Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

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He knew they were armed at the rally and then wanted them to go to the Capitol.

I thought the people at the rally couldn’t have firearms.

But either way, you’re never going to be able to prove that he knew some were armed at the Capital because not everyone at the rally went to the Capital. Furthermore, you’ll never be able to prove that he knowingly sent armed people there to effect an armed insurrection.

There was simply no way for him to know who, how many or even if any were armed there.
Then he refused to call them off and, according to his own staff, threw gasoline on the fire when he Tweeted about Pence as the attack was happening.

How you can’t see this is beyond me.

I’m looking at this from an objective, logical and legal perspective, not from an emotional hatred of anyone involved like you are.

The simple fact is, you have not proven your case. Every one of your posts here are obviously rooted in your loathing for Trump. Nothing more.
Thanks for pointing out the huge difference between conservatives & progbots.
No, the difference with normal people and people claiming to be conservative, when they'e actually communis.
You FEEL offended by his words.
Trump wanting to turn the US into a communist country should offend everyone................. not his cult.
Just move to Russia or China.
I THINK his policies were America First & benefitted the country.
No, they benefitted him, he didn't do shit for America, except kill Americans and waste their $$$.
Strong emotions is no way to run a country.
Guess who STILL having pity rallies.
Of course, massive cheating & installing a dementia victim in a dirty diaper doesn't work either
Well, you voted for , defend and support the orange moron.
The truth is democrats are abusing their powers in the largest way since this country was formed. The founders screwed up, I must admit, because they made it so the House can legally abuse their power in any way they see fit with a simple vote of 218-217. You'll understand much better after the midterms when Republicans legally abuse their power in any way they see fit for partisan political gain.
Please listen to me for just a minute or two.....your moniker is "independent thinker", try to live up to it, again....please.

Yes, you are right that this House select committee should have more republicans participating than just Liz and Adam.... January 6th, was a very serious event and the American people rightfully want to know everything about it, from why it occurred, to how it occurred, from security failures at all levels, to who incited it, to what was the purpose? was a once in a lifetime event! It's history, the History written in History books, that our children and grand children and great grand children will be taught about, in their History books.

What I am trying to say is that it would have been a form of dereliction of duty, for Congress not to investigate, and gather as many facts and evidence and testimony of people present as they can, close to this Historical event, as well....not just the purpose of The American people need to know!

Now let's get down to what really happened with this committee being lopsided.

THIS WAS MCCARTHY'S doings, Dirty, scummy, political play at the hands of McCarthy and not Pelosi.

McCarthy initially wanted and agreed to under all of his terms being met by Pelosi, a bi- partisan commission, that had players outside of congress to investigate the who, what, where, when, and how.

McCarthy insisted on equal number of republican picks as the democrats....Pelosi agreed, he demanded that the republicans on the committee also had subpoena power, Pelosi gave that to him too....etc.....he got everything he wanted for this 9/11 type investigative commission....

Then, then McCarthy made a trip to visit the Emperor with no clothes in Mara Lago to kiss the ring....:rolleyes:

When he got back, McCarthy FLIP FLOPPED, and decided he was against the commission investigation, but his party members who worked hard for McCarthy with Pelosi to get every single thing they demanded, refused to go along with McCarthy's flip flop, and voted for the commission investigation and it passed the house with tons of republican support.... Now on to the Senate.

McCarthy then went on to lobby every Republican Senator that he could, TO VOTE AGAINST this Commission investigation!!!

And McCarthy's lobbying of Senators worked and it did NOT pass in the Senate...the investigation in to 1/6 died.

Since this event HAS TO BE INVESTIGATED, for the record, in the very least....after Nancy recovered from the in the back blow she got from McCarthy, chose a House Select Committee to investigate 1/6.

McCarthy still is against an investigation, again....only after his trip to meet up with Trump and the deal they made with each other.....he wouldn't let republicans investigate, and Trump would support him in his reelection bid and not go after him. A deal of two Devils.

The select committee was suppose to have 7 picks for democrats in the majority and 5 picks for republicans in the minority.

McCarthy made a deal with T for no investigation involving Republicans.....this was THE PLAN from the get go! Why, you ask?

So that they could CLAIM, just as you are doing now, that the investigation was a WITCH HUNT, a hoax, unfair, a persecution, one sided, blah blah blah blah!

So McCarthy intentionally picked the 5 guys to be on the committee that HE KNEW were disruptioners, and of all people he picked Jordan, who was involved in the 1/6 insurrection and a material witness that would likely be called to testify by can't be an investigator and be a part of what was being investigated.

McCarthy KNEW THIS and that's why he picked both Jordan and Banks and the other three.

