Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

By whom????? Donald Trump couldn't corrupt them. That's why he fired Jim Comey, because Comey wouldn't pledge loyalty to Trump the Crime Boss.

Trump calls the Justice Department corrupt, because he tried to corrupt them and couldn't. Trump calls everyone and everything that refuses to bend to his will and carry out his criminal orders, "corrupt".
It's all the Director of the FBI's fault! Christopher Wray!

Which Nazi Commie Marxist President APPOINTED this corrupt and evil bastard, anyway!

Democrats don't own the MSM, SHAREHOLDERS own the MSM. These outlets have to answer to a Board of Directors, the FDC, and their Shareholders. The billionaire owned right wing media answers to Rupert Murdoch, Robert Mercer and the Sinclair Family. The people who are benefitting from Republican Tax Cuts, and illegal immigration.

Trump isn't an "American Patriot". He's only interested in lining his own pockets and those of his billionaire buddies.
Democrats control the MSM, google, fact checks, microsoft and most of the media sites like Facebook and Twitter even public broadcasting. You will never get a straight story from them.
What is being done is pure political persecution having nothing to do with laws being broken. Especially this bogus raid. It's all about stopping Trump from running in 2024. That's all it is.
It is against the Constitutional Law for a political body to gang up on their political adversaries using lies and calumny to put their opponents' families in humiliation and financial jeopardy. The Democrats are the ones who need to be investigated, but they're using their slim majorities likely gained by cheating at the polls, to harm Republicans. And we're fed up. This is not going to end well as long as there is hanky panky going on in the voting booths.
It is against the Constitutional Law for a political body to gang up on their political adversaries using lies and calumny to put their opponents' families in humiliation and financial jeopardy. The Democrats are the ones who need to be investigated, but they're using their slim majorities likely gained by cheating at the polls, to harm Republicans. And we're fed up. This is not going to end well as long as there is hanky panky going on in the voting booths.
This is showing every likelihood of enemy democrats having gone a bridge too far.
not a trump humper ... but gotta add my 2 cents.



Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

does intent count?

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