Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Tfollowing quote shows nearly $400 million in negative news about Trump in just 3 months!
he Media Research Center viewed some 1,007 evening news stories about the Trump White House on ABC, CBS and NBC from June 1 to Sept. 30(3 months).That's the equivalent of about 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.

That is like the school bully complaining that he gets detention all the time while the school Honor student never gets it.
That is like the school bully complaining that he gets detention all the time while the school Honor student never gets it.
Again NO PROOF for your dumb ass comment!
Here is the proof that the BIASED MSM has grossly influenced dummies like you to hate America all because people like
me who can be sophisticated enough to distinguish between personality and accomplishments! You and the dumb MSM
cult of stupid behavior evidently don't understand the
difference between making everyone feel good and warm and fuzzy and a person like Trump who gets things done!
Here are the facts regarding the BIASED MSM!!!
Idiots like YOU believe every word the BIASED MSM that did as the attached shows, donated to Hillary 96% and she lost. So the MSM making up for their donations spent as the following quote shows nearly $400 million in negative news about Trump in just 3 months!
The Media Research Center viewed some 1,007 evening news stories about the Trump White House on ABC, CBS and NBC from June 1 to Sept. 30(3 months).That's the equivalent of about 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
What they found was, as Trump himself might say, sad: "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —
92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."
And then here is further proof!
Tell me the equality of news presentation when the MSM donated 96% to hillary, she lost, they spent the next 4 years putting out negative news...(for example:
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%), negative
George W. Bush (28%), negative
Barack Obama (20%), negative
Donald Trump (62%) negative.

But again you make your totally unsubstantiated purely subjective and greatly uniformed observations.
Why don't you follow the "science" of facts?
OK, Skippy, saddle your pony up......and trot over to the Karma Cafe and inform us which American "cities actually being burned to the ground." (your words, not mine.)

Please don't be an empty suit here. Your avatar asserted it. Your avatar need make its' word good.

Can you?

Will you?

Giddyup, Skippy. But know, that if you cannot provide the forum with one or more American cities burned to the ground you are subject to be identified as a fake and a phony.

Is that who you really think you are? A fake and a phony? A Trump Duped and Snookered rube?
Say it ain't so.



"Not a bit of truth in any of it". ????
So, Officer Caroline Edwards was not telling the truth when she described the attack she was subject to by Trump supporters?
When she testified---under oath-----to the following, you are calling her untruthful?

Officer Edwards:

"I was an American, standing face-to-face with other Americans, asking myself many, many times, how we had gotten here,” Edwards said.
She recalled her grandfather, a marine who fought in the Korean War, and “would like to think that he would be proud of me, proud of his granddaughter that stood her ground that day and continued fighting, even though she was wounded, like he did, many years ago,” Edwards said.

“I am my grandfather’s granddaughter, proud to serve my country.”

Edwards detailed the severe injuries she sustained trying to defend the Capitol from insurrectionists, telling the House Jan. 6 committee one of the things she remembers most is looking out and seeing “the absolute war zone the west front had become.”

Edwards was attacked by rioters multiple times as she tried to protect the Capitol that day. She was tear gassed and knocked down to the ground, at one point losing consciousness. At another time that day, she held the line against the rioters with Officer Brian Sicknick, who she described as “ghostly pale.”


Well, poster Redfish, if what you are claiming is that Officer Edwards is lying under oath....I disagree.
I think that you do not know what you are talking about.
And while I wouldn't do it....I can see how some may argue you are a fake and a phony.
Prove them wrong.
And I'll applaud you if you are able to do so.
Can you demonstrate to the forum that you are NOT a fake and a phony? Demonstrate that you are not one of the TDS'rs? A Trump Duped and Snookered rube?
I hope you can.
Show us.
Still no remorse for the crimes you won't even condemn.


the "something" has been done many times in 2020.
The article you linked only says that some Democrats condemned the violence or advised against it. The fact remains that they did virtually nothing to stop it.

Not only did they do nothing to stop it, they encouraged it by bailing out arrested protesters (Harris) and allowing a mob to take over an entire section of Portland.

What’s more, any legal actions or prosecution efforts of violent protesters pales in comparison to that of Jan 6 rioters who have been pursued and prosecuted with a zeal like that of lynch mobs.
Many more were armed with other weapons purposely brought for conflict, not peaceful demonstration.