McCarthy knew Pelosi would have no choice but to reject, at least Jordan and Banks, and accept the other three McCarthy picks, and gave McCarthy the chance to replace the two rejected for conflicts of interest.


Now, you can scream witch hunt!!!!!!! As trump planned all along! He knew you would be good little minions! Yes, you are being played!

Pelosi punted, picked republican Cheney and Adam K, in the place of two democrats....if McCarthy had at least kept the three that were accepted, it would have been 5 democrats, and 5 republicans....

Pelosi didn't stop that....mccarthy/Trump did.

And another thing, if investigations could not happen or did not happen or are not legitimate, all because a Minority Leader chooses not to participate like McCarthy did, then we would never have an investigation of anything or any wrong doing, that's legitimate..... And that's just bull crap partisan games that none of us should accept from our representatives.
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Please listen to me for just a minute or two.....your moniker is "independent thinker", try to live up to it, again....please.

Yes, you are right that this House select committee should have more republicans participating than just Liz and Adam.... January 6th, was a very serious event and the American people rightfully want to know everything about it, from why it occurred, to how it occurred, from security failures at all levels, to who incited it, to what was the purpose? was a once in a lifetime event! It's history, the History written in History books, that our children and grand children and great grand children will be taught about, in their History books.

What I am trying to say is that it would have been a form of dereliction of duty, for Congress not to investigate, and gather as many facts and evidence and testimony of people present as they can, close to this Historical event, as well....not just the purpose of The American people need to know!

Now let's get down to what really happened with this committee being lopsided.

THIS WAS MCCARTHY'S doings, Dirty, scummy, political play at the hands of McCarthy and not Pelosi.

McCarthy initially wanted and agreed to under all of his terms being met by Pelosi, a bi- partisan commission, that had players outside of congress to investigate the who, what, where, when, and how.

McCarthy insisted on equal number of republican picks as the democrats....Pelosi agreed, he demanded that the republicans on the committee also had subpoena power, Pelosi gave that to him too....etc.....he got everything he wanted for this 9/11 type investigative commission....

Then, then McCarthy made a trip to visit the Emperor with no clothes in Mara Lago to kiss the ring....:rolleyes:

When he got back, McCarthy FLIP FLOPPED, and decided he was against the commission investigation, but his party members who worked hard for McCarthy with Pelosi to get every single thing they demanded, refused to go along with McCarthy's flip flop, and voted for the commission investigation and it passed the house with tons of republican support.... Now on to the Senate.

McCarthy then went on to lobby every Republican Senator that he could, TO VOTE AGAINST this Commission investigation!!!

And McCarthy's lobbying of Senators worked and it did NOT pass in the Senate...the investigation in to 1/6 died.

Since this event HAS TO BE INVESTIGATED, for the record, in the very least....after Nancy recovered from the in the back blow she got from McCarthy, chose a House Select Committee to investigate 1/6.

McCarthy still is against an investigation, again....only after his trip to meet up with Trump and the deal they made with each other.....he wouldn't let republicans investigate, and Trump would support him in his reelection bid and not go after him. A deal of two Devils.

The select committee was suppose to have 7 picks for democrats in the majority and 5 picks for republicans in the minority.

McCarthy made a deal with T for no investigation involving Republicans.....this was THE PLAN from the get go! Why, you ask?

So that they could CLAIM, just as you are doing now, that the investigation was a WITCH HUNT, a hoax, unfair, a persecution, one sided, blah blah blah blah!

So McCarthy intentionally picked the 5 guys to be on the committee that HE KNEW were disruptioners, and of all people he picked Jordan, who was involved in the 1/6 insurrection and a material witness that would likely be called to testify by can't be an investigator and be a part of what was being investigated.

McCarthy KNEW THIS and that's why he picked both Jordan and Banks and the other three.

McCarthy knew Pelosi would have no choice but to reject, at least Jordan and Banks, and accept the other three McCarthy picks, and gave McCarthy the chance to replace the two rejected for conflicts of interest.


Now, you can scream witch hunt!!!!!!! As trump planned all along! He knew you would be good little minions! Yes, you are being played!

Pelosi punted, picked republican Cheney and Adam K, in the place of two democrats....if McCarthy had at least kept the three that were accepted, it would have been 5 democrats, and 5 republicans....

Pelosi didn't stop that....mccarthy/Trump did.

And another thing, if investigations could not happen or did not happen or are not legitimate, all because a Minority Leader chooses not to participate like McCarthy did, then we would never have an investigation of anything or any wrong doing, that's legitimate..... And that's just bull crap partisan games that none of us should accept from our representatives.

I do not care about any of this.

The Democrats' standing to cry foul was destroyed with Russiagate, the Steele dossier, two impeachments.

