Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

OK, Skippy, saddle your pony up......and trot over to the Karma Cafe and inform us which American "cities actually being burned to the ground." (your words, not mine.)

Please don't be an empty suit here. Your avatar asserted it. Your avatar need make its' word good.

Can you?

Will you?

Giddyup, Skippy. But know, that if you cannot provide the forum with one or more American cities burned to the ground you are subject to be identified as a fake and a phony.

Is that who you really think you are? A fake and a phony? A Trump Duped and Snookered rube?
Say it ain't so.



"Not a bit of truth in any of it". ????
So, Officer Caroline Edwards was not telling the truth when she described the attack she was subject to by Trump supporters?
When she testified---under oath-----to the following, you are calling her untruthful?

Officer Edwards:

"I was an American, standing face-to-face with other Americans, asking myself many, many times, how we had gotten here,” Edwards said.
She recalled her grandfather, a marine who fought in the Korean War, and “would like to think that he would be proud of me, proud of his granddaughter that stood her ground that day and continued fighting, even though she was wounded, like he did, many years ago,” Edwards said.

“I am my grandfather’s granddaughter, proud to serve my country.”

Edwards detailed the severe injuries she sustained trying to defend the Capitol from insurrectionists, telling the House Jan. 6 committee one of the things she remembers most is looking out and seeing “the absolute war zone the west front had become.”

Edwards was attacked by rioters multiple times as she tried to protect the Capitol that day. She was tear gassed and knocked down to the ground, at one point losing consciousness. At another time that day, she held the line against the rioters with Officer Brian Sicknick, who she described as “ghostly pale.”


Well, poster Redfish, if what you are claiming is that Officer Edwards is lying under oath....I disagree.
I think that you do not know what you are talking about.
And while I wouldn't do it....I can see how some may argue you are a fake and a phony.
Prove them wrong.
And I'll applaud you if you are able to do so.
Can you demonstrate to the forum that you are NOT a fake and a phony? Demonstrate that you are not one of the TDS'rs? A Trump Duped and Snookered rube?
I hope you can.
Show us.
Nice story. Apparently she survived a protest and Sicknick, who had health problems, should have stayed home that day. Meanwhile an unarmed woman was shot in the neck by a FED with a record of careless firearm handling. Ashley was 'unavailable' to testify as she is deceased.
Innocent protesters don’t smash p property and assault police (unless they are Trump supporters).
But you guys and the MSM called the summer rioters peaceful protestors while parts of cities were aflame, a police precinct was taken over and many people died at the hands of BLM supporters. Peaceful protestors don't smash up cars, burn and take over parts of cities and kill innocent people.
But you guys and the MSM called the summer rioters peaceful protestors while parts of cities were aflame, a police precinct was taken over and many people died at the hands of BLM supporters. Peaceful protestors don't smash up cars, burn and take over parts of cities and kill innocent people.
Who called the RIOTERS peaceful?

Here’s a clue:
Jan 6.

Thousands of people were there to protest.

Out of that mass about a thousand attacked the Capitol, the rest did not and went home.

Can you figure out who is peaceful and is a rioter?

Now apply the same to the Floyd protests of which there were over 4,600 and more some 15 to 26 million people, all around the country, instead of insisting they were all rioting.
It’s a particularly putrid crock when you consider these clowns are supposed to all about “blue lives matter”.
More than 2,000 law enforcement officers were injured in the first weeks of protests over the summer following the in-custody death of George Floyd, according to a report from the Major Cities Chiefs Association.

Jan 6th really pales in comparison to the BLM insurrection in multiple cities. On Jan 6th, nothing was burned, no cop was killed, no innocent people were killed and no one burned down a church or took over a police precinct or part of D.C. I think some of you lack perspective.

1. Trump should have admitted he lost the election and not created a lie about being cheated.

Trump, as well as a good majority of Republican voters believe that the election, if not stolen, was tampered with...That he didn't concede on que like you wanted him to, is irrelevant. The process continued.

2. Once he learned there were weapons in the mob, he should have toned down his rhetoric and not sent them to the Capitol

The testimony that Trump was told that some entering the speech on the elipse were trying to get in armed, the DC police, or Capitol police should have handled those individual situations...Can you provide why they didn't? And just how many instances of this happened? Were the people involved arrested?

Rhetoric is just that....It strikes me that liberals always want to control what Republican's say, but then go in front of crowds themselves to incite, ie; Schumer, Watters, AOC, et al....I don't see you challenging your own when they do it?