Like what, police barricades?

The fact remains that Trump had no way of knowing if any protesters at the Capital were armed.
This is an excuse I hear over and over. Because it was incompetent or it failed, it ”wasn’t really an insurrection”. I guess if a bank robber attempts to rob a bank and fails and gets caught, it wasn’t really a bank robbery. :rolleyes:

This is premised on the assumption that it was planned. That has not been proven at this point. Ergo, it is entirely plausible that it was not planned and that it was just a mob that got out of control.
Again. The same excuses. If they aren’t armed with guns it doesn’t “count”. That, despite the fact that many were armed with heavy metal poles, pepper spray, tasers etc.

You mean like the rioters in Portland, Seattle and Kenosha?
No. This one is not on the Dems. It is on the Republican Trump supporters only. But like their leader, they cast blame, conspiracy theories and vitriol on everyone but themselves.

I didn’t say this was on the Democrats, I said Democrats did virtually nothing about the violent riots of 2020.
Republicans always pivot back to the riots as a justification for their behavior.

I never justified a goddamn thing. I’m saying that Democrats are being hypocritical in their two different reactions (or lack thereof) to the violent riots and the Portland CHAZ in 2020 and the Jan 6 riot.
The Floyd riots have nothing to do with the loser of an election refusing to allow the peaceful transfer of power, forming a mob and attempting to overturn it and install himself back in power. Hell, he even dangled his own Vice President in front of the mob.

You’re absolutely right that the two have nothing to do with each other and I never said they did. I’m not comparing the two events, I’m comparing the Democrats’ reaction to the two events. Understand?
Of course it does to you, when all you want to do is sweep it under tbe rug.

Like Democrats did with the 2020 riots?

What would you have done if it was successful?

Again, this is premised on the assumption that it was a planned insurrection attempt. This has yet to be proven.

But to answer your question (which I will treat as hypothetical), I would have condemned it just as I already condemn it.

For the record, I do not defend or justify the events of Jan 6. It pissed me off then and it still does. I think they should be prosecuted accordingly but I do not agree it was an insurrection attempt.

My main problem is, and always has been, the hypocritical Democrat/liberal response to these two events.
Like what, police barricades?

The fact remains that Trump had no way of knowing if any protesters at the Capital were armed.

This is premised on the assumption that it was planned. That has not been proven at this point. Ergo, it is entirely plausible that it was not planned and that it was just a mob that got out of control.

You mean like the rioters in Portland, Seattle and Kenosha?

I didn’t say this was on the Democrats, I said Democrats did virtually nothing about the violent riots of 2020.

I never justified a goddamn thing. I’m saying that Democrats are being hypocritical in their two different reactions (or lack thereof) to the violent riots and the Portland CHAZ in 2020 and the Jan 6 riot.

You’re absolutely right that the two have nothing to do with each other and I never said they did. I’m not comparing the two events, I’m comparing the Democrats’ reaction to the two events. Understand?

Like Democrats did with the 2020 riots?

Again, this is premised on the assumption that it was a planned insurrection attempt. This has yet to be proven.

But to answer your question (which I will treat as hypothetical), I would have condemned it just as I already condemn it.

For the record, I do not defend or justify the events of Jan 6. It pissed me off then and it still does. I think they should be prosecuted accordingly but I do not agree it was an insurrection attempt.

My main problem is, and always has been, the hypocritical Democrat/liberal response to these two events.

The president didn't encourage BLM to protest police brutality. He ignored them.
And that is somehow more violent than what Trump said? The proof is in the actions that sprang directly from it.
Nobody's gonna join your little lynch mob. Keep trying to stir people up. Nobody cares about this except the crazies who still can't get over Trump
Still no remorse for the crimes you won't even condemn.
Poster Death Angel, do this: If you wish to discuss Maxine Water's speeches you should probably start a thread under your own name ....and then monitor and debate them on that thread. There seems little honor in hijacking another's thread merely so you can hissyfit about an issue that bothers you.

Good luck in getting your topic thoroughly discussed.

The fact remains that Trump had no way of knowing if any protesters at the Capital were armed.
Well, being told that his supporters were armed. Acknowledging they were armed. And then exclaiming that they weren't there to shoot him.

