Trump supporters, please read this thread, I beg you as a patriotic American who loves this country!

We arent. We are stupid just like canada. Look at the justin and joe

The guy Justin ran against, is now facing criminal charges for stealing $1 million from his own party. If that clown had become PM, we'd be facing the same economic catastrophy from covid that you're trying to recover from.

Joe Biden has done more for the American PEOPLE in one year than Trump did in 4 years in office, including much to undo the economic damage Trump caused. Even the Swiss are abandoning their neutrality to block access to Swiss bank accounts to the Russians.

Your hatred of the "Democrat" has blinded you to the reality of your situation. The Donald Trump's of the world - the wanna be authoritarians, are yesterday's news. Trump couldn't win an election when all of the people vote. We've proven that. That's why Republicans are busy electing corrupt people to cheat the next time.

But now the world is waking up to the creeping white supremacy and authoritarianism of the extreme right all over the world, and the danger it poses to the freedoms Americans have been taking for granted for decades, even as Republicans were working to disenfranchise minorities and the poor. Not to mention stripping women of their God given right to autonomy over their own bodies.

EVERYBODY is turning over the rocks you slime crawled out from under, and they're going to use those rocks to crush the cockroaches who are trying to end Western Democracy.

Putin is done. Someone in Russia will take him out. It's only a matter of time. Their money is worthless. The oligarchs can't leave Russia, do business, or access any of their billions. Their children are being deported from the west. Russia is now a pariah nation. Russian athletes are barred from competition.

Russia is learning the true meaning of "cancel culture". No American service member need set foot in Russia. This is the how a global economy polices the rogue nations in the 21st Century.
Joe Biden has done something Donald Trump NEVER DID. He stood up to an authoritarian dictator and he didn't back down.

Funny, I don't remember Putin invading Ukraine when Trump was in office. And I remember Trump giving Ukraine a lot of money.
I also remember Trump wanting NATO countries to put up their fair share of the money it takes to run NATO.

And now, Ukraine wants NATO to dismiss ALL the money that Ukraine owes. Something like $57 billion. And that doesn't include what Ukraine owes Russia. Had it not been for Russia, Ukraine would've been bankrupt a long time ago.
This trollboy ignores that even RFK jr has said he is horrified by what the democrat party has become now,thst it is not the party he was proud of while his uncle was president who made you proud to be a democrat,the kennedy brothers are rolling over in their graves now what their party has become
Anybody notice thst trollboy Eddie pretends to ignore thst rfk jr did indeed say that about the Demonrat party. :abgg2q.jpg: The truth hurts the trollboy.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl::itsok::itsok: This truth hurts Dragonidiot feeling as well. :abgg2q.jpg:
Funny, I don't remember Putin invading Ukraine when Trump was in office. And I remember Trump giving Ukraine a lot of money.
I also remember Trump wanting NATO countries to put up their fair share of the money it takes to run NATO.

And now, Ukraine wants NATO to dismiss ALL the money that Ukraine owes. Something like $57 billion. And that doesn't include what Ukraine owes Russia. Had it not been for Russia, Ukraine would've been bankrupt a long time ago.
Dragonidiot as always gets her ass handed to her on a
I never cease to be amazed at how resoundingly stupid you truly are. Did you want to start a war with Russia and Biden was too smart to do it???? Do your really believe the garbage you post? Or are you so stupid, that you can't think for yourself?

How exactly has Biden "backed down to Putin"? The Russian ruble is worthless. NATO has never been more united or determined to stop Putin.

Joe Biden has done something Donald Trump NEVER DID. He stood up to an authoritarian dictator and he didn't back down.
So tough they invaded all of Ukraine. Lol

You are a loser just like he is
So tough they invaded all of Ukraine. Lol

You are a loser just like he is

What does "tough" have to do with it? Putin has lost his mind and is displaying gross incompetence, not to mention, committing war crimes. He has no support at home or among his allies. He's also losing the war, and Biden hasn't had to station a single American soldier in the Ukraine.

Russia is now a pariah state with no access to international banking or business. The ruple is now worthless. The Russian pipeline approval withdrawn. No bombs, no bullets. Just mouse clicks.

Welcome to the 21st Century, Son!!!
They had a viable candidate. One that the right and the left could've gotten along with. Tulsi Gabbard. But democrats didn't like her honesty. They didn't like her trying to bring some sanity and common sense back to the now radical democratic party.
I'm sure some on both sides could have supported her, but I would never vote for a Democrat. I can't vote for abortion.
Please look at the numbers for Biden as far as how he is governing the country. They are in the tank! Also look at the numbers of Americans who believe Biden has lost his ability to be coherent. Do ANY of us actually believe that all or most of these numbers appeared in the last 9 months? People knew what was coming, and yet, they voted for this man to run the country. Why? More on that later in the thread!

