Trump supporters have Stockholm syndrome

The Swamp through every thing but the kitchen sink at Trump and he survived it. He did a very good job on keeping as many promises he made as he could.

With his 2 for 1 remove regulations for any new one policy it had our economy running on all cylinders. With oil and gas rigs he implemented a new permit system that got drilling permits in days NOT MONTHS ....Which brought our production way up with a peak of about 1100 rigs in 2019. Now we have about 760 under Potato Head.

It took a virus and mail in voting from hell to get him out of office. And a virus to kill our economy. The VIRUS DIDN'T ACTUALLY kill the economy. The Govt did all over this nation. And now we are REAPING IT for doing so.

Now for the best thing and MOST IMPORTANT THING from Trump. 3 SCOTUS Justices that will prevent the left from Judicial activism for decades to come. That is priceless.
Stockholm syndrome - a condition in which hostages (peasants) develop a psychological bond with their captors (politicians, elitists, celebrities, billionaires) during captivity. It results from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, and abusive relationships.

People that still support Trump are against the vaccine because of its ineffectiveness, side effects/deaths, and forceful tryannical mandates posed against almost the entire world population. Yet, Trump was a huge endorser, helped roll it out, and said very little on the tyrannical mandates (all he said was “I believe people should have a choice”). He joined the mass propaganda machine in trying to brainwash people into taking it.

Trump hasn’t said a word about the World Economic Forum in 4 years and even endorsed Dr Oz (a WEF honoree). Not just him, but his daughter Ivanka was honored as a young globalist leader as well.

Trump has endorsed countless RINOs, many of which have denied election fraud.

After the election was stolen in 2020, people were saying there is no 2024 until 2022 is fixed or the country will collapse by 2024. Now everyone is back on the Trump 2024 bandwagon!!!!!!!!! Despite nothing being done about election fraud and RINOs rigging their own primaries I recent elections.

It’s disgraceful to see that the majority of everyone is infected with Stockholm Syndrome. Trumpsters don’t have it as severe as DemonRats, but they really need to find a remedy before it’s too late (which it may be already)

And what is it called when someone keeps bringing up the same old thing over and over and over and over again without a shred of actual insight or savvy or original thought and just repeating what others like them have said countless times? Like for instance bringing up trump and trump supporters.
And what is it called when someone keeps bringing up the same old thing over and over and over and over again without a shred of actual insight or savvy or original thought and just repeating what others like them have said countless times? Like for instance bringing up trump and trump supporters.
When all you have is miserable failure with Brandon, it's the only thing they have to do. Blame others for being failures.
Stockholm syndrome - a condition in which hostages (peasants) develop a psychological bond with their captors (politicians, elitists, celebrities, billionaires) during captivity. It results from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, and abusive relationships.

People that still support Trump are against the vaccine because of its ineffectiveness, side effects/deaths, and forceful tryannical mandates posed against almost the entire world population. Yet, Trump was a huge endorser, helped roll it out, and said very little on the tyrannical mandates (all he said was “I believe people should have a choice”). He joined the mass propaganda machine in trying to brainwash people into taking it.

Trump hasn’t said a word about the World Economic Forum in 4 years and even endorsed Dr Oz (a WEF honoree). Not just him, but his daughter Ivanka was honored as a young globalist leader as well.

Trump has endorsed countless RINOs, many of which have denied election fraud.

After the election was stolen in 2020, people were saying there is no 2024 until 2022 is fixed or the country will collapse by 2024. Now everyone is back on the Trump 2024 bandwagon!!!!!!!!! Despite nothing being done about election fraud and RINOs rigging their own primaries I recent elections.