All of that sorta kinda leads me to believe....and I think others.....that DonT was well aware that there were guns in the hands of people he was going to shortly direct to the Capitol (without him or his enablers even alerting the Capitol or the Metropolitan police, no less.)

This is premised on the assumption that it was planned. That has not been proven at this point.
Really, poster GoR you really should watch all of the hearings. YouTube and C-Span, and probably others, have them archived on the interweb. If you pay attention to the testimony of various witnesses, you will come to understand that that march WAS planned. And it was kept secret from the Capitol Police, the Parks police, and the Metropolitan police. Multiple references have been made....under credible witnesses to that effect.

Here's the thing, the shameful attack on the Capitol on J6 was merely the capstone to 8 or 9 weeks of concerted effort to overturn the results of the November election. When his options for remaining in power grew dimmer and dimmer....DonT sent out a Tweet calling the mob to DC ('come, it will be wild'). THAT wasn't spontaneous. It was called to be wild on the very day the EC ballots would be counted in a joint-session of Congress.

The march to the Capitol on J6 was NOT spontaneous. The Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, Oathkeepers, 3Percenters........were NOT spontaneous. They were the assault troops, the tip of the spear to penetrate the Capitol and stop the count of the EC ballots.

Behind those jackasses came lesser jackasses who were just pissed because of what DonT had claimed was a fraud....those sad and unfortlunate TDS'rs---the Trump Duped & Snookered who had been deceived. And behind those lesser jackasses were the thrill-seeking selfie-snapping hangers-on. But make no mistake about it, there was intent by a purposeful cadre of uber-jackasses to penetrate the Capitol....and they engaged the thin blue lines officers first and breached those lines. While DonT watched approvingly on Fox TV.
Poster Death Angel, do this: If you wish to discuss Maxine Water's speeches you should probably start a thread under your own name ....and then monitor and debate them on that thread. There seems little honor in hijacking another's thread merely so you can hissyfit about an issue that bothers you.

Good luck in getting your topic thoroughly discussed.

Well, being told that his supporters were armed. Acknowledging they were armed. And then exclaiming that they weren't there to shoot him.

All of that sorta kinda leads me to believe....and I think others.....that DonT was well aware that there were guns in the hands of people he was going to shortly direct to the Capitol (without him or his enablers even alerting the Capitol or the Metropolitan police, no less.)

Really, poster GoR you really should watch all of the hearings. YouTube and C-Span, and probably others, have them archived on the interweb. If you pay attention to the testimony of various witnesses, you will come to understand that that march WAS planned. And it was kept secret from the Capitol Police, the Parks police, and the Metropolitan police. Multiple references have been made....under credible witnesses to that effect.

Here's the thing, the shameful attack on the Capitol on J6 was merely the capstone to 8 or 9 weeks of concerted effort to overturn the results of the November election. When his options for remaining in power grew dimmer and dimmer....DonT sent out a Tweet calling the mob to DC ('come, it will be wild'). THAT wasn't spontaneous. It was called to be wild on the very day the EC ballots would be counted in a joint-session of Congress.

The march to the Capitol on J6 was NOT spontaneous. The Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, Oathkeepers, 3Percenters........were NOT spontaneous. They were the assault troops, the tip of the spear to penetrate the Capitol and stop the count of the EC ballots.

Behind those jackasses came lesser jackasses who were just pissed because of what DonT had claimed was a fraud....those sad and unfortlunate TDS'rs---the Trump Duped & Snookered who had been deceived. And behind those lesser jackasses were the thrill-seeking selfie-snapping hangers-on. But make no mistake about it, there was intent by a purposeful cadre of uber-jackasses to penetrate the Capitol....and they engaged the thin blue lines officers first and breached those lines. While DonT watched approvingly on Fox TV.
We'd be remiss if we didn't suggest to posters and lurkers to also see the editorials in Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal and New York Post.

Look for posts #239 and #240.

Why do you continuously omit the fact that peaceful was used one time in a speech that lasted over an hour and was full of multiple extortions for violent action?

Nope. They were not calls to violent action just because you say so. At this point, that is still just an opinion.
What do you think the mob is going to here with that long tirade of grievances, fraud, illigetimate presidents, betraying Vice Presidents and taking back our country? Focusing on one word used one time is like grasping at straws when you should be demanding accountability.

