Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

I agree

They should have realized what nasty thugs the TRUMP Mob was

Removed of your hateful and partisan spin, fine. You agree. The idiots in charge of security are the ones who need to be investigated.

Their actions were inexcusable.
He's just as abusive of power, uses his government power for vengeance against those businesses or citizenry, who simply disagree with him!! (On simply a social issue!) :eek:

DANGER Will Robinson! :)
Unlike Trump, DeSantis has the political acumen to pursue his illiberal, neo-fascist, anti-democratic authoritarian agenda – hence being more dangerous than Trump.
Unlike Trump, DeSantis has the political acumen to pursue his illiberal, neo-fascist, anti-democratic authoritarian agenda – hence being more dangerous than Trump.
But he has a wet blanket of a personality. I don't know what that's going to look like in a National campaign but I don't imagine it being very exciting.
Why do you continuously omit the fact that peaceful was used one time in a speech that lasted over an hour and was full of multiple extortions for violent action? What do you think the mob is going to here with that long tirade of grievances, fraud, illigetimate presidents, betraying Vice Presidents and taking back our country? Focusing on one word used one time is like grasping at straws when you should be demanding accountability.

1. Because there were no calls for violence.

2. Based on past behavior? I thought the protestors would stand there and yell a lot for a while and then go home. I assume Trump thought the same.

Question: What would have happened if you lefties had accepted this as a simple riot, treated it like all the other riots of the past 4 years and accepted the condemnation of it from the Right,

instead of trying to use it for partisan political advantage with these accusations and investigations?
Removed of your hateful and partisan spin, fine. You agree. The idiots in charge of security are the ones who need to be investigated.

Their actions were inexcusable.

Republicans are correct

Democrats should have done a better job of stopping them from attacking our Capitol
Republicans are correct

Democrats should have done a better job of stopping them from attacking our Capitol

Both sides have some very angry people. As you can see from the riot on 1/6.

And from the hundreds of far worse riots from theh other side over the last 4 years.

No one who is in charge of security, after a period of 4 years of civil unrest, can be forgiven for such incompetence.

And really, was it incompetence, or did they want an incident they could use for political purposes?

RW, do you really believe that the Dems in D.C. didn't realize that they needed to take security seriously at that time?
But he has a wet blanket of a personality. I don't know what that's going to look like in a National campaign but I don't imagine it being very exciting.
He’ll run Trump’s 2016 playbook: white grievance politics, racist replacement theory, anti-immigrant nativism, fearmongering and lies about ‘CRT,’ ‘woke,’ and the country being ‘taken away’ from ‘real Americans.’
He’ll run Trump’s 2016 playbook: white grievance politics, racist replacement theory, anti-immigrant nativism, fearmongering and lies about ‘CRT,’ ‘woke,’ and the country being ‘taken away’ from ‘real Americans.’
Yea, but without all the bombast of Trump. He'll be just like every other boring Republican.
We also know Trump took steps to ensure it was safe.

But that doesn't make you giggle like a school girl.
You need to realize that mac is on a mission to show unquestioning solidarity with every last uber-partisan peurile child here with an IQ below 90.

He does it to show how smart and independent he is.
The truth, broken record or not, it can't be erased, as you desire.
The truth is democrats are abusing their powers in the largest way since this country was formed. The founders screwed up, I must admit, because they made it so the House can legally abuse their power in any way they see fit with a simple vote of 218-217. You'll understand much better after the midterms when Republicans legally abuse their power in any way they see fit for partisan political gain.
The truth is democrats are abusing their powers in the largest way since this country was formed. The founders screwed up, I must admit, because they made it so the House can legally abuse their power in any way they see fit with a simple vote of 218-217. You'll understand much better after the midterms when Republicans legally abuse their power in any way they see fit for partisan political gain.
These extreme partisans believe the ends justifies the means. They do not have any actual values or principles, only a group identity, and all they really care about is their group winning.

It's a case of politics being reduced to a game of Cowboys and Indians*

*Or for the fundamentalist leftists "oppressive white imperialist and brave indigine"
Like the Mueller Report
Now that you mention it.

Republicans are correct

Democrats should have done a better job of stopping them from attacking our Capitol
One of the excuses the cult is using is "gosh, Trump did everything he could, what else could he have done?"

If that's the case, I wonder why Trump's staff, Trump's family, Trump's political allies and Trump's media allies were all PLEADING with him to call off the attack. Maybe the cult thinks they know more than all those people, huh? All those allies of his were wrong, huh?

I wish the cult would just admit it: Trump fully supported the attack, and so did they.
You’re still not giving me anything that suggests or proves that Trump knew that any of the Capital rioters were armed. That IS what we’re talking about here: armed people at the Capital. Not armed people at the rally.
Ipso facto. We know DonT was informed that a significant number folks outside the fence at the Ellipse rally were armed. He then directed them to march to the Capitol.
Though I am a skeptic of DonT's self-claimed 'genius'......nonetheless I will give him credit for enough smarts to understand that some---of those folks who he directed at our legislators would take the arms they were bearing with them. Captain Obvious Introductory Course 101.
CALL: "What attack?"
RESPONSE: "This is their world."
And they wonder why folks with educations disrespect them?

  • Trumpers are screaming quit telling the truth about Trump.
  • the loser of an election refusing to allow the peaceful transfer of power, forming a mob and attempting to overturn it and install himself back in power

Please see the two quotes above, from Truth & Coyote. Both are succinct and valid observations of the real world reality of J6.
"Forming a mob" a spot on observation. A hat tip.


