Trump supporters in Blue state......ruh roh shaggy.....democrats hating America not a good look for an election...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This Daily Wire reporter talks to members of a Trump deep blue New Jersey...

The response was universal: these people love their country and they fear that the Democrats are trying to turn it into a one-party state. They believe in the Constitution. And, for all his faults ā€” which many freely admitted they didnā€™t like ā€” Trump, they said, also believes in the institutions of this nationā€¦and he loves the country. They believe the Democrats, for reasons they cannot fathom, only focus on what is wrong with America and not whatā€™s worked.

One woman spoke to me from her idling carā€™s window, a pink ā€œWomen For Trumpā€ rooftop flag snapping in the breeze. She feared what would happen to the courts and Congress if Democrats gained control. ā€œI donā€™t think weā€™ll recognize this country any more if this happens. And you know what? If Republicans were trying to pack the Supreme Court and end the Electoral College, Iā€™d be just as upset.ā€

Another woman agreed. She had a Spanish accent and so I dove further, as she was clearly an immigrant. It turns out she was from Cuba. ā€œI am scared of what I see,ā€ she confided in me. ā€œIn this country, if you work hard, you can make a good life for yourself. It was not that way in Cuba. This is what the communists did. They took control of the media. Made promises of all things for all the people. But they were lying. Socialism doesnā€™t work. It destroyed my country. I came here to get away from all that!ā€

Yet another immigrant, this time from Italy, had a lot to say. I could have talked to him for hours. He lamented: ā€œThis is the greatest country in the world. I came here when I was 21. I love this country. I donā€™t want to see it destroyed.ā€ But why Trump? I asked. ā€œBecause he appreciates what a wonderful place this is. He loves it too. And Iā€™ll tell you another thing,ā€ he said, clearly passionate in his concerns. ā€œI have a gun, okay?ā€ (I told him my father was a combat veteran Marine and so he relaxed some. Clearly in New Jersey heā€™s been conditioned to hesitate before speaking about guns as they are a touchy subject.) ā€œI love guns. Itā€™s my right. I have all the papers. My license. Iā€™ve never shot anybody. I am a law-abiding gun owner. But I go to the range and I see these people outside with signs saying they donā€™t like guns. So I tell them ā€˜okay fine, then donā€™t buy one.ā€™ But they want it so that I canā€™t buy one. Thatā€™s not what this country is about. You do what you want.ā€

What struck me too was the jovial, upbeat mood of the parade and those who lined the street to watch it go by, many waving American flags, all smiling. Clearly there was a lot of enthusiasm. And yet there was also an undertone of concern. This was about more than just the economy, or even COVID, neither of which I heard mentioned in the entire time I was there. This, for them, is a more existential matter. They see Trump as the only man who can stand up to the forces of nihilism and radical change for the worse as represented by the Biden/Harris ticket. And none of them believe that Joe Biden will be president even if he wins. They were more concerned about a President Harris.

Trump is an embarrassment, defending him now that he has failed as president along with all his other failures is amazing, but cults work that way and Trump's followers are cult members. The material below is for none cult people. Cult members don't read books they follow.

"Of all the things President Trump has destroyed, the Republican Party is among the most dismaying.

ā€œDestroyedā€ is perhaps too simplistic, though. It would be more precise to say that Mr. Trump accelerated his partyā€™s demise, exposing the rot that has been eating at its core for decades and leaving it a hollowed-out shell devoid of ideas, values or integrity, committed solely to preserving its own power even at the expense of democratic norms, institutions and ideals.

Tomato, tomahto. However you characterize it, the Republican Partyā€™s dissolution under Mr. Trump is bad for American democracy.

A healthy political system needs robust, competing parties to give citizens a choice of ideological, governing and policy visions. More specifically, center-right parties have long been crucial to the health of modern liberal democracies, according to the Harvard political scientist Daniel Ziblattā€™s study of the emergence of democracy in Western Europe. Among other benefits, a strong center right can co-opt more palatable aspects of the far right, isolating and draining energy from the more radical elements that threaten to destabilize the system...."

For the reader and thnker:

Trump is an embarrassment, defending him now that he has failed as president along with all his other failures is amazing, but cults work that way and Trump's followers are cult members. The material below is for none cult people. Cult members don't read books they follow.

"Of all the things President Trump has destroyed, the Republican Party is among the most dismaying.

ā€œDestroyedā€ is perhaps too simplistic, though. It would be more precise to say that Mr. Trump accelerated his partyā€™s demise, exposing the rot that has been eating at its core for decades and leaving it a hollowed-out shell devoid of ideas, values or integrity, committed solely to preserving its own power even at the expense of democratic norms, institutions and ideals.

Tomato, tomahto. However you characterize it, the Republican Partyā€™s dissolution under Mr. Trump is bad for American democracy.

A healthy political system needs robust, competing parties to give citizens a choice of ideological, governing and policy visions. More specifically, center-right parties have long been crucial to the health of modern liberal democracies, according to the Harvard political scientist Daniel Ziblattā€™s study of the emergence of democracy in Western Europe. Among other benefits, a strong center right can co-opt more palatable aspects of the far right, isolating and draining energy from the more radical elements that threaten to destabilize the system...."

For the reader and thnker:

Wait......stop....please......I can't laugh this hard so early in the morning.........your post is so funny.....are you a professional comedian?

Trump is an embarrassment, defending him now that he has failed as president along with all his other failures is amazing, but cults work that way and Trump's followers are cult members. The material below is for none cult people. Cult members don't read books they follow.

"Of all the things President Trump has destroyed, the Republican Party is among the most dismaying.

ā€œDestroyedā€ is perhaps too simplistic, though. It would be more precise to say that Mr. Trump accelerated his partyā€™s demise, exposing the rot that has been eating at its core for decades and leaving it a hollowed-out shell devoid of ideas, values or integrity, committed solely to preserving its own power even at the expense of democratic norms, institutions and ideals.

Tomato, tomahto. However you characterize it, the Republican Partyā€™s dissolution under Mr. Trump is bad for American democracy.

A healthy political system needs robust, competing parties to give citizens a choice of ideological, governing and policy visions. More specifically, center-right parties have long been crucial to the health of modern liberal democracies, according to the Harvard political scientist Daniel Ziblattā€™s study of the emergence of democracy in Western Europe. Among other benefits, a strong center right can co-opt more palatable aspects of the far right, isolating and draining energy from the more radical elements that threaten to destabilize the system...."

For the reader and thnker:

Wait......stop....please......I can't laugh this hard so early in the morning.........your post is so funny.....are you a professional comedian?

Classic case of projection. Progs & anti-Trumpers are both fools & tools cut from the same cloth. Tomato, tomahto.
The cognitive dissonance is so strong in them that no matter what proof & evidence you can provide, they cannot see the truth through the TDS prism they so obviously view the world through. Most of them still believe in Russian & Ukrainian collusion. When you point out all the evidence shows both their past 2 pres candidates were absolutely the ones doing it, they say we listen to fake news.
Unfortunately, when you combine projection, cognitive dissonance & TDS, it creates a toxic cocktail that shuts down the part of the brain that comprehends reason or truth. It's like a mind altering drug. Many had a tenuous grip on reality to begin with. Now they are emo zombies that have lost touch with reality.


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