This is premised on the assumption that everything else was a call for violent action. Just because he uttered the word “peaceful” one time does not automatically render the rest as non-rhetorical.

Saying that his saying the word “peaceful” once in a speech proves that the rest was a call to violent action is a logical fallacy.
The article you linked only says that some Democrats condemned the violence or advised against it. The fact remains that they did virtually nothing to stop it.

Not only did they do nothing to stop it, they encouraged it by bailing out arrested protesters (Harris) and allowing a mob to take over an entire section of Portland.

What’s more, any legal actions or prosecution efforts of violent protesters pales in comparison to that of Jan 6 rioters who have been pursued and prosecuted with a zeal like that of lynch mobs.

youve got a mostly false rating on that one.
Like what? Put some red meat where your vapid whining is.
What do mean “Like what”? Do you or the Democrat leadership really need to be told what to do to stop rioters looting and burning?

Do you really need to be told NOT to bail looters out of jail? Do you need to be told NOT to allow a mob to take over a section of a city and impose their own rules and laws?

If you seriously need to be told these things then I’m not the vapid idiot here.
Ipso facto. We know DonT was informed that a significant number folks outside the fence at the Ellipse rally were armed. He then directed them to march to the Capitol.
Though I am a skeptic of DonT's self-claimed 'genius'......nonetheless I will give him credit for enough smarts to understand that some---of those folks who he directed at our legislators would take the arms they were bearing with them. Captain Obvious Introductory Course 101.

And they wonder why folks with educations disrespect them?

Please see the two quotes above, from Truth & Coyote. Both are succinct and valid observations of the real world reality of J6.
"Forming a mob" a spot on observation. A hat tip.


Like salt & pepper, Yin and Yang......the couplet above fits well.

(enumeration by my avatar)

Seeing the pulled quotes above originate from a single avataree...poster Correll... lemme kinda round 'em up in a single pen and treat 'em as one.

First, the 'security' issue. This is well plowed ground as it has been addressed numerous times on this gossipboard. DonT and his enablers kept it as a secret that he would be ordering the Ellipse rallygoers to march to the Capitol.....two friggin' miles away! They had applied for ....and received....a permit for the Ellipse event only. They did not apply for nor were they issued a permit for a 'march'....which is an all together different animal requiring additional manpower security along the route, enhanced pedestrian and vehicle control barriers. Applying for such a 'march' permit would have alerted the DC police, the Park police, and the Capitol police that the crowd assembled two-miles away would be directed towards the Capitol.

None of that occurred because DonT and his enablers didn't tell the responsible authorities. And, as we heard in the J6 Hearings......that was intentional. They wanted it secret and admonished others to not publicize that a march order would be issued from the Ellipse stage.
Which brings up the questions.....did they desire a normally-manned Capitol force instead of an enhanced one for the expected crowds? Why would they want only a thin blue-line of officers there instead of a intentionally beefed up force? Were they fully expecting to overpower the normal contingent of police and get to those boxes of EC ballots?

Second, some avow that this attack on the Capitol should be viewed like an attack on a Nike store.
I demur. The Capitol of the United States of America and it's intentionally and purposeful assembly of legislators....Senators and Representatives.....on January 6th was the venue for a critical and key Constitutional moment in our Republic, i.e., the 'official' counting and acceptance of the will of the people as symbolized in the EC voting and mandated by the Constitution.

This may just be me, but THAT seemingly has more gravitas than your local Nike Store on Main Street.

I’m really not sure what you’re getting at but I will say that thus far, I myself have said nothing in regards to what Trump should or should not have done on Jan6. That’s not my issue.

My issue is the hypocritical and double-standard approach to these two events (the riots of 2020 and Jan 6) that Democrats have taken.

The riots went on for months with only the occasional arrest and then they got bailed out by Kamala Harris.

They allowed a mob to take over a section of Portland for almost a month and an innocent 16 year old boy had to get murdered before the stupid fucks finally decided to do something about it. Nothing but crickets from the left.

All of this occurred over a period of months with people being killed and billions in property damage and no one called for accountability.

A mob of a few hundred riot for a few hours on a single day and suddenly Democrats and liberals want accountability, scream “Treason” and call for the “traitors” to be hung by their balls.

It is totally ludicrous and pathetic.

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