It’s disgraceful to see that the majority of everyone is infected with Stockholm Syndrome. Trumpsters don’t have it as severe as DemonRats, but they really need to find a remedy before it’s too late (which it may be already)
You got TDS not sure if it's fixable.
The vast, vast majority on the right, and solid majority of church going Christians have no interest in Trump, per se. It is as simple as this. We are with Trump because we are truly behind almost everything he stood for or tried to do.
Translation; in a colossal error of judgement you sold your soul to the Devil in pursuit of your agenda. Subjugating your religious beliefs in favor of an immoral sociopath for what, a tax cut? The advancement of bigotry? A failed attempt to steal the election? Have you really fooled yourself to such an extent you think you can separate your political goals with the man you empowered to seek them? People like you are a danger to the country.
Translation; in a colossal error of judgement you sold your soul to the Devil in pursuit of your agenda. Subjugating your religious beliefs in favor of an immoral sociopath for what, a tax cut? The advancement of bigotry? A failed attempt to steal the election? Have you really fooled yourself to such an extent you think you can separate your political goals with the man you empowered to seek them? People like you are a danger to the country.
Here is why I cannot relate to your kind. If I asked you what happens to you when you die the only answers you could offer are 1) you decay in the ground, 2) I do not know, 3) I do not care. - - - - - - - - - - The first answer is dead wrong, the next two fatal. No wonder we cannot agree on more simple matters of truth.
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You are a giant red herring making this all about Trump. The vast, vast majority on the right, and solid majority of church going Christians have no interest in Trump, per se. It is as simple as this. We are with Trump because we are truly behind almost everything he stood for or tried to do. That includes making our energy all domestic, trying to bring back companies and jobs from abroad (the RINOs never helped), getting rid of insane climate change choking regulations on industries, making our military fit and high morale which Obama destroyed, saving us from an insane open Southern border, demanding the mainstream media and DOJ quit lying and covering for the lying corrupt democrats and all their crimes, prefer our schools not turn into lab experiments and sexualizing children to death, wanting school choice, greatly approving his pro-life stance, standing up to China and any others, and so much more.

On the other hand, we hate --- HATE --- how the democrats and educators and media have poisoned this nation to death. So to sum, we do not care if it’s Trump or De Santis, or whoever ----- and we will never support any scoundrel that emerges from the blue swamp.

I understand flacaltenn.....but to say that Trump supporters have Stockholm syndrome.....right there at the start is not clean.

He didn't start cleanly... he started in a very nasty wrong way.

He works too hard to be a kidnapper. Doing 3 rallies A DAY -- is holding and keeping track of a lot of "Stockholm" captives. LOL....

I think most folks are jealous of his energy and ability to connect with all kinds of people. Cant think of another president that spent as much time talking to citizens as he did.

Simple remedy.

Trump in 2024!!!

Gee another rant from the island of the living brain dead.

So if I start a thread saying Biden is an idiot - as used in a psychological classification's fine?

and a Mod won't send the thread to the rubber room of flame room or basement or conspiracy?

I just want to know!:)

You're not telling the truth. You're using a broad brush to lump in all the people who support Donald Trump because we studied his platform, and when he became President, he kept his campaign promises and then some. He had many successes in his 4 years under which he received assaults from shameless people who hated the American process, the Constitution, non-atheists, and who were set aside by the American people for lying, cheating, using their public offices as a cash register to enlarge their personal fortunes. President Trump actually refused his presidential pay to save America the expense of entitlements and salary worth a lot money for four years. I liked him because he encouraged businesses to give many people large salaries and salaries large enough to beat their former welfare lives. He reduced the welfare roles significantly, and many people were on their way to having the American Dream fall in their laps because of his willful encouragement of the business sector to help even the poorest Americans achieve the American Dream of having their own home, money enough to start a college savings account for their kids, and the whole nine yards.

That's hardly a Stockholm syndrome. Now, the job market is shrinking, Biden's inflation has destroyed people's ability to go on vacations due to sky high costs of gas, transportation, eating out fees while on vacation, and all that.

Never mind the pure hell it is for seniors on a fixed retirement income or social security that didn't go up when Gas did.

You have applied a disease of Stockholm Syndrome that is related to criminal entrapment that is so inappropriate I am going to place you on ignore and never think of you again since somehow you did not back up with any kind of a link that everyone else has to furnish. :talk2hand:

Trump failed his 3 biggest promises

The wall- never completed and won’t be

Drain the swamp- Not one swamp creature in jail. the swamp drained him and is now draining millions of Americans

Make america great again- the country has been invaded from within (on Trumps watch) and is now under globalist control from the one world government in Davos (the world economic forum)

How can you argue that I’m wrong?

