Trump supporters are marching in our nation's capital

Negative, negative, replys, not much info not much facts, hope they had a good outing out in the ? fresh air, & hope they wore masks.
If you don't march for joe, you ain't black......or something....
Your post brings to mind Biden's notable flub at one of his taped events earlier this year on the campaign trail when meeting with a primarily black audience. He began talking about the days of his youth, when he would swim at public pools with blacks and relayed that they were interested in rubbing the hair on his legs, presumably because they'd not run in a white male who had hairy legs before? Hard to know with Joe. Soon after this strange and slightly disturbing comment, he used the word roaches when referencing blacks. My jaw stayed dropped for a full 5 seconds so I had to replay it to confirm I had it right. Where is the outrage by the Black community about Biden referring to black people as roaches? You just can't make this stuff up.
so far, no rioting or looting has been reported


Bunch of racists and neo nazis they will disappear once their leader die or lose the election.

Be very afraid. They might wave an America flag in front of you and say hello to you.

I'm surprised antifa didn't show up with weapons to attack them.
Bunch of racists and neo nazis they will disappear once their leader die or lose the election.
Yet it is your side that are burning buildings and attacking people and ruining innocent folks businesses and must be kidding....
I dont endorse looters. But maybe if we didnt have a racist system we wouldnt have unrest.
I knew about racism in this country before coming here and It is rampant. And you chose a racist ideology and a racist clown so that's that.
I'm going to regret asking this, but what racist ideology?
How dare Trump supporters obey the law and refuse to loot stores and set stuff on fire. Lets be honest that's white privilege and racist. :aargh:
How dare Trump supporters obey the law and refuse to loot stores and set stuff on fire. Lets be honest that's white privilege and racist. :aargh:
How dare Trump supporters obey the law and refuse to loot stores and set stuff on fire. Lets be honest that's white privilege and racist. :aargh:
The best part of that quote: "what you all know, but most people don't know"...priceless!
Bunch of racists and neo nazis they will disappear once their leader die or lose the election.
Yet it is your side that are burning buildings and attacking people and ruining innocent folks businesses and must be kidding....
I dont endorse looters. But maybe if we didnt have a racist system we wouldnt have unrest.
I knew about racism in this country before coming here and It is rampant. And you chose a racist ideology and a racist clown so that's that.
I'm going to regret asking this, but what racist ideology?

The MSM has convinced him that commie cities ran by black mayors, majority minority city counsels, and black police chiefs, are systemically racist. And you wonder why they call them low information voters.

Nope, Army.
Yankee???????? ROFLMFAO
I didnt really think you were a Yankee, but I was going for getting it wrong in the biggest scale I could manage, lol.

I agree with you most of the time, I was merely chanelling my Basic and AIT drill sergeant, for some reason I keep dreaming about him lately.

No offense intended, I was trying to make you laugh, not enough laughter any more it feels like.

Thank you for your service! <- totally seriously
Melania should buy Trump a gift upon his please Donald. but mostly to shut him up JUST for a little while...
Bunch of racists and neo nazis they will disappear once their leader die or lose the election.
Yet it is your side that are burning buildings and attacking people and ruining innocent folks businesses and must be kidding....
I dont endorse looters. But maybe if we didnt have a racist system we wouldnt have unrest.
I knew about racism in this country before coming here and It is rampant. And you chose a racist ideology and a racist clown so that's that.
I'm going to regret asking this, but what racist ideology?
If you were someone on the left, your ideology of a racist would be, Hispanic, Asian, or white that doesn't tow the Marxist left's anti-American, anti-Constitution and anti-Bill of Rights manifesto.
Nope, Army.
Yankee???????? ROFLMFAO
I didnt really think you were a Yankee, but I was going for getting it wrong in the biggest scale I could manage, lol.

I agree with you most of the time, I was merely chanelling my Basic and AIT drill sergeant, for some reason I keep dreaming about him lately.

No offense intended, I was trying to make you laugh, not enough laughter any more it feels like.

Thank you for your service! <- totally seriously

thumbs up.jpg


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