Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Who do you think the press is going to contribute to?
The poster 'rightwinger' offers the forum a Captain Obvious moment. Clarity.

I, for one, am not puzzled why the 'enemy-of-the-people' as Trump called 'em.......would contribute to someone other than the one who threatened the safety and well-being of their employees. That too, is a 'Duh!-moment.

And then as a corrective to the trope that Trump got overwhelmingly bad election coverage the Harvard's Shorenstein Center on Media studied the coverages by the press. Their conclusion:
"Trump’s coverage during the general election was more negative than Clinton’s, running 77 percent negative to 23 percent positive. But over the full course of the election, it was Clinton, not Trump, who was more often the target of negative coverage (see Figure 1). Overall, the coverage of her candidacy was 62 percent negative to 38 percent positive, while Trump's coverage was 56 percent negative to 44 percent positive.

"THe Press has been utterly corrupt."
Which "press"?
There are thousands of outlets employing a couple hundred thousand people and covering thousands of topics 24/7/365......from in-depth scientific journalism on medicine, physics, biology, experienced political analysts, cooking experts, and weathermen (and women), traffic reports, local obituaries, etc.

But poster Correll comes onto the forum to shrill that they are ALL utterly corrupt.

Well, OK, I guess. Absolutists and the hyperbolic have their place in society.

But then, the rightist are puzzled why their side is disrespected and snarked at? What's up with that?
THe Press has been utterly corrupt.

Supporting that, is not supporting a Free Press.

Calling them out on their bad behavior, so it can be addressed, is supporting a Free Press.
That is exactly what Trump wants us to believe


Because the Free Press challenges his lies and misinformation as soon as he speaks.
Trump needs the public to distrust the press and believe whatever alternative facts he is spewing.
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Please listen to me for just a minute or two.....your moniker is "independent thinker", try to live up to it, again....please.

Yes, you are right that this House select committee should have more republicans participating than just Liz and Adam.... January 6th, was a very serious event and the American people rightfully want to know everything about it, from why it occurred, to how it occurred, from security failures at all levels, to who incited it, to what was the purpose? was a once in a lifetime event! It's history, the History written in History books, that our children and grand children and great grand children will be taught about, in their History books.

What I am trying to say is that it would have been a form of dereliction of duty, for Congress not to investigate, and gather as many facts and evidence and testimony of people present as they can, close to this Historical event, as well....not just the purpose of The American people need to know!

Now let's get down to what really happened with this committee being lopsided.

THIS WAS MCCARTHY'S doings, Dirty, scummy, political play at the hands of McCarthy and not Pelosi.

McCarthy initially wanted and agreed to under all of his terms being met by Pelosi, a bi- partisan commission, that had players outside of congress to investigate the who, what, where, when, and how.

McCarthy insisted on equal number of republican picks as the democrats....Pelosi agreed, he demanded that the republicans on the committee also had subpoena power, Pelosi gave that to him too....etc.....he got everything he wanted for this 9/11 type investigative commission....

Then, then McCarthy made a trip to visit the Emperor with no clothes in Mara Lago to kiss the ring....:rolleyes:

When he got back, McCarthy FLIP FLOPPED, and decided he was against the commission investigation, but his party members who worked hard for McCarthy with Pelosi to get every single thing they demanded, refused to go along with McCarthy's flip flop, and voted for the commission investigation and it passed the house with tons of republican support.... Now on to the Senate.

McCarthy then went on to lobby every Republican Senator that he could, TO VOTE AGAINST this Commission investigation!!!

And McCarthy's lobbying of Senators worked and it did NOT pass in the Senate...the investigation in to 1/6 died.

Since this event HAS TO BE INVESTIGATED, for the record, in the very least....after Nancy recovered from the in the back blow she got from McCarthy, chose a House Select Committee to investigate 1/6.

McCarthy still is against an investigation, again....only after his trip to meet up with Trump and the deal they made with each other.....he wouldn't let republicans investigate, and Trump would support him in his reelection bid and not go after him. A deal of two Devils.