I do not care, and neither do the majority of the American people. Democrats decided to play and fight dirty. So be it. We agree. Cry about it.
She did call for people to donate to the fund to bail out rioters. Which means at the very least, not only did she do nothing to stop the riots, she encouraged them.

Making bail is impossible for the poor. Trump should have addressed their grievances about police brutality.
The truth is that Trump supporters, Republicans, and others on the right are lying about Democrats ‘abusing’ power.

That Trump supporters, Republicans, and others on the right don’t like that fact doesn’t make it untrue.

Many Trump supporters call themselves Christians. Not all Baptists are fools.

Again NO PROOF for your dumb ass comment!
Here is the proof that the BIASED MSM has grossly influenced dummies like you to hate America all because people like
me who can be sophisticated enough to distinguish between personality and accomplishments! You and the dumb MSM
cult of stupid behavior evidently don't understand the
difference between making everyone feel good and warm and fuzzy and a person like Trump who gets things done!
Here are the facts regarding the BIASED MSM!!!
Idiots like YOU believe every word the BIASED MSM that did as the attached shows, donated to Hillary 96% and she lost. So the MSM making up for their donations spent as the following quote shows nearly $400 million in negative news about Trump in just 3 months!
The Media Research Center viewed some 1,007 evening news stories about the Trump White House on ABC, CBS and NBC from June 1 to Sept. 30(3 months).That's the equivalent of about 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
What they found was, as Trump himself might say, sad: "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —
92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."
And then here is further proof!
Tell me the equality of news presentation when the MSM donated 96% to hillary, she lost, they spent the next 4 years putting out negative news...(for example:
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%), negative
George W. Bush (28%), negative
Barack Obama (20%), negative
Donald Trump (62%) negative.

But again you make your totally unsubstantiated purely subjective and greatly uniformed observations.
Why don't you follow the "science" of facts?
No other President has gotten away with as much as Trump did

If anything, the media was too soft on Trump given his transgressions. They quickly gave up and moved on to the next Trump self inflicted crisis
No other President has gotten away with as much as Trump did

If anything, the media was too soft on Trump given his transgressions. They quickly gave up and moved on to the next Trump self inflicted crisis
Seems to me that the press is in essentially the same boat as the rest of us who aren't covered by the orange stain: Still a little stunned, still not sure what to think of this, still not taking this seriously enough.

That does appear to be shifting, though. Slowly.

You really want to think that America is better than this, but...
No, the difference with normal people and people claiming to be conservative, when they'e actually communis.

Trump wanting to turn the US into a communist country should offend everyone................. not his cult.
Just move to Russia or China.

No, they benefitted him, he didn't do shit for America, except kill Americans and waste their $$$.

Guess who STILL having pity rallies.

Well, you voted for , defend and support the orange moron.
Wow, that really triggered you didn't it?
Triggered so bad you felt you had to come on here & set everybody straight with total lies & ignorance.

Did you need a timeout in your safe space before writing your drivel?

Of course I voted for him. I've never been drunk enough to vote for a brain dead meat puppet like Pedo Joe.
I leave that to really stupid sheeple
Do apply this to everyone or just the right?


Then why did you say this:

Significant difference between assuming someone sees things your way, and looking at a pattern of behavior and thinking that it will continue.

It’s only divisive because the Republicans would rather sweep it under the rug and forgettaboutit.


No, it's divisive because you are trying to convince half the country that the other half are dangerous and evul.

The vast majority of republicans have condemned the riot. I have condemned it. Yet you people keep insisting that we support(ed) it.

To the extent that you succeed, you will convince your half of the nation, that they are on the brink of a civil war, that one could break out the next time that the "bad guys" lose.

And you will convince the other half, that you hate us, with a fiery passion, and that you are out to get us.
Please listen to me for just a minute or two.....your moniker is "independent thinker", try to live up to it, again....please.

Yes, you are right that this House select committee should have more republicans participating than just Liz and Adam.... January 6th, was a very serious event and the American people rightfully want to know everything about it, from why it occurred, to how it occurred, from security failures at all levels, to who incited it, to what was the purpose? was a once in a lifetime event! It's history, the History written in History books, that our children and grand children and great grand children will be taught about, in their History books.

What I am trying to say is that it would have been a form of dereliction of duty, for Congress not to investigate, and gather as many facts and evidence and testimony of people present as they can, close to this Historical event, as well....not just the purpose of The American people need to know!

Now let's get down to what really happened with this committee being lopsided.

THIS WAS MCCARTHY'S doings, Dirty, scummy, political play at the hands of McCarthy and not Pelosi.

McCarthy initially wanted and agreed to under all of his terms being met by Pelosi, a bi- partisan commission, that had players outside of congress to investigate the who, what, where, when, and how.

