Trump supporters, please read this thread, I beg you as a patriotic American who loves this country!

Man you sure know how to shit your pants about some NY guy all the way from FL.

I know in that scared state it's hard for you to think clearly, but absolutely nothing about your voting in FL has any actual bearing on local NYC policies.
Unfortunately for you a lot of other people in NYC are leaving. Many have contributed to the taxes you need to run your city but once they are gone their taxes are also gone. Some will move to Florida which does not even have a state tax.

Plus the free state of Florida doesn’t have mask mandates. Life here is almost normal despite the fact we have a pandemic.

There is perhaps no larger chasm in policy results than the one between New York and Florida. The poorly managed Empire State and misguided left wing policies have caused its population to decline faster than any state in the nation last year, while serving as a model of caution for the remainder of the country. The Sunshine State, on the other hand, has seen its population more than double since 1990. Is also the top destination for former New Yorkers. Thanks to its judicious use of tax dollars and wealth of resources, Florida is now the third most populous state in the nation.

New York and Florida are similar in size, population, and racial profiles. Each attracts plenty of immigrants. But years of mismanagement in New York has wreaked havoc on its residents. Imagine you are well into your 50s and have worked in New York for several decades. It is now time to consider your retirement. Individuals planning their golden years have to consider how far their hard earned dollars will go. Staying in New York and shelling out tens of thousands of dollars annually may no longer be viable. Serial abuses of policy, spending, and taxation have left thousands of citizens with the same decision to stay in New York or move to Florida.


At the end of the day, the price of staying in New York is nearly double that of a temperate place geared toward the lifestyle of older Americans. Plus, there is no loss in culture or cuisine in moving to Miami or West Palm Beach, with the amenities of modern life available for the thousands of residents who are making the jump from New York to Florida each year.

The final consideration facing our hypothetical New Yorker is that moving truck rentals from blue states to red states are much more expensive than vice versa due to high demand. With the bevy of lower taxes and costs of living, perhaps this is the one cost that Uhall is willing to pay to start his new life in sunny Florida. Residents vote for the government they want. As years of corruption and mismanagement compound in New York, the next most important vote for its citizens will not be at the ballot box. It will be behind the wheel of a moving truck headed down to the Sunshine State.

You vermin got it made; the GOP isn't going to get in your way. Your commie crap is just fine with them. Just don't deprive them of their breakfast meth and beer and they will keep doing nothing.
Trump a great President??? LOL LOL Yeah this virus will be gone by June He was FOS
If the Dems weren't spreading it around to the elderly and allowing infected chinese into the country who were spreading the disease--then perhaps. The Virus isn't what they claim and no one expected that the Chinese and Fauci had made bioweapon aka COVID to purposely kill.
Democrats don't have a viable candidate. The only way for them to win is cheat.

Most Independents aren't really. They either label themselves that to stay out of political discussion or because they truly are totally uninformed voters who vote for who they think is the "nicest."

I'm not afraid of the attacks of the Democrats and their minions, the MSM. We NEED Trump to save what's left of our country. Can't let fear keep voters from doing what's best for the country.

The problem is, they never had a 'viable' candidate for President of the United States, based on our heritage, value and history.

Their power is manipulation, hiding what they stand for, and following documented Marxist aims:

"Over the past several decades, the progressive Left has successfully fulfilled Antonio Gramsci’s famed admonition of a “long march through the institutions”. In almost every Western country, its adherents now dominate the education system, media, cultural institutions, and financial behemoths."
The problem is, they never had a 'viable' candidate for President of the United States, based on our heritage, value and history.

Their power is manipulation, hiding what they stand for, and following documented Marxist aims:

"Over the past several decades, the progressive Left has successfully fulfilled Antonio Gramsci’s famed admonition of a “long march through the institutions”. In almost every Western country, its adherents now dominate the education system, media, cultural institutions, and financial behemoths."
306>232....winner and still champion...Your President Joe Biden.
Unfortunately for you a lot of other people in NYC are leaving. Many have contributed to the taxes you need to run your city but once they are gone their taxes are also gone. Some will move to Florida which does not even have a state tax.