Now, I would like all of you to THINK! For a minute, let us not argue about if the Democrats stole the election or not, let us just realize that no matter what actually happened, Joe Biden sits in the Whitehouse, and end that part of the debate with that.

What IF the Democrats had not done what they did to basically fix the primary swinging it to Biden, and Bernie Sanders WAS the Democrat nominee, he did what Biden did and basically hid, and then WON the Presidency in the same manner Biden did, cheat or not? Where would we all be?!?!?!?!?! In a whole lot worse shape, and each and every one of you knows this! If you think Biden is a disaster, just imagine Sanders in there.

So again, how many votes do you think the Democrats stole in these swing states, if they actually stole them, and I am not saying they did, or did not. For the sake of debate.......and again, I am not saying it happened...........let us say per state they stole 50,000. How about if I give you 75,000!

In each one of these states, there is a whole lot more than 75,000 independent voters. According to statistics, today the population is split almost evenly, 33% GOP, 33% Democrat, and 33% Independent. In fact, some polls suggest that Independents make up almost 40% of the vote.

Now back to the numbers in the 1st paragraph. The numbers show that people do not like Biden, and almost despise Harriss. They thought it would be bad, but probably not this bad. Still, all the negative numbers show that they probably already had this opinion of Biden/Harriss, but even with knowing this, many Independents still voted for them. How could this be?!?!?!?!?!

I will tell you why----------> Because you people who frequent this board are in the top 10% of knowledge in what is actually happening in politics in your country. Other people who are not as invested, have little or no idea and just go by what they hear on whichever station they listen to. They do NOT understand that the news, is no longer the news. Depending upon which station you listen to, it is propaganda. The REALITY is.............from people throwing so much POOP on Trump, Independents were more afraid of re-electing him, then electing someone who they had an inkling would be a disaster like Biden. They voted AGAINST Trump, not FOR Biden! And again, just imagine if the Dems hadn't fixed the primary for Biden, and it would have been Bernie! OMG!

The phony Leftist POOP still hangs on Trump, and Independents still think they smell it. We can NOT spray phony POOP with Fabreeze to make the imagined smell go away for them. The only way this can happen is Trump vindicate himself. He has another year. Can he do it? I do not know! But, if not, we MUST be prepared to slot in someone who can win, or else really be screwed. This is about the country, Not DJT at this point, remember that.

I know, most of you are really PISSED as the Left continues to do everything in its power to roadblock Trump from ever getting re-elected. So am I! They fear Trump more than anyone else in America, because if he gets back in without having to worry about re-election, he is going to go scorched earth on the Left, 3x what Reagan did, and Trump will screw them over, and over, and over again. After the 2 phony impeachments, why do you think they had to get him out of there, lol. Call Leftists rotten SOBs, but they are not rotten SOBs who are stupid.

In closing, let me say that in the end, if a Republican wins in 2024, Trump will go down as a patriot who came along at the exact time when needed. But, if Trump does not clear his name before next December, it will not be Trump who can do this for himself; it will have to be someone else. We can NOT allow another Democrat Leftist in the Whitehouse in 2024, because not only will the USA cease to exist as we know it, but Trump will NOT get the accolades he richly deserves. Always remember, the VICTORS write history; and even today, you have people on here STILL pushing RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, although it has been totally debunked. Give them another term, and Trump will be written as the Marquis Desaide of America in our history books.

Therefore, right after 2022 you MUST see if Trump has done enough to clear his name, and the ONLY poll you need to look at is.........what do Independents think, because that is the key to your decision if you want to retake the Whitehouse in 2024. And do NOT look at a poll Biden Versus Trump! Instead, look at a poll that says Trump against an un named Democrat. Do this, and you will be able to decide what to do.

Honestly do not care who you have to support if not Trump, just support SOMEONE, and we can hammer it out in the primaries.

Thnx for reading, and NEVER give up! Without people like you, the country would be far worse off than it is! While we can't educate the independents as they don't really listen, we CAN give them something/someone to vote FOR. Take that tact, and we are golden!
No Patriotic America would read your propaganda,you are a proven liar who can’t accept facts is was the rise and then the disastrous fall of biden ruing America dipshit shill from Langley,the majority of Americans are not fallling for your bullshit,the know you hate the

LETS GO BRANDON chants and thst most America is awake. :abgg2q.jpg:
No Patriotic America would read your propaganda,you are a proven liar who can’t accept facts is was the rise and then the disastrous fall of biden ruing America dipshit shill from Langley,the majority of Americans are not fallling for your bullshit,the know you hate the

