my world, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
"the only reason he won, was because he was black".......prove that, please.

Voter demographics 2008 and 2012....look it up.
Yeah, I’ll just go to Bumfuck, Mississippi and walk into a bar wearing a red impeach Trump hat to piss everyone off. How do you think that would play out?
Totally false equivalency. The MAGA hat is a representation of support for Trump's policies. By getting mad about someone wearing it, you're just projecting your own disdain onto someone else when the hat to them likely just means they support things like immigration reform and America first. Having something that says "impeach Trump" is an explicit attack on someone in no uncertain terms.

A better correlation would be wearing an Obama shirt. And if you did into a bar in bumfuck Mississippi, then they'd be wrong to treat you disrespectfully as well.
The MAGA hat was worn all throughout Trump’s campaign of hate as he rallied his sheep against fellow Americans that he deemed undesirable. It is a symbol of hatred.
made in China, no less.
The left knows they are losing badly...they expected to see Trump out of office by now and they are getting angrier if that is possible...every day that goes by and Trump is still president their boiling point increases and their hate spews out like spit from a thirsty pig...
Now they have to hear that Trump's polls numbers are improving especially in the African American and Hispanic American communities and it brings them close to insanity...
I can't wait until Mueller closes his witch hunt without any charge against the President...
That will be epic....
Actually, we are very patient people. that the spin?
Do you have a choice in the matter?
Only 6.5 years many bullets will be swallowed by LefTards in that time?
It always amuses me how trumpanzees automatically say that trump will be president for 8 years. Why? The fix in?
Who the fuck is talking about tolerance? You walk into a place giving the middle finger to everyone, expect problems.
So, if someone is wearing an Obama shirt. He should be attacked?
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public with an Obama shirt, would be starting Shit. But in my world, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
"the only reason he won, was because he was black".......prove that, please.

Voter demographics 2008 and 2012....look it up.
You mean the demographics that show that white older males are becoming a minority?
You mean the demographics that show that white older males are becoming a minority?
blacks are in the 30% range in most Southern States, otherwise, Obama would have been rolled over by the Clinton machine
So, if someone is wearing an Obama shirt. He should be attacked?
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public with an Obama shirt, would be starting Shit. But in my world, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
"the only reason he won, was because he was black".......prove that, please.

Voter demographics 2008 and 2012....look it up.
You mean the demographics that show that white older males are becoming a minority?

You better hope not...look around at every single Brown city and every Brown nation...all super shitholes. Coincidence?
Who’s gonna feed all you taxpayer dependent pet humans?
Hillary's campaign paid for thugs to beat and bloody Trump reporters at Trump Rallies.

Snowflakes be all about 'tolerance'... :p

Snowflake Rump encouraged people at his rallies to beat anyone protesting him. In fact even said he would pay any fines or attorney fees. Oh he never paid! was proven that her campaign paid a group who hired thugs to go to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters. Your got the pictures of the results...where are your photos / links?

The video's at Rump rallies when it came flying out of his cake hole? You are kidding right, please tell me you haven't blocked that out you partisan hack?
We know how tolerant you are. That is to say, not tolerant in the least.

Now, let the adults talk.
Who the fuck is talking about tolerance? You walk into a place giving the middle finger to everyone, expect problems.
So, if someone is wearing an Obama shirt. He should be attacked?
By your logic, that would be a yes. Obama was a disaster as a president. I mean the only reason he won, was because he was black. So anyone walking in public with an Obama shirt, would be starting Shit. But in my world, I say let them show everyone. He is an idiot, but your kind wants to attack the person. Tolerance in your world, is bullshit.
"the only reason he won, was because he was black".......prove that, please.
Well by liberals thought, Hillary was the best choice. But you voted her out, for the unknown black man.

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