The select committee was suppose to have 7 picks for democrats in the majority and 5 picks for republicans in the minority.

McCarthy made a deal with T for no investigation involving Republicans.....this was THE PLAN from the get go! Why, you ask?

So that they could CLAIM, just as you are doing now, that the investigation was a WITCH HUNT, a hoax, unfair, a persecution, one sided, blah blah blah blah!

So McCarthy intentionally picked the 5 guys to be on the committee that HE KNEW were disruptioners, and of all people he picked Jordan, who was involved in the 1/6 insurrection and a material witness that would likely be called to testify by can't be an investigator and be a part of what was being investigated.

McCarthy KNEW THIS and that's why he picked both Jordan and Banks and the other three.

McCarthy knew Pelosi would have no choice but to reject, at least Jordan and Banks, and accept the other three McCarthy picks, and gave McCarthy the chance to replace the two rejected for conflicts of interest.


Now, you can scream witch hunt!!!!!!! As trump planned all along! He knew you would be good little minions! Yes, you are being played!

Pelosi punted, picked republican Cheney and Adam K, in the place of two democrats....if McCarthy had at least kept the three that were accepted, it would have been 5 democrats, and 5 republicans....

Pelosi didn't stop that....mccarthy/Trump did.

And another thing, if investigations could not happen or did not happen or are not legitimate, all because a Minority Leader chooses not to participate like McCarthy did, then we would never have an investigation of anything or any wrong doing, that's legitimate..... And that's just bull crap partisan games that none of us should accept from our representatives.
I implore you to think that the term independent thinker means independent thinker. It does not mean that in order to be an independent thinker I must think like someone else and it also doesn't mean I should be smack dab in the middle of the political sprectrum. "Congress" is not investigating Jan 6th, democrats are and they wrote all of the rules and Pelosi had veto power of whatever the hell she wanted veto power over, even if the panel had been 5-5 and those five Republicans would have included anti-Trumpers, such as Liz Cheney, all making the panel partisan right from the get go. It would have still been the political sham it is now and then Pelosi and the left would have claimed that the investigations were fair an unbiased. It doesn't take a genius to see that a committee made up of all anti-Trumpers, searching out only anti-Trump information while ignoring any and all pro-Trump information, and then having hearings during prime time just before the midterms, with the final report to be released immediately before the midterms, to see how biased and political these investigations are.

Which "press"?
There are thousands of outlets employing a couple hundred thousand people and covering thousands of topics 24/7/365......from in-depth scientific journalism on medicine, physics, biology, experienced political analysts, cooking experts, and weathermen (and women), traffic reports, local obituaries, etc.

But poster Correll comes onto the forum to shrill that they are ALL utterly corrupt.

Well, OK, I guess. Absolutists and the hyperbolic have their place in society.

But then, the rightist are puzzled why their side is disrespected and snarked at? What's up with that?

You really need me to tell you that I am not referring to the local obituatries?

MMm, yeah, that's fucking retarded. Save your asshole troll games for someone stupid enough to take you seriously.

My point stands. THe Press has been utterly corrupt for quite some time now. Calling them out on it, is a good thing.

The truth is that Trump supporters, Republicans, and others on the right are lying about Democrats ‘abusing’ power.

That Trump supporters, Republicans, and others on the right don’t like that fact doesn’t make it untrue.
When one party (either party) can use the full power of the House of Representatives to do whatever the hell they want for political gain with a simple vote of 218-217 then that is a complete abuse of power. You'll understand better when Republicans win back the House and return the favor.
As General Kelly describes him: "Trump is a very flawed man".
Trump has every right to believe the election was stolen, but his J6 rally/protest went too far.
We all know now that Biden is a POS.
The MSM hid the truth and now the US is a mess.
Trump was about 1,000,000x better as president than fucked up Joe.
I hope Xiden voters have "voters remorse".

Total piece of shit is more apt, "very flawed man" is a euphemism public figures use to not curse in public.

How stupid are you to think that anyone but you hyper-partisan rightwingers would EVER have any regret about getting that slime ball out of the White House?
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Lets see….

