Trump supporters explained.

The Democratic Party evolved from the party of Dixiecrat racists to the party of multiculturalism.

For political purposes only. They are as racist as ever.
The Democratic agenda has as much racism as the conservatives agenda has anti-gun. But i'll bite, please explain, but spare us the spin of saying that their efforts to include equal rights to minorities, women, and LGBT as racism against the "oppressed rich white christians." Or how welfare is a secret mission to keep the poor poor and dependent on government. People that can think for themselves can see the hot air in these arguments and they are getting tiresome. Any other argument, i'd love to hear.
People say that Trump will
Never be able to deport 11 million people.

Well, people who aren't good at thinking say that because Trump knows as does anyone with brains that he can do it easily by getting them to self-deport.

The same intellectually handicapped people claim that Trump will never be able to get Mexico to pay for the wall.

Well, yes he will. He can do it two ways: 1, he can place tariffs on all goods imported from Mexico, or more easily, he can take from the millions of dollars in subsidy money that we send Mexico every year.

Its so ironic that the stubbornly stupid so loudly claim that Trump supporters are stupid.
if he places tariffs on on all imported goods, and has companies move back to the USA from Mexico, more people will come to the USA illegally Looking for those jobs. If Mexico makes the wall, than they will make it weak and make it with flaws so they know how to circumvent it. Self deporting? Lmao.

Trump has has his head in the right place for terrorism, muslim refugees? He is on the wrong side of history, rewriting torture definitions or whatever he wants to do now to suit his whims, is the glaringly wrong. What next get ride of LOAC, suspend the Geneva convention? Refugees......they are running from abuse and you want them turned away? But will take christian refugees? Bringing up history of dipping bullets in pigs blood to make a point and offend every Muslim. Trump is insane, dangerous, and an idiot.

Smart people don't follow someone who says whatever he thinks and never thinks about what he says.

You have to be a troll.
People say that Trump will
Never be able to deport 11 million people.

Well, people who aren't good at thinking say that because Trump knows as does anyone with brains that he can do it easily by getting them to self-deport.

The same intellectually handicapped people claim that Trump will never be able to get Mexico to pay for the wall.

Well, yes he will. He can do it two ways: 1, he can place tariffs on all goods imported from Mexico, or more easily, he can take from the millions of dollars in subsidy money that we send Mexico every year.

Its so ironic that the stubbornly stupid so loudly claim that Trump supporters are stupid.
if he places tariffs on on all imported goods, and has companies move back to the USA from Mexico, more people will come to the USA illegally Looking for those jobs. If Mexico makes the wall, than they will make it weak and make it with flaws so they know how to circumvent it. Self deporting? Lmao.

Trump has has his head in the right place for terrorism, muslim refugees? He is on the wrong side of history, rewriting torture definitions or whatever he wants to do now to suit his whims, is the glaringly wrong. What next get ride of LOAC, suspend the Geneva convention? Refugees......they are running from abuse and you want them turned away? But will take christian refugees? Bringing up history of dipping bullets in pigs blood to make a point and offend every Muslim. Trump is insane, dangerous, and an idiot.

Smart people don't follow someone who says whatever he thinks and never thinks about what he says.

You have to be a troll.

No dumbass, when he says Mexico will build the wall he means they are going to pay for it. How can you be stupid enough not to already know that?

How stupid are you? You don't know shot, you say things that are ignorant and wrong and you call others stupid?

Let me give you a clue since you are sorely lacking: I am trying to educate you about Trump's voters, you don't want to learn? Then feel free to fuck off.
when he says Mexico will build the wall he means they are going to pay for it.

That's fascinating. "Here, I'm gonna build something you don't want and send you the bill for it. How ya like that, huh?" :rofl:

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