Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Democrats have lied so much about Trump that you would never have credibility claiming he broke the law because you'd say that anyway.

Like Democrats picking up the fake Russia story started by Hillary and pounding it, you lie and lie and lie and still have massive TDS.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me

Lie to me 300 times about Trump and no one should be listening to you
It would be pretty much impossible for Trump to have broken the law by taking papers to his FL home.
The only thing that might have been illegal would have been if he destroyed them to cover up evidence of illegal activity.
But preserving papers can never possibly ever be illegal.
If they are classified, that is not illegal.
Are you honestly telling yourself that the FBI and DOJ took the extreme and unprecedented steps to raid an ex presidents home without any legal basis? Do you understand how insane that is? How many legal and minds and authorities that need to check off actions like this?! Executed by an agency lead by a guy that Trump put in charge!

Y’all are nuts
Democrats have lied so much about Trump that you would never have credibility claiming he broke the law because you'd say that anyway.

Like Democrats picking up the fake Russia story started by Hillary and pounding it, you lie and lie and lie and still have massive TDS.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me

Lie to me 300 times about Trump and no one should be listening to you
What would you find credible evidence that Trump broke the law? Anything?
I covered that in the OP.

I know you guys don't like this direct question. Tough shit.

So you agree Hillary broke the Law and it was a complete whitewash and miscarriage of Justice. Good. Then both she and Trump should be held to the exact same legal standard. Don't you agree? :)
These people don't seem to understand how easy it is to see deflection.

Just say, "No, Mac, he should not be held legally accountable if he broke the law".
Your question is irrelevant until it has been shown that he broke any laws.

Using Hillary as an example, she broke multiple laws but Comey would not charge her.
This is America. It is not supposed to be our way to take a person and investigate them to death in order to find something you can hang him with. This country has descended into being Nazi Germany where the Gestapo round up political prisoners, investigate them with a kangaroo court, and then jail them on Trumped up charges to remove them from being a political threat.
So is that a "no"?
As a general proposition, the correct methodology to achieve justice is to:

take note of a crime having been committed (or apparently committed, even);

THEN comes the investigation;

THEN (if but only if warranted) comes an arrest;

THEN comes a fair trial on the charges.


The libtarded Democrap Party prefers to start by rabidly searching for any alleged “crime” by beginning with an alleged “investigation.” They do this because they aren’t seeking justice. Indeed, justice is a dirty word to them.
Your question is irrelevant until it has been shown that he broke any laws.

Using Hillary as an example, she broke multiple laws but Comey would not charge her.
Democrats have lied so much about Trump that you would never have credibility claiming he broke the law because you'd say that anyway.
...and you seriously think this will work as an actual defense strategy in the court of law?
So you agree Hillary broke the Law and it was a complete whitewash and miscarriage of Justice. Good. Then both she and Trump should be held to the exact same legal standard. Don't you agree? :)
Of course, yes. Nail her. And anyone who helped her. As I said in the OP.

You're welcome.

And I don't care about any other cases, so I don't have to say "you first", or spin or deflect.

"I don't want to give you a straight answer to your direct question, Mac. Because of my ideological obedience, I have to pack my answers with caveats and conditions and spin and avoidance and bullshit."

Too bad they just can't say that.
"I don't want to give you a straight answer to your direct question, Mac. Because of my ideological obedience, I have to pack my answers with caveats and conditions and spin and bullshit."

Too bad they just can't say that.

"I give a general question that requires far more information to accurately respond to, and then pound my pud and declare victory when people don't fall for the trap"

Next question, do you think Trump would ever call any investigation into him anything but a corrupt prosecution?
Maybe not. But what I have witnessed so far has been nothing but unbelievable corruption and criminal acts against him.

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