Everyone here proves their Stockholm syndrome. Just what I expected. one key symptom of Stockholm syndrome is defending their positions at all costs and never admitting they’re wrong.

Some Trumpsters are calling out mods to censor this and placing me on ignore, but they have no problem wasting their times arguing with DemonRats.

I just want you all the wake up. We both want the same vision for our country and quite frankly the rest of humanity
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Here is why I cannot relate to your kind. If I asked you what happens to you when you die the only answers you could offer are 1) you decay in the ground, 2) I do not know, 3) I do not care. - - - - - - - - - - The first answer is dead wrong, the next two fatal. No wonder we cannot agree on more simple matters of truth.

That poster is a Democrat, and understand that disability means...

a. truth is not in their vocabulary

b. they are required to be atheists, except as it pertains to government, in which case they bend neck and knee.

You came to this thread to tell people things about DemonRats that they already know and ignore the topic?

Didn't you get the aren't required to read every post.

It's so simple even you should be able to understand the rule: I post as I wish, you read what you wish.

See ya'......
Didn't you get the aren't required to read every post.

It's so simple even you should be able to understand the rule: I post as I wish, you read what you wish.

See ya'......
Not required to read the first post or topic?

Only demonRats are allowed to troll this forum
So if I start a thread saying Biden is an idiot - as used in a psychological classification's fine?

and a Mod won't send the thread to the rubber room of flame room or basement or conspiracy?

I just want to know!:)

You certified to diagnose out the APA Handbook? USUALLY those threads linked to SOME activist shrink(s) that violated the terms of their professional orgs -- NOT to diagnose people who are NOT their patients. We let that stay. \

But Stockholm syndrome is TOO GENERAL for the APA to put into their diagnostic manual. So -- amateurs can wail away at using it by themselves. NOT DISAGREEING with you about the uselessness of TRYING this, just following the general policy of USMB mod staff.

"If in doubt -- Let the members sort it out". :wink:

There is no official diagnosis of Stockholm syndrome since it’s controversial and the American Psychiatric Association doesn’t include it in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)– the measure used to diagnosis an array of disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and paraphilia.

Stockholm Syndrome: A complete guide to this curious syndrome

Drain the swamp- Not one swamp creature in jail. the swamp drained him and is now draining millions of Americans

Draining the swamp NEVER MEANT OR IMPLIED "criminal offenses". It was aimed at REGULATION and partisan/special interest groups buried DEEP (or not so deeply) into the massive bureaucratic "minions of morons" that WRITE AND IMPLEMENT Congress's poor attempts at legislation. And ON THAT -- the swamp was greatly reduced. His first exec orders included "TRASHING (thru review) 3 Regulatory rules that were OUTDATED, ineffective, or plain spiteful to every new one that gets printed and posted. But more than that -- it meant NOMINATING AND PLACING his top appointees that would STAND UP to "status quo" in the depts that they ran and ROOT OUT all the bloody paperwork and bad practices. HE appointed "do-ers". Brandon has a closet of nobodies chosen for their race/sex/gender/PAYBACK value.
How can you argue that I’m wrong?
I don't have to argue --- I just want to vote for Trump in 2024.
I just want you all the wake up. We both want the same vision for our country and quite frankly the rest of humanity
No, you leftists DEFINITELY have a very, very, very different vision for our country and the world than we do. Apparently your idea is draconian control of everyone, compelling everyone to comply with whatever crazy idea some "elite" came up with in the shower this morning. Not our vision.
Clean in what sense?

You seem really upset that I think elections are still rigged and that the leader that everyone looks up to and is counting on can’t even name the true enemy
You're the enemy, or at the very least a pawn of the enemy.
Left wingers still act as if they lost the freaking election. Now they fantasize a scenario where the majority of voters who elected Trump were actually taken prisoner in something like a bank holdup. Why not talk about real issues such as polling data that indicates that democrats don't even want Biden to run again? Too painful?
Stockholm syndrome - a condition in which hostages (peasants) develop a psychological bond with their captors (politicians, elitists, celebrities, billionaires) during captivity. It results from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, and abusive relationships.

