Trump supporters: I feel sorry for you..

And they depended on other countries for their energy, food and military all along. And their government subsidized their industry all along too. Sorry ass fucking country… LOL
WHAT? BS! And they're all happier than us. Thanks GOP! You're duped! D'OH! lol.
Why don't you go over there and live in the shit hole? Sounds like a perfect place for you. I can't think of a worse place to live in THAN the EU... LOL

At least you can go to the doctor there.
I don't pick a place to live in just so I can see your doctor… LOL

Nor do I but at least I know that if I did move to the EU I wouldn't have to worry about an early death because I can't afford to visit a doctor. You're ignorant and all you're doing is running your mouth.

So a doctor is too expensive in America? I thought Obama and the rest of the Democrats fixed that? Lol!
I would not want anything to do with it, I don't want other people paying for my shit… we are not buying what you're selling

Since that's not happening then you won't be doing it.
Keep your collective to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of the foolishness… LOL

He's on a classic idiot roll now. He mentions a collective.
Keep your village to yourself, you're obviously king there. Lol


Look, Franco and now im2 have two of their best posts ever.
I'm curious. The OP insinuated that he's a mind reader. That's fascinating.

No he doesn't. He just spoke the truth about Trump.

In your opinion, which no better or worse than anyone else's opinion.
Better than any dupe I've seen...Fact. Poor America...

That's because you are stupid partisan hack that lets the Democratic Party think for you. How stupid can you get.
He cant help it, he drinks the Kool-Aid out of Hildabeasts colostomy bag.
...And doesn't even know that it's an 80 proof shit martini.

Why the fuck would anyone vote for a fucking brain damaged raging alcohol addict to be the president?
No he doesn't. He just spoke the truth about Trump.

In your opinion, which no better or worse than anyone else's opinion.
Better than any dupe I've seen...Fact. Poor America...

That's because you are stupid partisan hack that lets the Democratic Party think for you. How stupid can you get.
He cant help it, he drinks the Kool-Aid out of Hildabeasts colostomy bag.
...And doesn't even know that it's an 80 proof shit martini.

Why the fuck would anyone vote for a fucking brain damaged raging alcohol addict to be the president?
I thought you guys didn't drink booze
Trump supporters: You folks are honest, hard working people, who sincerely want the best for America. I applaud you efforts to make our country a better place. I feel sorry for you though. You backed a President who thinks he's above the law, who thinks the executive branch of government functions just like a for profit business, who thinks he can bully Judges, Senators, Congressman, and Governors. Who thinks making deals with countries like Russia to enrich himself and his family while he's President is "no big thing" I'm an older guy, and I've seen how things like this end, and it's not pretty. The end for Trump and Co. is not yet, but it's coming, and it's coming fast.....
Threat # 2,543,894 filed accordingly.
Obama managed only 2 things- Averting a full scale GOP Depression, and ACA, which is looking good. Idiot BS GOP party...And 2 is good with your stupid crooked obstructionist thieves around...

HOW TRULY BLIND must a person be to think:
A). The 2008 recession mainly caused by the banking takeover engineered by the democrats, forcing them to give loans to anything with two legs was both averted and caused by the GOP.
B). That Obamacare, collapsing around the country as premiums skyrocket, that was supposed to save everyone money and even the Dems scramble now to try to save, is "LOOKING GOOD."

1st Place For Cornhole Boneheaded Statement of the Year.
I feel sorry for anyone that depends on the federal government and thinks that it's a good thing...
Some people don't have any choice. The fed government sometimes is all the sick and handicapped have. Our disabled vets rely on the fed government.,
In the end the only question I have for you is HOW DID YOU GET THIS STUPID?
I feel sorry for anyone that depends on the federal government and thinks that it's a good thing...
Some people don't have any choice. The fed government sometimes is all the sick and handicapped have. Our disabled vets rely on the fed government.,
In the end the only question I have for you is HOW DID YOU GET THIS STUPID?

The vets served their country and they are owed by the government for their service.
Obama managed only 2 things- Averting a full scale GOP Depression, and ACA, which is looking good. Idiot BS GOP party...And 2 is good with your stupid crooked obstructionist thieves around...

HOW TRULY BLIND must a person be to think:
A). The 2008 recession mainly caused by the banking takeover engineered by the democrats, forcing them to give loans to anything with two legs was both averted and caused by the GOP.
B). That Obamacare, collapsing around the country as premiums skyrocket, that was supposed to save everyone money and even the Dems scramble now to try to save, is "LOOKING GOOD."

1st Place For Cornhole Boneheaded Statement of the Year.
Lmao. Yeah Bush being president at the time bears no fault or responsibility for the major recession that happened on his watch.
You idiots crack me up.
I feel sorry for anyone that depends on the federal government and thinks that it's a good thing...
Some people don't have any choice. The fed government sometimes is all the sick and handicapped have. Our disabled vets rely on the fed government.,
In the end the only question I have for you is HOW DID YOU GET THIS STUPID?

The vets served their country and they are owed by the government for their service.
Not according to Trumpies. They're " takers"
I feel sorry for anyone that depends on the federal government and thinks that it's a good thing...
Some people don't have any choice. The fed government sometimes is all the sick and handicapped have. Our disabled vets rely on the fed government.,
In the end the only question I have for you is HOW DID YOU GET THIS STUPID?