You have one candidate who is attacking the free press and calling its integrity into question

You have another candidate who supports a free press

Who do you think the press is going to contribute to?
And so that justifies personalized opinionated "journalism"? News is suppose to be objective. Just the facts!
It's OK for these "journalists" to donate 96% to Democrats in Hillary/ 90% to Biden and then attack Trump with 92%
negative news?
If the MSM wasn't biased, pro-democratic, anti-American why then does this FACT that most Americans perception
is the MSM is grossly biased?
Unlike you I provide FACTS!
So do you agree with the "journalists" that you the public don't deserve "fair and balanced" news?

It doesn't take a genius to see that a committee made up of all anti-Trumpers, searching out only anti-Trump information while ignoring any and all pro-Trump information, and then having hearings during prime time just before the midterms, with the final report to be released immediately before the midterms, to see how biased and political these investigations are.
Look, IT, elections have consequences. One of them being the majority party in the House gets to choose which issues are subject to hearings, and they get to choose the Chairperson, other assignments are per rules long established. In this particular case, the Select Committee on J6, those rules were spurned by Kevin McCarthy (which, by the way, he has been severely criticized by DonT. for doing so. (Trump said it was a 'foolish' decision for the GOP to not be represented on the January 6 panel. He and Republican lawmakers rejected a bipartisan commission last year. ).

The House had voted to investigate whadahell happened on J6....the machinations leading to it, the event itself, and the players who played a role in it. And a Committee was announced with bi-partisan seats per long established rules for it. McCarthy rejected it in a tactical move so to claim "non-partisan". Strategically that has come back to bite him, and DonT. As DonT noted in the above link.

More important tho than IT's shrilling about 'biased' and 'political' is the perception by the American public.
To wit: "Six in 10 Americans also believe the committee is conducting a fair and impartial investigation, according to the poll."

In the current state of political polarization in America.....hell, at most any time, over most any topic in America......a 60% approval rating is pretty darn good. Clearly, what the committee is doing in their measured demeanor, careful exhibition of witnesses, testimony, and documentation is resonating in America.

And, as posted in another thread, it has resonated with Rupert Murdoch's American publications. Both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post published editorial board opinions highly critical of DonT. And asserted he is not fit to lead America again.

So there is that.
And so that justifies personalized opinionated "journalism"? News is suppose to be objective. Just the facts!
It's OK for these "journalists" to donate 96% to Democrats in Hillary/ 90% to Biden and then attack Trump with 92%
negative news?
If the MSM wasn't biased, pro-democratic, anti-American why then does this FACT that most Americans perception
is the MSM is grossly biased?
Unlike you I provide FACTS!
So do you agree with the "journalists" that you the public don't deserve "fair and balanced" news?

View attachment 674152
The news WAS objective when it came to Trump

FACTS are objective
Reporting Trumps lies is being objective
Gee, democrats ordered cops to stand down while blm and antifa rioted and destroyed businesses all summer long in 2020. When are the hearings gonna begin?
I thought the people at the rally couldn’t have firearms.

But either way, you’re never going to be able to prove that he knew some were armed at the Capital because not everyone at the rally went to the Capital. Furthermore, you’ll never be able to prove that he knowingly sent armed people there to effect an armed insurrection.

There was simply no way for him to know who, how many or even if any were armed there.

I’m looking at this from an objective, logical and legal perspective, not from an emotional hatred of anyone involved like you are.

The simple fact is, you have not proven your case. Every one of your posts here are obviously rooted in your loathing for Trump. Nothing more.
The fact is that he knew people were armed and he wanted the armed people to enter the rally. He ordered the magnetometers to be removed. Then he wanted people to march to the Capitol. Then, when all hell was breaking loose, he refused to do anything about it while people in his own administration were pleading with him to call them off.

I’m not even looking at this from a legal perspective. I’m looking at this from a moral perspective. How the hell can you guys support a lunatic like that? People in Trump’s own administration were so disgusted with his behavior that day that they resigned over it. Yet you don’t see anything wrong with it? And you think that’s objective?

