Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Of course, yes. Nail her. And anyone who helped her. As I said in the OP.

You're welcome.

And I don't care about any other cases, so I don't have to say "you first", or spin or deflect.


Then I am with you. Hillary destroyed thousands of emails that were the property of the Government. That is a felony. She also had thousands of classified documents in her possession illegally. Also a felony. Yet, there was no FBI raid, no warrant and no prosecution.

Wonder why?

Do you support two systems of Justice in this Country? One for people you agree with and one for your political enemies? Just curious. If they reopen the Clinton case and prosecute her I am all for going after Trump for the same thing. Fair?
No, we do not know that. If that were true, the 19 Republican investigations into Benghazi would have uncovered it. They didn't, so Republicans just pretended that they did. THERE WERE NO REFERRALS TO DoJ FROM REPUBLICANS TO PROSECUTE HILLARY CLINTON. WHY NOT?

Who said anything about Benghazi?

Barack Obama was President, dumbass! You think Republicans can refer prosecution to Obama's DOJ. Exactly who ran the FBI?
So is that a "no"?
It is what it is. You don't find a person you don't like and investigate them to death until you can find something to charge them with. If this were allowed with the general public, we would all be in jail for something. That's not how America is supposed to work.
It is what it is. You don't find a person you don't like and investigate them to death until you can find something to charge them with. If this were allowed with the general public, we would all be in jail for something. That's not how America is supposed to work.

The concept of "find me the person and I'll find you the crime"

We have over-legislated ourselves to death the past 60 years, and now the laws don't get applied evenly.
Fine, let's see if you are on the same page when the gop investigations start next year and the assholes you shill for are being put under the microscope.

Pepperidge Farms will remember.
Investigations of what?
"I don't want to give you a straight answer to your direct question. Because of my ideological obedience, I have to pack my answers with caveats and conditions and spin and avoidance and bullshit."
Too bad they just can't say that.
Mac, that should be your sig line. You do it every time.
You are all pathetic losers who don't have the courage or the integrity to answer a yes or no question.

You whatabout with ridiculous examples that have no relationship to what it appears Trump has done: stolen this nation's most highly classified documents and secrets to sell to our adversaries.
You are a commie scum idiot. Go after Killary with the same gusto and you might have a a little bit of credibility.

yup. So?
Like Hillary?

I was against the relentless Hillary investigations. Prove I wasn't. Both parties have degenerated into not doing our country's work but, instead, having endless investigations of the other side for political purposes. Do you agree with me?
Then I am with you. Hillary destroyed thousands of emails that were the property of the Government. That is a felony. She also had thousands of classified documents in her possession illegally. Also a felony. Yet, there was no FBI raid, no warrant and no prosecution.

Wonder why?

Do you support two systems of Justice in this Country? One for people you agree with and one for your political enemies? Just curious. If they reopen the Clinton case and prosecute her I am all for going after Trump for the same thing. Fair?
Nail her.

Trump is a different issue. I will hold him accountable just as I would Hillary. One does not depend on the other. I'm not like you. Thankfully.
Bullshit! The past is a guide to the future. Want to bet you have nothing?
I have no idea. If they have nothing, they fucked up big time, as I have pointed out in the main thread on this issue. And whomever fucked up needs to be summarily dismissed. Immediately.


I'm not a tribal sheep. I don't have to play games.
Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

That 5th Ave. drug is a hard drug to beat.
Are we going to Punish Obama et all before him for doing the same thing if that's what we find?

How do Presidents create their Presidential libraries anyway?
So you found something like that on Former President Obama?
Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Let's put the assholes who defrauded Trump in jail first. OK?
That 5th Ave. drug is a hard drug to beat.
They just can't bring themselves to do it. There has to be deflection and conditions and spin and caveats, etc etc.

This is when you know that a person is lost in their ideology.

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