CALL: "Trump told them to peacefully assemble."
RESPONSE: "Why do you continuously omit the fact that peaceful was used one time in a speech that lasted over an hour and was full of multiple extortions for violent action?"

Like salt & pepper, Yin and Yang......the couplet above fits well.

1. The idiots in charge of security are the ones who need to be investigated. ......... No one who is in charge of security, after a period of 4 years of civil unrest, can be forgiven for such incompetence.
2. had accepted this as a simple riot, treated it like all the other riots of the past 4 years and accepted the condemnation of it from the Right,
(enumeration by my avatar)

Seeing the pulled quotes above originate from a single avataree...poster Correll... lemme kinda round 'em up in a single pen and treat 'em as one.

First, the 'security' issue. This is well plowed ground as it has been addressed numerous times on this gossipboard. DonT and his enablers kept it as a secret that he would be ordering the Ellipse rallygoers to march to the Capitol.....two friggin' miles away! They had applied for ....and received....a permit for the Ellipse event only. They did not apply for nor were they issued a permit for a 'march'....which is an all together different animal requiring additional manpower security along the route, enhanced pedestrian and vehicle control barriers. Applying for such a 'march' permit would have alerted the DC police, the Park police, and the Capitol police that the crowd assembled two-miles away would be directed towards the Capitol.

None of that occurred because DonT and his enablers didn't tell the responsible authorities. And, as we heard in the J6 Hearings......that was intentional. They wanted it secret and admonished others to not publicize that a march order would be issued from the Ellipse stage.
Which brings up the questions.....did they desire a normally-manned Capitol force instead of an enhanced one for the expected crowds? Why would they want only a thin blue-line of officers there instead of a intentionally beefed up force? Were they fully expecting to overpower the normal contingent of police and get to those boxes of EC ballots?

Second, some avow that this attack on the Capitol should be viewed like an attack on a Nike store.
I demur. The Capitol of the United States of America and it's intentionally and purposeful assembly of legislators....Senators and Representatives.....on January 6th was the venue for a critical and key Constitutional moment in our Republic, i.e., the 'official' counting and acceptance of the will of the people as symbolized in the EC voting and mandated by the Constitution.

This may just be me, but THAT seemingly has more gravitas than your local Nike Store on Main Street.
The truth is democrats are abusing their powers
Not the truth, but rather a lie. I don't even have to use a comparison to the 7 congressional investigations in to Benghazi to make my point. 1/6 was a violent insurrection orchestrated by Trump. It is ludicrous to suggest investigating it is an abuse of power.
One of the excuses the cult is using is "gosh, Trump did everything he could, what else could he have done?"

If that's the case, I wonder why Trump's staff, Trump's family, Trump's political allies and Trump's media allies were all PLEADING with him to call off the attack. Maybe the cult thinks they know more than all those people, huh? All those allies of his were wrong, huh?

I wish the cult would just admit it: Trump fully supported the attack, and so did they.
I suppose this is a relatively minor point in the grand scheme of things. But I took note of the fact that no photos of Trump were allowed during the period in question. And no records of his phone calls were kept. What that should tell everyone is there was a consciousness of guilt over what he was doing...........and not doing.

(enumeration by my avatar)

Seeing the pulled quotes above originate from a single avataree...poster Correll... lemme kinda round 'em up in a single pen and treat 'em as one.

First, the 'security' issue. This is well plowed ground as it has been addressed numerous times on this gossipboard. DonT and his enablers kept it as a secret that he would be ordering the Ellipse rallygoers to march to the Capitol.....two friggin' miles away! They had applied for ....and received....a permit for the Ellipse event only. They did not apply for nor were they issued a permit for a 'march'....which is an all together different animal requiring additional manpower security along the route, enhanced pedestrian and vehicle control barriers. Applying for such a 'march' permit would have alerted the DC police, the Park police, and the Capitol police that the crowd assembled two-miles away would be directed towards the Capitol.

None of that occurred because DonT and his enablers didn't tell the responsible authorities. And, as we heard in the J6 Hearings......that was intentional. They wanted it secret and admonished others to not publicize that a march order would be issued from the Ellipse stage.
Which brings up the questions.....did they desire a normally-manned Capitol force instead of an enhanced one for the expected crowds? Why would they want only a thin blue-line of officers there instead of a intentionally beefed up force? Were they fully expecting to overpower the normal contingent of police and get to those boxes of EC ballots?

Odd. Yet, i have seen numerous discussions and memos about the police and the pentagon discussing the dangers of the event... Seems a lot of people knew about it.

Indeed, this is the very first time I have seen anyone make a point about this. It seems, very unimportant.

Second, some avow that this attack on the Capitol should be viewed like an attack on a Nike store.
I demur. The Capitol of the United States of America and it's intentionally and purposeful assembly of legislators....Senators and Representatives.....on January 6th was the venue for a critical and key Constitutional moment in our Republic, i.e., the 'official' counting and acceptance of the will of the people as symbolized in the EC voting and mandated by the Constitution.

This may just be me, but THAT seemingly has more gravitas than your local Nike Store on Main Street.

The question was, what would have happened if the Dems HAD done that. (I get that you lefties want to use this one riot as a justification for using the power of the state to crush your enemies, political prisoners, ect)

You responded, but did not answer. Very common with lefties and people that know their position is indefensible. But I repeat myself.

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