It’s obvious that you refuse to see anything wrong with his behavior. You’re too busy kissing Trump‘s ass.
The fact is that he knew people were armed and he wanted the armed people to enter the rally. He ordered the magnetometers to be removed. Then he wanted people to march to the Capitol. Then, when all hell was breaking loose, he refused to do anything about it while people in his own administration were pleading with him to call them off.

I’m not even looking at this from a legal perspective. I’m looking at this from a moral perspective. How the hell can you guys support a lunatic like that? People in Trump’s own administration were so disgusted with his behavior that day that they resigned over it. Yet you don’t see anything wrong with it? And you think that’s objective?

It’s obvious that you refuse to see anything wrong with his behavior. You’re too busy kissing Trump‘s ass.

Your side had hundreds of riots. That you are sweeping those under teh rug and smear us with our one small riot, where no one was killed except an "unarmed woman",

will not be forgotten.

You sure this is the path you want to go down?
That is exactly what Trump wants us to believe?


Because the Free Press challenges his lies and misinformation as soon as he speaks.
Trump needs the public to distrust the press and believe whatever alternative facts he is spewing.
That’s how Trump and his supporters continue to attack democracy – with misinformation and lies.

And like any other autocratic dictator Trump and his supporters attack a free press because they know it’s the foundation of our democratic institutions.

The right’s attack on America’s democracy continues.
That’s how Trump and his supporters continue to attack democracy – with misinformation and lies.

And like any other autocratic dictator Trump and his supporters attack a free press because they know it’s the foundation of our democratic institutions.

The right’s attack on America’s democracy continues.

Except, it is the PRESS that has been lying. Trump was telling the truth.

"My point stands. THe Press has been utterly corrupt for quite some time now."

"The Press" is utterly corrupt."
Poster Correll asserted that. My avatar did not.

The thing is, poster Correll, words have meanings. By using the all encompassing "the Press" included the weatherman and the obituary writer and Steve Bannon and Rachel Maddow and Judy Woodruff and QAnon. Each is part of today's "press". And, per you, each is utterly corrupt.

Notably ---you did not differentiate.

Instead, you resorted to the grievance trope of all of the press. And all of the press being "utterly corrupt".

However, my avatar did offer poster Correll a graceful back-door exit so as to correct his histrionics.
To wit: My avatar did offer that there is a place in society for absolutists and the hyperbolic.

So be satisfied with that, poster Correll.

Peace be upon you, mon ami. ✌️
That’s how Trump and his supporters continue to attack democracy – with misinformation and lies.

And like any other autocratic dictator Trump and his supporters attack a free press because they know it’s the foundation of our democratic institutions.

The right’s attack on America’s democracy continues.
What is the first thing an autocratic Dictator does?

Take away guns or take away a free press?
The good news is that you don't have to do anything....It wasn't pointed out in hopes that you would actually change...Just stating a fact loser....

you seem to be extra snowflakey lately... whatsamatter little trump humper? things not going to well for yer chosen one?
"The Press" is utterly corrupt."
Poster Correll asserted that. My avatar did not.

The thing is, poster Correll, words have meanings. By using the all encompassing "the Press" included the weatherman and the obituary writer ....

I like that you pretend to be too retarded to know how normal people talk. It makes you look like very, very stupid.

My point stands. The press has been utterly corrupt. Calling them out on their bad behavior is a good thing.

It was BRAVE of Trump to do that.
There was a difference between Bush face and what Trump did or did not do!

Don’t even try to excuse Trump or the nonsense he has done and will do and to compare Bush reaction to Trump stupidity is beyond stupid even for you!

Now what do I think?

I believe Trump was trying to get Pence killed so he could overthrow the Government and put himself as Dictator and when the Constitution prevented it he went insane…

What will happen?

For Trump nothing and most likely he will get elected in 2024 because the American Society is full blown retarded ass apes!
If that is true. I am sorry and regret that the effort did not succeed.

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