LETS GO BRANDON chants and thst most America is awake. :abgg2q.jpg:

I have no idea what I said to get you so upset. I didn't lie at all. I am not blaming Trump for anything, so it must be something personal, and since I don't know you, for the life of me, I can't figure out what it is.
No Patriotic America would read your propaganda,you are a proven liar who can’t accept facts is was the rise and then the disastrous fall of biden ruing America dipshit shill from Langley,the majority of Americans are not fallling for your bullshit,the know you hate the

LETS GO BRANDON chants and thst most America is awake. :abgg2q.jpg:
Just after noon and you're drunk already?
–Donald Trump

Trump’s companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection,
which means a company can remain in business while wiping away many of its debts. The bankruptcy court ultimately approves a corporate budget and a plan to repay remaining debts; often shareholders lose much of their equity.

Trump’s Taj Mahal opened in April 1990 in Atlantic City, but six months later, “defaulted on interest payments to bondholders as his finances went into a tailspin,” The Washington Post’s Robert O’Harrow found. In July 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal filed for bankruptcy. He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt.

PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.

Look at all the people Trump called bad names in his time as a political figure. The only people he never gleefully trashed were white supremacists and Putin. Everyone else got the sharp end of a tweet at one time or another. He never grew his base even a little bit. Not sure how you think he was supposed to win.
How many times has Biden called us terrorists?
I don't remember a United States President ever doing that.
That's something Putin would do....and does every day.
How long will it be before Biden decides we all need to be locked up or shot because we question his administration?
–Donald Trump

Trump’s companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection,
which means a company can remain in business while wiping away many of its debts. The bankruptcy court ultimately approves a corporate budget and a plan to repay remaining debts; often shareholders lose much of their equity.

Trump’s Taj Mahal opened in April 1990 in Atlantic City, but six months later, “defaulted on interest payments to bondholders as his finances went into a tailspin,” The Washington Post’s Robert O’Harrow found. In July 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal filed for bankruptcy. He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt.

PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.

Everything he touches dies. Like his new social media site. The man may be the worst businessman in American history. He likes those kinds of claims. The biggest, the best! Greatest in History! The idiot hasn't logged in or spoken on so-called Truth website. Has no idea that that might be a good idea. LOL Easier to blame the tech people. I wonder how many of those folks will have to sue to get paid.
How many times has Biden called us terrorists?
I don't remember a United States President ever doing that.
That's something Putin would do....and does every day.
How long will it be before Biden decides we all need to be locked up or shot because we question his administration?
Oh! Help Me Rhonda! Yeah, that's the plan! Silly and unhinged.
Oh! Help Me Rhonda! Yeah, that's the plan! Silly and unhinged.
I remember when you probably thought Putin was a decent fellow too. Probably admired Chairman Mao too.
They always start out harmless....till they get power-mad.
Then they turn into what Putin is today.
How many times has Biden called us terrorists?
I don't remember a United States President ever doing that.
That's something Putin would do....and does every day.
How long will it be before Biden decides we all need to be locked up or shot because we question his administration?

Mud, we were deplorables 1st, and when that didn't work, they upped us to terrorists.

I have called Leftists anti-American, but I have NEVER called them terrorists! Of course, if they want to side with the new Biden idea of getting along with the "death to America" Iranians, I may have to reassess the situation.
I remember when you probably thought Putin was a decent fellow too. Probably admired Chairman Mao too.
They always start out harmless....till they get power-mad.
Then they turn into what Putin is today.
LOL Decent fellow? Putin? Harmless? A former KGB agent? Are you drunk again? Using your own philosophy, I agree with you wholeheartedly. When leaders get crazy with power they abuse it and they get dangerous. Your orange madman is a perfect example of that. Thanks for seeing clearly for once.
I'm sure some on both sides could have supported her, but I would never vote for a Democrat. I can't vote for abortion.

Then you might rethink your support (if any) for Trump. because he authorize/approved 2 spending bills that funded Planned Parenthood.

Does your support for life override your support for Trump? Or visa versa. It's a tough choice, I agree. One that requires a lot of soul searching. I'm pro life, moreso than Pro Trump. And I have no regrets for not voting for Trump.

You view may differ. That's your right.
Mud, we were deplorables 1st, and when that didn't work, they upped us to terrorists.

I have called Leftists anti-American, but I have NEVER called them terrorists! Of course, if they want to side with the new Biden idea of getting along with the "death to America" Iranians, I may have to reassess the situation.
And what do you suppose is the position of Putin? But you see no problem there? He's a genius? He's innocent of meddling in our elections? How about the one who openly loves him? Nothing to be concerned about there? Wow! How friggin' indoctrinated can a person be? How willfully deaf and blind can one be?

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