The vets served their country and they are owed by the government for their service.
Not according to Trumpies. They're " takers"

You got a link showing that? Even Trump believes the vets deserve more.
Lmao. Yeah Bush being president at the time bears no fault or responsibility for the major recession that happened on his watch.
You idiots crack me up.

Don't laugh your ass off too hard, Unreasonable, your brains might fall out. If you knew even the first thing about anything, you would know that Presidents have no direct control over budgets and economies, Congress does. Congress sets the funding and controls the regulations that mainly govern an economy. Check your history to see which party controlled the Congress in 2007-2008.
Obama managed only 2 things- Averting a full scale GOP Depression, and ACA, which is looking good. Idiot BS GOP party...And 2 is good with your stupid crooked obstructionist thieves around...

HOW TRULY BLIND must a person be to think:
A). The 2008 recession mainly caused by the banking takeover engineered by the democrats, forcing them to give loans to anything with two legs was both averted and caused by the GOP.
B). That Obamacare, collapsing around the country as premiums skyrocket, that was supposed to save everyone money and even the Dems scramble now to try to save, is "LOOKING GOOD."

1st Place For Cornhole Boneheaded Statement of the Year.
Lmao. Yeah Bush being president at the time bears no fault or responsibility for the major recession that happened on his watch.
You idiots crack me up.

He asked congress to do something about it 17 times and dems obstructed it.
All of those are going bankrupt, plus they are not long-term stupidass motherfucker.

Not exactly true.
Name one, long term for us?

Nope, you go do the research and show us how it has never ever worked.
There are no examples of it working long-term…

They sort of work, but then they are sub par. Like the old Soviet Union, the people are not satisfied living under that type of system and end up developing a huge black market economy. Because they want things. I'm willing to bet those black market economies would be capitalist in nature as well, because it actually works.
Ridiculous, hater dupe...check rural trailer parks...
Socialism has never worked in the history of the planet, they always run out of other peoples money… Fact

You might want to go do some research on that one.
:lmao:Where has Socialism worked long term... do tell us. :fu:
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, Germany, France.

There are a lot of systems that work, but the more government control, the less innovation. And maybe theres a good reason why Germany has privatized its postal service and rail systems.
Back to the dupes, who can't separate socialism from communism. Socialism is ALWAYS democratic, it's just fair capitalism with a good safety net. The USA is socialist if ACA is ever implemented. Socialism has no effect on innovation. THAT is COMMUNISM. GD brainwashed functional morons...
Lmao. Yeah Bush being president at the time bears no fault or responsibility for the major recession that happened on his watch.
You idiots crack me up.

Don't laugh your ass off too hard, Unreasonable, your brains might fall out. If you knew even the first thing about anything, you would know that Presidents have no direct control over budgets and economies, Congress does. Congress sets the funding and controls the regulations that mainly govern an economy. Check your history to see which party controlled the Congress in 2007-2008.
Absolute brainwashed RW idiocy. It was Booooshies' bs regulation that allowed all the shenanigans in 2003 that led to huge numbers of toxic assets being insured and sold around the world. Idiot.
Obama managed only 2 things- Averting a full scale GOP Depression, and ACA, which is looking good. Idiot BS GOP party...And 2 is good with your stupid crooked obstructionist thieves around...

HOW TRULY BLIND must a person be to think:
A). The 2008 recession mainly caused by the banking takeover engineered by the democrats, forcing them to give loans to anything with two legs was both averted and caused by the GOP.
B). That Obamacare, collapsing around the country as premiums skyrocket, that was supposed to save everyone money and even the Dems scramble now to try to save, is "LOOKING GOOD."

1st Place For Cornhole Boneheaded Statement of the Year.
Lmao. Yeah Bush being president at the time bears no fault or responsibility for the major recession that happened on his watch.
You idiots crack me up.

He asked congress to do something about it 17 times and dems obstructed it.
He was blaming Fannie and Freddie who had little to do with it. The Boooshies finally got F+F to go along with the scam and then tried to end them as usual. It was the GOP crony private institutions that caused the depression. DUHHHHHHH. Poor America- the GOP is a corrupt bs disgrace, dupes.
You might want to go do some research on that one.
:lmao:Where has Socialism worked long term... do tell us. :fu:
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, Germany, France.
Only a fool would think that's long term… LOL
Longer than the U.S.
"Longer than the US" what? We have had capitalism for about 230 years. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, Germany, France are not socialist. They are welfare states, just like the USA, but their governments are even dumber and more corrupt than ours.
That's socialism, numbnuts. LOL! We need ACA to barely qualify. ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC!!!!
I'm curious. The OP insinuated that he's a mind reader. That's fascinating.

No he doesn't. He just spoke the truth about Trump.

In your opinion, which no better or worse than anyone else's opinion.
Better than any dupe I've seen...Fact. Poor America...

That's because you are stupid partisan hack that lets the Democratic Party think for you. How stupid can you get.
He cant help it, he drinks the Kool-Aid out of Hildabeasts colostomy bag.
How's the Lock her up special prosecutor coming along, brainwashed idiots? LOL!
I agree with most of this except maybe the first couple of sentences.
Most of the people who voted for Trump are sick and tired of being sick and tired. They wanted change. Trump gave them hope. I have no doubt most of those people bust their ass every day to keep their heads above water.

Another inexperienced man also promised hope and change eight years ago. He was a huckster, too.

I guess the poor bastards thought a guy with even LESS experience, and who lied even MORE, would be the best choice for them.

Go figure.

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