McCarthy insisted on equal number of republican picks as the democrats....Pelosi agreed, he demanded that the republicans on the committee also had subpoena power, Pelosi gave that to him too....etc.....he got everything he wanted for this 9/11 type investigative commission....

Then, then McCarthy made a trip to visit the Emperor with no clothes in Mara Lago to kiss the ring....:rolleyes:

When he got back, McCarthy FLIP FLOPPED, and decided he was against the commission investigation, but his party members who worked hard for McCarthy with Pelosi to get every single thing they demanded, refused to go along with McCarthy's flip flop, and voted for the commission investigation and it passed the house with tons of republican support.... Now on to the Senate.

McCarthy then went on to lobby every Republican Senator that he could, TO VOTE AGAINST this Commission investigation!!!

And McCarthy's lobbying of Senators worked and it did NOT pass in the Senate...the investigation in to 1/6 died.

Since this event HAS TO BE INVESTIGATED, for the record, in the very least....after Nancy recovered from the in the back blow she got from McCarthy, chose a House Select Committee to investigate 1/6.

McCarthy still is against an investigation, again....only after his trip to meet up with Trump and the deal they made with each other.....he wouldn't let republicans investigate, and Trump would support him in his reelection bid and not go after him. A deal of two Devils.

The select committee was suppose to have 7 picks for democrats in the majority and 5 picks for republicans in the minority.

McCarthy made a deal with T for no investigation involving Republicans.....this was THE PLAN from the get go! Why, you ask?

So that they could CLAIM, just as you are doing now, that the investigation was a WITCH HUNT, a hoax, unfair, a persecution, one sided, blah blah blah blah!

So McCarthy intentionally picked the 5 guys to be on the committee that HE KNEW were disruptioners, and of all people he picked Jordan, who was involved in the 1/6 insurrection and a material witness that would likely be called to testify by can't be an investigator and be a part of what was being investigated.

McCarthy KNEW THIS and that's why he picked both Jordan and Banks and the other three.

McCarthy knew Pelosi would have no choice but to reject, at least Jordan and Banks, and accept the other three McCarthy picks, and gave McCarthy the chance to replace the two rejected for conflicts of interest.


Now, you can scream witch hunt!!!!!!! As trump planned all along! He knew you would be good little minions! Yes, you are being played!

Pelosi punted, picked republican Cheney and Adam K, in the place of two democrats....if McCarthy had at least kept the three that were accepted, it would have been 5 democrats, and 5 republicans....

Pelosi didn't stop that....mccarthy/Trump did.

And another thing, if investigations could not happen or did not happen or are not legitimate, all because a Minority Leader chooses not to participate like McCarthy did, then we would never have an investigation of anything or any wrong doing, that's legitimate..... And that's just bull crap partisan games that none of us should accept from our representatives.

It's a witch hunt. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.
Why do so many people who worked with Trump hate him this much? 😄
those that worked with him love him, its only those whose corruption and treason that he was exposing hate him, actually they fear him because he was exposing them. His employees say he is the best boss ever, the DC establishment hates him because he is not one of them and was calling them out on their criminal activities.

Significant difference between assuming someone sees things your way, and looking at a pattern of behavior and thinking that it will continue.

No, it's divisive because you are trying to convince half the country that the other half are dangerous and evul.

The vast majority of republicans have condemned the riot. I have condemned it. Yet you people keep insisting that we support(ed) it.

To the extent that you succeed, you will convince your half of the nation, that they are on the brink of a civil war, that one could break out the next time that the "bad guys" lose.

And you will convince the other half, that you hate us, with a fiery passion, and that you are out to get us.
it is how socialists have taken over in every country they have destroyed. nothing new here. We just need to stop it, now.
it is how socialists have taken over in every country they have destroyed. nothing new here. We just need to stop it, now.

Find or create division. Promise people a workers paradise or some such shit. Once your side wins, kill the other leaders and instill COmmunism, with it's wonderful history fo genocide and oppression.

I'm not sure what the attraction is, but they seem to love it.
Find or create division. Promise people a workers paradise or some such shit. Once your side wins, kill the other leaders and instill COmmunism, with it's wonderful history fo genocide and oppression.

I'm not sure what the attraction is, but they seem to love it.
the attraction? free shit for everyone and punish the successful. envy and greed, the real motivators of communism and socialism.
Look Dems after you LYING scumbags cried wolf for 4 years faking conspiracy theories to prevent Trump from doing the job Americans hired him to do we don't give a rats ass about your Jan 6th BS. Especially after you assholes spent the entire summer rioting, looting and burning across multiple major cities. So just shut it you pukes. :eusa_hand:

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