People that still support Trump are against the vaccine because of its ineffectiveness, side effects/deaths, and forceful tryannical mandates posed against almost the entire world population. Yet, Trump was a huge endorser, helped roll it out, and said very little on the tyrannical mandates (all he said was “I believe people should have a choice”). He joined the mass propaganda machine in trying to brainwash people into taking it.

Trump hasn’t said a word about the World Economic Forum in 4 years and even endorsed Dr Oz (a WEF honoree). Not just him, but his daughter Ivanka was honored as a young globalist leader as well.

Trump has endorsed countless RINOs, many of which have denied election fraud.

After the election was stolen in 2020, people were saying there is no 2024 until 2022 is fixed or the country will collapse by 2024. Now everyone is back on the Trump 2024 bandwagon!!!!!!!!! Despite nothing being done about election fraud and RINOs rigging their own primaries I recent elections.

It’s disgraceful to see that the majority of everyone is infected with Stockholm Syndrome. Trumpsters don’t have it as severe as DemonRats, but they really need to find a remedy before it’s too late (which it may be already)
Why did The Democrat Party hold America Hostage with a 4 year long siege against our Democracy based on a Lie and Propaganda Campaign they financed in the form of Operation Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane? Why do you need a Subpoena Cannon against Democracy? Why was The FBI and DOJ involved in a COUP against a Legitimately Elected President of The United States leveraging a lie, they knew was a lie, and knew was bought and paid for by the Democrats? Why did Obama, Biden, and Clinton finance The Dirty Dossier, and then get their moles in The FBI to go along with the 4 year long COUP attempt?

Why is The DemNazi Party still holding America Hostage 6 years later when the only insurrection against Democracy was financed, planned and carried out by the Democrat Party and it's leadership and still continues to this day?

The Siege Against Democracy and Insurrection against America still continues 6 years after Obama, Biden, and Clinton with their moles in Congress, the DOJ and FBI launched Operation Russian Collusion - Cross Fire Hurricane. The plan is the same, only the name has changed.

January 6th Hostages and HOAX are just more of the same. A Continued COUP of Democracy.
Same are Russian Collusion
America is under siege by Fascist Globalist Godless DemNazi Party.

Makes you wonder how much longer America will allow themselves to be held hostage by Freedom hating fiends and wonder what these Satanic America hating Globalists have planned next?
Another Obama-Fauci BioWeapon unleashed just in time for 2024?

Shove your subpoena cannon up your mask!


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Stockholm syndrome - a condition in which hostages (peasants) develop a psychological bond with their captors (politicians, elitists, celebrities, billionaires) during captivity. It results from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, and abusive relationships.

People that still support Trump are against the vaccine because of its ineffectiveness, side effects/deaths, and forceful tryannical mandates posed against almost the entire world population. Yet, Trump was a huge endorser, helped roll it out, and said very little on the tyrannical mandates (all he said was “I believe people should have a choice”). He joined the mass propaganda machine in trying to brainwash people into taking it.

Trump hasn’t said a word about the World Economic Forum in 4 years and even endorsed Dr Oz (a WEF honoree). Not just him, but his daughter Ivanka was honored as a young globalist leader as well.

Trump has endorsed countless RINOs, many of which have denied election fraud.

After the election was stolen in 2020, people were saying there is no 2024 until 2022 is fixed or the country will collapse by 2024. Now everyone is back on the Trump 2024 bandwagon!!!!!!!!! Despite nothing being done about election fraud and RINOs rigging their own primaries I recent elections.

It’s disgraceful to see that the majority of everyone is infected with Stockholm Syndrome. Trumpsters don’t have it as severe as DemonRats, but they really need to find a remedy before it’s too late (which it may be already)
Being in the best economy we’ve ever had, with no new wars and relative peace in the Middle East, is being ”held hostage“?

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