Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Your mind is warped, though. We had a great run under President Trump. Meanwhile YOUR PRESIDENT showed the nice doctor his Clean Plate today. Afterward he took a big poopie and had a nice nap before playtime.
Yup. Better than the lunatic who instigated Jan 6 - you know, what this thread is supposed to be about.

I don’t see how you guys can support that lunatic for what he did that day and leading up to that day. DeSantis and Biden would never do anything like that. Say what you will about them, but both are at least sensible adults who are waaaaayyy better than Trump.
You’re still not giving me anything that suggests or proves that Trump knew that any of the Capital rioters were armed. That IS what we’re talking about here: armed people at the Capital. Not armed people at the rally.
He knew they were armed at the rally and then wanted them to go to the Capitol.

Then he refused to call them off and, according to his own staff, threw gasoline on the fire when he Tweeted about Pence as the attack was happening.

How you can’t see this is beyond me.

There’s nothing ‘sensible’ about the reckless, irresponsible, illiberal, anti-democratic agenda advocated for by both Trump and DeSantis – indeed, DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump.

Your ‘lesser of two evils’ point is taken, but with such comprehensive evil, Trump or DeSantis is a difference without a distinction.
I used to think that. For the first few months of the Trump presidency, I thought Pence would be worse than Trump. Pence is more competent and would pass more conservative legislation.

However, neither Pence nor DeSantis would ever do anything close to what Trump did leading up to and on Jan 6. Trump was a threat to our democracy, which in my opinion, is far more dangerous.
It may help if you described what exactly you think that the POTUS should have done on Jan 6, 2021? Lay out for us a timeline of actions he should have taken to satisfy you.

Now, I am sure you will give some snarky little bitch answer to the question I asked here without answering it...And, I am not going to play 20 questions with you, so if you could just answer the question that'd be great....Thanks...

1. Trump should have admitted he lost the election and not created a lie about being cheated.

2. Once he learned there were weapons in the mob, he should have toned down his rhetoric and not sent them to the Capitol

3. Given that he was repeatedly told that Mike Pence did not have the authority to overturn the election, he STILL told an angry mob that he was letting down the country. They came within 30feet of Pence and chanted…..Hang Mike Pence

4. He reluctantly added a line to his speech to remain peaceful. When it became obvious that they were not peaceful and he was informed that someone had been killed, he STILL refused to condemn the violence and call back his mob.

There is more I can add, but you will just deny everything anyway.
1. Because there were no calls for violence.

2. Based on past behavior? I thought the protestors would stand there and yell a lot for a while and then go home. I assume Trump thought the same.
Be there. It's going to be wild.
March on the Capitol.
I hope Mike Pence does the right thing...

If Trump thought the same thing he would have been horrified and immediately called on them to stop.

He didn't though did he?

Question: What would have happened if you lefties had accepted this as a simple riot, treated it like all the other riots of the past 4 years and accepted the condemnation of it from the Right,

Attacking the Capital and trying to overturn an election is not a "simple riot" and never will be.

instead of trying to use it for partisan political advantage with these accusations and investigations?

It needs to be investigated.

We suffered through multiple partisan Republican investigations, what's your problem with it?
Guilty of what? Negligence? Nan Pelosi is not far behind. If all things point to Trump being guilty, then why did the Democrats structure the January 6th Committee with Republicans having no say, no cross examination, and Nancy Pelosi being off limits? This made the January 6 Committee less than credible.

Trump is done. It’s time to move on. As for the Capitol, it was a riot that was brought under control and the Election was certified after sun down.
Why did the Republicans refuse a bipartisan 9/11 style independent committee investigation which was the first plan?
Past is prologue. You can't handwave away Russia, Mueller, the Steele Dossier. It's all part of the sickness.
Except Russia did try to interfere in our election (supported by intelligence) and Trump campaign did have multiplemeetings with Russian operatives that they lied about. You seem to think any investigation of Trump is sacrilegious.
you just said he sent the guard in! geez what more do you want? why did nancy P and the mayor wait some long to give him the green light ? he offered them days in advance
Why didn't he he call off his mob?

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