3. Given that he was repeatedly told that Mike Pence did not have the authority to overturn the election, he STILL told an angry mob that he was letting down the country. They came within 30feet of Pence and chanted…..Hang Mike Pence

Oh come on....I guess mobs chanting something is only useful when you don't like why they are there....right? Remember when BLM was marching in NYC chanting that they wanted "Dead Cops"? There is no difference....Both are reprehensible...

4. He reluctantly added a line to his speech to remain peaceful. When it became obvious that they were not peaceful and he was informed that someone had been killed, he STILL refused to condemn the violence and call back his mob.

There is more I can add, but you will just deny everything anyway

How do you know it was a reluctant addition? And I see you are doing the same kind of lying here that the J6 clown show tries to pull off...Those entering the Capitol came AFTER the speech, you are trying to make it sound like they were entering as Trump spoke...You know that's a lie...
Who called the RIOTERS peaceful?

Here’s a clue:
Jan 6.

Thousands of people were there to protest.

Out of that mass about a thousand attacked the Capitol, the rest did not and went home.

Can you figure out who is peaceful and is a rioter?

Now apply the same to the Floyd protests of which there were over 4,600 and more some 15 to 26 million people, all around the country, instead of insisting they were all rioting.

On Jan 6th it was hard to tell because the protest really was mostly peaceful. Note the photo I posted, see the cars on fire? That was done by violent BLM rioters. You know, the ones that Kamala Harris was instrumental in setting up a bail fund for.
Innocent protesters don’t smash p property and assault police (unless they are Trump supporters).
No, we aren’t like you assholes who actually KILLED over two dozen cops, caused billions in property damage, looted millions more in merchandise, attacked children and the elderly, the list goes on. So STFU, you have no leg to stand on.
It’s a particularly putrid crock when you consider these clowns are supposed to all about “blue lives matter”.
Which Trump supporters killed any cops. Your link seems to be broken. Your people killed over two dozen cops In riots that you approved of. Seems the only one spouting a crock of crap here is you.
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?


honest to god ^^^ THAT ^^^ never gets old.
No, we aren’t like you assholes who actually KILLED over two dozen cops, caused billions in property damage, looted millions more in merchandise, attacked children and the elderly, the list goes on. So STFU, you have no leg to stand on.
BTW: Why did all those riots stop after Biden got into office?

Unarmed black men are still getting killed by police, including the one shot 60 times. What happened to the riots?
Trump, as well as a good majority of Republican voters believe that the election, if not stolen, was tampered with...That he didn't concede on que like you wanted him to, is irrelevant. The process continued.

The testimony that Trump was told that some entering the speech on the elipse were trying to get in armed, the DC police, or Capitol police should have handled those individual situations...Can you provide why they didn't? And just how many instances of this happened? Were the people involved arrested?

Rhetoric is just that....It strikes me that liberals always want to control what Republican's say, but then go in front of crowds themselves to incite, ie; Schumer, Watters, AOC, et al....I don't see you challenging your own when they do it?

Oh come on....I guess mobs chanting something is only useful when you don't like why they are there....right? Remember when BLM was marching in NYC chanting that they wanted "Dead Cops"? There is no difference....Both are reprehensible...

How do you know it was a reluctant addition? And I see you are doing the same kind of lying here that the J6 clown show tries to pull off...Those entering the Capitol came AFTER the speech, you are trying to make it sound like they were entering as Trump spoke...You know that's a lie...

It is difficult to win an argument with an intelligent person
It is impossible to win an argument with a stupid person

It is impossible to argue with someone who believes Trump won despite getting 7 million fewer votes, 74 fewer electoral votes and would have to win 5 more states to win the election

Trump played his supporters for morons and you confirm his assessment
BTW: Why did all those riots stop after Biden got into office?

Unarmed black men are still getting killed by police, including the one shot 60 times. What happened to the riots?
People got sick of you rioters and started fighting back. Of course you people then ran like the cowards you are. Also reality, that’s just proves that the rioters were all leftards bailed out of jail by Heels Up Harris.
It is difficult to win an argument with an intelligent person
It is impossible to win an argument with a stupid person

It is impossible to argue with someone who believes Trump won despite getting 7 million fewer votes, 74 fewer electoral votes and would have to win 5 more states to win the election

Trump played his supporters for morons and you confirm his assessment
That's it? That's all you got is an insult?

What a weak ass punk you are....

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