Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

I used to think that. For the first few months of the Trump presidency, I thought Pence would be worse than Trump. Pence is more competent and would pass more conservative legislation.

However, neither Pence nor DeSantis would ever do anything close to what Trump did leading up to and on Jan 6. Trump was a threat to our democracy, which in my opinion, is far more dangerous.

But consider that Trump resorted to mob violence and a terrorist attack on America’s democracy to destroy that democracy because of his ignorance and lack of political acumen.

DeSantis will attempt to do the same thing, but he won’t use mob violence and rightwing terrorists; he’ll exploit, subvert, and take advantage of existing political norms and mechanisms to erode and eliminate our political institutions.

That’s what makes DeSantis far more dangerous than Trump.
Not the truth, but rather a lie. I don't even have to use a comparison to the 7 congressional investigations in to Benghazi to make my point. 1/6 was a violent insurrection orchestrated by Trump. It is ludicrous to suggest investigating it is an abuse of power.
LOL. You just admitted that Democrats are abusing their power for political gain, just as Republicans did with the Benghazi hearings.
The truth is that Trump supporters, Republicans, and others on the right are lying about Democrats ‘abusing’ power.

An investigation into the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is perfectly appropriate, lawful, and warranted.

An investigation into Trump’s role and responsibility into fomenting and facilitating the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is perfectly appropriate, lawful, and warranted.

An investigation into Trump’s efforts to overturn a fair, accurate, and lawful election via a failed coup attempt is perfectly appropriate, lawful, and warranted.

And an investigation into Trump’s willful inaction and dereliction of duty to stop the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is perfectly appropriate, lawful, and warranted.

That Trump supporters, Republicans, and others on right find the facts and evidence of the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy embarrassing and politically damaging to the conservative agenda isn’t ‘justification’ to ignore, diminish, or otherwise undermine the hearings and the facts the committee has presented.
Well, then, then the Benghazi hearings were warranted.
Why did the Republicans refuse a bipartisan 9/11 style independent committee investigation which was the first plan?
That’s news to me. Gotta link? What were the terms? It could not have been truly 9/11 style. Both Bush and Clinton testified. Nan Pelosi made damn sure she would not need to testify? Why? If the evidence was overwhelmingly against Trump, she should have been chomping at the bit to testify.

She has something to hide which raises credibility about the whole process.
Life long Republicans who worked in his administration told us during the hearings.... let me guess, you haven't watched a second of it but you imagine yourself informed. 😄
those were not hearings, it was a kangaroo court made up exclusively of Trump haters. No cross examination allowed, no rebuttal testimony allowed. it was nothing but left wing propaganda, not a bit of truth in any of it. but gullible fools like you lapped it up like it was gravy.
March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praise communism.

Speaking at a rally on Saturday night in West Virginia, Trump revealed that he had “fell in love” with the very man Republicans labeled a “nut job” and a “lunatic” just a few years ago. “I was really being tough and so was he. And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love, ok? No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. And they’re great letters. And then we fell in love.”
ewwww . . . a double Fallacy! Nice, you must be desperate! :113:

A "whataboutism deflection," followed by a "Faulty Comparison."

. . . but? Nothing to address the topic directly? VERY TELLING.

hmmmm. . . :eusa_think:

those were not hearings, it was a kangaroo court made up exclusively of Trump haters. No cross examination allowed, no rebuttal testimony allowed. it was nothing but left wing propaganda, not a bit of truth in any of it. but gullible fools like you lapped it up like it was gravy.
Why do so many people who worked with Trump hate him this much? 😄
Why do so many people who worked with Trump hate him this much? 😄
All these Republicans, willing to risk their safety to testify under oath.

While Trump's mafia captains are all hiding like scared little bunnies.

Selling their souls also robbed them of their balls. Fuckin' shameless.
All these Republicans, willing to risk their safety to testify under oath.

While Trump's mafia captains are all hiding like scared little bunnies.

Selling their souls also robbed them of their balls. Fuckin' shameless.
These guys think it's the committee's fault no one who supports Trump has the balls to step up and testify on his behalf. 😄
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All these Republicans, willing to risk their safety to testify under oath.

While Trump's mafia captains are all hiding like scared little bunnies.

Selling their souls also robbed them of their balls. Fuckin' shameless.
The only way their safety would be at risk is if they had exculpatory testimony for Trump, but then, Miss Piggy won't allow that for her personal vendetta/inquisition.
Normal political rah rah crap. That you pretend otherwise is not cool
Do apply this to everyone or just the right?

Your assumptions about what he would do, if he saw things your way, are irrelevant.

Then why did you say this:
2. Based on past behavior? I thought the protestors would stand there and yell a lot for a while and then go home. I assume Trump thought the same.

You are choosing to turn this into a divisive issue. We could have just lumped it in with all the other riots of the Trump era and moved on.

It’s only divisive because the Republicans would rather sweep it under the rug and forgettaboutit.

YOU are the turning up the strife here, not us, not TRump.
  • Funny thing is when Democrats were burning down cities
  • Cities actually being burned to the ground!

OK, Skippy, saddle your pony up......and trot over to the Karma Cafe and inform us which American "cities actually being burned to the ground." (your words, not mine.)

Please don't be an empty suit here. Your avatar asserted it. Your avatar need make its' word good.

Can you?

Will you?

Giddyup, Skippy. But know, that if you cannot provide the forum with one or more American cities burned to the ground you are subject to be identified as a fake and a phony.

Is that who you really think you are? A fake and a phony? A Trump Duped and Snookered rube?
Say it ain't so.


those were not hearings, it was a kangaroo court made up exclusively of Trump haters. No cross examination allowed, no rebuttal testimony allowed. it was nothing but left wing propaganda, not a bit of truth in any of it.


"Not a bit of truth in any of it". ????
So, Officer Caroline Edwards was not telling the truth when she described the attack she was subject to by Trump supporters?
When she testified---under oath-----to the following, you are calling her untruthful?

Officer Edwards:
"I was an American, standing face-to-face with other Americans, asking myself many, many times, how we had gotten here,” Edwards said.
She recalled her grandfather, a marine who fought in the Korean War, and “would like to think that he would be proud of me, proud of his granddaughter that stood her ground that day and continued fighting, even though she was wounded, like he did, many years ago,” Edwards said.

“I am my grandfather’s granddaughter, proud to serve my country.”

Edwards detailed the severe injuries she sustained trying to defend the Capitol from insurrectionists, telling the House Jan. 6 committee one of the things she remembers most is looking out and seeing “the absolute war zone the west front had become.”

Edwards was attacked by rioters multiple times as she tried to protect the Capitol that day. She was tear gassed and knocked down to the ground, at one point losing consciousness. At another time that day, she held the line against the rioters with Officer Brian Sicknick, who she described as “ghostly pale.”


Well, poster Redfish, if what you are claiming is that Officer Edwards is lying under oath....I disagree.
I think that you do not know what you are talking about.
And while I wouldn't do it....I can see how some may argue you are a fake and a phony.
Prove them wrong.
And I'll applaud you if you are able to do so.
Can you demonstrate to the forum that you are NOT a fake and a phony? Demonstrate that you are not one of the TDS'rs? A Trump Duped and Snookered rube?
I hope you can.
Show us.

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