Plus the free state of Florida doesn’t have mask mandates. Life here is almost normal despite the fact we have a pandemic.

There is perhaps no larger chasm in policy results than the one between New York and Florida. The poorly managed Empire State and misguided left wing policies have caused its population to decline faster than any state in the nation last year, while serving as a model of caution for the remainder of the country. The Sunshine State, on the other hand, has seen its population more than double since 1990. Is also the top destination for former New Yorkers. Thanks to its judicious use of tax dollars and wealth of resources, Florida is now the third most populous state in the nation.

New York and Florida are similar in size, population, and racial profiles. Each attracts plenty of immigrants. But years of mismanagement in New York has wreaked havoc on its residents. Imagine you are well into your 50s and have worked in New York for several decades. It is now time to consider your retirement. Individuals planning their golden years have to consider how far their hard earned dollars will go. Staying in New York and shelling out tens of thousands of dollars annually may no longer be viable. Serial abuses of policy, spending, and taxation have left thousands of citizens with the same decision to stay in New York or move to Florida.


At the end of the day, the price of staying in New York is nearly double that of a temperate place geared toward the lifestyle of older Americans. Plus, there is no loss in culture or cuisine in moving to Miami or West Palm Beach, with the amenities of modern life available for the thousands of residents who are making the jump from New York to Florida each year.

The final consideration facing our hypothetical New Yorker is that moving truck rentals from blue states to red states are much more expensive than vice versa due to high demand. With the bevy of lower taxes and costs of living, perhaps this is the one cost that Uhall is willing to pay to start his new life in sunny Florida. Residents vote for the government they want. As years of corruption and mismanagement compound in New York, the next most important vote for its citizens will not be at the ballot box. It will be behind the wheel of a moving truck headed down to the Sunshine State.

Cool story bro, but wtf does it have to do with your vote in Florida?
Why do you think I am embarrassed. If I am embarrassed by any Party it is the Democratic Party.

I come from a long line of Democrats who worked in the iron and steel mills in Pennsylvania. They stood on union lines in the rain and snow while on strike to advance worker rights.

For 50 yers I was a registered Democrat although I voted for which ever candidate I thought was the best. Quite often I voted against Democrats who were for draconian gun control. Keep in mind that I hold a libertarian philosophy and therefore am pro-gun. I did vote for Bill Clinton and Obama on their first run.


Libertarians support people’s rights to defend themselves and to arm themselves. We see it as immoral for government to try to prevent someone from doing so

Recently the Democratic Party went batshit crazy and started pushing Marist socialism. I decided to register as a Republican. I simply no longer could associate myself with the Democratic Party In any way.

There is a good chance the days of the establishment GOP are coming to an end. Perhaps Trump Deplorables will take over and push the Bush dynasty out. If so the Republican Party will improve dramatically.
This trollboy ignores that even RFK jr has said he is horrified by what the democrat party has become now,thst it is not the party he was proud of while his uncle was president who made you proud to be a democrat,the kennedy brothers are rolling over in their graves now what their party has become
This trollboy ignores that even RFK jr has said he is horrified by what the democrat party has become now,thst it is not the party he was proud of while his uncle was president who made you proud to be a democrat,the kennedy brothers are rolling over in their graves now what their party has become
I have to admit JFK influenced me to become a Democrat.
What IF the Democrats had not done what they did to basically fix the primary swinging it to Biden, and Bernie Sanders WAS the Democrat nominee, he did what Biden did and basically hid, and then WON the Presidency in the same manner Biden did, cheat or not? Where would we all be?!?!?!?!?! In a whole lot worse shape, and each and every one of you knows this! If you think Biden is a disaster, just imagine Sanders in there.

What you're forgetting is that the president isn't a king. He can't create legislation and sign it into law. As far as legislation goes, he can either sign it or veto it. So I gotta disagree with your statement that things would be worse.
Since Biden has not vetoed any bills, I dare say Sanders would have either.
The ONLY one that would've vetoed any bills, would've been Tulsi Gabbard. She's pretty strict on her stance of civil liberties and would not re reauthorizing FISA. She would not be giving aid to Ukraine, Russia, Israel and probably any other country.
She's a real democrat. One who cares about the American working class and their rights and liberties. These progressive establishment critters only care about their lobbyist and the MIC.
Democrats don't have a viable candidate. The only way for them to win is cheat.

Most Independents aren't really. They either label themselves that to stay out of political discussion or because they truly are totally uninformed voters who vote for who they think is the "nicest."

I'm not afraid of the attacks of the Democrats and their minions, the MSM. We NEED Trump to save what's left of our country. Can't let fear keep voters from doing what's best for the country.

They had a viable candidate. One that the right and the left could've gotten along with. Tulsi Gabbard. But democrats didn't like her honesty. They didn't like her trying to bring some sanity and common sense back to the now radical democratic party.
Look at all the people Trump called bad names in his time as a political figure. The only people he never gleefully trashed were white supremacists and Putin. Everyone else got the sharp end of a tweet at one time or another. He never grew his base even a little bit. Not sure how you think he was supposed to win.
He called your side out for what you are and the media for being lying assholes..........And I LOVE IT........Even now as you type his name you get all upset..........

Your side ARE LOCUSTS.......and I enjoy it when locust burn out.
They had a viable candidate. One that the right and the left could've gotten along with. Tulsi Gabbard. But democrats didn't like her honesty. They didn't like her trying to bring some sanity and common sense back to the now radical democratic party.
While I don't agree with the far Green agenda with her..........She was by far the best they had to offer..........She would have never left our people behind in Afghanistan........and would have probably avoided what is going on in Ukraine................I know she isn't bought and Putin wouldn't go against someone who can't be bought.
They had a viable candidate. One that the right and the left could've gotten along with. Tulsi Gabbard. But democrats didn't like her honesty. They didn't like her trying to bring some sanity and common sense back to the now radical democratic party.

She's an airhead loon. Disappointly stupid, unqualified, and unprepared. More conservative than liberal and having no clue how to manage a country.
While I don't agree with the far Green agenda with her..........She was by far the best they had to offer..........She would have never left our people behind in Afghanistan........and would have probably avoided what is going on in Ukraine................I know she isn't bought and Putin wouldn't go against someone who can't be bought.

The left is bashing her now because she posted comments to Putin and Ukraine to work together and come to a peaceful solution, without war.
Imagine, getting bashed for asking for peace.

But we all remember how they enjoyed the violence of BLM and antifa.
GOPers need to understand that the Left continues to try and tear Trump down because they fear him. We can NOT save him, he has to save himself, sad but true. If he can't by next December, we need options, because we can NOT afford to lose in 2024!
Trump is a scoundrel and a traitor! The only office he should ever occupy is one with bars.
I really though Americans were a lot smarter than they obviously are. Either that or they are so poisoned against Democrats, as to be irredeemably brainwashed.
We arent. We are stupid just like canada. Look at the justin and joe
She is a thousand times better than that IMBECILE THERE NOW...........And she wouldn't have backed down to Putin.

I never cease to be amazed at how resoundingly stupid you truly are. Did you want to start a war with Russia and Biden was too smart to do it???? Do your really believe the garbage you post? Or are you so stupid, that you can't think for yourself?

How exactly has Biden "backed down to Putin"? The Russian ruble is worthless. NATO has never been more united or determined to stop Putin.

Joe Biden has done something Donald Trump NEVER DID. He stood up to an authoritarian dictator and he didn't back down.

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